Runaway Royal

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Runaway Royal Page 13

by Wendi Zwaduk

“Duke Elmore went to your parents and demanded your hand in marriage,” Corinne said. “He made a formal request.”

  Oh shit. Zara trembled. She refused to marry the duke, but he was the only one her parents would approve.

  Luke cleared his throat. “Miss Corinne?”

  “Lady,” Zara corrected. “She’s still my lady.”

  “Lady Corinne? Please take the camera to Prince Charles’ office.” Luke grasped Zara’s hand. “Please?”

  “You take Princess Zara to her suite,” Corinne said.

  “Done.” Luke nudged Zara, forcing her to move. She wanted to be free of Elmore, but this wasn’t the way she’d envisioned running off with Luke. With Luke leading the way, she ran across the hall to her suite. She slammed the door shut. “Jesus.”

  “I’m sorry.” He directed her to the bedroom. “You weren’t kidding about Elmore. Has he always been this persistent?”

  “Always.” She settled on the bed. “For as long as I’ve known him. Will you unzip me? I can’t breathe in this corset.”

  “Sure.” He tugged the zipper down. “Stand and I’ll help you out of your dress.”

  She glanced over her shoulder as she rose to her feet. “I’d think you’re trying to get me naked, but I started this.”

  “I’m not passing up the chance to see every inch of you.” He tugged the satin and silk down her body, exposing her. “Fuck.”

  “I know. I hate corsets, but it’s the only way for me to get into this gown.” She picked up her dress and placed it across the back of her makeup chair. “Did you tell Corinne to select a dark color?”

  “Black is elegant and sexy.” He shrugged. “But the navy does work well with your skin color and to your strengths.”

  “I never thought I was pretty.” She straddled his lap. “You seem to think I am.”

  “Because you are.” He slid his hands across her backside. “I’m your loyal subject.”

  “You’re silly.” She draped her arms around his neck. “Good thing I like your silly.”

  “I like you.” He squeezed her ass. “Your leg looks better than the last time I saw it.” He curled his fingers under her chin. “I knew you weren’t going to die, but I was scared I’d lose you.”

  “Never. I’m indestructible, but I don’t want to talk about being shot.” She caressed the hairs at the base of his skull. “At least I wore silky underwear this time. The first night we were together, I wanted to look sexy, but I was so plain.”

  “You’ve never been plain.” He kissed her. “You make me hard when you smile at me.” He stroked her back. “I’m thinking of all the sexy ways to photograph and draw you like this.”

  “In my bed works.” She wriggled on his lap. Good thing the corset had a zipper front. She pulled the tab, exposing her breasts.

  “Fuck. I like.” He buried his face in her chest.

  She threaded her fingers in his hair. The freedom of being with him, with the one she loved, relaxed her. She pressed her breasts to his mouth and Luke didn’t disappoint. He sucked on her nipple.

  Tingles shot through her body as he unzipped the corset the rest of the way. The garment tumbled to the floor. She ground on his lap, loving the feel of the bulge in his jeans. Passion flowed through her veins. Her world righted because of him.

  “God, I missed you,” he said against her breast. “Missed you in my arms. In my bed.”

  “I missed being there.” She ruffled his hair, delighting in the softness of the strands.

  He kept her in his arms and stood long enough to deposit her on the bed.

  “Luke?” She reclined beneath him.

  “Need you.” He hooked his fingers in the elastic of her panties and dragged the flimsy silk down her legs. “Wet for me?”

  “Yes.” She craved him. She splayed her knees, opening to him. No fear or anxiety in baring her body, just love and acceptance.

  His eyes glittered. He nuzzled her inner thigh, sending electric sparks across her skin. He scraped his teeth along the outer folds of her pussy, eliciting a moan from deep in her being.

  “Touch me.” She held on to her knees. “Luke.”

  He didn’t speak. Instead, he slid one hand over her ribs to her chest. He buried his face in her pussy, caressing her folds with his tongue.

  She let go of her knees and palmed his head. He knew how to bring her to the pinnacle. She ground on his face, urging him on. Heat coiled in her belly. Her legs trembled. The orgasm had built too quickly, but she couldn’t fight the good feelings. She was putty in his hands.

  He eased one finger into her cunt, probing her. When he curled his digit, she cried out. Nothing had ever felt this explosive or exciting in her life.

  He hummed against her clit. “Tell me you love this.”

  She would if the words were there. No such luck. She opened her legs more and writhed. No thinking. Just feeling.

  He pumped his finger in time with her bucking and alternated between soft touches and plucking her nipple.

  Her restraint held by a thread. Now that she’d experienced the pleasure of orgasm, she wanted to do it again and again. The climax improved each time she felt it. She shivered. “Luke,” she managed. Her body vibrated as the orgasm washed over her.

  “Holding me in,” he said. “So beautiful. Come for me and let go.”

  She wouldn’t argue if she could. She shuddered around his finger and against his mouth. Her limbs loosened and the floaty feeling returned. She sagged on the bed.

  Luke added a few more licks before he withdrew. He kissed her inner thigh.

  Her skin tingled again. She felt beautiful and loved.

  “Need you.” He unbuttoned his shirt and whipped the garment off. He shoved his pants and boxers to the floor and stroked himself. “Love you, Zara.”

  He’d said the words. Although her brain was still fogged from sex, she knew what she’d heard. “Luke.”

  He crawled on the bed and settled between her thighs. “Next time, I’ll teach you new positions. Right now, I can’t wait.” He pushed into her in one thrust.

  Stars seemed to explode behind her eyelids. She belonged to Luke. He’d joined them as one heart, soul and body. She’d never be the same. The rest of the world and all her troubles didn’t matter because she had this moment. She rocked into him, savoring every thrust. He knew how to touch her to her core. He’d seen her secrets and anxieties, but didn’t push her away. He heightened her securities and freed her.

  Luke grasped her hips. “Fuck. So tight and perfect.” He gritted his teeth. Perspiration glittered on his chest. His nipples beaded and his movements turned feral.

  She rolled him on top of her, kissing Luke.

  He trembled. He broke the kiss and planted his forehead against hers. “Can’t. Hold. Back.”

  “Come for me,” she murmured. “Do it.”

  This time, he cried out and slammed into her. He shuddered, even as he added more thrusts.

  Warmth flooded her body. She tucked her legs around him and whimpered. What a perfect moment.

  He buried his face against her neck and stayed within her. “I love you, Zara. Forever.”

  She wanted to bottle this moment, so romantic and wonderful. “You’re mine.”

  Time seemed to stop and she reclined with him. The silence enveloped them and she basked in the splendor of being with him. Having Luke as hers could be possible. She’d make him her partner and husband.

  Luke withdrew and collapsed beside her on the bed. He kicked out of his bunched-up jeans and underwear. Once nude, he dragged a blanket over them. “I’m bound to call you my princess.”

  “Because you work here?” She found her strength and rolled onto her side. She hooked her leg across his and slipped her palm over his chest. “Or another reason?”

  “I do work here, and it’s the official way I should address you.” He tangled up with her. “But that’s not the full reason.”


  “I gave up my degree to follow you,” he said. “
I did it because it was the only way.”

  “Luke.” He couldn’t do that. He deserved to finish. “You wanted that degree and to show your paintings in the galleries.”

  “I did.” He petted her hair. “But my priorities changed.”

  “Oh?” She tensed. Did he now want her title?

  “I was forbidden to see you and I’m probably going to be thrown out of the country, but your brother saw something in me. He’s the one who helped me get here. Without him, I’d be rudderless in Kenton. My art would’ve suffered because my muse came to Lysianna.”

  “Charlie?” She didn’t quite believe her ears. “Wait, your muse?”

  “You.” He trailed his fingers down her cheek. “When the family finds out Corinne and I are here, we’ll most likely be tossed. She might get to stay because she’s got your brother’s royal command to do so. I’m not so lucky because I’m not a resident. Doesn’t matter. My heart will always be right here.” He drew a circle over her heart. “I love you, Zara. Not the princess side or the things you can do for me, but for the woman you are. You captivated me from the moment I saw you on that balcony.”

  “Luke.” He said the right things and touched her heart. She loved him and couldn’t see her existence without him.

  “Coming here was a risk and I don’t regret a second.” He kissed her. “You’re my princess.”

  Her voice disappeared. The words were there, but she couldn’t speak to tell him the truth—she loved him.

  “I didn’t think you’d say anything right now. I understand.” He sighed. “You think I’m like the rest. You think I want something from you and because I took this job, it’s to get something out of this relationship. What I want is you. That’s it. Nothing more.”

  Something thumped on the door. “Zara? It’s Charlie.”

  Shit. Zara scrambled up from the bed and grabbed a robe. “Just a moment.”

  Luke rubbed his eyes. “I’m going to be escorted out.” He left the bed and dragged his jeans up his legs. “Fuck. I knew this was too good to be true.”

  “No.” She tied the belt on her robe. “It’s not over. Just…” She’d figure something out. “Charlie?” She opened the door a crack. “Yes?”

  “The jig is up,” Charlie said and pushed into the room. He shut the door behind him. “They know.”

  “We have to buy time. I need to get him out of here so he’s safe.” She massaged her forehead. “This is my problem and it’s time I stood up for myself.”

  “Too late.” Luke paled. “Fuck.”

  Guards pushed into the room and knocked Charlie over. One pushed Zara out of the way. She tried to stop them as they grabbed Luke, but her size was no match for the sheer number of guards.

  “Stop,” she shouted. “I command you as your princess. Stop.”

  “Sorry, Princess. We have orders from the queen.” The guard snapped handcuffs on Luke. “This man is charged with unlawfully entering the country and endangering the life of our princess.”

  “No.” She grabbed the guard’s arm, but he outmuscled her. “He saved me. Listen to me,” she screamed. “He saved me from being killed when I was attacked. Please listen to me.”

  Luke, shirtless and barefoot, bowed his head. Without a word, the guards removed him from her suite.

  One of the guards remained. “He’s being charged with defiling the princess. I’m sorry.”

  Charlie found his footing and ran to Zara. He embraced her. “I’m sorry, kid. I tried.”

  “I know.” She sobbed. She wasn’t sure what else she could do. She wanted Luke back. He had not only her heart, but she knew he wasn’t guilty. She loved him.

  “Mother’s coming,” Charlie said. “I’m not leaving, but brace yourself. She’s pissed and she’d got the duke on her side.”

  She assumed as much. “I’m ready.” She had no other choice. If she wanted Luke, she had to put everything on the line. Luke mattered. Her future mattered. She’d found the first man outside of her brother to love her unconditionally. She loved Luke, too and refused to let him pay for something he hadn’t done.

  Chapter Twelve

  Zara sighed and pieced together the first germ of a plan. If she was going to get Luke out of prison, then she’d have to put herself on the line. First, she needed to put on regular clothes. She might be a princess, but she didn’t buy into the frippery and finery of the role. She’d rather be Zara, art student. “Give me five minutes to get properly dressed,” Zara said. “I refuse to face my stepmother in a robe.”

  “She won’t get in.” Charlie hit the locks on the door. “And the camera is safe with me. I locked it up.”

  “Did you?” She yanked a pair of jeans and a tunic from her dresser. “Did you look at his work?” She ducked into the bathroom to change. She refused to be caught in less than a full outfit in front of her stepmother. She donned her bra and panties, then the tunic and jeans. She needed to be accepted for the woman she’d become, not the image her stepmother had of her.

  “I did,” Charlie said. “It’s good work. It’s the most honest and authentic portrait of you. On one hand, you’re the princess and covered in jewels, but on the other, you’re just a woman who wants to look pretty and isn’t sure she does—like almost every other woman out there. You’re approachable, but the image makes you look trapped and the starkness works.”

  She emerged from the bathroom, then pulled the pins from her hair. “Almost ready.” She hated undoing the work Corinne had done with her tresses, but the style didn’t work with the clothes. She pulled the mass of curls up with an elastic.

  “I don’t know how you do it.” Charlie grinned. “You managed to look not like you’ve just had sex, but like you’re ready to hit the books. You’re better at the royal game than they think.”

  “That’s the point.”

  Charlie crossed the suite. “Just know Mother and Father aren’t listening to me, either. Mother won’t let me access Father and he’s not been seen all afternoon.”

  “Figures.” She followed him to the door. “Father said I’d get bored when I went to college. I didn’t get the chance to find out if I would or not. Mother shot down my idea of going and saying I needed Elmore to protect me. I did just fine. They don’t trust me.” She stepped into the corridor and spotted Oren. She nodded to her guard. “Any word on that shooting?” Her leg was nearly healed, but the fear wasn’t gone.

  “No, my princess.” Oren dipped his head and tugged her aside. He gestured to Charlie.

  Charlie joined the huddle. “What do you know?”

  “We have the guy down in the pen. The duke’s brother. He’s a former Army Ranger. He was able to make the shot and is loyal to his brother. He thought he’d scare you into running to the duke,” Oren said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Duke thought you’d go home and want to hide with him because you were scared. You weren’t supposed to get hit.”

  “Not supposed to be hit?” Charlie asked. “She could’ve been killed.”

  “I won’t run to him now.” Zara folded her arms. “What are they doing with Luke?”

  “He’s in the jail, too.” Oren nodded. “There are cameras down there—audio and visual, so you can keep an eye on him. As for the duke, he’s denying he had anything to do with the shooting, but he’s convinced you agreed to marry him. Your stepmother agreed for you.”

  Zara held up her hand. “Oh, hell no, I’m not marrying him. I get a say in this and I say no.” She shook her head. “He offered me a bracelet, but it’s not enough. Nothing would be enough.”

  “He wants to be the father of the future king,” Charlie said, his voice thick. “So he can manipulate the child.”

  “Not my child.” She sighed. “You said there are cameras on the jail? The brother is in custody?”

  “He is,” Oren said. “Luke is safe and in one of the nicer cells, but he is in the castle jail.”

  “Lovely. It’s dirty down there and full of vermin.” She groaned to hide her displeasure. She wanted to
go to her lover, not talk with the queen. Still, she needed a plan. “They want me to marry Elmore, right?”

  “Zara.” This time Charlie groaned. “You can’t.”

  “I have an idea.” She grasped Charlie’s shirtsleeve. “Elmore wants a virgin,” she murmured. “I’m not.”

  “Luke?” Charlie asked.

  “Duh.” He’d set up the chance for her to have a tryst with Luke. How could Charlie not know?

  “What do you want to do?” Charlie asked. “Mother won’t let you get out of this.”

  “Let me handle Mother.” She’d figure something out. “Can Luke work on my portrait?”

  “Not in jail,” Charlie said. “But I have the memory card and camera.”

  “The unveiling of my portrait has been moved up, right?” she asked.

  “It has,” Oren said.

  “Good.” She turned to her brother. “Have my portrait printed. That’s what I want them to display.” She smoothed her shirt and found her courage. “I’m going to see Mother.”

  “Good luck,” Charlie said.

  “Thanks.” She strode down the corridor to meet her stepmother. She spotted the queen at the end of the corridor. “Mother?” She hurried to the far end of the wing.

  The queen nodded and stepped into the sitting room. The space had been intended to be used as a playroom for the future grandchildren. Unless Luke got out of prison, there wouldn’t be any.

  Zara followed Eloise into the room.

  “Close the door,” the queen snarled.

  Zara did as told. When the door snicked shut, she faced the matriarch. “Mother.”

  “You’re back.” Her stepmother settled on the couch and folded her hands on her lap.

  “I am.”

  “You brought someone. Feeling charitable?”

  “He’s a fine artist. His work has been shown all over.” Her words weren’t a total lie—he must’ve had work shown somewhere.


  Damn. “I’m not entirely sure. He’s prolific.”

  “Right.” Her stepmother sneered at her. “He will be removed.”

  She’d assumed so, but not if she could help it. “I’m an adult, Mother. I can make my own choices.”


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