The Wide Receiver Outcast

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The Wide Receiver Outcast Page 12

by Emma Wolfe

  In desperation, I stepped forward as if I would be able to protect Matthew if Grayson lunged. I glared at my brother as the emotions of losing him and then seeing him again pulsated through me. “Where have you been?” I asked.

  There was no way he was going to get out of explaining why he’d left. Why he’d stayed away. And why the heck he was standing in front of me instead of being chained to a wall or boarded in a locked room, unable to get out.

  From what I could see, he’d voluntarily stayed away. And that realization angered me more than I thought it would. I’d been sick with worry for him, but from the way he looked right now, that worry hadn’t been necessary.

  “What have you been doing?” Grayson growled. His gaze remained on Matthew, like he was threatening Matthew to move.

  I pressed my hand on Matthew’s chest and gently pushed him away. He stepped back and I felt better, less claustrophobic, as I stood there. I took a deep breath and faced Grayson.

  “I was looking for you,” I said. Emotions coated my throat, making it hard to speak. I swallowed, hoping that I could push them down.

  “That was stupid. You know better than to go galavanting around the woods with wolves you don’t know.” His gaze shot daggers in Matthew’s direction.

  Matthew straightened as he stepped forward, but I grabbed his arm to stop him. This wasn’t the time or place to fight. Not with the sun threatening to peek up over the trees. The world was going to start waking up, and if we didn’t get back, people would notice.

  “It’s not your job to protect me. Not when you leave and don’t come back,” I said as I pushed away from the tree, tears stinging my eyes. I was so frustrated and angry with him that I couldn’t contain it inside of me anymore. I needed to pace. I needed to work off the energy that was pulsing through me.

  “You’re such a child, Brielle. Just because you’re not involved with something doesn’t mean you should take it upon yourself to fix things. I was staying away to protect you. To protect Rose.” His last words were quiet as he glanced down. His brow furrowed, and I could see the disappointment he had for himself linger there.

  I studied him. Feeling the brokenness my brother felt for what had happened to his fate. And it wasn’t until now that I realized how truly devastating it was to a wolf. Your fate is everything. You’d die to protect the one you are meant to be with. It wasn’t even a question. It was an action.

  And I could feel that pain and worry as it cascaded through my brother as he held his fate in his arms. I stepped forward, wanting to console him. To let him know that I understood.

  Grayson winced as I approached. Rose was clinging to him, her face bloody and bruised. I stared at her, wondering what the heck had happened.

  “I need to get her back to Smoky Hills,” he said. Grayson’s gruff exterior was slipping, and I could see concern in his eyes. He was worried for Rose. He was worried for me.

  I nodded and swallowed down all of my emotions. This wasn’t the time to fly off the handle. Even though I didn’t understand what had happened, I knew demanding he explain right now was selfish. And I didn’t want to do that to Rose.

  She looked scared, and I could feel her fright emanating from her.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  Grayson shot me grateful look, and then we both turned and began to walk toward town. I could hear Matthew walking behind us. His footsteps fell heavy on the forest floor.

  Grayson growled as he glanced over his shoulder. “I think I can take it from here,” he said.

  I glared at my brother and then glanced back at Matthew. “Don’t listen to him.”

  Grayson stared at me. “You don’t know where he’s from. Or why he’s here. Why would you bring a stranger along with you?”

  I swallowed. I knew what Grayson was saying was true, but that didn’t mean anything to me. Right now, I trusted Matthew more than I trusted Grayson.

  “You left. I had to find you. Matthew helped.”

  Grayson snorted as he gently adjusted Rose, who whimpered. His expression was pained as he pulled her closer to his chest. I could feel his love for her. It was as real as what I was feeling for Matthew. So the fact that he was downplaying what had happened between me and Matthew angered me.

  I could feel heat as it pricked at the back of my neck. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying exactly what I thought. He had no idea what I’d been through. And being around Matthew had calmed me in a way I doubted could have happened with anyone else.

  So the fact that my brother, the one who knew exactly what I was feeling, was acting this way angered me.

  Luckily, Grayson seemed too distracted with Rose to talk. Instead, he focused his attention on avoiding branches and not jostling her as he sidestepped roots and fallen tree trunks.

  I began to slow my gait until I was walking beside Matthew. His head was down, and I could tell he was thinking. I wanted to ask what about, but I doubted he would tell me.

  Everything okay? I asked as I pushed into his thoughts. It seemed easier than normal. As if we were on the same wavelength and, instead of needing permission, we could just join at will.

  Matthew glanced over at me, and I could see the pain inside of his gaze. He was worried about something.

  What’s wrong? Is it Grayson? Don’t worry about him. He’ll get over it. A sense of panic rose up inside of me. I could feel him slipping away, and it scared me. We’d only just begun. How could he pull away?

  I reached out to grab his hand, but he must have sensed my intention. Instead, he shoved both of his hands into his front pockets and pulled away. Elle, no.

  Tears formed on my eyelids again. I blinked, trying to push them away. He couldn’t treat me like this. Not after our kiss. Not after I opened my heart up to him and trusted him.

  He’d fated with me. I knew that. I could feel it. It was as palpable as what I felt for him.

  What are you saying? I asked, grateful that, in my mind, my voice wasn’t affected by my emotions.

  He glanced over at me and held my gaze. Then he dropped his gaze to the ground and shrugged. There’s so much about me that you don’t know. He paused, and I saw his shoulders rise and fall from his breath. He was worried about something.

  Then why don’t you tell me? I asked, reached out and resting my hand on his arm. I reveled in the feeling of my hand on his skin. Touching him felt right. Caring for him felt right.

  It was like I’d been shut off from the one person I needed to be with. He was my person. My soul knew it. My inner wolf knew it too.

  “Say goodnight.” Grayson’s voice cut through my thoughts.

  I glanced up to see that we were standing on the outskirts of Smoky Hills. The sky was warming, preparing to welcome the sun.

  In the morning light, I could see Grayson’s face. I could see the worry etched in his expression. His eyes were dark as they stared at Matthew. I could feel his warning. It was written in his body language and gaze.

  He was challenging Matthew to make a move.

  “I should go,” Matthew said as he stepped back, breaking the connection between us.

  I parted my lips to beg him to stay. I hated that Grayson had this hold over him. That no matter what I said, he was going to listen to my big, overbearing brother.

  I’ll find you later, Matthew’s voice entered my thoughts.

  Not wanting Grayson to sense that we were speaking to each other, I sighed and made my way over to where Grayson stood. I waved to Matthew as I followed after my brother. As soon as we stepped out of the woods and onto the grass around Smoky Hills, I peeked over my shoulder.

  I channeled my thoughts until I was sure I’d found Matthew’s mind. It felt warm and familiar, like I’d come home.

  You better, I said, making sure to emphasize the flirtatious way I was feeling.

  I could hear him chuckling, and then suddenly he was gone. He had shifted and was now running far away from Smoky Hills.

  For a moment, I wondered where he was going. And, for
a moment, all I wanted was to go with him.

  But Grayson wasn’t going to allow it. And from the energy my brother was putting off, this wasn’t the time to challenge him.

  There was something happening to our world. An unease that I could feel from every shifter that roamed our mountains.

  Whatever this change was going to be, wasn’t good.

  Shifters were going to challenge each other, which meant shifters were going to die. With my heart pulled in different directions, I’d never felt this fact more poignantly than I did right now.

  When it came down to it, who was I going to protect?

  Who was I going to choose?



  I ached everywhere.

  My body. My heart. My soul.

  My head.

  I was pretty sure I was broken, and I doubted I would ever be the same again.

  Something had happened in those woods. Something beyond being kidnapped and that thug beating me up.

  No. Something had happened to Grayson. Something I was never going to understand, no matter how much I wanted to.

  He was different. I could see it in his eyes. I could feel it in the connection that bound the two of us together.

  My heart ached for my weak, human state. He deserved so much better than me. If he were in love with another shifter, he would be able to love her like he should. He wouldn’t have to worry about her being hurt. She would be able to take care of herself.

  Something I hadn’t been able to do.

  Grayson walked up the back stairs of Cora’s house, clutching me to his chest. I could feel his heart beating. It was fast and steady. I’d felt his heartbeat before, and compared to that, what he was feeling now was more intense. Like he was worried or agitated.

  Whatever it was, I feared it was because of me.

  That I somehow had ruined his plans.

  He knocked a few times on Cora’s door and waited. When no one answered, he growled and took a few steps back as he stared up at the top-floor apartment. He paused, tipping his ear in the direction of the nearby window. Then his gaze flicked to Brielle, who was standing a few feet off.

  “Go. Get Cora to open the door.”

  Brielle looked worn-out, but she nodded. A few seconds later, she scaled the nearby tree, opened a window, and slipped inside.

  A few seconds later, I heard a muffled scream and then the clamoring of footsteps on the stairs. The lock released and the door opened, exposing Cora’s tousled hair and puffy eyes.

  One look at me and her arms were around my neck, pulling me into a hug.

  “You’re home. You’re okay,” she murmured as she pulled back to study me. Her brows furrowed as her gaze swept over my face. “What happened to her?” she asked, glancing up at Grayson.

  I felt him stiffen as he drew me closer to him.

  “I need to clean her up. Can we use your bathroom?”

  Cora nodded and stepped out of the way. “My mom’s out for a run so you should have some privacy for the next thirty minutes.”

  I shot her a thankful smile, but that only lasted a few seconds. Grayson seemed to be done with the pleasantries as he carried me through the doorway and up the stairs. I heard Cora mention something about breakfast, but I never heard the end of her sentence. Instead, I was whisked into Cora’s apartment and then into the bathroom.

  Grayson set me down on the edge of the tub and then turned and locked the door. Silence filled the room as Grayson stood there, frozen. His back was to me, and I could see his shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath.

  I wanted to reach out. I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to tell him that I was okay, but I wasn’t sure if he would listen. There was something different about him. An anger that I’d never felt before.

  It was pulsating from him and filling every corner of the room.

  “Grayson,” I whispered. My throat felt raw. The fabric that had been shoved into my mouth had dried it out, and no amount of swallowing seemed to fix it.

  His shoulders tightened as if he heard the change in my tone as well. He paused, and the silence felt as if it would deafen me.

  Then he moved. He walked over to the sink, grabbed the glass that was sitting next to the faucet, and flipped the water on. After he filled it, he turned and shoved the glass in my direction.

  “Here. Drink,” he said.

  My eyes were wide as I slowly nodded. I tipped the cup to my lips and let the smooth liquid cool my burning throat.

  While I drank, Grayson busied himself with gathering supplies from around the room. A washcloth, some soap, a dry towel. He stacked them next to him on the counter. Then he wetted the washcloth and turned toward me.

  He stared everywhere but at me.

  I studied him. His gaze was stern. His jaw was tight. He looked so worried. So angry. So broken. It pulled at my heart in way I didn’t know how to handle.

  I wanted to comfort him. I wanted to tell him that he didn’t have to worry. That I was fine. That the last thing I wanted him to do was blame himself.

  But he didn’t look like he would listen.

  So I did the only thing I knew how to do. It was the only way I knew to get through to him.

  I showed him.

  I reached out and cradled his face in my hands.

  My touch must have shocked him because he snapped back and his gaze dropped to meet mine. His brow furrowed as I saw pain pulsating through him.

  “Grayson,” I said again. This time, more forceful. I needed him to hear me. I needed him to understand what I was about to say. “I’m fine,” I whispered.

  Grayson’s gaze made its way up to my forehead and rested there. Then he shook his head, breaking my contact, and turned to face the sink. “No, you’re not, Rose. You’re not okay.”

  Feeling as if he were slipping away, I stood behind him. I stared at his reflection in the mirror. He wasn’t going to shut me out. I wouldn’t let him.

  “Grayson, look at me,” I whispered. Tears were flowing down my face. My heart was breaking, and I was exhausted. It was an awful combination.

  Grayson’s gaze flicked up to me, and he held it there. I could see his jaw muscles flinching. I knew he hated that I was crying. He was my protector. He’d always been my protector. Even if I didn’t want him to be.

  Even if it meant he needed to protect me from himself.

  “I am,” he said. “I am looking at you. And all I see is the pain my family inflicted on you. The pain that comes to a human when they love a shifter.” He turned and faced me. “My family killed your parents. They were the ones who left you an orphan.”

  He closed his eyes as his chest fell. I could only imagine the weight that he was carrying on his shoulders. The pain of what happened to me back then and now.

  But he wasn’t his family. He hadn’t killed anyone. He took care of me. He’d saved me. He had to see that it made more sense for him to be around me than far away.

  I slipped my fingers under his chin and pressed up. I needed him to look at me. I needed him to know what I was about to say was true.

  He moved—reluctantly. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and stared at me. I could feel his pain. I could feel his regret. It was as palpable as my own.

  “I don’t care about any of that anymore. What happened to my parents is in the past. They wouldn’t want me to hold a grudge. They wouldn’t want me to be unhappy with my future.” I stepped closer to him and pressed my hands onto his chest. I could feel his heart pounding. I could feel his breaths deepen. I could feel him lean into me. He wanted this as much as I did.

  He needed me as much as I needed him.

  “Rose…what if I can’t protect you? What if this happens again?” He dipped his face closer to mine. His warmth—his being—cascaded over me like a waterfall.

  My body sang from his proximity. All I wanted—all I needed—was his touch. When he was next to me, holding me, everything was right with the world.

  I rose up onto my tiptoes an
d pressed my lips to the bottom of his chin. He pulled back as he met my gaze. I could feel his desire. It was mixed with his wish to pull away. I needed to convince him fully, before he changed his mind.

  “I can’t live without you. Please don’t push me away again. Please don’t leave me.” A tear slid down my cheek as I stared at him. He had to know that leaving me would hurt me far worse than whatever his family could do to me.

  I loved him. Wholly and completely. There was nothing that would keep him away from me.

  “I love you,” I whispered. Emotions clung to my throat, and I breathed them out with every word.

  Grayson held my gaze for a moment longer, and then it seemed as if a dam had broken inside of him. One that he’d been using to keep his feelings for me at bay.

  Butterflies erupted inside of my stomach as he wrapped his arms around my waist and crushed his lips to mine. My entire body tingled as he pulled me up and pressed my body to his.

  Not wanting him to regret our kiss and pull away, I wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms clung to his neck as I kept my lips locked with his.

  We fell into a dance. Our lips parted, and we spent that time feeling and exploring each other. His hands went from my back to my rear to hold me up. Then, he moved slightly so that he could press me against the wall. As if he needed the added support.

  I tangled my fingers in his hair as I pushed myself closer to him. Our hearts beat as one. Our breaths matched each other. It was as if we were born to kiss, and by doing so, we were fulfilling our destiny.

  I was meant to love Grayson, and he was meant to love me.

  I had never really believed in the concept of soul mates, but being here with Grayson made me a believer. I was never going to be the same without him. He’d changed me in a way that I could never come back from.

  I was his, and I wanted to be his. In every way possible.

  I wiggled a bit. He must have picked up on my intent because he gently lowered me to the ground, breaking our kiss. He pressed his hands on either side of me, caging me between him and the wall. He leaned in toward me, and I could feel his stare on my face.


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