Filthy Beautiful Love

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Filthy Beautiful Love Page 12

by Kendall Ryan

  He nods and heads into the kitchen.

  "Bring it up when it's ready," I tell him, then head for the stairs.

  Sophie is snoring softly, but when I cross the bedroom, she lifts her head and blinks several times, her eyes unfocused. I'm glad she got some rest, however brief.

  "How are you feeling?" I ask, sitting beside her on the bed.

  "Groggy," she confirms, pushing the messy hair from her face.

  "I thought I could run you a hot bath. It might help you relax."

  She nods. "Okay."

  At least she lets me take care of her. She doesn’t fight me on that. If she did, I'd really feel helpless and out of control. As it is, I know my subtle gestures may not help much, but at least I can do something.

  I turn on the hot water and watch the tub fill. After dumping in a generous amount of something in a purple jar called Stress Fix, I go gather Sophie.

  She lets me carry her into the bathroom, undress her, then lower her down into the water.

  "How is it?" I ask once she's settled.

  "Nice," she says and treats me to a rare small smile.

  My heart leaps, God I've missed seeing her happy.

  "Will you be okay for a few minutes? I'm going to get you some clothes."

  She nods. "You're coming back, right?"

  "Yes," I confirm.

  Once I have a fresh change of clothes for her, I reenter the bathroom, set them on the counter, pull out the stool from the vanity and sit.

  "Thanks for staying." She grins at me again.

  "Of course I'm staying. Do you want me to wash your hair for you?"

  She shakes her head. "I washed it earlier. I do still shower, you know."

  "I know you do." I did not in fact know this.

  "I'm not broken you know."

  "I know you're not."

  I wait on the stool, and check my work email on my phone while Sophie lounges in the tub. She sinks down into the water and rests her head against the edge, her eyes closed and a blank look across her features. When she secures her hair in a messy knot at the top of her head, I can tell she's still drunk by her uncoordinated movements.

  My stomach churns with worry. I try not to hover, try not to stare, and instead focus on responding to the dozens of unread mail messages, but it's hard. Thoughts of her consume my entire being.

  When I hear movement in the water, I glance up. Sophie has risen, standing in the center of the tub with streams of soapy water cascading down her body. My eyes wander lazily from the tips of her full breasts down to her bare pussy and I feel my body take notice of hers. My cock throbs, swelling against my thigh. The fucking bastard has bad timing. But a naked Sophie is not something I can ignore, no matter how somber the situation.

  I grab a towel as she steps out of the tub and onto the bathmat. She lets me dry her from head to toe, seemingly oblivious to my semi-aroused state.

  Sophie stands there, watching me with wide blue eyes. When I grab the pajamas from the bathroom counter, a small pout crosses her full lips.

  Ignoring the urge to kiss the frown away, I hold out the pair of panties, and dutifully, Sophie raises one foot at a time and steps into them.

  "How are you feeling?" I ask. My voice is too damn thick with arousal. I clear my throat.

  "Better," she says, her own voice just a whisper.

  "Good." I'm glad the bath helped, and I'm hoping the food Pace is preparing will make her good as new. "I don't want you drinking like that when I'm not home."

  I lift her chin up so I can see her eyes.

  "I know." She swallows. "It was just a bad day."

  Shit. Now I feel like an asshole.

  I stroke her cheek and press a tender kiss to her lips. "You're allowed to have bad days. I just don't want to worry about you, okay?"

  She nods and leans in for another kiss. "I miss you, Colton. I miss us."

  "I'm right here, sweetness. I'm not going anywhere." I press my lips to hers and feel the exact second the kiss changes, turns hot and filled with a lusty promise of something more.

  Sophie parts her lips and her tongue lightly probes my mouth. Instinctually, I open, my own tongue running lightly along hers. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but it's been too long since I've kissed her–really kissed her and I'm craving her warmth, and a sense of normalcy. She sucks my tongue into her mouth and I swallow down a rough groan of pleasure.

  Pulling back just a fraction, I check her eyes. They are shining bright with desire, weakening my resolve. It doesn’t help that she's bare chested and warm and standing mere inches from me. I'm inches from having her heavy full breasts in my hands and my mouth, my face between her creamy thighs. I take a step back, needing to put some distance between us. Only I didn’t count on that providing Sophie a direct view of the erection tenting my slacks.

  Her eyes zero in on the bulge and she licks her lips.


  Focus, Colton!

  "Here, baby. Let's get you dressed." I grab the t-shirt and try to help her put it on.

  She takes it from me and drops it to the floor. "No."


  She shakes her head, her eyes still eating me up. "I want you…I want you to fuck me."

  A fresh round of blood pumps south, making my dick throb. "No, not right now. Not tonight." She's not in the right frame of mind. I'd be taking advantage. I list out a thousand reasons in my head, fighting with myself as she watches me.

  "Please?" she asks.

  I shake my head. "No. Now please get dressed." Pace is due up here with her dinner any minute. I certainly don’t want him getting an eyeful. Her gorgeous rack is reserved for me and me alone.

  She reaches down and clasps her hand around my cock, giving him a light squeeze. "Fuck me, Colton. Make me feel better," she begs.

  I remove her hand. "No way. You're drunk. I'm not fucking you."

  Bringing her hands up, she cups her breasts, lifting them together and rubs her fingers over her nipples. She releases a shuddery whisper soft sigh as though the sensation is the most pleasurable thing she's felt in a long time.

  I stand there, transfixed, watching her touch her breasts. She's so beautiful I want to throw her down on the bathroom floor and fuck her six ways from Sunday. But I won't. I have a little more restraint than that. I would certainly be beating my dick later with very image in my head, once she was tucked into bed, but she doesn’t need to know that. She gives her nipples a little tug and rasps out a throaty groan. Then she drops her hands.

  Thank God her little show is over. I couldn’t take much more.

  But then she pulls down the panties I've dressed her in and begins rubbing her fingers over her tight bundle of nerves. Fuck. She's so incredibly sexy and desperate…

  The panties drop from her knees and slide to the floor. My gaze follows their movement and I realize it's the same pair of pale blue panties she wore to the auction. I feel all my resolve fall away. I scrub my hands over my face. Fuck it. I shouldn’t, but we haven’t made love in two weeks and I'm desperate to feel her around me.

  "Sophie, are you sure you want this?" My hands unconsciously move to my erection and I adjust him.

  She follows my movements and nods. "Yes. I need it."

  "Undo me." I look down at my lap and Sophie brings her hands to my button, sliding it free and pulling down the zipper slowly. Her hands work into the front of my pants, pushing inside my boxers and she takes my cock into her palm, gripping it tightly and stroking. A drop of fluid leaks from the tip and she smears it around with her thumb, causing my knees to go weak.

  In that moment, I fully give in. If she wants a distraction, if she needs to forget all of the pain and misery of the past several weeks, then who am I to deny her that?

  I grip her wrists, pulling her hands free from my pants. "Slow down, baby." It feels too good, and I want us both to enjoy this. I won't last if she keeps pumping my dick like that.

  She draws her lower lip into her mouth and pouts before meeting my ey
es. But what she sees when she looks at my eyes tells her everything she needs to know. I'm going to take care of her. I'm going to make her come so hard she'll forget her own damn name.

  I lift her by her waist, setting her down on the bathroom counter. I step between her thighs, widening them and she tugs at my shirt in a fight to get closer. She's fully naked and I'm still fully clothed.

  "Your shirt," she breathes.

  "Yes, sweetness?"

  "Take it off. I need to feel your skin."

  I comply, unbuttoning the top few buttons, then yanking my shirt off over my head.

  She tugs me close, until the tips of her breasts brush my bare chest and we both shudder at the contact and the rush of endorphins it releases. It's been too damn long.

  I bend and take one of her gorgeous breasts in my mouth, my tongue laving her left nipple, then her right. Sophie arches her back and pushes her hands into my hair, letting me devour her. I want to take my time, make sure she's ready for me, but each time we're together feels like an explosion of sexual energy and I'm unable to control myself. Something I'm not used to.

  I move back to kissing her mouth, my tongue greedy and sucking at hers. Her hands wander back into my pants, enthusiastically rubbing my cock. I know this is going to be quicker than I want it to be, but maybe that's what she needs.

  With our mouths fused together and her hands in my pants, I find her wet center and push my index and middle finger inside. She gasps into my mouth, momentarily stilling before continuing the onslaught she's launched against making me come too soon. My other hand plays with her breasts and nipples, and Sophie whimpers while enthusiastically pumping me in her hands.

  "Baby, easy…" I take her hands again, stopping her and feeling like a fucking jackass.

  She grins up at me, clearly proud of herself. God, it's good to see her smile. If this is all it takes to make her feel whole okay, then sign me up.

  "I can't wait any longer," I admit.

  She shoves my pants and boxers the rest of the way down my hips, allowing me to angle my cock against her. When I shove forward, disappearing inside her perfect pink opening, we let out a collective groan.

  "Yes, fuck me. Harder," she begs.

  I oblige, pounding into her relentlessly, my frame dominating her much smaller one.

  Her eyes wander down to the place where we're joined and she watches me slide in and out of her. It's an erotic sight – watching her as she watches us. I can read every emotion and bit of pleasure slashed across her features. When I push deep, her breath hisses out in an exhale and when I retreat her eyes follow the path of my glistening shaft with a hungry look.


  We make love against the bathroom counter, our bodies moving frantically together. It's exactly what I need – desperate, hungry kisses, the granite counter hard and cool beneath me, gentle fingers whispering through my hair, soft kisses pressed to my temple. I'm grateful to feel something other than numb.

  "Yes, fuck me. Harder," I beg, gripping his shoulders.

  Colton slams against me, his thick cock sliding in and out in a punishing rhythm.

  My gaze lowers from his and I look between us to the spot where we're joined. The sight is erotic and carnal, and my insides clench around him, teasing a low groan from his throat.

  "You like that baby?" He surges forward again, burying himself to the hilt and my head drops back.

  "Yess…" I groan. "Harder," I beg again.

  He suddenly lifts me from the counter, scooping me up underneath my butt and carrying me toward the bedroom.

  He dumps me down onto the mattress and gazes down at me. His hard cock is wet with my juices and his abs are clenched tight, but his face is completely composed and in control. "Get on your knees."

  I obey, quickly scrambling onto my hands and knees. Perched on the bed completely naked and ready, I wait to see what he has in store for me. Colton grips behind my knees, tugging me backward until I'm positioned at the edge of the mattress. He runs his hands along my legs, my butt, then pushes against my upper back – his hand resting in between my shoulder blades until I lower my chest to the bed. Turning my head, I lay one cheek against the mattress and gaze up at him.

  He's still calm and in control and it's utterly sexy.

  "You want to be dominated and fucked hard?" he asks.

  I nod my head, keeping my eyes trained on his.

  His eyes go dark and my insides flip with anticipation.

  He aligns himself against me and pushes forward. I love the way my body stretches around him and I push back, drawing him deeper inside.

  With one hand secured around the back of my neck, the other palms my ass. I feel his thumb rubbing against my back opening and I shudder. With his cock still pumping into me, he pushes one finger into my ass.

  "Goddamn, Sophie," he moans.

  Every sensation, every rough whisper of breath lights up my entire body. I push my ass back, meeting his hard thrusts. He's pounding into me, probably bruising me, but I fucking love it.

  "Is this what you need? You need me to be rough?" He leans over me and growls against the shell of my ear.

  I whimper with delight, my insides screaming: Yes, yes, yes!

  His hips crash into mine, rough cries of pleasure clawing their way up his throat after each brutal thrust.

  The orgasm slams through me, robbing me of air and forcing a rough cry from my mouth. I shudder, my insides clamping down on him, deliciously, as I come apart.

  Finally, air rushes into my lungs and I repeat his name over and over. I feel the moment his cock swells and his hot release pours into me.

  After, Colton rolls me over to face him, then kisses my face – my eyelids, my cheeks, my forehead, telling me how much he loves me. Then he brings me a warm cloth, along with my clothes, and cleans me up.

  I feel sated and calm as he dresses me and tucks me into bed. My limbs are tired and sore and between my legs aches in the most wonderful way.

  The past several weeks has been endless cycles of wine poured early in the afternoon to help me get through the day, sleeping pills that knock me out at night, and tears that flow way too easily. The grief counselor Colton sent on his first day back to work didn’t help. She could not possibly understand the depth of my relationship with my twin sister. The loss has been unimaginable. My only form of therapy has been jogging. Just as it had been in the days when Becca was sick. It calms me, tires my limbs and helps me cope, if only for a short time. But as I learned tonight, intimacy with the man I love trumps everything else. I feel better than I have in days.

  A knock on the bedroom door captures our attention. I didn’t know anyone was here.

  "Colt?" I ask.

  "Be right back."

  He shoves his legs into a pair of sweatpants and then goes to answer the door.


  "Everything okay in here?" Pace asks¸ peeking around me to look inside the room. "I heard screaming."

  "Yeah, ignore that."

  His expression hardens. "Don't tell me you're thinking with your cock at a time like this."

  "Fuck no. My every waking thought is about her – taking care of her needs. Not my own, trust me."

  "And she needed…" He raises his eyebrows.

  "Fucking drop it," I bark.

  "Fine. Food's ready," he says, rolling his eyes.

  "Bring it in."

  I've dressed Sophie in a pair of pajamas and she's sitting up against the headboard, her legs covered by the blankets when Pace comes in.

  "Pace? I didn’t know you were here." Her cheeks flush as she realizes that she had loud, intense sex while he was in the house. Sophie watches him move across the room while balancing a tray in his hands.

  "He cooked for you while I was…taking care of you."

  She shares a knowing smile with me before turning her attention back to Pace.

  The room smells like sex and I'm hoping he doesn't notice. If he does, he doesn’t say anything.

  "What is it
?" Sophie asks, beaming up at Pace.

  "Coco said you like macaroni and cheese and pink Starbursts." He treats her to one of his crooked grins, using my childhood nickname that has stuck.

  "Starbursts?" Her eyes whip over to mine.

  Her reaction is unexpected. "Is that okay, sweetness?"

  Pace lowers the tray to her lap. There's a bowl of macaroni and cheese that doesn’t look half bad, despite being prepared by my shockingly-able-to-cook-brother, and a glass candy dish filled with pink wrapped candies. He must have opened all the packages and removed only the pinks. Nice touch.

  Tears well in Sophie's eyes and she looks from me to Pace, then back again. "How did you know?" she asks, a single tear leaking from the corner of her eye. She brushes it away with the back of her hand.

  I shrug. "I just did." I don't want to embarrass her by explaining that I overheard her peeing and mumbling drunkenly about the candy.

  "She really is still here, huh?" Sophie says to no one in particular as she unwraps one of the candies, and places it in her mouth. She closes her eyes and chews it slowly, releasing a little sigh of happiness.

  Pace and I exchange a look and briefly wonder if she's totally lost it, but then Sophie encourages us to sit on the bed with her while she eats, and she relays the story about the candy she and her sister always shared and Becca's last words to her in her letter.

  My chest tightens as I understand the depth of meaning behind this and the incredible bond these two shared, as well as the sacrifices Sophie made to make her sister happy. My girl is incredible in so many ways.

  After a few bites of the macaroni, Sophie thanks Pace and tells us that she's sleepy. Pace takes the dishes away and after turning off the lights, I curl around her on the bed, clutching her tightly against me and hold her until her breaths turn slow and even and she falls asleep.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Becca has been screaming at me all day. As I sit around sulking in my usual fashion, I swear I can feel her. I can practically hear her. She's telling me to get up off my ass and get on with things. And I hate her for it.


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