Limber started the boys to the ranch at dawn, to make sure they would besafe while he and Doctor Powell attended the inquest over King's body.
Holy, Bronco and Roarer reached the Diamond H without adventure, andafter caring for their ponies, grouped in the office at the end of thecourt-yard, waiting Traynor's advent.
One comprehensive glance told him that something had happened. "Trouble"was written in capital letters across each face. The Boss seated himselfat his desk, looked up and said, "What's the matter, boys? Been finedfor shooting up the town again?"
"Gee! I wisht it was that," groaned Bronco, as he dropped astride achair with his arms draped over the back.
"Any of you killed any one?" the voice was more serious now.
"Nope! It's our funeral this time," squeaked Roarer's falsetto.
Traynor twisted about and looked apprehensively at them all. "Greatguns! You haven't all gone and gotten married, have you?"
"It's worser'n that," Holy's sepulchral accents boomed, "This yer damnfool outfit has been an' busted up a weddin'! That's all we done thistime!"
The worst was over. The men relaxed and waited the effect of their news.
"Well, go ahead. Tell the rest," ordered Traynor curtly, with kniteyebrows.
Interspersed with interruptions, interjections and gestures, the threemanaged to acquaint the Boss with the situation. When their story ended,he said very sternly, "You boys know that I am always ready to stand byyou, but I gave you all fair warning when I hired you, that if you gotinto any trouble or mix-up with a woman, it would mean your time. Icertainly never anticipated such a scrape as this. I'm disgusted withyou all!"
"We knowed that before you said it," Bronco agreed meekly, "but what wewant to make plain is--we don't want Limber to get any blame for what wedone. He wasn't in town when we busted loose. But Limber's liable totell you jest as if he was right thar hisself."
"You say the woman is looking for ranch work?"
"That's what Mrs. Green told us," was Bronco's reply, reinforced by nodsfrom the other two men. "Says she can cook an' keep house and sew an'work in a orfice, an' Mrs. Green says she can stay thar until they findwork for her, somewhars."
Traynor sat looking thoughtfully at the paper-knife he held in his hand.The eyes of the cowpunchers also stared at the paper-knife, as thoughhoping it would solve their problem. The knife dropped on the desk andTraynor looked up.
"I'll write to Mrs. Green and tell her that if the woman wants to bringher child and come here to supervise the house, I will pay herseventy-five dollars and board her and the boy. Fong is kicking becausehe doesn't like the housework, and if I get a Mexican woman to come,there's got to be some one to oversee her. This is the only daylight Ican see in the muddle you have made of things."
"Say, Mr. Traynor," Bronco leaned over the desk and spoke earnestly,"You tell her to say we're ready to lay down in the corral and let herput her iron on us without a squeal."
"An' we're all halter-broke, gentle and trained to feed from the hand,"piped Roarer over Bronco's shoulder. Holy joined them. "If she don'tfind things pan out like she wants 'em, anytime, all she's got to do ischaw the rag and cuss, an' you bet your sweet life this yer outfit willsee that she gets things her own way."
Bronco and Roarer nodded vehemently, and Holy waxed more eloquent. "TellMrs. Green if she acts like she's goin' to buck, to talk her into tryin'us out. You know, we're a Hell of a sight better'n we look or act, Mr.Traynor. I'll promise to put hobbles on the damn cuss words the minuteshe gits here."
"All right, boys. I'll do what I can," promised Traynor. With hopefulexpressions they trailed through the door, but halted as he called,"What's her name?"
"Mrs.---- Mrs.----," began Bronco confidently, then as he saw theshaking heads, he finished, "Derned if we know. None of us ever ast.We'd make fine cowpasture! We're so fresh and green!" his confessionwound up in disgust.
Left alone, Traynor wrote briefly to the wife of the Station Agent atWillcox.
_Dear Mrs. Green:_ I understand that the lady who is with you is looking for employment on a ranch. I would be glad to have her assume charge of the house-keeping at the Diamond H.
There will be no menial labour. A Chinaman does the cooking and washing, and I will employ a Mexican woman for the housework. A little assistance on the ranch books would be of great value to me.
I will pay seventy-five dollars a month, with room and board for her and the child.
If satisfactory, will you write me by next stage, and I will send down for her and her baggage.
Kindly state that I regret the pranks of the boys, and hope it has not caused any serious annoyance to you or her. They wish to make amends in any manner possible. Their contrition is sincere, and so are my apologies.
Very truly yours,
Traynor smiled as he signed the letter, knowing that Mrs. Green and herhusband would appreciate the humour of the situation that forced theBoss of the Diamond H to employ a woman for the first time on the ranch.He also sighed, as he realized it would mean readjustment in many ways.But, he was resigned, and the men could not kick at conditions for whichthey were responsible. It would be a relief, though, to have some oneelse arrange the list of provisions when necessary, plan menus, andorder new sheets and towels as needed.
The letter was delivered to the stage-driver Monday, and an answer couldbe expected on Thursday when the stage returned from Willcox. So whenLimber and Powell reached the ranch that evening, the dark cloud had alovely silver edge that promised a similar lining.
Thursday morning Traynor and Doctor Powell rode to the Cienega Ranch,four miles north of the Diamond H. The Cienega, named because of themarsh formed by under ground water, was one of the many smaller wateringplaces belonging to the Diamond H. A man usually stayed at these pointsto see that the ponds and troughs were kept in shape for cattle towater. The idea of using gasoline engines instead of the orthodoxPerkins windmills, was an innovation of Traynor's.
Limber and the boys were working on the pasture fences near the ranchhouse, when the stage from Willcox passed. They looked at itspeculatively from the other side of the field.
"Wonder if she's wrote that she'll come?" Bronco's audible questionvoiced the thoughts of the others; but only the return of the Boss couldanswer that query.
At noon the men dismounted in the stable just as the bell that hungoutside the door of the men's kitchen rang loud and long. No time waslost in responding to the summons. It was music in their ears after along morning in the invigourating air, augmented by hard work. Fong'scooking was famous throughout Southern Arizona. Lunch over, they satpeacefully side by side on the wooden bench against the wall of thestable, enjoying the inevitable wheat straw and Durham cigarette, asnecessary as a pony to any Arizona puncher. Fong appeared at the door ofthe men's kitchen, looked across at the group, then ambled over andaddressed the foreman.
"Bloss no clome home for lunch, maybe. I clatchee lunch in Bloss'sdining-loom or I clatchee lunch in chuck-house for lady and lily bloy?"
The men started.
"What lady?" demanded Limber, with dire foreboding.
"Lady clome on stage. Lily bloy clome, allee samee. Glo in parlour."
"Good Lord!" ejaculated Bronco. "She ain't writ, she come! An' yer's theBoss and Doctor Powell gone off and left us all alone!"
Fong's grin of comprehension was irritating, and Limber ordered, "Fixlunch in the Boss's dining-room, and fix a good one while you're aboutit, too."
The Chinaman hurried to obey. He had made a scientific study of Limber'sface and voice. Fong liked the work at the Diamond H; he also like thegenerous wages and not having to skimp in any way.
Limber turned to the rest. "Well, I guess it's up to us to go in andsquar things with her," he announced. "She's been sitting thar for twohours now, an' nobody gone near her. Darn that Chink, anyway! Comealong, b
Anxious to make amends for their many sins of commission and omission,they clanked with spurred heels along the cement walk of the court andfollowed Limber into the living-room of the ranch. Then they stopped,bunched in the doorway.
A slender figure, with rippling brown hair, was huddled forlornly in abig chair, asleep. The flushed cheeks bore traces of recent tears. Hat,gloves and a child's cap were in her lap, a suit-case on the floorbeside the chair, as though in readiness for departure. On the couchwas the boy; but his eyes were wide open.
As he saw the four cowpunchers in the doorway, he shrank back timidlyand reached out his thin hand. The girl woke instantly. She did not seethe men until, as they advanced into the room, Holy's foot collided withthe leg of a chair, and he suppressed an ejaculation. The girl flushedwith embarrassment as she faced the four cowpunchers of the Diamond H.
None of them spoke. She rose to her feet and looked from one to theother, uncertain whom to address, as she said, "Mrs. Green told me ofyour generous offer. I did not wait to write, but came up on the stagethis morning;" her voice was low and tremulous. "I thank you with all myheart. It means so much--to me. I--will do--my very best to please youall," her last words came with a rush.
No answer was made by the four ominous figures confronting her. Anexpression of fear crept into the blue eyes that dimmed with tears. Herhands went out in appeal.
"Please, please, don't say that I won't suit you. I am a great dealstronger than I look, and I'm not afraid of hard work. Jamie," her armwent about the child at her side, "won't bother any one," the pitifulcatch in her voice seemed to grip the throat of each man, and the wordsthey wanted to utter refused to make a sound. The girl read the pity inLimber's grey eyes, then the foreman smiled at her and said in hisquiet, kindly voice; "Thar ain't no reason for you to worry. We was jestscairt that you wouldn't want to stay. That's all. We didn't know youwas here till Fong told us jest now. He's fixin' lunch for you. I'm jestLimber, the foreman." He turned and indicated the other punchers whowere trying to smile naturally, but making a terrible contortion offacial muscles. "This is Bronco, and Roarer an' Holy, and we're theDiamond H outfit."
Awkwardly the men advanced and held out calloused hands, but the gripwas a pledge of fealty, and the girl looked gratefully into their eyes.
Then Limber happened to note Traynor standing in the open doorway backof the girl, and relief shown plainly in the foreman's face as he said,"Thar's the Boss, now."
She whirled sharply, like a tormented creature at bay, sensing a newenemy. Traynor's face was drawn and white through its tan. Unmindful ofthe men, his hands reached out. The girl stared incredulously. Then thetension was broken by their two voices:
The cowpunchers' jaws fell in astonishment, their eyes popped, then withone accord they fled precipitately, jostling each other through thedoorway. Limber was the last one to leave the room. He lost no time, buthe saw the arms of the Boss of the Diamond H holding a sobbing girl.When Limber reached the stables there was only a cloud of dust to showthat the boys were anxious to finish up very important work away fromthe vicinity of the ranch house.
They did not know of the consultation between Traynor and Limber an hourlater, nor that Limber had driven down to Eureka Springs, eight milesaway, and returned accompanied by Mrs. Burns, wife of the owner of thatranch.
Just before supper the foreman found the men in the bunk-house. Theylooked up at him with hopeless faces, as he surveyed them and remarked,"Well, you sure mixed things up good and plenty that time!"
"Oh, you don't have ter tell us that," retorted Bronco, despairingly."We all knowed it without anyone's help!"
"I wisht someone'd put me in a lunitic asylum for the rest of my life,"was Holy's disgusted announcement. He stared at the whitewashed wall ofthe bunkroom, visioning his possible future domicile.
"We figgered we'd got it all fixed up fine, an' you know it was, Limber,till the Boss butted in. How'd we know that he knowed her, anyway? Well,now things is millin' worser'n ever." Bronco's voice was almostunrecognizable in its woe. "Say, Limber, are we all fired?"
Limber seated himself, took out his sack of tobacco and papers, rolled acigarette and lighted it, without one word. His face was serious. Sixmournful eyes watched him. They read their fate in his silence. Therewas no appeal. In a corner of the bunk-room three rolls of blankets werestacked. Limber looked at them, but said nothing. Three hands went tohip pockets. In dead silence three cigarettes were made and lighted. Itwas a cowboy wake. Five minutes went by. They smoked and sank moredeeply in gloom.
"Of course, we kin get jobs somewhar," Bronco spoke at last. "That ain'twhat's troublin' me. But it's how we went and made such a mix-up for theBoss, when he's always been so white to us all. I can't figger how he'sgoin' to get it straight for hisself, now!"
Limber studied the cigarette in his hand. "He said thar's only one thingleft that you all kin do, now."
"We knowed we was fired, Limber," Roarer's voice was a higher pitch thanever before, "You don't have to tell us. Thar warn't anythin' left forhim to do but fire the whole bunch of us. We bin an' got our war-bagsall packed up and ready."
"But, we're derned sorry we made this mess for you and him and thelady," Holy was now on his feet, picking up a roll of blankets from thecorner. He slung it over his shoulder and held out his hand to theforeman. "It hurts like Hell to go."
Bronco and Roarer with their own rolls, lined beside Holy.
"Tell the Boss 'so long' for us," was Bronco's request. "And, we'redamned sorry for it all."
Limber looked at the three outstretched hands, the three dejectedfigures with the rolls of blankets across their shoulder, then said, "Hetold me that the only way you boys kin squar things is for the wholeoutfit to meet him tomorrow night at Mrs. Green's place at eighto'clock."
"What fur?" they three inquired in startled tones, as their hands fellweakly at their sides.
"Well," drawled Limber, as a twinkle lit up his eyes and his mouthtwitched with a smile, "Thar's goin' to be a weddin'! The Boss says thatthe only thing left for him to do with you boys, is to let the littleLady run this yer outfit and keep it straight! He owns up it's too muchof a job for him to handle!"
Three rolls of blankets dropped with dull thuds to the bare floor. Threewild yells broke the quiet air, then with arms intertwined about eachother's shoulders, they formed a circle and indulged in an Apachewar-dance. A smile that was almost paternal illuminated Limber's face ashe watched them.
When the exuberance had subsided a bit, and they had finishedejaculating and slapping each other on the back, Bronco turned toLimber.
"Say, Limber, this is the wust mix-up of all! Here we go and stampededthe heifer what Walton figgered on ropin' for hisself, and she turns anbusts into the home corral with the Diamond H brand on her! Can you beatit?"
No one answered.
The clamour of the supper bell brought them to their feet once more, andthey hurried to the chuck-house, talking as fast as they could. Alltalked at once; no one replied or listened, but it was a happy bunch ofcowpunchers that slid along the wooden bench at the supper-table thatnight.
Back on the floor of the bunk-house lay three rolls of blankets waitingfor the men to stumble over them in the dark.
The Long Dim Trail Page 10