Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 36

by L M Lacee

  ‘Yes, even on my planet it happened. She had been away for hours, I can’t remember when I had eaten last, probably at my grandparents days earlier.’

  Peyton mentally winced, it was so hard to keep the memories at bay. The terrifying fights her mother had with men and women, usually over drugs. The incessant screaming her mother could do for hours and worse the sex, so much sex. She had learned early on to hide in closets or under a bed or behind something when her mother brought one of her partners back with her.

  Her mother did not care if she saw or witnessed her depraved activities, it made no difference in her strung out mind whether or not her daughter was there. Peyton would rock, plug her ears with her fingers, and hum songs so she did not hear or see anything.

  Then there was the hatred her mother seemed to have toward her parents. No one understood why she hated them. There did not seem to be any reason behind it. Other than they would not give her what she wanted, when she wanted it. When Peyton became an adult, she realized Clementine St. Hill had been incapable of love. So eaten up by drugs and alcohol, her heart was as cold as her dead soul.

  Her grandparents were such nice, god-fearing people. Who had no understanding of why or how their only child became a demon from hell, which was what her grandfather call her mother once.

  Peyton smiled wanly at Hawk as she continued with her tale. ‘Sorry, got lost there for a min.’

  He nodded, sorrow for the young Peyton filled his heart. He thought of telling her she had broadcast her thoughts loud enough for him to hear, but could not bear to do so, knowing she would be shamed.

  ‘My mother came back, and she was angry, drunk and probably high. I knew if I was not careful I would wear the brunt of her anger. I was such a skinny five- yenta-old, sometimes I worried I would not be fast enough to get away from her and she would kill me.’

  She shook her head, dislodging memories. ‘I cowered in the corner of the room, hoping she would pass out before she remembered I was there and thankfully she did. I say that because what I did when the male turned up, I did not want to do to her.’

  ‘What did you do?’ He asked, but he knew and hid his sadness for what she had endured.

  ‘When the male walked into the room, I did the only thing I could do for a child that refused to be his toy. I shot him.’ She pointed to the spot between her eyes.

  Hawk raised his brows. ‘An exceptional shot for a little one.’

  She smiled, it did not reach her eyes. ‘More luck than design, really, although I had practiced for many days with the gun. Sorry projectile blaster that my mother owned. My grandfather was an excellent marksman he taught me well.’ Peyton’s voiced hardened. ‘I was no one’s toy, not then and not now. I suffered enough at my mother’s hands. I was young, but I knew what he was there for and I was not going to accommodate him. Later, when my mother begged the authorities to believe I was responsible for his death. They did not because the preponderance of evidence all pointed to her. She was found guilty and thankfully, I was given to my grandparents.’

  ‘Tell me, Peyton, what occupation did your grandfather have?’

  ‘He was a trooper or what you would call an Investu.’

  Hawk smiled as he said. ‘I see.’

  She smiled too, then her voice softened as she spoke of her grandparents with love and respect. ‘My grandparents were wonderful, loving people. Who loved me and showed me every day I was worthy and had value, regardless of my life before them.’

  She touched the small gold ring on the last finger of her left hand. ‘This was my grandmother’s wedding band.’

  He nodded, letting her know he knew what that represented on Earth. ‘My grandfather passed away when he contracted the Virus. My grandmother lasted for another three yentas. She missed my grandfather like Esther misses her Harry but… and I say this with love, she was not as strong as Esther. Before she died, she asked me to always wear this to honor them both. It keeps me balanced and reminds me there is love in the world or I should say the Universe now, and that there are good people everywhere.’

  Hawk asked casually, not letting her see how affected by her story he was. ‘How old were you when she went to the afterlife?’

  ‘I was halfway through my sixteen yenta.’

  ‘You have been on your own a long time?’

  ‘I was, I chose not to live with anyone after grandmother passed away. Until Melody, Darby and Heather fell into my heart and then walked into my home and made themselves comfortable.’

  Hawk smiled along with her. She sighed as she quietly said. ‘You have to remember there were many like me without parents or an adult in their lives. We banded together for the necessities of life. Some already knew how to cook, and some of us taught ourselves to grow enough food to keep ourselves alive. We traded for just about everything and kept each other safe. It was a hard life, but safer than what I had started with. I raised myself like many of us did back then. I knew how to find information and to read and write thanks to my grandparents.’

  Hawk said casually. ‘I know you are exceptionally intelligent. You read and absorbed the information about the drives, and I would say you actually know how the Comparium engine works.’

  ‘I am and yes I do, but let us keep that between us.’

  He asked. ‘May I know why?’

  ‘To be honest, it will make no difference to what I have to do and when I have to do it. Look at Darby, it is a burden to be that intelligent, yet she handles it with grace and annoyance which balances her. People mostly accept her for who she is and will forgive her, her eccentric ways. I am not that fortunate, I have and will have many other things that will place barriers between people and me. I do not need that one as well. Also, who would believe it? I get so distracted with the information I have now, it seems like I do not have a brain in my head.’

  Again he nodded as he saw her point, then he returned to the previous subject. ‘What became of your mother?’

  ‘She died, not as it happens from the Virus. Someone killed her in prison. I always believed my grandfather orchestrated that and I choose to still.’

  Hawk looked out the window as a star raced by. ‘We have lived and endured the worse.’

  Peyton acknowledged that, then said. ‘We will have a better life with love, laughter and freedom from now on, which is my goal.’

  He smiled and sighed. ‘I hope so. It is a worthy goal. May I share it?’

  ‘Please do and know this Hawk. I believe we will find your brothers alive and well.’

  ‘I hope you are right on that as well.’ He said with doubt in his voice.

  She grinned. ‘It is okay, I will believe for you until you believe it as well. That was something my grandfather told me, belief is half the battle.’

  He nodded as he stood. ‘I find, I like that expression as well. Now I will leave you to your stars.’

  He left as silently as he had arrived. Peyton felt a tear on her cheek as she watched the stars race across space. It had been many years since she had thought of that small lost girl, who had killed so easily that night and many other nights since then. She knew as she wiped the tear from her face, she would do so again for those she loved. It was after all who she was.


  Life proceeded along as life does on a Warship, there were safety drills, training and meetings. Hawk and Melody, Kerol and Netta set about integrating the female and the males Warriors. They were surprisingly pleased to see the Warriors were willing to train and work alongside the females. And the females showed they were willing to learn a weapon they had no experience with.

  A weapon that was prevalent in the Universe they were going to call home. At least that was what Hawk informed them at one of their morning meetings.

  The Sword.

  Every morning all the female Warriors found themselves in classes with a dummy sword which all students were issued with when starting training. Of course, the Coalition’s name was longer for the practice sword and missed the point
completely. Melody told her that all trainees were dumb, hence the name dummy sword.

  Within a few days Peyton heard more than one Warrior calling it that, much to Melody’s satisfaction. Which confused Peyton until Netta told her Melody was in the advance sword classes with her. They apparently were very good with the sword.

  Afternoons found all the Warriors in classes, some went to blaster training, which was mandatory for all the females. The blasters were not that different from guns, except instead of bullets they used a quantum photon blast, which could and would drill a hole through organic matter. All blasters had different settings which could be set to stun, this would render someone unconscious. They could also be set to punch holes in people and buildings and as with the guns from Earth, the bigger the blaster, the more damage they caused.

  Most of the Warriors went to afternoon classes for training in martial arts, something they had no idea about but were very impressed with. At first it was hard for the Warriors to allow themselves to spar with the females and potentially harm them. That was until they realized the females would give no quarter and schooled the Warriors in equality, especially when it came to combat.

  Training was hard and unforgiving, many a female ended up in the medical unit but they were happy to be back in uniform. Most of them had taken one look at the huge, well-muscled Warriors and believed they would be placed in the capacity of support staff. Not so in Peyton’s army she valued each Warrior, be they male or female. Which she told them on her visits to the training levels. Especially when she was in defense class and usually lying on her back looking up at the ceiling.

  Late afternoon and early evenings found everyone in classes for language and writing lessons. After the eve-meal was free time for families, friendships and star gazing, which the females could not seem to get enough of.

  The ship’s fabricators worked tirelessly on a form fitting two piece black uniform with blue piping for the Warriors. The Captains had silver piping and the Commanders piping was in gold. A long trench coat could be added with the same color piping on the seams, denoting rank.

  That was Peyton’s idea. She thought colored piping would enable the non-military females to identify who was who. Darby and her team had installed nanos into the fabrics, making the uniforms able to withstand blaster shots. It could also deflect a sword or knife. The uniform came with reinforced front panels over the chest area, which helped hide who was female and who was male. Sheathes and holsters were added for swords, knives and blasters.

  The Warriors, male and female, looked like lethal weapons when in uniform. It was inspiring and frightening all at once, especially when they wore their black trench coats.

  Once the designers got the idea of uniforms, every Warrior found themselves with several as well as dress uniforms. These were similar to their everyday uniform, except they were always worn with a long lightweight dress coat.

  The Warriors admired the judogi, some females used for training and as the days passed. Peyton saw more and more of the Warriors wearing the training uniform. Melody told her they loved the freedom of movement the judogi provided, especially when they were doing martial arts training.

  From one of the container ships, someone retrieved denim and with several patterns programmed into the fabricators, jeans and shirts were produced in quantities. The Warriors loved them, so it was not uncommon to see the males walking around off duty in jeans and shirts. Along with lightweight jackets or in training pants with tee-shirts. Something Hawk told Peyton they had never done before. She explained it made it easier for the humans to see who was on duty and who was not.

  For a reason, it was flimsy but after watching the joy in his Warrior’s eyes as they strolled the passageways out of uniform. He could do nothing but agree, especially after he had tried on the jeans and the shirt Peyton gifted him with, and found he had never worn anything so comfortable. Even his tailored uniform was not like wearing the jeans. He finally understood his Warriors reverence and why they wore them constantly while not on duty.


  It was another morning meeting, and Peyton was feeling sore and bruised from her training the previous day. She had fallen repeatedly, or one could say that her body had been thrown about by a vengeful sister if one felt inclined. She was still undecided if she was just a poor lander or Melody threw her harder than she did Darby. All she knew was she felt every spot that ached from coming into contact with the mat.

  ‘You need to go to medical.’ Darby informed her as she took the seat opposite her.

  ‘Why don’t you?’

  ‘I went already, you should have too.’

  ‘I assumed, I could heal myself.’

  ‘How did that work out for you?’

  ‘Yeah… yeah, did you look at my link?’

  ‘Yes, how are you burning them out?’

  ‘I do not know… it is a puzzle.’

  Darby handed her another link with a red strap this time. ‘Try this one, Jean and I boosted it.’

  ‘Okay, thanks. Greetings Netta.’

  ‘Greetings, you look like crap, Peyton.’

  ‘I know, training yesterday.’

  ‘You are meant to go to medical afterwards, if you are hurt.’

  ‘I forgot, I got busy.’

  Netta frowned as she asked Darby. ‘Is that my job as well?’

  Melody answered before Darby could as she sat across from Peyton. ‘Yes, it is part of the ass kicking.’

  ‘Okay, so… oh, here is Heather.’

  ‘Greetings everyone.’ Heather smiled as she looked around at her sisters, then she frowned as she saw Peyton. ‘Oh, Peyton.’ She sat beside her and pulled out her scanner. ‘Why must you make me give you some horrible tasting tonic?’

  Peyton looked panicked as she said. ‘How do I?’

  Heather read the scanner as she told her. ‘By not coming to medical, now I have to give you some.’

  Darby told her. ‘She said she thought she could heal herself.’

  Heather snorted as she asked. ‘How did that work out for you?’

  ‘It didn’t.’ Darby told her helpfully.

  Heather and Melody grinned as Peyton said between clenched teeth. ‘Thank you Darby.’

  ‘Anything to help.’ Darby said with a twinkle.

  Heather mumbled. ‘So red or blue tonic.’

  Desperately Peyton moaned. ‘Or dearle Heather. We could skip that and say I did go to medical.’

  Heather shook her head as she stared thoughtfully at Peyton. ‘Well, I suppose I could. If you promise to not delay next time.’

  Peyton hurriedly agreed. ‘Done deal.’

  ‘Okay then.’ Heather switched the scanner to healing, and a warmth invaded Peyton’s body, finding every bruised and aching muscle.

  She sighed in relief as the pain left her. ‘Thank you Heather. That scanner is great.’

  ‘Yes, it is one of the new boosted one’s Darby, and Jean have played with. You are welcome, Star girl.’

  Once everyone arrived, the meeting progressed for an hour, until all talk halted as Peyton began to softly glow.

  Then the Star Daughter told her companions. ‘We have a location, the Stars have found a trace of some sleepers.’

  ‘Greetings, everyone, now who has been found?’ Kerol asked as he joined the table. Peyton smiled at him as everyone replied. ‘Greetings.’

  Then she answered his question. ‘Sleepers, which is what we are calling the Warriors in stasis. It is so much nicer than Warriors in tubes.’

  Kerol looked at Hawk and said. ‘I do not see the difference.’

  Hawk shrugged, neither did he, but he at least did not voice his thoughts. Melody and Netta grinned broadly at the male as Kerol busied himself with his tea.

  Peyton eyed the male. ‘Done.’

  Kerol remained silent, he knew that tone. It was the one she used when she was annoyed or just before she got in an argument with one of her sisters.

  Netta kicked his shin under the table, lett
ing him know not to answer. As if he would fall into that trap more than twice. Did she think he was a nutoro?

  When Peyton knew he was not going to say anything else. She turned to Darby and gave her a long string of numbers that were the coordinates for the planet.

  Darby put them into her tablet, which she then sent to the Commander of the ship. A few minutes later a navigator comm’d Hawk. ‘Commander, we have located the planet.’

  ‘How long until we arrive?’

  ‘Three hours.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Excuse me Warrior, will it be day or night there?’

  ‘Projections say 04:00 in the morn, Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Oh, that is good. A dawn raid is always better. Well Commanders, shall we see what your people can do, kit and fully load them. Darby, you will need to blind the planet. Can you do that?’

  ‘Yes, of course, once we are in range.’

  ‘Good, I will need you and Heather after the planet has been secured. Commanders this is not a play date, these people have our Warriors. They have purposely hidden them away and withheld them from us. I want everyone on that planet subdued and restrained. We need to scout the place out first…’

  ‘Madam, this is what we are for.’ Hawk remarked with a raised eyebrow, daring her to say something. ‘We will do recon and assess the situation. Only then will we subdue and restrain.’

  Melody said. ‘Madam Peyton, we have this.’

  Peyton winced at Melody’s tone and choice of address. She nodded once. ‘Sorry, got carried away, this is my first time.’

  Which made them all grin, she told Hawk. ‘I will go with the first shuttles.’ She held her hand up as Melody started to speak. ‘I know that does not suit you both and I realize it will add to your burdens but I also know I need to be there.’

  No one argued. It was definitely a Star Daughter decision.


  Five hours after Peyton’s announcement, they were touching down on the small world of XYRE 567. The planet was a soft pink color and the skies a light orange; it was a shocking reminder for the humans that they were not on Earth anymore.


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