Rookie Move (Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 9)

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Rookie Move (Indianapolis Eagles Series Book 9) Page 11

by Samantha Lind

  “Need me to take that box for you?” my dad asks as he steps back into the room.

  “Sure, then I should be ready to have my place checked over by the RA so that I can get my deposit back from the housing department.”

  “Sounds good; I’ll go get this loaded up and then wait for you in the car. Take your time, don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine while you finish up and say your goodbyes.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate all your help,” I tell him, pulling him into a hug.

  “Of course, kiddo. That’s what I’m here for.”

  He grabs the last box and heads out the door. I take one last look around before I head down the hall to find my RA. I locate Beth, and she does her little checkout sheet, handing me my copy as proof that I checked out correctly and will be approved for a refund on my deposit. “Good luck, we’ll miss you,” she says, giving me a quick hug once we’re done.

  “Thanks, I’m going to miss this place,” I tell her sincerely.

  “Enjoy that hunk of a man you’ve got back home.” She winks at me. We’d become friends over the last year, so she knew who Dylan was and how excited I was when he got called up this fall to the NHL.

  “Oh, trust me, I will,” I tell her. “Well, I should probably get out of here. My dad is waiting for me in the car, and we’ve got a long drive ahead of us.”

  “Drive safe, and check in every once and awhile on Facebook. Let me know you’re alive,” she says.

  “Thanks! Will do,” I tell her before she ducks into her room as I take the stairs down and out of the building for the last time. I let one tear fall as I say goodbye. I fought hard to get to this school, I loved every minute of my time here, but I know the sacrifice of giving it up will be well worth it to be with Dylan. I’m tired of the distance between us and not getting to be there for his big moments.

  “Get everything done?” Dad asks as I get settled in the passenger seat.

  “Yep, got the slip that will give me my deposit back.”

  “Sounds good. How about some lunch somewhere before we hit the road?” he asks.

  “That sounds perfect. Can we go to one of my favorite little places around the corner?” I ask.

  “Sure can; you just tell me where to go,” he says, putting the car into drive. I give him directions to the little sandwich shop not far from my dorm. We quickly find a parking spot since most students are still home for break. We head inside, each ordering a half sandwich with a bowl of soup.

  “This is a nice little place; I can see why you liked it,” Dad comments as we both finish up our respective lunches.

  “I found it right after I moved out here for my freshman year. It’s a pretty popular spot since it’s within walking distance of the campus, and they have affordable home-style-cooked meals. I’d usually come here once a week or so just for a break from the mess hall.”

  “I bet you’re looking forward to no more dorm living and mess halls,” Dad comments.

  “Yes! They get old fast, plus, aren’t the healthiest options. I’ll still have lunch on campus sometimes, but I can also just pack food with me now.”

  “I can’t believe my little girl is so grown up,” Dad croons from across the table.

  “You don’t think I’m making the wrong decision, do you?” I ask him honestly. I know Dylan, and my relationship is rock solid, but there is always that little bit of concern in the back of my mind questioning every big decision and if it is the right one.

  “No, I know that you’re a rational person. You don’t usually make quick decisions. You’ve always looked at all sides of things and made an informed decision. Following your heart isn’t always a bad thing. Now, had you not been dating Dylan since you were allowed to date, and I didn’t know him as I do, I might feel differently. I know that he has your best interest at heart. There’s nothing wrong with knowing what you want from life when you’re young. If anything, you have an advantage over so many other adults who are five and ten years older than the two of you are. Many people have no idea what they want to do with their lives until well into their late twenties or early thirties. By then, you’ll be done with med school, and Dylan will have a decade of professional hockey under his belt. He’ll be considered a veteran by then and be looking ahead to when retirement will be his next big move.”

  “That is so crazy to think about,” I muse.

  “It is, but you know just as well as we all do that professional athletes only have so many years to play. The demand they put on their bodies, especially hockey players, and they wear out early. Lord willing, he doesn’t sustain any major injuries that take him out early, but that’s something that you always have to be prepared for. What would he do if he suffers a career-ending injury this season or next or in five years? Obviously, one in five years would be a different situation than, say, this year when he hasn’t had multiple years of his contract under his belt and in his bank account. But the reality is, the two of you can’t live forever on his rookie contract.”

  “I know, and that is one of the reasons he wanted me to go after my dreams of going to med school. Eventually, I should be making a comfortable salary, and hopefully, I can get out of school with minimal debt. Changing schools mid-year is making a small dent in that plan, but I’m hopeful that I’ll qualify for some scholarships next year due to my academic results. If I can keep myself on the Dean’s list, I think they’ll consider me for at least some help. I also no longer have to factor in the housing costs since I’ll be living with Dylan.”

  “I’m glad that you’re going after your own dreams. I wouldn’t be supportive of this if you weren’t.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I tell him as we both get up and ready to leave.

  The drive is long, but we have it loosely mapped out on where we plan to stop and who’s driving what sections. Dad offered to get us started as we head out of San Diego towards Phoenix. We decided to fly out a day earlier than we’d initially talked about to give us some extra time if we had any troubles on the road. Plus, we’d like to make it to Indianapolis the day before the hockey game; that way, we’re not rolling in and exhausted from the long drive. If we arrive the day before, then we’ve got time to relax and decompress after so many hours on the road.

  “Do you have a playlist all cued up for us?” Dad asks once we’re on the interstate.

  “Of course,” I tell him. I toggle over to it, making sure my phone is connected to the car’s Bluetooth, and hit play. It’s a good mixture of everything. Oldies and newer songs. Country, pop, rock. Basically, something new with every song it shuffles through as we roll down the road, across and through a total of eight states as we make our way across the country in my car.

  It takes us two and a half days, but we finally pull in, and I swear I could kiss the ground. We stop at a hotel near our apartment, so I can drop my dad off. I wait until he’s checked in, helping him up to his room before I bid him goodbye for now. I make my way a few miles down the road, pulling into the parking lot of my new residence. This is now my home. One I’ll be sharing with Dylan. Our first place together. It will always be special because of that fact.

  I park in an open spot, I’ll have to inquire with the manager if a second garage spot is available. I grab my suitcase and laptop bag and head for the doors. I don’t think Dylan will be here, it’s mid-afternoon, and he’s usually still at the team facility at this time of day, so I let myself into the building and up to our apartment.

  I drop my things just inside the door, heading straight for the bathroom as I’m feeling in need of a shower after the last thirty-plus hours on the road. I turn on the water, letting it heat up while I brush my teeth—something about all the snacking in the car that has me feeling all gross.

  I slip under the hot water, relaxing instantly as it hits my tight muscles. I stand there for an unknown amount of time, zoning out as I let all the tension drain from my body.

  I startle when hands wrap around me, coming up to cup my breasts and pinching my nipples. “
You made it home,” Dylan’s voice fills my ear, calming my shot nerves instantly.

  “Shit, you scared me,” I scold him. “Haven’t you ever been told never to sneak up on a woman, especially one that is naked and in the shower? You’re lucky I didn’t put a heel to your dick.”

  “Sorry, I thought that you heard me,” he apologizes. “I missed you so fucking much,” he says as he slides one of his hands down my torso and over my mound. My body instantly reacts to his touch, my center going slick with my desire. He circles my clit with his fingertips before sliding them between my folds and plunging two fingers inside me. “Fuck, you’re tight,” he groans as he thrusts his fingers. His cock pokes me in the back, just above my ass.

  “I need you,” I whine, turning in his arms so I can kiss him. I, all of a sudden, have the ultimate desire to have my mouth on his. He takes no time to lift me up, pinning me against the tiled wall of the shower. This brings me high enough that his cock is siding through my folds and hitting my clit with each shift of his hips. I reach between our bodies and line his cock up with my entrance.

  “Fuck, Hales!” he shouts as he thrusts fully inside me. I can already feel my body attempting to crest over the edge of my orgasm as he finds a fast, punishing rhythm. I run my fingers around my clit, pressing down just as his cock rubs me from the inside in the exact place I need for me to crest over the edge and come all over his shaft.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes,” I chant, never tiring of sex with this man. He thrusts a few more times, stilling as his cock pulses inside of me, filling me with hot cum. He kisses me hard, a bruising kiss if there ever was one.

  “I’ll let you go away more often if when you return will be like that,” Dylan says as he nips at my neck.

  “You go away enough as it is,” I remind him. He lets me down, holding on to make sure I’ve got my feet underneath me before letting go. I reach for my body wash, lathering up as he watches me. “Are you going to just stand there or what?” I ask as I rinse all the suds off me.

  “I showered just before leaving the arena. I was a bit sweaty after our workout this afternoon. I wouldn’t have even wanted to smell myself in the car ride home. But, when I came in, realized your dad wasn’t here and heard the water running, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to feel you up,” he says.

  “Feel me up; I’d think you meant fill me up,” I tease.

  “Feel, fill, tomato, tamahto,” he jokes. “I think I did both pretty damn well. And if the glow in your face is any indication, I didn’t do a bad job at it.” God, I love his cocky ass.

  I can’t let him know just how much I love this side of him, so I roll my eyes at him. Can’t feed that ego of his any more than it already is, or else we won’t have room in this apartment for both of us.

  “All right, caveman, I’m ready to get out,” I tell him once I’ve washed my hair.

  “What’s the plan tonight? Are we getting together with your dad for dinner?” Dylan asks once we’re both dried off and dressed.

  “I told him I’d be in touch later, figured I’d give him a few hours to take a nap or just relax. I also wasn’t sure if you’d already had any plans that I wasn’t aware of.”

  “Nope, I’m all yours tonight,” he says, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He pulls me between his legs, and I can’t stop myself from running my hands through his hair.

  “You finally got it cut,” I notice.

  “Yep, It was driving me nuts being so long, so as soon as we returned from the road, I went out the next morning and got it cut.”

  “I’m surprised I didn’t notice before.”

  “You were a little busy on the road,” he reminds me. We didn’t FaceTime much like we usually do since by the time Dad and I got to hotels each night, it was late, and we were exhausted.

  “I guess you’re right,” I admit.

  “I still can’t believe you’re here and not leaving again,” he says, his face pressing into my belly.

  “I know, I still have to pinch myself that this is all real. Are you ready for this new chapter in our lives?” I ask.

  “With you, I’m ready for anything,” he says, looking up and into my eyes. I lean down, pressing my lips against his. We stay like this, just soaking each other in—no need to take it any further than a passionate kiss, for now.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “How are things going?” JC asks as we sit across from one another in a booth at the local Mexican restaurant that has quickly become a favorite, thanks to my teammates turning me on to it.

  “Really good. I feel the strongest I’ve ever felt. I think I’ve found my groove with my line and on the team as a whole,” I tell him honestly as the server sets down a large bowl of freshly made guacamole. This place makes the best guacamole I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something.

  “You definitely look good out there. Just need to tighten up those face-offs, bring up your win percentage, and it will help your stats that much more.”

  “I’ve been working on them. Mark and Austin have both stayed after practice a handful of times to work on them with me.”

  “That’s good to hear. How’s home life going? Things calm on the home front?”

  “Better than ever.” I take a second to take a large bite of chips and guacamole before adding, “Hailey started her new semester this week, so she’s been busy with classes and studying. I’ve had to adjust to being quiet and leaving her alone while she’s studying, but I’m sure that we’ll find a new normal in another few days. Sometimes she hangs around campus, going to the library or one of the common areas in the buildings to study between classes or after them. She mentioned something last night about being invited to a study group with a few of her classmates for one of her classes, so I think she’ll be doing that here soon.”

  “Good to hear; I hope it goes well for her this semester,” he states as our server returns with our lunch plates.

  I dive into my tacos, the spices bursting to life as they hit my taste buds.

  “She’s a badass, so I have no doubt that she’ll kick some ass and take names, all while pulling a four-point-oh. She’s brilliant, smarter than I’ll ever be, that’s for sure.”

  “See, you’re a smart man. You found yourself a smart one early in life. It took me until my mid-thirties to find a woman I was willing to keep in my life.”

  “I’m definitely lucky,” I agree with him. “Having had Hailey by my side basically my entire career has made the hard times a little easier to handle. I know that she’ll be there when I need her the most. Before, she was always just a call or FaceTime away; now, having her here and next to me each night is something I don’t—and won’t—ever take for granted. I know this lifestyle can be strange on the best of days and stressful on others, so I don’t take it lightly. She’s willing to take all of that on, all for me to follow my dream of playing professional hockey.”

  “I can’t tell you what it is like to have a partner to come home to when you’re in the middle of a stressful season, since I didn’t settle down until after my career ended, but I can tell you I probably made a mistake thinking I could only have one or the other. I don’t regret it, seeing as how waiting until recently brought me Jill, but I also wasted away lots of years I could have been enjoying myself a little more than I let happen. What I’m trying to say is don’t let life pass you by. Take life by the horns and live it. I know you’re young, and I’m sure you’re tired of people pointing that out to you, but don’t take a single second of it for granted, because before you know it, you’ll be thirty-five and retired.”

  “Thanks for the advice; I’ll definitely take it all into consideration.”

  “Has the team started contract negotiations with your agent yet? I don’t see how they’d let you go at the end of your current contract. You’ve made too good of an impression for them to trade you off to another team looking for some young, fresh blood.”

  “He sent me an email saying that they had meetings set up, an
d we’re going to be discussing details in the next few weeks. I’m not aware of any specifics. I’m going into them with an open mind, but also, a long-term contract would be nice. Especially with Hales here with me now. She’s got two full years left on her bachelor’s degree, and then she wants to study and test to apply to med school for the following fall.”

  “Oh, I’m sure that anything they offer will be no less than five years, maybe even as high as nine years. The longer the contract, the more you can ask for, but your agent will know all of that,” he says. I’m sure he knows a thing or two about contract negotiations, seeing how he played in the league for so many years. “How’s the team treating you? Have they knocked the rookie shit off?” he asks.

  “For the most part, yeah. Occasionally, one of the guys will try and prank me, but it’s all good. I just get them back when they least expect it.”

  “You’ll learn quickly who’s usually behind shit like that.” He laughs. “Always has to be one fucker on every team who loves to prank people.”

  “Exactly. There’s always someone,” I agree.

  “Once Hailey gets settled into her classes, Jill wanted me to tell you we’d like to get together, have dinner, or something. Whatever works for both of your schedules.”

  “I’ll be sure to pass that on, and I’m sure she’d love to. I know she’s made friends with some of the WAGs. They’ve kind of taken her under their wings, so to speak, and have helped her adjust to being here, included her right away with some of their coordinating attire and things they’re doing within the community. I think in a few weeks, they’re doing a big food drive she mentioned helping at on some Saturday.”

  “They always have something going on. Auctions for this or that charity, food drives, toy drives. If it can help the community, they are usually on it and partnering up to help. It always drove them crazy when they’d do this one event where each player's wife or girlfriend could build a basket that represented the player. Since I never had a girlfriend or wife during my playing years, there was never anyone to build my baskets for them. Someone would usually take over if I donated some items for them to use.”


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