Her Christmas Miracles (Dunam Prep Boys #1)

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Her Christmas Miracles (Dunam Prep Boys #1) Page 7

by Lux Carmine

  As the lights dimmed, I wracked my brain for a way to get Skylar to notice me. Based on her blush when our hands touched, she was probably interested, but considering she had the potential to be the perfect girl for me, I had to do more than let our hands accidentally brush while opening a door.

  I also didn’t want to try too hard. I wasn’t great with girls, but being around Skylar felt natural and easy. We all watched the movie in silence, passing the popcorn back and forth until Bella got full and settled down. I kept sneaking glances at Skylar, and almost every time I did, I caught her looking at me out of the corner of her eye. Finally, I took a deep breath and just went for it.

  I took her hand that was on the shared armrest and laced our fingers together. Skylar looked at me, startled, eyes wide, but she didn’t pull away. She looked at her lap, smiling. The heat between our hands was back, and seemed to travel up my whole arm where we were touching. It radiated into my chest and the pit of my stomach.

  For a long time, we watched, holding hands, and I was almost too afraid to breathe, worried I’d do something to make her shift and pull away.

  The movie approached the climax and I was abruptly reminded of the bet we’d made. About how I had to win Skylar’s attention before the other guys did, or I was going to lose her forever. I couldn’t let that happen. This night wasn’t just about one date, or about getting Skylar’s attention and getting in her good graces, it was about winning against two other guys—one incredibly smooth with girls, the other an all-American jock with really nice hair. Both of them had things I didn’t.

  My stomach churned with nerves. I exhaled sharply and gently released Skylar’s hand. She looked at me, brow furrowed. As she did, I leaned forward, placed a hand on her jaw, and pressed our lips together.

  The heat was back, the intense heat we shared when we touched. She made a little startled noise in the back of her throat, but instantly she leaned into it, and we were kissing one another.

  After several seconds, Bella’s voice cut through the fog clouding my brain. “Mr. Max! You’re not watching!” Bella’s little hand tugged on my sweater.

  I drew away from Skylar, and we both chuckled, nerves evident in our shaky laughs. I leaned toward Bella. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Do you want more popcorn?”

  “No, just watch,” she said, pointing at the big screen.

  I took hold of Skylar’s hand again and settled back in my seat to watch the end of the movie. Was one kiss enough? The roiling in my stomach indicated that no, it probably wasn’t. But I didn’t want to come on too strong and scare her away, either. My knee bounced nervously until Bella slapped it and gave me an annoyed glance.

  “Sorry,” I whispered, sinking into my seat.

  Bella leaned over and spoke into my ear, not at all quietly. “Sky’s favorite color is blue. And she hates peas. My dad yelled at the guy who brought us our tree. She snores really loud.” She squealed when the tension sparked in the movie and went back to sitting in her own chair, drawing her knees to her chest.

  I sat with those tidbits until the nutcracker was rescued by the ballerina. As they held each other and kissed, I received another slap. Bella pointed at the on-screen couple and then pointed at Skylar. I glanced over at Skylar who was seemingly oblivious, then back to Bella who was still carrying on. Was I going to take dating advice from a four-year-old? I battled myself until the credit rolled on screen and the lights went up.

  Skylar didn’t immediately release my hand so I continued to hold it as we walked out of the theater. Bella met my gaze and shook her head at me in disappointment. I shrugged a shoulder as she picked up the pace, moving ahead of us.

  “Thanks for the movie and the snacks,” Skylar said, finally releasing my hand to throw away her trash.

  My throat was dry as I swallowed. “Sure. Thanks for going with me. If you hadn’t, I’d be that poor loser sitting alone at a kid’s movie.”

  She regarded me, her eyes roving my body. Her cheeks flushed when she said, “You’re not poor, or a loser.”

  My cheeks were a raging inferno. I scratched nervously at the back of my neck. Was she hitting on me? Bella was taking us towards the arcade games. I didn’t protest. I’d give anything to spend more time with Skylar. “Hey, Bella …” She paused and looked over her shoulder at me. I held out a five dollar bill with a smile. “Why don’t you play a few games while I talk to your sister?” I looked at Skylar with raised brows. “If that’s okay with her, that is.”

  Skylar stuffed her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and shrugged her shoulders. “Sure.”

  When Bella received the nod from her sister, she snatched the bill and ran to the machine to trade it in for quarters.

  “I, uh, need to talk to you about something,” Skylar started, looking at the ground.

  I took a step toward her, closing the gap between us. “Talk, hmm?” I gathered all of my courage and tried to channel Devin’s easy confidence a little. I slid a hand along Skylar’s cheek, cradling her face, and put the other hand on her hip.

  Her hands came to rest on my waist, and I could feel the pressure of her fingertips gripping my back. I kept walking forward, guiding her until she leaned against the broad side of a pinball machine. She made a soft noise of surprise as she came in contact with the game, and I dipped my head down and kissed her again.

  Her breath caught in her throat as we kissed, and I could feel her heart pounding as we pressed closer to each other. My own heart was pounding, too. I wondered if she could tell. Skylar’s hands held me tighter, pulling at my sweater, tugging me closer. We kissed and I started to feel dizzy with the rush of it, the intensity growing between us.

  The sound of Bella crying broke us apart, and Skylar whipped her attention toward her.

  “Bella? What’s wrong?”

  “I tried to get the teddy bear and I missed every time.” She was pointing despondently at the claw machine.

  I backed up and Skylar rushed to Bella’s side, kneeling. “Oh, Bells, it’s okay. Those machines are no good anyway. Everyone always loses. That’s what they’re designed for.”

  In my wallet, there were still a few ones. I reached in and pulled them out, then handed them to Bella. “Tell you what,” I said. “You go get me some quarters, and I’ll win you the teddy bear, okay?”

  Gulping and sniffling, Bella nodded and did as she was asked. She returned with eight quarters in her little hand, holding them out to me.

  Skylar’s face was a little worried. “You’re going to break her heart if you don’t win her the teddy bear, you know.”

  I shrugged. “Nothing to worry about.” I had been playing these claw machines for my cousins for ages, and I’d gotten weirdly good at them. I almost never lost.

  “We could promise her a cookie instead …” Skylar said, inching closer as if she were trying to use her body to block the machine.

  “No need. Seriously.” I approached the machine and took my place at the controls. “Bella? Quarter, please.”

  Bella deposited a quarter into the slot and pressed her hands and face against the glass. I quickly maneuvered the claw into position and stepped back.

  “Okay, Bella. Hit the button.”

  She tapped the red button and the claw dropped. I could almost hear Skylar holding her breath. The claw dropped, gripped the brown teddy bear Bella had been after, and deposited the bear into the prize chute. As it fell, Bella pumped her fist into the air and cheered.

  She grabbed the bear from the machine and held it tight against her chest. Then she innocently peered up at me. “Do it again!”

  I grinned. “One more time.” I sized up the stuffed animals in the machine and spotted a blue penguin. Blue, her favorite color! Perfect. “Ready?”

  Bella nodded. “Do it.” She pushed another quarter into the machine, and I did my thing. The claw dropped directly over the penguin and grabbed it. There was a moment where it started to slip, and even I stopped breathing for a second, but it held fast. That penguin was m
ine. Or Skylar’s, really.

  I scooped it out and held it out to Skylar. “This one’s for you.”

  Her cheeks were pink as she gingerly took it from my hand. “Thank you.” She hesitated for a moment before leaning forward. I held my breath as she rewarded my efforts with a kiss. Bella made an excellent soundtrack, ooohing at us from a couple feet away.

  “All right, Bells,” Skylar said after pulling away. “It’s probably time I get you home.”

  “Aww, Sky,” Bella whined. “Do we have to?”

  “Yes, we have to. It’s late. Past your bedtime. I don’t want you to be cranky tomorrow. Say ‘goodnight’ to Mr. Max. And ‘thank you,’ too.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Max. Goodnight.”

  Skylar took one step closer to me. “Thanks, Mr. Max,” she said quietly, leaving one last kiss on my lips. “Goodnight.”

  Before I had a chance to say anything else, they were walking away, Skylar holding out her hand to Bella, each with a stuffed animal in their arm. As I watched them depart, the nerves in my stomach dissipated. After that kind of night, I felt pretty good about my chances.

  Chapter 13


  I’d kissed Max and Parker. Not only had I kissed Max and Parker, but I’d liked it … a lot. Too much! I had a dream Saturday night after getting home that I was in a hot tub surrounded by Max and Parker and Devin. They were all giving me lusty eyes and I just went around to each of them, making out with them, one after the other. It was a hot dream, so super hot! But it was wrong!

  All day Sunday was more torture. None of the guys were at work. I was stuck with the new girl who chatted incessantly about how hot and handsome and rich she thought Max. It took all I had not to yell at her that she was wasting her time dreaming about him, because he was so clearly into me, but I resisted. Whatever was going on between me and Max wasn’t destined to last.

  It was the same for my relationship with Parker too, if I were honest with myself. But maybe it could work out with one of them? Which one, though? I didn’t know either well enough yet to make that call. And if I dated one, they probably had a stupid bro code that meant I couldn’t date the others. I was totally in a no-win situation.

  Monday morning I sat down at the kitchen table to grab myself a quick bowl of cereal when my mom came in. She poured herself a cup of coffee and came to sit with me. “Hey, Skylar. How are you doing?” She said it in her mom voice, which meant ‘I’m pretending to be interested in everything you have to say, but I know something and I want you to tell me on your own so I don’t seem overbearing.’

  “I’m great. Just eating some Fruit Loops.”

  “That stuff’s not good for you, you know.”

  “I know. But I’d rather die of gut cancer than eat oatmeal.”

  She frowned at me as she sipped her coffee.

  “What did you want to know, Mom? You’re creeping me out, and the bus will be here soon.”

  She huffed and pretended to be offended. “Can’t a mom just sit down and have breakfast with her daughter?”

  “Maybe. But not you. Hurry up, or I’m going to grill you on your job search.”

  “Fine,” she said after a moment’s hesitation. “Bella said you were kissing a man from the art museum. And since you brought home a different boy the night we were pampered with extravagant Christmas decorations, I was just wondering if I should be worried.”

  I might kill my little sister.

  I let out a sigh and pushed my colorful cereal around in the creamy white milk. “You should not be worried. And Max isn’t a man. He’s a guy, my age. He was helping with the Van Gogh class that Bella took. And I work with him.”

  My mom was quiet for a moment, and when I looked up I could practically see the wheels turning in her brain. “So … are you hoping to date him and break up with the Wells boy?”

  I cleared my throat and wiggled in my seat. I did not want to talk about my dating life with my mother. Not now, not ever.

  “Mom.” I put down my spoon, then shoved my hands between my thighs and the seat of my chair as I met her gaze. “I love you, but it’s my personal business. Trust that you’ve raised me right and I’ll make good choices.”

  Her eyes bounced back and forth between mine before she sighed and sat back, tension leaving her. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I nodded and stood up, grabbing my dirty dish. “Thank you.” After putting it into the sink, I pulled on my coat, grabbed my backpack, and gave my mom a brief hug before leaving the trailer. I smiled at the wreath on the door, a little reindeer cheerily smiling from the bottom of it. Parker said it was the same face he made whenever he thought of me outside of work.

  I hefted the strap of my backpack up my shoulder as I stepped down off the front deck. Maybe Parker was the one I should try to date. My dad clearly hated him, which might be amusing. I pictured awkward holiday dinners.

  The bus arrived and I filed on. I took my seat and remembered my Calculus homework was due this afternoon. I had heard that the Dunam kids got out of school a whole week early, but for those of us on the public school calendar, there were a few days left. I pulled my book out and something blue dropped to my lap. I smiled at the penguin and then shoved it back into my book bag.

  “Ooh, what was that?”

  I opened my book and tried to avoid looking at my friend Gina as she stared at me with a wide grin on her lips. “Calculus homework?”

  “No! I meant …” She grunted as we fought for control of the book bag, but in the end, she won and whipped out the penguin, holding it close to my face. “This!”

  I laughed and snatched it, giving him a little pet before putting him back into my bag. “It’s nothing.”

  “Liar. Come on, tell your bestie all about this dream man who wins you penguins, and buys you Christmas decorations.”

  My eyes snapped to hers and she nodded knowingly. “Oh yeah. We all saw. It’s a small trailer park. Some good looking boy in a yellow Jeep is playing Santa with you this year?”

  I looked back to my book, my cheeks flaming. Was that what he was doing? Playing Santa with me? Maybe she was right. Maybe Parker was just making me his charity case. “I don’t know. I mean it’s nothing.”

  Gina nudged me and leaned in. “It looked way hotter than nothing. I had sweet dreams that night picturing me making out with that hottie. If you don’t want him, I’ll gladly volunteer.”

  I shifted in my seat and shook my head. “He’s all yours.”

  Gina shrugged her shoulders with satisfaction. “Well that was easy.” She nudged me again, sending my pencil across the page. “Oh, sorry,” she said when I sent her a withering look. “Come on, Sky, you always do this. A guy likes you and you turn into a turtle.”

  “No. A guy wants to have sex with me and I turn into a turtle.”

  “Same thing. Look, all I’m saying is I saw what was going on between you two. I saw the way he looked at you when you were standing on the porch before that kissing happened. He doesn’t just want to get into your pants. He wants something more. I can tell.”

  I scoffed. She had no idea what she was talking about. She didn’t even know him. He was a senior at Dunam. He was a football star. He was going places. Places far, far away from here. In six months, he’d be gone. And I doubted Max or Devin were going to stick around either. Honestly after the Christmas gig was over, they’d forget all about me. I was probably just a fun distraction of the Pretty Woman variety.

  I was still struggling with the whole triangle thing when the bus pulled up to school. Could I just casually date them all until this Christmas thing was over? Probably … but I needed to make it clear from the get-go that whatever it was between us it wasn’t serious. And no matter what, I was not going to put out. That alone might knock one or two—or even all three—out of the arena.

  Yep. Next time I saw one of them, I was going to be blunt and make my expectations clear.

  Chapter 14


  I couldn’t bel
ieve I’d spent the first Monday of winter break wearing a suit, and sitting in a boring meeting with the Dean of Admissions at Harvard. I’d smiled when I was supposed to smile, I’d made all the right quips. I did everything my parents had taught me to do to show off just how well I’d fit into the Harvard culture. But all that was going through my mind during the meeting was the bet I’d made with Max and Parker. My parents had made me go out of town with them to visit my grandfather so I was already two days behind the other guys.

  The second the meeting was over, I sprinted to my car and checked the time. It was perfect—I had just about a half hour to get to Eastside High and sweep Skylar off her feet.

  My car purred to life and I drove as quickly as I thought I could get away with. I arrived at Eastside just as the students began pouring out of their classes, and I pulled into the bus loop, risking the wrath of the administration. Once I was there, I waited, eyes scanning the students for Skylar.

  I spotted her, and tapped the horn twice to get her attention. She swiveled around, and I remembered the scent of peaches I’d been so obsessed with after the last time she’d been in my car. I’d even asked my mom to get peaches at the grocery store and had eaten three since, just to feel closer to her.

  Her face didn’t light up with delight, which I’d kind of hoped for. Instead, she looked surprised, then confused, then a little panicked. Her hazel eyes went wide, and her mouth fell open a little. I rolled the window down and leaned over the passenger’s seat.

  “Hey, Sky! Need a ride to work? Home?”

  Skylar’s cheeks turned pink and she skittered over to my car. “What are you doing here?”

  My grin faltered. Why wasn’t she happy to see me? “I thought I’d come pick you up and see if you were free. I have a need, and that need is for a laser tag partner. C’mon. Join me. Please?”

  “Do rich people play laser tag in a suit?”


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