Duchy Unleashed

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Duchy Unleashed Page 33

by Zack Finley

  The guards manning the manor walls were getting angry as their relief was delayed. Runners sent to find out what was happening never returned.

  As the morning wore on, the groups assigned to stun the marketplace and palace began their work. The surprise was complete. The confusion and panic caused by so many people dropping unconscious with no sign of attackers reached a fever pitch.

  We had just begun planting the wards and stunning along one edge of north Pirate City when we got an alert from a scout watching one of the pirate compounds. Then nothing. Alba sent a message that she had one of our people at the hospital in very bad shape.

  Cleon ‘ported to the spot and called for help, before ‘porting out. Several fire blasts singed him before he could escape. We had a secondary assembly area nearby, and a number of us rushed there to help.

  This pirate crew did not act like a bunch of pirates. They were well disciplined and ferociously intent on fighting someone. What prompted them to sally forth was unclear. They were willing to throw people at us until they overwhelmed our shooters. They either left their stunned or hauled them away, depending upon the cover available. How much magic they had available was unclear. Random fire blasts could be coming from wands, after all.

  We had a fight on our hands, and all our carefully planned efforts had gone to shit.

  Argon found me and provided her tactical weave, directing our fire to the best effect. As others joined us, she folded them into the team.

  We weren’t stunning our opponents anymore.

  Slabs of rock smashed assembled pirates, plasma blasted others. Spinning sawblades of force mowed down another group. Our multifaceted counter attack slowed the raider offensive. As we either killed or pushed them back, the raiders doggedly continued their assault.

  Even my strong fire shield was struggling to prevent the enemy plasma bursts from burning through. I felt, rather than saw a number of our forces drop out of the battle weave as we ducked behind the stone shield walls I cast.

  Iona rallied the rest of our ambulatory mages to strike the pirate compound from the rear. Several of the mages who had dropped out of Argon’s weave returned, healed and replenished.

  Inoa and Argon were coordinating for all of us. My job was to follow Argon’s directions keying up spell after spell. I had to trust that she and Inoa had the big picture, I could barely cast my spells at the pace demanded.

  I added narrow slits to the top of our shield wall to allow us to see the battle and not get our heads blown off. I feared several of those fighting beside me had received fatal wounds, but they had ‘ported away before I could check.

  Something was providing protection for the pirates from our magical assaults. The amount of power that required was unbelievable. The pirates still on their feet were more afraid of their leaders than they were of us.

  Argon and Inoa unleashed a tsunami of lava that swept through the defenders and the compound. The screams, smoke, and violent explosions in the compound made it impossible to see what was going on. I was too busy creating the spells to watch the results.

  We finally got a glimpse of the enemy mage. He levitated above the compound. He acted unconcerned about the frenzied magical attacks coming from all around. Both Inoa and Argon shifted our fire to him. His shields were unbelievably strong. He barely moved under the combined magical assault. His features were blurred by the various shields, but his eyes glowed red with fury.

  A whip of fire lashed at us, causing everyone opposing him to duck behind solid cover. Someone in our weave wasn’t fast enough, and he received a strong splash of fire magic, before ‘porting out. One by one we were losing strength.

  Force blades rebounded off the floating mage’s shields, and stone bullets aimed at him dropped before reaching him. In desperation, Argon launched a mega tornado at him, hoping to disrupt his spells.

  Just as the tornado reached him, the floating mage raised his arm and then brought it down like a hammer. The spell he ignited started a chain reaction fire beginning in the rubble of his compound under his feet and spreading rapidly outward.

  We had discovered the source of the bitter destruction of the ports of Ylee and Kavil.

  Inoa and Argon frantically tried to stop the magical fire, but it kept spreading, unabated. Quenching with water and ice just created a lot of superheated steam. Inoa took up fighting the mage, while Argon did what she could to stop the spread of the inferno.

  The mage shrugged off Inoa’s attacks and vanished. We had expected his departure to shut down the magic, but the spread of the consuming fire continued unabated. Inoa ordered a full retreat on all fronts. As Argon and I urged our group to leave, Gera sent out a warning. A second firestorm was now destroying the center of south Pirate City.

  There was nothing more we could do here until the firestorm burned itself out. Argon and I ‘ported to Klee HQ and ran up the stairs to the hospital, to offer assistance. As we arrived members of the Duchy Guard were carrying sheet covered bodies away on stretchers.

  “Alba, we are here to help,” Argon sent.

  We were directed to the area with the worst victims, mostly from burns. Relieving the pain was the first step. Most had respiratory burns that needed to be healed first. All had IVs pouring plasma into them. Alba told us we had to remove all of the embedded clothing, dirt or other materials from the external wounds before healing them or the patient would die of infection.

  Someone brought us medical smocks and hand washing basins. There was no pleasant way to remove crisp skin and debris. We found it was quicker to work in tandem. I used thin force blades to scrape and cut away embedded clothing. Then Argon took over and washed the rest. Argon created a wash station, using conjured IV water to gently wash the loose debris away. We took turns healing the skin well enough that someone else came to take one patient away and drop off another.

  I found I could sustain lung and skin healing spells for up to 19 patients at a time as a background task. This allowed me to spend my main attention on preparing the patient’s external burns for healing. We had several patients with burns over most of their body. Argon and I worked on these patients first. Some had toes and fingers burned off, and others had eye damage. Alba told me we could grow these back later. For now, we needed to concentrate on keeping hearts beating and bodies breathing, after that focus on repairing damage to other organs and healing as much skin as possible.

  At first, the challenge of healing so many gave me no time to dwell on the butcher’s bill. The covered bodies I saw earlier told me not all Duchy people lived through the Pirate City fiasco. How a single mage had defeated us all, was something I could not understand. I knew my brain trust was working on it and my job was here in the sick bay, healing those injured in my name.

  Once we finished with the most badly injured, Alba had us take care of the least injured. She was hoping to get them out of the hospital and back to their quarters. About 20 people were milling around, and we took them in the order they approached us. Most had large burns on their face, legs, and arms. A pain block, wash, and regrowth, took care of them. Others had a minor stab, and blunt force wounds and two had broken bones. I was getting numb, and I hoped I wasn't rude. I was exhausted, all adrenaline had been used up. I even gave myself a health boost to keep moving.

  Some of the patients I’d been healing automatically, dropped out of the program as soon as they were fully healed. I’d set it up so that any pain block dissolved then, too. Residual pain could alert us to something we missed. Most donned medical smocks and left to eat or shower.

  I noticed Jaloan medical smocks didn’t leave patient’s butts hanging in the breeze.

  Alba waved for us to join her. She was seated near an empty examination table. Argon and I sat on it. “Most of the rest are just being monitored for now, we have one crushed chest for Steve to help rebuild. But the patient is stable and can wait a few minutes,” Alba said. “Those who died didn’t reach us in time. We need a better trigger for the teleport than the heart
stopping. The four we lost ‘ported to the hospital.”

  “We would have lost more without Loma’s batteries and you and Argon,” Alba said, tears running freely. “We were waiting all night and into the morning for casualties. We got one embarrassed guard member, who apologized profusely. Someone came and got him. Then nothing. Until everything went wrong. They came in so fast, we couldn’t cope. Even Cleon. We patched him up, and he went back into the battle. What happened? What went so wrong?”

  I left Argon to answer Alba’s questions.

  I went over to the patient with the crushed chest and began healing him. Someone had already removed the jagged bones and relieved the pressure on his internal organs. At least I didn’t have to break any badly healed ones. I wondered how this man got his injury and then decided it didn’t matter. By the time I was done, he had new, stronger bones in his chest. And a clean bill of health. I woke him from his medical coma and sent him on his way.

  Our duty here was done, for now. I needed some rest and answers. Tomorrow we’d rebuild burned eyes, ears, toes and fingers.

  I contacted the com hub, to find out what was going on. They sent me a location for the military team. Argon and I ‘ported to meet with them. They were still in the Klee HQ, just on a different floor.

  Everyone looked as bad as I felt. Every eye turned to us as we arrived, the hubbub of discussion going on when we arrived cut off abruptly.

  “How bad is it,” I asked Cleon.

  “At least four dead and two of Jorvik’s armorers are missing. We are hoping they teleported to a safe spot and weren’t overwhelmed by the mage fire. You have a better handle on the wounded than I do,” Cleon said.

  “We’ve got some follow up work to rebuild burned off appendages, but most of the rest can return to duty after a day of rest. The burns were very painful, and it took a lot out of them,” I said. “Are we sure we don’t have anyone else missing?”

  “Yes, the com hub did a great job of cross-checking,” Cleon said. “Gera is still monitoring the situation in Pirate City from one of the power boats. He sent his people back to the Malan. He stayed. The firestorm in north Pirate City has burned itself out. Gera says the firestorm didn’t behave naturally. He used your farseer to verify it skipped over some neighborhoods and completely engulfed others. The walled area, palace, and guardhouse were among the hardest hit. South Pirate City is still burning.”

  “Do we have anything on the nature of that firestorm spell?” I asked.

  Inoa answered, “It is like nothing we’ve encountered before. The stone itself appears to burn like wax in a candle. The fire consumes everything in its path. It is a devastating and completely unknown weapon.”

  Loma added, “There is no powering spell or charm. When the mage left, the fire should have petered out and died within seconds. This phenomenon acts more like a grass fire than a spell.”

  “As best I can determine none of the pirates who fought against us survived. Our early look says their bodies were consumed completely, so we don’t have any idea how they were throwing so many spells at us. We’ll have to wait until the area cools off to be 100 percent sure,” Cleon said. “They didn’t reveal much about their situation, just that they were a lot more afraid of their leader than they were of us. I think most actually welcomed death.”

  “We must have triggered some type of alarm,” Inoa said. “Probably when we opened the blood altar. I hope they don’t realize we captured most of the manor mages. I think we’ve now faced off directly against a member of the dark sect. It didn’t go well for us, but it could have been much worse.”

  Cleon looked to object.

  Inoa looked at him fondly. “I know every loss hurts. But if we hadn’t had ways to get our people out, most who were injured today would have surely died. We need to make that better. No question. But I suspect the mage we faced today thinks he killed most of us. I also doubt he knows who we are.”

  “Tomorrow will be a day of mourning,” announced Tobron. “We need to designate a grove of honor for those who died in our service. I hoped we would have years before one was needed.”

  “I’ll talk with Maude about that,” Inoa said.

  “Jorvik, I’d be very grateful if you can confirm whether your missing guildmates are okay or if we need to launch a search for them in Pirate City,” Tobron said. “We will brief the whole Duchy tonight at dinner. Tomorrow evening we will consign our fallen to the memorial grove. While I would hope they are the first and the last to give their lives for the Duchy, I fear that is just wishful thinking. We still have people in harm’s way watching Pirate City. If they need help, please respond. Tomorrow we heal up, and then we return to Pirate City to relocate the survivors. Those who fought in the battle should rest tomorrow, others will move the project forward. I hope we find survivors in Pirate City.

  The battle caught us by surprise. The dark sect mage made us pay for opposing him. And yet it was the dark sect mage who destroyed Pirate City, the dark sect’s ally. Learning more about the magic at work and the plots within plots remained.

  We would heal our wounds and soldier forth.


  Author’s Notes

  Wow, thank you so much for reading Duchy Unleashed. I very much appreciate all my readers and especially those who have been kind enough to leave a review. I hope you have enjoyed the adventures of Steve and Argon and their ever-increasing group of followers.

  I’ve included an alphabetized “Cast of Characters” at the end to help keep track of everybody.

  Finishing and publishing the first three books in the series about life on Jaloa was my goal for the year. I started the first book last year when I first imagined the world of Jaloa. The novel proceeded in fits and starts, for nearly a year. I wrote myself into corners and let the book languish for months. I had to rip up entire segments of the book to get it back on track.

  This year has been much more productive with the publishing of four books including this one. The actual process of publishing is no longer scary.

  The part that continues to be scary is putting tales from my imagination out there for others to read and hopefully enjoy. And yes, criticize.

  Each book has been a journey. This book didn’t even have a title until weeks after I finished the first draft. While writing this novel, I was surprised that many choices Steve made in this book caused me to examine my own beliefs.

  While I have started the fourth book in the Dire Prophecy series, I’m taking a break from Jaloa. For a change of pace, my next novel will be in a completely different genre, centered right here on Earth.

  Thanks again for reading my book. Please take the time to leave a review on Amazon.

  If you want to suggest future twists and turns or to report a typo, I welcome your comments on my Facebook page. www.facebook.com/direprophecy


  Cast of Characters

  Afleit, baker from village outside of Flom.

  Alanna, first contact at Klee Mage Guild

  Alba, mage healer, Cleon's mate, from Klee.

  Allie, married to Jern.

  Allixon, commander Losan King's Guard.

  Allo, fla familiar to Argon.

  Arbos, head of Augun secret police.

  Argon, acolyte of Shala and mate of Steve.

  Arla, King Arvich's transport mage

  Arvich, Losan king.

  Avia, god favored by those in Klee.

  Bek, carpenter with shipwright experience, from Klee.

  Blar, a blacksmith.

  Blarn, Losan king's mage corps second in command.

  Blent, captain of the Calibran, pirate captain in Augun.

  Blunts, Losan faction involving metal and ore exports.

  Bolon, one of three original mage recruits hired in Klee; male.

  Bomes, sergeant in Augun King’s Guard, in charge of the Flom garrison.

  Braka, mundane female recruit for Toffad's Keep, likes purchasing and bargaining.

  Brik, lieutenant in
Augun King’s Guard, in charge expedition to Asme

  Cleon, Tobron and Inoa's oldest son; employed as king's troubleshooter.

  Clive and his mate, Loma, older brother and sister-in-law of Tobron.

  Darla, Losan guard mage.

  Dors, the Keep HQ head mistress.

  Ellte, talented mind mage in Klee, recruited by Marfo.

  Erfo, Losan mage guild contact.

  Erik, the sergeant in charge of the Duchy Guard

  Fallon, mundane member of Augun secret police.

  Fermin, former king of Klee and Ruton's father, deceased.

  Feron, mage assassin in Augun, first one questioned by Argon.

  Findot, Klee mind mage, apprentice to Argon.

  Flexon, commander of Klee's King's Guard.

  Flmo, young blacksmith from rural Klee.

  Forst, earth mage apprentice to Clive, working with Flmo and Klid.

  Gera, Klee mage once on loan to Augun King's Guard.

  Goran, mage at Klee Mage Guild.

  Grik, ex-slave barnta driver from Augun.

  Happy and the Boys

  Inoa, Tobron's mate, works for Klee king

  Jahan, barge mage found in Flom.

  Jaloans, inhabitants of Jaloa.

  Jamal, guard captain for Shala's gates.

  Jarus, mage private investigator.

  Jeek, blacksmith and militia captain enslaved outside Asme.

  Jenia, Klee queen, wife of King Fermin, daughter of King Rufix, and mother of King Ruton.

  Jenks, corporal in duchy guard.

  Jeref, business agent from Augun.

  Jern, Tobron’s oldest grandson. Cleon and Alba’s kid. Married to Allie.

  Jestn, mage with water magic, Maude’s assistant.

  Jofi, one of three original mage recruits hired in Klee; female.

  Jord, Marfo's mate.

  Jorst, Losan's guard's lead mage

  Jorvik, armorer, head of Losan armorer council.

  Klid, tinkerer from Rithra.

  Lany, mother of Marko, mate of deceased Augun heir.

  Loma, mate of Clive, enchanter.


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