Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 48

by L M Lacee

  ‘I will fight every min of every day to remain the same.’ And battled the dark unwanted emotions fighting for control.

  She refused to allow herself to become the kind of Star Daughter who dictated without reason, who served death and ruled with an iron fist. She would not become the cold, calculating, terrifying figure from the histories that spread fear and destruction in her wake.

  Time slipped by as she fought her inner war, and finally when she knew she had conquered and won the battle. She released the hold on her hands and stretched each finger out, allowing the blood to circulate once more. When she could feel her fingers again, she picked up the jug of coffee and refilled her cup. Sipping at the hot brew while she watched the green female enter the room.

  Rose hesitated when she noticed Peyton and asked tentatively. ‘Greetings, am I disturbing you?’

  ‘Greetings Rose, I would enjoy your company. There is food and hot drinks over there.’ She pointed to the serving counter. ‘I have heard the tea is very nice.’

  Rose looked to where she pointed and then walked over to serve herself a large bowl of rogu with fresh rolls and a large cup of tea. She sat opposite Peyton and asked. ‘You do not drink tea?’

  ‘No, I drink coffee.’

  ‘I do not know what that is.’

  ‘It is a drink from Earth.’

  ‘Oh, I know of Earth. I read the information healer Heather gave me.’

  ‘I see, and what conclusions have you reached trader Rose?’

  ‘You are all very brave people and slightly crazy. I think.’

  ‘Yep, that about sums us up.’

  ‘I would like for myself, my brother and sister to be the sole traders for Maikonia.’ She blurted out and then placed a spoon full of stew in her mouth. Closing her eyes as her taste buds started to sing a happy tune. She swallowed fast, saying. ‘Oh my… this is the... oh my!’ She placed another spoonful in her mouth.

  Peyton smiled. ‘That is Chef Helen’s favorite rogu, it gets better the longer it sits. The Warriors would eat it day and night if they could. She makes several large containers of it each night, it is usually gone by morn.’

  Rose hummed, then said. ‘I can see why. This is marvelous, she is a treasure. I could trade this rogu.’

  Peyton laughed. ‘Yes, she is, and you would have to discuss that with her. So you think we have something to trade?’

  ‘You are going to a system that no one has seen for millions of yentas, reason dictates there has to be something there worth trading. Also, you are coming from a world in a Universe we know nothing of. Do not tell me you brought nothing to trade. I will not believe you. I have spoken to your Warriors they are not fools, no matter what is rumored throughout the Universe.’

  Peyton almost jumped up and down with joy, traders, Maikonia would have their very own traders. Hawk could not impress on her enough before they started this endeavor, how important traders were and how very secretive they were. He could not tell her how one enticed a trader to join with a world or enterprise. She knew he worried about it; she was happy she could tell him you just had to rescue a trader to get them to take on your world.

  Yiippee! She mentally squealed as she did imaginary cartwheels, although outwardly she remained serene as she said. ‘I see, and how much would you charge Maikonia for the privilege of trading for us?’

  ‘I was thinking fifty percent sounded fair.’ Rose stated as an opening gambit which she delivered with an earnest look on her sweet open face.

  Peyton sipped her coffee, her eyes laughing and her eyebrows raised in a disbelieving expression as she returned. ‘Mmm, fifty percent. I think that may be a little on the high side. I was thinking ten percent would be reasonable.’

  Rose feigned choking and grabbed her throat. ‘Madam that... that is very low, hardly worth mentioning, ten percent really. No, I am afraid we could not even look at anything less than, say, forty percent.’ Her eyes had sharpened and the sweet Rose had gone. In her place was trader Rose.

  Peyton nodded and replied. ‘Oh, I totally understand. One must hold to their standards. Which makes me think I have been unfair. So I will say fifteen percent.’

  Rose took another bite of rogu and hummed in delight, then finally said. ‘Well, yes, that is an excellent offer, although you will have three traders from the same family working for Maikonia. I would think thirty-five percent is a good figure.’

  It was Peyton’s turn to hum now, as she eyed the green female, which surprisingly was a soothing color now Rose was not stressed. ‘It is a very nice offer, but you are still young and untried. Maybe twenty percent would be a reasonable offer.’

  ‘Well, you are right that we are young, although Frand can pilot just about any craft. So you would get two traders and a pilot for let us say… twenty-five percent.’

  Peyton grinned and held her hand out to secure the deal. Hawk had told her traders completed deals with handshakes which were binding, more so than written contracts, although they still use them. ‘Twenty-five percent has a pleasant sound to it. Congratulations Rose, you are the new sole traders for Maikonia.’ Rose smiled as they shook hands.

  Peyton asked. ‘You will draw up the contract?’

  ‘Oh, you would trust me to do that?’

  ‘Yes, why not? This way you can make sure you put in all the clauses.’

  ‘What clauses?’ She asked suspiciously.

  ‘Clauses, like bonuses if you are off planet and housing as well as trading offices, stuff like that.’

  ‘I can do that.’

  ‘Good, you want to make sure you have everything in writing. What about your brother and sister whose name is?’

  ‘Miko and they trust me to negotiate for them.’

  ‘Alright Rose, do you have a tablet?’

  ‘Yes healer…’

  ‘Please, just call her Heather. There will be no disrespect taken, we do not stand on ceremony around here.’

  ‘Oh, what do I call you?’

  ‘Peyton or Madam Peyton and occasionally, Star Daughter or Star Child.’

  At her bemused look, Peyton smiled. ‘You will figure it out. So tablet.’

  Rose tapped it open and started to take notes as Peyton spoke. ‘So, we are at twenty-five percent for you and your brother and sister. You will be the only trading house for Maikonia, at present you have two partners, please take on employees if you need them. We can negotiate their income and benefits later. I would prefer you select employees from our people, but if you have to, go outside of them, please notify me first. You will be my chief trader.’

  Rose lifted her head from the tablet slowly as the honor of being the most powerful trader on Maikonia registered. Peyton asked. ‘What… you will be, right?’

  Swallowing Rose inclined her head and faintly replied. ‘Yes, I will.’

  ‘Your brother Frand will be our pilot trader and Miko, is I assume a trader.’


  ‘You get a clothing allowance, and we will provide you with housing and offices as I said. Also, cargo ships and a cruiser for trading.’

  ‘Peyton, you do not know us?’

  Peyton looked at the female across from her and softly said. ‘So chief trader Rose of Maikonia, tell me about the Leesungha young?’

  Rose sipped her tea as she marshalled her thoughts into order. ‘I am the eldest, next is Frand, Miko is the youngest. We are all of age, and we are all…’

  ‘Wait.’ Peyton held her hand up. ‘Where is Miko?’

  Rose smiled. ‘She is safe with my Parta Savo and Unta Teelu.’

  ‘Good, now what do traders consider of age?’

  ‘Thirty yentas. Miko reached maturity four luneras ago.’

  ‘Thank you, continue, please.’

  ‘As I told you our Papa, he has passed through the gates to trader paradise, only our Darma.’ At Peyton’s raised eyebrows, she smiled and told her. ‘That is trader for mother.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Our Darma remains alive, she is
of the Undinly family. Our Darma wishes us all to join with members of her extended family, Papa he did not. We agreed with Papa and have refused to join with her family. I wish to travel and trade. Frand loves being a pilot like Parta Savo, Miko…’ She sighed. ‘Miko wishes to remain on a world, she does not like space, she finds it very difficult and unfortunately this is not our Darma’s people’s way. They will not allow us to follow our own desires. If we stayed with them, we would be under their rules, their control. So we left, Miko went to our Parta and Unta’s ship, and Frand and I traveled to trade. With the credits we already had saved, Frand obtained the ship you saw, and we were on our way to our sixth trade when we met with Inferr. I need to tell you Peyton. We needed to trade to have enough credits so we could request the trader’s guild to name us as our own house. Then they cannot force us to join with our Darma’s family house and live a life we do not want. So this is the type of trading people you have.’

  Peyton smiled at the worried female. ‘Rose, did you look at the people on this ship? Look at me, we are all your type of people.’

  ‘Wait, Peyton, you do not care that my Darma and her family will be most displeased. The guild gave us only four luneras to succeed, and that was up over a weken ago.’

  ‘Oh, Rose, no, look at who you have made an agreement with. We are renegades, rebels, castques and some of our people have run from their home planets. Others from a fate they did not want. Our Warriors have done both. This is what we are doing right now, I am so pleased you are here with us.’

  Rose sighed, then nodded. ‘Alright, we are where we are meant to be. Our Papa always said that.’

  ‘Good, so now that is out of the way, a serious question.’

  ‘Yes Peyton.’

  ‘When you were in medical, what did you see?’

  ‘Very old equipment. I would assume the entire ship is the same.’

  ‘I am sure the other ships in our fleet are as old. If we had the credits, could you update and replace our equipment?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘Alright, open your tablet to Trina’s entry.’

  As she did, Peyton explained. ‘On that list is everything we appropriated from a recent excursion.’

  At her look of suspicion, Peyton said. ‘Nothing like that. It was compensation for the hiding of our Warriors. We did not steal it. We are not thsieons.’

  ‘I am sorry, it was wrong of me to even have those suspicions.’ Rose sighed. ‘I have met many peoples who have no scruples, and it has made me suspicious of everyone. Forgive my assumptions, I did not truly think you were.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Alright, Rose, we are good people and I am sorry your experiences have soured you but trust us, trust yourself. You know in your trader heart who to trust and who not to. I know your father taught you well. Do not forget those lessons. They will help you soar.’

  Rose brushed at her eyes. ‘How do you know that about my Papa?’

  ‘I have met his daughter, a brave, loyal fighter who is a wonderful female, and a person I hope will become my friend.’

  Rose sat back in her seat as she smiled in delight. ‘Oh, I have never had a friend before; traders do not socialize for anything other than trading.’

  ‘Well, those days are over, sometimes that is all we do here. So back to business, could you go through the goods and see if there is anything of value there please?’

  ‘I can.’

  ‘Wonderful, I need you to obtain for me one specific piece of equipment, if you could look for it right away. I have the credits for it. Truthfully I would like more than one, but if one is all we can afford right now, that will be okay. What I want is this.’ She showed her a picture on her tablet of the item she wanted purchased immediately.

  Rose smiled as she told her. ‘Oh, I know where I can get this.’ She looked at Peyton and worried her bottom lip with her teeth, then said. ‘Peyton these are very experimental and very expensive, but I may know of another that is very similar and not as costly.’

  ‘Will they work as well as this one?’

  ‘Better probably.’

  ‘That is wonderful. Rose, I would ask that you do not talk of this to anyone please, this is between you and me only.’

  ‘I understand, I will do as you say.’

  ‘Thank you. So this is what we will do, you will draw up the contract and I will introduce you to a female named Darby. Together you both can make sure there is everything we will both be happy with in it. Then we will contact your relations. Miko needs to come home to be with her sister and brother and when she and your family are here. We will contact your Darma and her family and then you may notify the trader’s guild you need your own house. If they give you any problems. I will speak to them.’

  Rose grinned as she said. ‘No need, Parta Savo and Unta Teelu are members of the guild. All will be well now we are secured as traders for a world.’

  ‘Good. I want the contract all signed and sealed before we notify your Darma. So comm your Parta first, have him meet us as soon possible please.’

  ‘I will do that now.’

  ‘Have you been assigned a cabin?’

  ‘No, I came from medical.’

  ‘Wait then please.’ Peyton tapped her new link and amazingly it actually worked. So far she had been through seven links. Darby could not find the fault on her last link, which annoyed her so much she had given it to Peyton for her to dismantle. It was possible she told her that she may find the fault. Peyton was honestly happy with that reasoning she had her trusty screwdriver all ready to go to work when she got a free minute. Willian was already up and dressed for the day when he answered her summons.

  ‘Greetings, Madam Peyton. How can I help you?’

  ‘Greetings, Willian, how are you this morn?’

  ‘Well thank you, Madam.’

  ‘You are up early?’

  ‘It is 0600 Madam.’

  ‘It is? Huh, it’s amazing how time has flown. I have comm’d you because I need a cabin for trader Rose and her sister Miko and a connecting one for her brother. So would it be possible for you to tell me who I talk to about that.’

  ‘Normally you would talk to Warrior Warri or Jorge, but I can manage that for you Madam.’

  ‘Are you sure, you will not be upsetting anyone?’

  ‘No Madam, I will not. Where is trader Rose?’

  She asked Rose, ‘Where do you want to meet Warrior Willian?’

  ‘In medical please, I wish to check on Frand.’

  ‘In medical please Willian.’

  ‘As you wish Madam. I am on my way.’

  ‘Thank you Willian, make sure you eat please.’

  ‘As you say Madam.’

  He disconnected as she looked at Rose. ‘He will not, can you tell the healer on duty they will make sure he eats.’

  Rose studied the female before her, a small pale female who had hair that was startling white and so long it almost reached the floor. She was not the classical beauty that Rose had seen throughout the galaxy, but she was beautiful. It shined from within and enveloped all those around her, drawing them into her humor, her heart and needar.

  Rose knew that this female cared deeply about her, her family, and about a Warrior who was just one of thousands. For the first time since her Papa’s death, she felt her heart and needar, that something that made her Rose relax and become balanced once more. ‘I will Madam.’

  ‘No.’ Peyton cut her off. ‘Please Rose, you were calling me Peyton a min ago. Friends and family call me Peyton when we are alone. Apparently Madam is for other times,’ She sighed, ‘and for Warriors who do not remember to call me Peyton.’

  Rose bowed her head as she quickly came to a decision. ‘Thank you Peyton, and you should probably know, for Warriors. This title of Madam is a sign of rank as well as respect. They will not call you Peyton easily.’

  Peyton looked at her blankly for a minute, then blinked several times before saying. ‘Oh, now why did they not just tell me that, because that makes se
nse… they should have just told me?’

  Rose smiled at her annoyed tone, returning to the subject of Willian, she told Peyton. ‘I will nag Willian. I am good at that, ask Miko and Frand.’


  Later that morning, Darby was in the dining room with Esther, Helen, and Brenda. When Peyton and Netta entered, Darby called out. ‘Speech time.’

  ‘Already, are you sure?’ Peyton asked with a sigh. She had forgotten she was giving another speech. Not that she would let Darby know that.

  ‘Yes, now get ready.’ Esther told her as she followed Darby, Helen, and Brenda out the door.

  ‘Yes, Ma’am.’ Peyton grumbled as she turned with Netta and walked slowly to the war room where everyone was waiting.

  ‘Cheer up, it could be worse.’ Netta consoled her cheerfully.


  ‘How the hayda would I know. It’s just what you say when someone is miserable.’

  ‘You are no help.’

  ‘And yet I am your Captain.’

  Peyton mumbled. ‘That can be changed.’

  Netta grinned as Melody walked by and snapped. ‘No, it cannot. Stop whining and talk dayam it. I have places to go.’

  Bewildered Peyton asked Netta. ‘We are on a ship where can she go, there is nowhere to go.’

  Netta stared at her and saw the concern behind the words and realized that Peyton was worried about the speech. Worried she would say the wrong thing and make everyone who listened scared. It was hard to remember most of the time she was younger than almost all the females, even Darby was older than her.

  Netta smiled and casually said. ‘If you make this short. I will go to the antigravity room with you, and I will make Darby, Heather and Melody come too.’

  ‘Really, you will?’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘So cool!’ Peyton grinned, she had been wanting to go to the antigravity room for days. She had been told how much fun it was to fly and tumble around in mid-air.


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