Rookie Move (Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 9)

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Rookie Move (Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 9) Page 8

by Samantha Lind

  Once I feel her body start to settle, I pull my fingers from her and place kisses against her inner thighs before I push up and return to her side, laying my head back on my pillow. I love seeing her in this blissed-out state; knowing that I’m the one that makes her feel this good is intoxicating all on its own.

  “A girl could get used to that kind of attention,” Hailey says, curling into my side. Her hand finds my still hard cock. She grips it through my boxer briefs, and I long to feel her skin on my own. She must sense that longing as she lets go and slides her hand inside, gripping me once again. I lift my hips off the bed enough to rid myself of said boxer briefs, no need to have them in the way right now.

  I watch as she ever-so-slowly strokes my cock, the tip leaking pre-cum once again. With one quick movement, Hailey’s twisted herself around, settling herself over my cock as she takes me into her warm, wet mouth. I have to hold back, thrusting my hips forward when I hit the back of her throat. I also have to grind my molars together and start to think of my teammates all sweaty after a long hard practice. The smell of the locker room filled with all those sweaty bodies and equipment, anything I can think of to keep myself from coming way too fast.

  “Hales.” I try and get her attention by tapping her cheek and tugging at her armpits. She continues to bob up and down the length of my shaft, driving me crazy as I near my own orgasm. “Hales, baby, I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” I attempt to tell her one more time.

  Chapter Eight


  I pop off of Dylan’s cock, my hand still lazily stroking it as I look up at him. “Isn’t that the end goal tonight?” I smirk at him as he grinds his teeth, doing his best to hold back his orgasm.

  “I’d rather be inside of you than in your mouth when I come,” he says, and I can tell he’s more than ready for that to happen.

  I reluctantly release his cock, leaning over to his nightstand and grabbing a condom from his stash. I tear the packet open, pulling it out and rolling it on for him. Once he’s sheathed, I straddle his hips, lining his tip-up with my opening and sliding down on him, filling me completely.

  “Fuck, baby!” he growls as I take in all of him. I still for a few seconds as I adjust to his size. He pulls me down for a kiss. I lean into that kiss as I start to move my hips, riding his cock like it was what I was made for.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he whispers against my lips as I bounce up and down the length of his shaft. He’s moved his hands to support my ass, helping me lift and fall, so I don’t tire from doing most of the work.

  “I love you, too,” I somehow find the brainpower to reply. My body is ready to fall, but I just need a little more. I reach between us, my fingertips grazing my clit. I circle it a few times before pressing down and rubbing hard. The contact has me spiraling over the edge, my pussy spasms around Dylan’s shaft as I collapse forward, my forehead resting in the crook of his neck. He thrusts through my spasms as he chases his own release, which comes just moments after my own.

  I don’t know how much time passes before I’m alert enough to roll off him, but I instantly miss the heat and fullness from him when I do.

  “You’re incredible, you know that right?” he asks as he rolls with me, hovering over me before he leans down and kisses me.

  “You already got laid; you don’t need to butter me up anymore tonight,” I tease.

  “I wasn’t talking about the sex, Hales,” he says, looking deep into my eyes. “You’re incredible and amazing in every aspect of your life, and I’m honored to be a part of it. You make me want to be a better man. To play harder, to give everything I’ve got in me to make this work for me, for us. I want to give you the best life possible. I want our future to be everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more,” he says, and I almost have to pinch myself to make sure this is all real. I know it is because Dylan and I have talked about our future for years. Our age never really a factor in looking towards it.

  I realize most people our age—hell, even most of our friends—are nowhere near ready to make lifelong decisions. They are out there playing it up, being young adults while we’re over here making big decisions. The prospect of med school for me and playing pro hockey for Dylan are not two easy feats, by any means.

  “You are doing everything I could hope for. I want your dreams to come true, just like you want mine for me. Getting to see you out on that ice tonight gave me chills almost the entire time. Watching you shine like that was the best gift ever. I know you’ve got talent and will go far in this league, and I’m so proud to be the woman you’ve chosen to stand by your side while you share your talent with the world.”

  “I couldn’t do all of this without your support, you know that right?” he asks.

  “You could, but let’s not even think of what it would be like without it, okay?”

  “God, no. You’re stuck with me for life,” he jokes, kissing between my exposed breasts.

  “And you’re stuck with me,” I tell him, pulling him up to kiss my lips.

  “Hey, Mom,” I greet as my screen fills with her face. My dad is in the background and waves at me.

  “Hey, sweetie. How are you?”

  “I’m good,” I tell her as I plop down on the couch. Now that we have Dylan’s place fully furnished and decorated, it is so much nicer in here and feeling homey. It is perfect for the two of us, and I can’t wait until I can call this place home for good.

  “What’s new?”

  “Well, actually, I had something to run by you and Dad,” I tell her. My dad comes to sit next to Mom, both giving me their full attention.

  “What’s up, Hales?” Dad asks once he’s next to Mom.

  I bite at my bottom lip, a little nervous about the conversation about to take place.

  “Honey, spit it out, whatever it is, we’ll get through it,” Dad says.

  “Honey, are you pregnant?” Mom asks, and I blanched at the thought.

  “God, no,” I tell her, a little shocked she’d jump right to that idea. Yes, Dylan and I have been sexually active, and I’m pretty sure my parents are aware of that, seeing as how they know his place is only a one-bedroom and, well, we are young adults and all that, but we’re also safe. A baby wouldn’t be the best thing right now with our busy lives.

  “Then what is it?” Mom asks, the worry furrowing her brow.

  “I want to transfer schools,” I blurt out. “With Dyl being here in Indianapolis what looks to be permanent, I want to be here. You know how much I hate being away from him as it is, but now that he’s got some stability in where he’s playing, I really want to move. I’ve already looked into what it would take to transfer, and it is all doable. All of my credits would transfer, so I wouldn’t lose out on anything I’ve already taken. I submitted an application and received an acceptance email this morning,” I go on to tell them both.

  I notice Mom smirk before she starts speaking. “I’m a little shocked it took you this long to come to this decision, to be honest with you,” she says. “If you’re looking for our approval, you don’t really need it, Hales. We know you; we know that you’re going to make the best decision for your life. If that is packing up and moving to Indianapolis and going to school there, then so be it. It doesn’t matter where you graduate from in the end, just that you do. That you don’t give up your dreams to chase someone else’s. So, as long as you can promise us that you won’t ever give up on your dreams in favor of Dylan’s, then go for it if that is what will make you happy.”

  “Really?” I ask, a little shocked they’re okay with me wanting to transfer. “You know I’ll lose my scholarship. The acceptance letter didn’t say anything about financial aid, so I’ll need to call and ask about the possibility of any, but I’m not holding out for it to happen,” I tell them.

  “Is giving up a full-ride an easy decision to make? No,” Dad says. “But, we also know you pretty well, Hales, and know that you’re going to work your ass off. You also have a college fund that is pretty well
funded, so if they can’t give you any assistance, you can use that. Now, I know that your plan all along had been to save it to use for medical school, but I think that if moving to be with Dylan is what’s going to make you happy, then you should go for it. Live your life, take chances.”

  I’m smiling hugely at my dad’s words. “I really did win the lottery when it came to parents,” I tell them.

  “And we lucked out with the kids we got,” Mom says, a big goofy grin on her face. “So, when are you coming home? I miss your face around here.”

  “I’ve got my ticket to fly home the day after Christmas, and I’ll be there for a week. If I decide to go ahead with the transfer, I might change my ticket to fly back to California to pack up all my things and drive my car back here. That way, it is all done, and I’ve got time before classes start in late January.” Little do my parents know, Dylan and I have actually booked our tickets to fly home on Christmas Eve morning. He’s got three days off for the holiday, so we’re surprising everyone. I’ll stay there after Christmas, as he’ll be headed out on the road for a few away games.

  “Whenever you do that, I’d be happy to fly out and help you with all of it. Maybe we can align it so I can catch a game once we’re back in Indy,” Dad offers.

  “I’d love that,” I tell him. “The first home game in January is on the fifth, so if we leave on, like, the first and fly out to California, that will give us a day to pack and load my things, which isn’t much, and then a couple days to do the drive,” I tell him after toggling over to my calendar to check Dylan’s game schedule.

  “That would work for me,” Dad tells me.

  “Okay, well, let me make everything happen with the school, first, before we book anything.”

  “I’ll be waiting for your call,” Dad says.

  “So, what else is new?” Mom asks.

  “Not much. I finished getting Dylan’s apartment all set up and decorated. We had fun my first night here buying out Ikea.”

  “How fun. Although, that furniture can be a bitch to assemble,” Mom muses.

  “Yeah. My fingers still hurt from those tiny tools they give you,” I tell her, laughing.

  “Have you met many people yet?” she asks.

  “Yep. All the wives and girlfriends I met at the game the other night were all so nice. I might have embarrassed myself when Austin Jones’ wife sat down next to me and introduced herself.”

  “Why is that?” Dad asked.

  I give him a bug-eyed look, and Mom falls over in a fit of giggles.

  “Um, because he’s married to Reese freaking Blackwood. You know, the country singer who is, like, the best in the business.”

  “Oh, yeah, I remember seeing something about them,” Dad says.

  “So, was she nice?” Mom asks. “I’ve read that she’s just sweet as pie.”

  “The nicest ever. When I realized who was sitting next to me, I almost couldn’t breathe, and she took it in stride like it happens to her all the time. Within a few minutes, we were talking like two old friends.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m glad that your first time meeting them went well. I’m sure that can be an intimidating situation to walk into.”

  “Yeah, it was, but I can’t wait to go back tonight.”

  “Dylan is playing great,” Dad adds to the conversation.

  “He is. Still floating on cloud nine after that goal and then the conversation he had with his coach after that game.”

  “That was one sweet goal,” Dad boasts. “I’ve watched the clip online more times than I can count,” he admits.

  “I might have watched it a few times myself,” I admit.

  I chat it up with my parents for another half hour or so before they need to get going. I love it when we get to have these little chats. It makes missing them hurt a little less. I always knew I wouldn’t live at home or necessarily near them after leaving for college, just due to my schooling followed by Dylan’s career, so touching base with them every week or so helps soothe the homesickness just a tad.

  Chapter Nine


  “Hey, Soupy, are you going to pull another hot-shot move tonight and show us all up?” one of the guys calls out as we’re all dressing for the game.

  “If the opportunity presents itself, sure. Otherwise, I know when to pull out the tricks and when to keep them for another time,” I holler back.

  “I’m just glad you’re on my team and not showing me up like that,” Beckett says from his stall.

  “Not the first time I’ve been told that.” I laugh as I tape up my socks.

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Beckett asks.

  “Something about goalies not liking being shown up or something,” I rib him.

  “Fuck off,” he chirps right back at me.

  God, I love this feeling. The ribbing between teammates, the camaraderie we all have together. You put on a team sweater, and we’re instantly brothers. All in this with the same goal in mind and willing to do anything for one another to get us to that ultimate ending.

  I sneak up behind Hailey and snake my arms around her torso, burying my nose in her hair. It is down in waves, one of my favorite ways to find it. I suck in a deep breath, breathing her in and instantly feeling a calming sensation coming over me. She’s wearing a jean jacket I’ve never seen, but it is decorated with team colors, my number, and name, and looks hot as fuck on her. “Ready to go home?” I whisper into her ear, nipping at it.

  “Yeah,” she says, leaning into my embrace.

  “Nice game out there tonight, Dylan,” Julia says to me.

  “Thanks, it was a full team effort, one spearheaded by your man,” I tell her. If it wasn’t for Beckett basically standing on his head tonight, stopping shots left and right, we would never have squeaked out the win. It just wasn’t our night on the ice. I absolutely despise games like tonight. I get it; things don’t always click on the ice, but it makes it thousand times more irritating when you’re doing everything you know you should be, and that usually works, but for some reason, it just wasn’t doing the trick tonight.

  “He did have some good saves,” she agrees. “Have a good night, see you next time. Better yet, let’s get together for lunch sometime soon. I’ll text you tomorrow to see when works.”

  “Sounds good, have a good night,” Hailey says to Julia before she heads off to meet up with Beckett, who’s just walking through the door.

  “Did you have a good time tonight?” I ask as Hailey spins around in my arms until she’s facing me.

  “The best. These women are just amazing. They brought me this jacket,” she says, stepping back a little so she can show all of it to me.

  “I love it. I was wondering where you got it since I’d never seen it before.”

  “Laura, who, by the way, is one intimidating woman, gave it to me.”

  “Why is she intimidating?” I ask, never having gotten that vibe from her myself.

  “Because she freaking owns the team,” Hales states.

  “She’s pretty chill. One of the most personable owners I’ve ever met, actually. I’m sure it helps that her husband is on the team, so she’s doubly invested.”

  “Yeah, it was kind of strange, at first. I mean, I’ve never met an NHL team owner, so on the one hand, I didn’t want to say something wrong, but then I would watch her yelling like any of the others were. Don’t get me wrong, she was fun and kind; I was just a little perplexed on how to be around her.”

  “Just be yourself, and everyone will love you.”

  “I know, I just never want to mess something up for you,” she says, running her hands down the lapels of my suit.

  “Unless you rolled up in here spouting off derogatory accusations, I don’t think you could do anything that would reflect badly on me, babe, so quit worrying about it and just enjoy yourself.”

  “I’ll do my best,” she says, and I brush a chaste kiss on her lips. No need to make things inappropriate with so many people around us.

/>   “Ready to go?” I ask, slipping my hand into hers, tangling our fingers together.

  “Yep. Take me home,” she says, and my cock jerks at the sultry sound of her voice.

  “I FaceTimed with my parents today,” Hailey says once we’re in the car and on the way home.

  “How were they?” I ask, my eyes flicking quickly to look at her before returning them to the road.

  “Good, really good, actually. And they still have no clue we’re coming in early.”

  “That’s great; I know how much you were looking forward to surprising them.”

  “I brought up my idea about transferring, and they were all for it. Dad even offered to fly back to California to help me pack up and then drive my stuff here.”

  “That’d be helpful, especially since I can’t do it anytime soon.”

  “I thought so, too, not that I couldn’t do it on my own, but it will be nice to have someone in the car with me for the drive. Our idea was to fly out to Cali on the first of January, which gives us a day to pack up and then two, three days if necessary, to make the drive. It is about thirty hours, give or take, so it would be two really long days.”

  “You could always make it three shorter days, no reason to rush it.”

  “Well, Dad wanted to time it so he could catch a game or two while he’s here, and the first one after the road trip is on the fifth.”

  “Gotcha. You could always fly out a day or so earlier,” I suggest.

  “Maybe, I told him that I need to actually accept the admittance offer and get the ball rolling on that before we make any concrete plans. Once I’ve got the school stuff finalized, then we can make all the other arrangements.”

  “What did they say about the cost if you can’t get any scholarships?” I ask, knowing that that was a worry.


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