An Ocean of Light

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An Ocean of Light Page 4

by Kit Fortier

  The journal’s ragged-edged pages were full of symbols— triangles in different configurations, astrological symbols, symbols whose meanings were beyond Ben's comprehension.

  The words within the pages were mostly in English, with plenty of hits of German and dashes of lines and phrases in French scattered about. Ben was thankful to know a lot of both of them, having studied one, then the other, for at least three years apiece. He could hold conversations easily enough, but reading from the journal proved a slight issue. The frenetic handwriting was hard enough to figure out in English alone.

  At the center of one page was a triangle, perfectly equal length on all three sides. It was pointing up. From the context, Ben didn't have a hard time figuring out that the triangle in that configuration meant fire. References to heat and pressure and embers and coals surrounded it, as well as the many ways one might start a fire had been scrawled and drawn wherever blank space was available, as well as references to phosphorus, magnesium, and their studied properties. Well drawn yet simple illustrations stood out from the words surrounding them.

  A few pages later, Ben came across another triangle, much like the one before, yet inverted. A quick scan told him what he had already intuited: the segment would be about water. The pages read like a practical guide of water's many applications; water in food, water in farming, water vs. fire, water vs. stone. One page in particular spoke of how water, when forced to a fine point under pressure, could cut through rocks on a cliffside.

  Ben mused inwardly. Were fire hoses invented when this journal was written? He flipped through the pages, finding no reference to calendar dates. He would have to look it up later. He put the journal on a nightstand next to the bed and took hold of his bag again.

  Ben pulled out his laptop’s power supply and put the bottle away. After plugging in the laptop, he crawled out to the center of his bed and propped the laptop on a pillow over his lap.

  Within moments, he had a message window on a familiar site opened up.

  Mr. S?

  Hey Ben! Did you guys make it?

  Yeah. We got here about an hour ago.

  How’s the room?

  Fox paid for a penthouse suite for us.

  You lucky dog. That’s awesome!

  It is pretty amazing. But now Dad and Fox are doing the newlywed thing and—you know.

  I can only imagine. ; )

  Get your head out of the gutter, Mr. S.

  Can’t. It’s already down the drain.

  Dude, that’s gross. That’s my Dad, you know.

  Yeah, I know. Something on your mind, big guy?

  I think I met a guy.

  You think?

  Okay, I met a guy. Can’t get him out of my head. But he didn’t exactly leave me a name.

  That happens. Think you might bump into him again?

  I hope.

  Know anything about him?

  Not really. I just know he needed help, and I helped him, then he was on his way.

  I see. Ships passing in the night in a sea full of strangers?

  It’s Vegas, Mr. S. I’m kinda floating in a sea of strangers.

  Good point. Well, I’m rooting for you, buddy. You know that, right?

  I do. Thanks Mr. S.

  Sure thing.

  What are you doing up?

  You sure you wanna know?

  I… I don’t know.

  Was just looking at this picture I got of your dad and Fox just out of the bathroom.


  Hehehehe. I know buddy. Just getting a rise out of you. I was hoping you’d log on—your dad forgot to call us.

  Crap, I’m sorry!

  Not your fault. I know they had… things on their mind.

  Please don’t remind me.

  Your dad ain’t bad lookin’, you know. And Fox—that guy’s just all kinds of hot.


  I love you, buddy.

  Thanks, Mr. S. I love you too. Give Mrs. S a hug for me.

  You bet, Ben. Good night.

  Ben signed off. He felt no better than when he started, but at least the meds were kicking in. Ben powered off the laptop, unplugged it, and collapsed into the comfortable bed on top of the covers. Turning his head to the side, Ben spotted the journal. He let some of the words flow over his weary mind before he rolled the other way, facing the vista of lights and water on the city outside. The occasional splash of a burst of rain collided with the glass. In his head, as he closed his eyes, Ben let himself think of the ocean—a place he’d not seen since his father moved him in with the S’s. He imagined the roar of the water, the collision of waves that ebbed and flowed.

  Eventually, Ben fell asleep to the sound of desert rain.

  *** Jake

  Running his fingers through his husband’s deep red hair, Jake breathed in his scent—the electric smell of earth before and immediately after a bout of rainfall. Their round in the shower had been followed by at least two more in the bed. Jake laughed to himself at the absurdity of it. Fox was an insatiable lover, and that was fine by Jake.

  He relished in the time like this, when his man was curled into him, breathing even, tugging on his pelt. He had become Fox’s security blanket. The idea tickled him like none other; this would be it for the rest of his natural life.

  With the rainfall outside, even high up, there was an occasional hiss of splashing water on a gust of wind as it hit the window. Jake turned his head to watch, to listen.

  Everything at that moment, his sleeping, content husband draped across his body, his amazing son down the hall, and the rain soothed him to sleep.


  A fox dashing through the woods, chased by a black haired boy. Lightning flashes—the boy is a man. Earth erupts from earth, shooting into the air, smashing down around the man as he runs. He stops, raises arms to block what’s coming. Water—so much water rises, rushing between the man and the earth that roared.

  A column of shiny, earthy metal rises into the sky. The fox runs around and around and around and lightning runs around and around and around and water surrounds and

  An insistent tugging on Jake’s chest woke him. Daylight broke outside, though it was obscured in the gray of rainclouds above the city.

  “Earth to papa bear,” Fox said, his brilliant green eyes looking up at him.

  “Morning, baby,” Jake said.

  “Morning to you, my handsome husband,” Fox grinned. “I wonder how long that lasts.”


  “The newness of saying ‘husband’, or ‘I’m married’.”

  “Well, it’d be pretty cheesy of me to call you ‘husband’ as a pet name.”

  “How so, husband?” Fox grinned.

  “Stop,” Jake jammed a finger into Fox’s ribs, earning him a laugh.

  “I think we should do some sightseeing, some shopping,” Fox said.

  Jake sighed. “Can we just order a room service brunch and lay about all day screwing each other blind, and taking lots of naps?” He offered, waggling his eyebrows at his husband.

  “You’re funny. I hope you don’t forget we’ve got your son out there. He probably wants to do something, too. We should see a show or something while we’re here. I don’t wanna keep him cooped up just because you wanna tap this,” Fox admonished. He rubbed his backside and gave his husband a sly grin.

  Jake scrambled to his knees and slid his husband underneath him, straddling his back. He rubbed himself against Fox, growling in his ear.

  “You know I’ll do more than tap it, baby.”

  “Hey, no, papa bear—” was all Fox could squeeze out as Jake took hold of one of his earlobes in his mouth. The big man pressed his hard length against Fox’s warm crease. The pinned man moaned, raising his ass in the air.

  “That’s right, honeypot. Lemme have it,” Jake whispered heatedly. He licked and kissed Fox’s neck, his shoulder, grinding into him, demanding entrance. Fox let out a flowing stream of gibberish as his man pushed pas
t his doors. He was still supple from last night’s escapades, and Jake slid on home to the hilt. Soon Jake began thrusting. Fox began writhing and whimpering beneath him. They both worked together towards the moment when they both fell apart.

  Without pulling out, Jake rolled Fox over, hammering away as he added pleasurable pain to Fox’s plate. He kissed and worried the meaty part of Fox’s foot, sucking on his big toe as he rode harder and harder. Fox’s whimpers turned into yells in his pillow, muffled words of don’t stop oh god yes pushed through the fabric. Jake saw the familiar flush of his lover’s chest. He upped the rate he smashed Fox’s most sensitive spot inside until Fox screamed into his pillow. His release shot upward onto Jake’s chest, and Jake roared as he filled his man.

  Jake smiled as he pulled the pillow off Fox’s face.

  “So sweet, baby,” Jake cooed. Fox had a goofy grin.

  “Can that be my morning wake up call every morning?”

  “Just say the word, Foxy. I’ll make you happy first thing every day.”

  Fox reached out, grabbing Jake’s hands and intertwining fingers. Jake pulled out and settled his weight over his man.

  “I do want to take Ben out, but I’m just not sure where,” Jake said, kissing Fox lightly on the nose.

  “Sarah and Taylor said they were gonna take Ben to the Grand Canyon. They’ve got helicopter tours. I think we can do that,” Fox offered.

  “That’s amazing, sweetheart—but isn’t that expensive?”

  Fox reached up his head and kissed his husband softly.

  “My gift to your son. I know you want to make up for what time you’ve lost, so let’s give that to him.”

  Jake kissed Fox back, just as sweet. “We’re lucky to have you, baby.”

  “Hush. Tell him it was your idea,” Fox smiled.

  “No, hon. If he asks, I’ll tell him the truth.”

  “Then I’ll throw you under the bus, and tell him it was your idea,” Fox smirked.


  “Yes, I like it. Yours, specifically,” Fox leered.

  “Oh god, what have I started?” Jake groaned, pushing off his man. “We’d better get showered and dressed. Don’t wanna start the day smelling like sex around my boy.”

  “Oh, alright,” Fox faux-pouted. “But I’m gonna have at that ass in the shower.”

  “Come and get it,” Jake taunted, hopping in. When Fox chased after him, Jake quickly closed the door. He turned the water on high and cold, making Fox let out a high-pitched, unmanly scream.

  “You horse’s ass!”

  Jake chuckled through chattering teeth.

  “Sorry, F-Foxy. Had to do it. Otherwise, we’d n-never get anything done today,” he said with a smirk.

  “Th-th-that’s what I was s-saying earlier!”

  *** Fox

  Jake and Ben ordered a room service delivery of various brunch dishes. Fox almost smirked when he realized Ben had ordered double of everything for himself. Oh, to be young again, Fox thought as he suppressed his amusement. When everyone had settled in with food, Fox used Jake’s tablet and made reservations for Wind Dancer tours over the Grand Canyon.

  “Heya, big guy,” Fox said. Both Hughes men turned to him.

  “Yes?” and “What’s up, Foxy?” was said at the same time. They snickered, Fox laughed.

  Fox choked back a chuckle. “That’s right—Taylor and Sarah called you both ‘Big Guy’, too,” he said.

  “So which one do you want?” Jake asked.

  “You,” Fox said with a dirty grin. “But I’m talking to Ben.”

  Jake threw a throw pillow at Fox’s head, earning him a laugh from his son and his man.

  “So, your Dad and I want to take you to the Grand Canyon,” Fox said.

  “Okay, cool!”

  “We’re gonna leave right after we’re done eating, so let’s all be ready by then,” Fox said after a quick glance at his watch.

  “We’re leaving so soon?” Ben asked.

  Fox was confused at Ben’s confusion.

  “We’re not leaving the hotel, buddy. Well, we are, but not…” Fox laughed at himself and took a calming breath. “Yeah, we’re taking a helicopter.”

  The smile on Ben’s face could have lit Vegas all by itself.

  “Really? That’s awesome!”

  “Your Dad thought so,” Fox grinned. Jake shook his head.

  “Oh, hey—Dad? Mr. S said they were waiting for your call last night.”

  “Crap, I forgot,” Jake said. He took his tablet from Fox, plopping into the seat beside him. Fox positioned himself so that Jake could rest his back against Fox’s front. They stretched out in the sofa, as the big man opened his video-phone app. Taylor’s grinning face appeared on the screen.

  “There’s the two lovebirds,” he sighed longingly.

  “Hey Tay,” Jake said.

  “Hey, Leigh. Did you guys find your room alright?” Taylor smiled, his eyes a little mischievous.

  “Yep, sure did. It’s a high roller suite,” Fox offered. “View of the fountain and everything.”

  “Good, good, that’s good,” Taylor asked. “How many times did you do it?”

  Fox snorted. Jake growled. “Taylor Samuels, my son is in the room.”

  “Hi Ben!” Taylor waved.

  “Hi Mr. S!” Ben called back.

  “So really, how many times?” Taylor continued, shamelessly cavalier about the subject matter at hand.

  Jake’s face flushed. He heard Fox snickering behind him. His son was suddenly single-mindedly fascinated by the visual texture of his everything-bagel with cream cheese.

  “Well,” Fox started, “There was the shower, the bed, against the window, then bed this morning—”

  “We’re doing fine, Tay, how’s Sarah?” Jake loudly and clumsily re-directed. He pinched Fox, which only won him more laughs at his mortal embarrassment. Ben was looking anywhere but at his father and his new husband.

  “Four times. Ah, youth,” Taylor grinned.

  “Dude, you’re as old as I am,” Jake said, raising an eyebrow.

  “True. Unfortunately, Sarah’s more into the ‘let’s do it once then go to bed and don’t touch me until morning’ thing.”

  Jake heard a slapping sound. It was Ben smacking his forehead with his hand and hiding his eyes.

  “Mr. S, please, I don’t wanna know!” He cried, his ears turning fire-engine red.

  “We’re making Ben uncomfortable, Tay,” Jake sighed.

  “I know. Isn’t it fun?” Taylor grinned. That won another snicker out of Fox.

  “Tell Sarah we love and miss her,” Jake said.

  “Tell her yourself,” Taylor said, switching places so his wife could be on camera.

  “Hey, shug,” Sarah said sweetly. “How are you two treatin’ my boy?”

  Jake smiled warmly. “We’re gonna take him on a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon.”

  “Aw, really? You two just had to one-up us, didn’t you?” Sarah chuckled.

  “It was Fox’s idea,” Jake grinned.

  “Shut up,” Fox hissed at Jake. “We came up with it, Sarah!”

  “Whatever,” said the lady Samuels as she looked away, giving a casual wave of her hand. She turned back to the camera with a kind smile. “I’m glad and so happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks,” Jake barely squeezed out. “Before you go, you should probably know that Taylor totally wants to have sex with us.”

  “Oh, I know, hon, and me and that man of mine are gonna have to redefine the ground rules of our marriage,” Sarah growled. The sound positively scared Jake.

  “You could just hire him a hot trick once a month. Maybe go three-sees with him?”

  “Baby doll, this ain’t my first rodeo with him,” Sarah grinned. “Maybe I should just get him a new toy or something. One of those vibratin’ numbers that buzzes both the prostate and the—”

  “Mrs. S, please!” Ben cried.

  “Oh hey, there you are, darlin’! I miss you somethin’ awful
, Ben!”

  “Love you too, Mrs. S. Just… don’t talk about things you do to Mr. S. Please.”

  Sarah laughed. “You got it, baby boy. Hey—wanna talk to my man again?"

  Jake nodded. “Sure.”

  “Taylor, get your tight little fuzzy ass in here,” Sarah yelled. Soon, the scrappy guy with a blond buzz cut showed up.

  “I heard you throw me under the bus, jackass,” Taylor smirked.

  “That’s for trying to get into my man’s pants,” Jake retorted.

  “Hey, that’s not fair,” Taylor admonished. “You know I was trying to get into both your pants.”

  “Goodbye, Samuels,” Jake said.

  “Send me pictures the next—” was all Taylor could squeeze out before Jake powered down the tablet.

  Ben’s ears were still flaming red.

  “Sorry about that, son,” Jake said guiltily.

  “It was… It was interesting,” Ben offered.

  Fox nodded.

  “Still, you know, we—”

  “It’s okay, Dad. Remember? I had the sex talk? It’s your honeymoon. You and Fox are supposed to… do… whatever, right?”

  Jake’s eyes closed with a smile and a scrunched forehead. “You’re right.”

  “I already know it’s happening. Just like I knew when the S’s were at it because they’d go to the spare room. You don’t have to tiptoe.” Ben sighed.


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