Starting Anew (Life Unexpected Book 3)

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Starting Anew (Life Unexpected Book 3) Page 8

by Melanie D. Snitker

  “I’m just hoping and praying I can keep Mia happy and not ruin the wedding.”

  Nathan chuckled. “I don’t think you have to worry about that.”

  “I sure hope not. But you might be surprised just how much of a klutz I really am.” She hated the way she talked too much when she was nervous. And right now, between being in the front row for a wedding full of people she barely knew and the handsome man before her that kept getting her distracted, she had all kinds of reasons to be nervous.

  Please, God, just help us get through this without messing something up.

  Her nerves must have shone through because Nathan placed a warm, comforting hand over hers. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you being here. Mia’s fine. I think Chess and Brooke are just about ready. Thirty minutes from now, we’ll be taking pictures and then it’ll be time for some cake.”

  Lynn nodded, suddenly feeling very silly for her reaction. If anyone ought to be nervous, it should be Brooke. “I’m sorry. We’re good here, you go help Chess. We’ll see you in a while.”

  He squeezed her hand. Before standing, he leaned in closer and whispered, “I meant what I said. You look beautiful today.” With that, he was gone.

  Lynn’s heart thudded against her ribs as his compliment took root and sent warmth to every cell in her body.

  Maybe it was a good thing she was sitting in the front row after all—there were fewer people to see her face had turned pink. She looked down at the pale green dress and reminded herself to thank Sharon for the color recommendation.

  Mia kept her busy as everyone took their places, including Chess at the front near the pastor with Nathan by his side. Mia pointed to her daddy who waved at her, earning him a bright smile. He offered Lynn one before turning his attention back to Chess.

  Minutes later, music began and the guests turned to watch as Anna came down the aisle of the small church, her arms full of flowers and a happy smile on her face.

  As soon as she reached her spot and turned, the music changed again and they watched Brooke slowly make her way down the center aisle, her arm tucked into Joel’s. Her white wedding dress was gorgeous, yet simple. There was no long train, yet the beads and lace created the perfect combination.

  What Lynn noticed the most, though, was the way Brooke glowed. She all but floated down the aisle, her eyes on no one but Chess ahead. And when Joel transferred her hand to Chess’s, it was clear her intended felt the same way.

  That right there was what Lynn wanted some day. To walk down the aisle and be worried about no one but the man she was in love with. For him to look at her—wait for her—with such love.

  Joel took a seat on the other side of Mia. The little girl handed him the book she was holding before turning and climbing into Lynn’s lap. Lynn wrapped her arms around Mia and held her close as the ceremony began.

  It was beautiful, short, and perfect. Lynn caught Nathan looking over at her and Mia twice. Most likely to see how his daughter was doing.

  When the ceremony was over, everyone stood and clapped. Mia seemed excited to clap with all the adults. Anna went to the front of the church and raised her hand for attention. Once the room quieted, she spoke.

  “Thank you so much for coming. We’re going to be taking some pictures of the wedding party. We hope that you’ll make your way to the dining hall where lunch will be served. I promise we will all join you before long.”

  Nathan had told Lynn before the ceremony that they wanted to get a family picture or two that included Mia, but then Lynn would probably watch her for a bit while the rest of the photos were taken. Lynn remained behind as the rest of the guests filed out.

  “You did so well!” Nathan scooped Mia into his arms and spun her around. “Thanks for being such a good girl for Uncle Chess and Aunt Brooke.”

  Mia struggled to get down, but Nathan tightened his grip on her. “Not yet, little lady. Come let us take a few pictures, then I’ll bring you back to Miss Lynn.”

  True to his word, it wasn’t but ten minutes before he returned. “Thank you again, Lynn. You’ve been a lifesaver today.” He placed a hand on her arm. “You two should go get something to eat so you’re not waiting around here. I’ll find you as soon as I can.”

  Lynn nodded. Mia was starting to get fussy, likely due to hunger. But Lynn wished she could stay there in the sanctuary with Nathan.

  By the time she fed Mia, ate a little something herself, and then watched the new married couple cut the cake, she’d had just about enough of crowds. Besides, her young charge kept yawning and was beginning to look droopy.

  Other than a glimpse or two, they hadn’t seen Nathan since they’d left the photo shoot.

  Lynn patted Mia’s back as the girl laid her head on Lynn’s shoulder. “Come on, bug, let’s find a place for you to rest.”

  She considered the nursery, but someone had mentioned that it was being manned so young children could be left there during the ceremony if needed. Instead, Lynn walked through the church and back to the sanctuary. The doors had been closed and lights lowered. Perfect.

  She pushed the front of two cushioned chairs together creating a makeshift bed. The moment she laid Mia down, the girl released a gentle sigh and that was it. Earlier, Lynn had noticed a light blanket in the bag so she took that out and covered Mia before standing again and stretching her back.

  It was so much quieter here. With the doors closed, she couldn’t hear anyone else, and the peace did wonders for a developing headache as well as releasing the tension in her neck. She looked around the room, admiring the pretty flowers and the way they filled the whole area with their gentle scent.

  That’s when her gaze landed on the small piano in the corner of the room, and it may as well have been calling to her.

  Lynn ran a hand over the smooth surface. Goosebumps peppered her arms as her fingers slid over the top, down the slope, and then rested on the keys.

  There was a time when this was where she spent most of her free hours. Allowing her fingers to dance across the keys was her life. Would she still know how to play? Or would the chords escape her?

  Even as she wondered, she could see them in her mind. Feel them beneath her fingers. She’d lived for playing the piano, and it wasn’t something she could forget. Goodness knows she’d tried.

  Lynn glanced at Mia who was still sound asleep. As she slid onto the bench seat in front of the piano, she could easily see Mia so she’d know if the girl started to stir. Mia had proven she could sleep through almost anything at Little Lambs, so Lynn knew she was safe.

  She took in a deep breath, held it, and tentatively put some pressure on the keys. The moment that chord filled her ears, she was gone. Whisked away to a time when her life was more carefree. A time when music was her only true concern. A time when music could fix everything.

  A single tear rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away, sniffed once, and poured her heart onto the keys. She allowed the music to carry her away from her parents’ disappointment and her failed career. Away from the stalker who’d stolen her confidence and replaced it with fear.

  And then there was Nathan.

  She knew then that she was falling in love with him. But he didn’t even know who she was. Would he walk away from her when he found out the truth?

  Unwilling to face that right now, she simply played, and felt a tiny bit of her heart heal in the process.

  Chapter Nine

  Seeing Chess and Brooke happy was the most amazing part of the whole wedding ceremony—barbecue sandwiches and mini burgers included. Nathan hated that he and Lynn took shifts eating and that he’d been unable to spend meaningful time with her. At the same time, it was a huge relief to know that Mia was well taken care of and happy so that he could concentrate on his brother.

  Now that the happy couple was busy thanking their guests for coming, he was free to find Lynn and Mia. The trouble was, he hadn’t seen them except for a quick glance when the wedding cake was cut. Where had they gone to?

>   The first place he checked was the church’s nursery and then the kitchen. When he didn’t find them there, he went back to the sanctuary. The doors had been shut, but even before he opened them, the sound of piano music reached his ears. The narrow window in each door didn’t give him much of a view inside.

  The stark contrast between his surroundings and the song took Nathan a moment to recognize the tune: “Walking in Memphis.” It reminded him of the version by Lonestar.

  He quietly slipped into the sanctuary before closing the doors again.

  Lynn wasn’t singing, but she didn’t need to. The way her fingers caressed the keys, expertly playing each note, had the words playing in his mind. He’d never learned to play an instrument, but he knew enough about music to acknowledge the complexity with which Lynn was playing.

  Nathan scanned the room and spotted Mia sleeping peacefully across two chairs, and his heart turned over in his chest.

  He approached and eased into a chair near Mia. Lynn’s chin raised and her eyes widened in surprise when she saw him. He immediately motioned for her to continue.

  To her credit, she never faltered. With one more glance at him, her eyelids lowered as music flowed through her.

  When the last notes ended, she opened her eyes again and focused on him. Even in the low lights of the sanctuary, there was no missing the blush in her cheeks or the peace in her eyes.

  Nathan approached the piano and joined her on the long bench. “That was beautiful, Lynn. I’ve always loved that song.”

  She nodded. “Me, too.” She ran a hand along the top of the piano. “It was one of the first songs I learned to play.”

  “You’re a natural. When you said you played the piano, I figured you probably plunked around on it from time to time. But this.” He shook his head in awe. “You are incredibly talented. You should do something with your music.”

  He watched as doubt clouded her features. What happened to make her question her talent? He wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about her.

  Suddenly, this seemed like the right time. They were alone—well, mostly alone since Mia was sleeping—and the sanctuary was quiet. Now that the wedding was over, who knew when he’d have the chance to really talk to Lynn again?

  He shifted on the bench to face her. “Lynn, I’ve been thinking and praying a lot lately.” He swallowed hard. “You’ve been so kind to Mia. She’s completely taken with you, I hope you know that. And she’s not the only one.”

  As his words sank in, Lynn pulled one corner of her bottom lip between her teeth. Nathan wanted to capture her lips with his then and there. He took in a deep breath to steady the gallop of his heart.

  Lynn shook her head and released her bottom lip. “There’s a lot about me that you don’t know, Nathan. Things I need to tell you—but not here. Not right now.” The way she cast a furtive glance at the doors made it seem as though she might be ready to escape at any moment.

  What all could she possibly have to tell him? Whatever it was, he was certain they could work through it. Together.

  Nathan rested a hand on her shoulder and let his thumb lightly brush against her neck. There he could feel each heartbeat as she looked into his eyes. “We’ll find a time to talk and soon. I promise.” Mia stirred and he knew that their private moment was likely coming to an end. “I care about you, Lynn. It’d be easy for me to fall in love with you. I’m already well on my way. What I need to know is whether you could feel the same way about me.”

  He held his breath and counted the pulses of her heart beneath his thumb. What if she turned him down? What if she got up and left without saying anything at all?

  He watched a mix of emotions cross her eyes. Her lashes fell, creating dark crescents against her pretty cheeks, only to lift again a moment later. When her lips parted, her soft voice had his entire attention.

  “I’m scared, Nathan. Because I’m falling in love with you, too.”

  Nathan released the air he’d kept trapped in his lungs, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. His relief colliding with exhilaration had him leaning in to gently cover her lips with his own.

  He took his time, gently exploring her lips in a chaste kiss that blew every other kiss he’d ever experienced right out of the water. Lynn’s hand went to the back of his neck and he moved to pull her closer when the sanctuary door banged open.

  Lynn jumped and their kiss ended way before Nathan wanted it to. He looked toward the entrance to find Chess standing there, an amused look on his face. “Sorry, guys. Brooke and I are about to head out, and we didn’t want to leave before saying goodbye.” He turned and spoke to someone in the hallway, then held the door open for Brooke to enter the sanctuary before him.

  Nathan admired Lynn’s beautiful face for a moment before taking her hand and helping her stand. He’d thought about keeping her hand in his, but she stepped away as Mia sat up and rubbed her eyes with one fist.

  Brooke and Lynn reached the little girl at the same time. Brooke smoothed some hair out of Mia’s eyes. “You did such a great job, Mia. I’m proud of you. And your dress looks so pretty.”

  As though she’d just remembered her dress, Mia stood from the chair and ran a hand down the fabric to straighten it with her chubby little hands. Both women chuckled.

  Chess moved to stand next to Nathan. “You’ll have to fill me in later. Although I think I can guess at the outcome of your discussion.” His eyes twinkled.

  Nathan tipped his head toward the women. “And I think you have something more important to worry yourself about right now.”

  Chess grinned. “Yes. Yes, I do. I just wish I could take her on a proper honeymoon now.”

  Brooke was in the middle of some college classes, and the couple had decided to wait until summer to go somewhere together. They’d have the weekend before life would return to normal. Or, at least, their new normal.

  “It’s just a couple of months. It’ll be worth the wait.” Nathan went to lift Mia in his arms. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s go wave to Uncle Chess and Aunt Brooke.”

  Lynn picked up the diaper bag, but Nathan took it from her and slung it over one shoulder. Then, in a move he knew was probably bold, he reached for her hand. The moment he had it nestled within his, he felt her relax and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  This. He could so get used to this.


  It’d only been a few days since he’d arrived in Fort Worth, but Jeb was already going stir-crazy. Yesterday, he’d tried to occupy himself by going to a mall and looking around. It didn’t work, though.

  Before leaving Tennessee, Jeb set up alerts on his social media accounts to inform him if someone posted anything to do with Bethany Truitt. He often got pings for just Bethany, or even Truitt associated with other things.

  Every time his phone pinged, he was checking to see if there was another sighting of Bethany. Each time, he’d been disappointed.

  He’d convinced his brother he’d only be gone for a few days, but Jeb knew full well he’d wait however long it took. Even if it meant spending way too much time staring at the drab wallpaper of his hotel room.

  He expected much the same this time when his phone sounded with an all-too-familiar ping. This time, he wasn’t disappointed in the target content.

  “I saw Bethany Truitt go into a church in Dallas earlier. Check it out!” The accompanying photo left no doubt about it.

  There was Bethany, a playful smile on her face, just before entering the church. Thankfully, the name of the church was prominently displayed on the glass door she was about to walk through.

  Jeb’s heart raced as he did a search for the church online. Barely taking time to pull the hotel room door closed behind him, he flew down the stairs and hopped into his car.

  If he was going to catch her, he had to get moving. Who knew why she was at the church or how long she’d be there. He couldn’t risk missing this opportunity to finally see her again.


  Lynn couldn’t hav
e been more surprised than when Nathan took her hand in his in front of his family. There was something about standing out there with everyone, waving goodbye to Chess and Brooke, and feeling as though she belonged with him and Mia. It was an entirely new experience, and one she was certain she could quickly get used to.

  The guests thinned out after that. Before long, it was time to head home. Anna volunteered to hold Mia so that Nathan could walk Lynn to her car. Once there, she unlocked the door then turned to face him.

  “I think that was successful. Mia did so well, too. She’s such a sweetheart.”

  Nathan smiled, his eyes never leaving Lynn’s face. “Yeah, she did. Mostly thanks to you.” He leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to her cheek near the corner of her mouth. “I’ve got plans with Joel and Anna this afternoon and tomorrow. I’m sure you could join us.”

  Lynn shook her head. “I wish I could, but you should be with your family. Besides, I really do want to have the chance to talk.” The thought of telling him everything had her stomach in knots.

  “Of course. I’ll talk to Anna and Joel and see if they can keep Mia one evening this week so I can take you to dinner or something.” He smiled. “What do you say, Lynn Crosby. Will you go out with me?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Lynn enjoyed the feel of Nathan’s arms around her as he kissed her gently. It wasn’t until they’d finally stepped apart and she climbed into her car that the nerves started building.

  Would he continue calling her Lynn after she told him about her past? Or Bethany? Or would he want nothing to do with her at all? At least it’d be a relief to tell him the truth about everything.

  “Lord, please help Nathan to understand why I didn’t tell him about everything sooner.” She thought back to the wedding and smiled. “And thank you for an amazing day.”


  “There you are.”

  The moment Jeb caught sight of Bethany, it was as though the last two years without her melted away. She’d been lost. To him. To the world. And here she was again. He’d found her. And he’d make sure he never lost track of her again.


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