Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: 0.5 - 1 - 2 Page 86

by L M Lacee

  Trina smiled at the two excited computer hunters. ‘I am off, I need food. I will catch up with you later Darby, so you can let me know how it goes.’ She tipped her head to the side as she asked her. ‘Unless you need me?’

  Darby shook her head. ‘Nah, I am good.’

  Trina gave her a thorough look before deciding she seemed fine. ‘Okay, find me if that changes. I will be with the Turqualls, Telfor is working with them today.’

  ‘I will, come on Willian.’ She waved goodbye to Trina as she got in the lift.

  Willian walked silently next to her for a few minutes, then burst out. ‘Thank you Lady Darby.’

  ‘Oh, don’t thank me yet. I am horrible to work with.’

  He grinned, his long-range plan was to be on her team permanently. He just had to show her he could do the work and was willing to learn. Madam told him that was the secret show he wanted the knowledge. She said Lady Darby would like that more than what he already knew. Then when he was fit to do more than train, she would want him to stay and work with her. That was Commander Melody’s advice.

  ‘Well, Willian.’ Darby said as they entered her domain. ‘The sooner we find the sleepers, the sooner they will come back, so let’s get started.’

  ‘Yes, Lady Darby.’


  Planet Lowertt was a small-sized hunk of oddly shaped rock anchored in space by two suns and three small moons. The planet was a quarter the size of Terra and looked barren from space. They knew very little about the world they were going to. Darby had only unconfirmed oral history, which she had sent to their comps the night before.

  Peyton had not read the full report she had scanned the cliff-notes Darby always placed at the end of her reports. So on their way to the planet and checking to see that Melody was busy talking to Kent and Sarn, she quickly scanned her tablet and ignored Avana’s laugh.

  Report compiled by Darby Kline:

  The data stream has very little information about the planet Lowertt. What I found was mostly reports and witness testimonies verbally logged.

  It was said that many yentas ago there was an enormous planet known as Lewtoffa; It is reported that a suspected meteor shower passed through the solar system and the world broke apart. Lowertt is a splinter of the original planet. This world is mostly barren, and only a small portion around a quarter is able to support habitation, and that in the form of a large settlement. The planet has a rainfall of around forty days out of a four hundred and fifty day yenta. Water on this planet is always at a premium. Large water catchments that are reminiscent of funnels ring the planet and are fed into gigantic underground tanks where the water is stored to lesson evaporation. It is theorized there is an underground cavern system. Unsubstantiated as of this report.

  The planet is covered in green sand; I require a sample of the sand for testing to validate the healing properties. Chief trader Rose is sure she can trade for the sand if found to be as stated. It appears the planet is sustained by the trading of the sand.

  Witnesses say the sand is not so much mined as it is graded or swept by large operated machines into tubes, which appear drilled into the planet. I am surmising the sand is collected and stored underground. The collection of the sand is reportedly not a dangerous occupation, just manually intensive. As there are no robotics on the planet and each part of the procedure has to be monitored. Also, the sand finds its way into the machines that have to be regularly stripped down and cleaned, this appears to be time-consuming and ongoing. This is all I could find about the world and mining operations of the planet Lowertt.

  End report:

  Peyton closed her tablet and Avana whispered. ‘I am sure you are pleased for the briefing Hawk gave and the one piece suit now.’

  Peyton grinned in reply. ‘So funny.’

  Before they had boarded their shuttles, Hawk had briefed them on wearing the head covering and mask. It would keep the sand from their airways and was inbuilt to the suit they all wore.

  Peyton looked out her window as the planet or what was a chunk of a planet came into focus. She could hear Nikolas powering the shuttle down so as not to draw in the sand while they landed. His voice came over the comms.

  ‘Commander, still no reply from the planet.’

  ‘Understood pilot.’ Hawk shared a look with Melody who grimaced it was more than likely the silence from the planet was intentional rather than weather related. He sighed it appeared the rulers here definitely had something to hide.

  Nikolas called out. ‘Landing in five… four… we have arrived. Commander, there is a wind, you will need your masks.’

  ‘Thank you Nikolas.’ Hawk ordered. ‘Masks on.’

  Peyton flicked the button on her collar and her head was encased in a sheer mask. Hawk gave her a quick once over, to make sure she had deployed the mask correctly. Assured she had, he made the sign for the Warriors to leave the shuttle.

  Melody made her and Avana wait while the shuttle emptied of Warriors and they set up a boundary around the craft. Peyton stepped down from the shuttle and was immediately buffeted by the wind.

  She now understood the Turqualls reasoning in declining to accompany the away mission. The sand would definitely make them itch.

  Within seconds of moving away from the shelter of the shuttle, a fine green sand covered their suits and face masks. Thankfully the one piece jumpsuits lived up to their reputation. No sand found its way beneath her uniform to the skin. It was the thought of the sand being blown directly at her, which made her think of itching.

  Melody held them in place as they watched the rest of the Warriors led by Captain Certen disperse throughout the town. Hawk was to remain with his guard in the shuttle, in what they determined to be the main square of the settlement. He would be directing the search by the Warriors in the other shuttles as they landed around the planet.

  When Hawk was satisfied with his deployment, he gave Melody the all clear, and she in turn motioned her Warriors to scout ahead. She kept Peyton and the others waiting until she received an all clear from her team.

  Peyton did not complain, even though she could see the house they were meant to enter about five-hundred yards or so away. She knew Melody was only being careful; it was what she was trained to do and truthfully she would not want to answer to Hawk if something went wrong either.

  Darby had assured them the large black concaved house was the Governor’s residence. Looking at it, Melody could see it was an opulent and serious house, if that was possible. The building was four stories high with large windows on every level; they were all covered by shutters which were made from some kind of yellow metal. They were very stylish and as with the siding on the buildings obviously impervious to the sand being whipped across them.

  The two and three-storied houses lining either side of the street were also curved. Peyton wondered if that was a design feature or a necessity due to the wind. Maybe it lessened the damage to the buildings if they were shaped that way. But if so, did that mean the wind only blew one way, something for her to ponder later. The houses that bordered the street had sand knee deep piled against the outside walls. And as they watched, the wind pulled it into the air, swirling long streams of it high into the sky, then whipping it across the land.

  All the houses were shuttered against the wind and sand, which she supposed was why there was no welcoming committee. The weather could also explain why their hails to the planet before they landed had gone unanswered. She wanted it to be the driving winds that made it hard to communicate and not the people just ignoring their arrival. Maybe it was as Darby hypothesized and they simply had poor grade tech.

  It is what she hoped for, but Peyton feared she was about to be disappointed. She had seen the look Hawk and Melody shared in the shuttle.

  The wind made a droning noise that soon got on their nerves. Finally Peyton said into her face mask which came equipped with an inbuilt comm unit. ‘Can we go please, this is depressing.’

  Melody made a signal, and they started
the trek across the road filled with ankle deep sand. Melody scowled behind her mask as she gave her opinion of the planet. ‘Could be a nicer place in summer?’

  Peyton asked seriously. ‘You think?’

  Melody looked around at the deserted street. ‘No, not really.’

  ‘What do you think that noise is?’ Lukkas asked as he peered through his mask.

  ‘The wind hitting against the houses, maybe.’ Sarn offered from the lead.

  Avana also looked around as she softly said. ‘Or many voices screaming.’

  ‘Oh my stars, she went there.’ Melody groaned to Kent who was walking with her.

  He nodded as a horrified Peyton screeched. ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘Volume.’ Melody warned as they all cringed at the loud high-pitched sound she made.

  Realizing she may have spoken out of turn, Avana hurriedly placated. ‘It is just a theory.’

  Peyton looked at her and remembering the warning from Melody, lowered her voice as she asked. ‘Why would you even say that?’

  ‘Because tragedy happened here, it is all around us.’


  ‘Enough!’ Melody ordered. ‘We can discuss this later. For now, let us get in out of the wind and sand.’

  With her eyes on Peyton, Avana said. ‘Whatever it is, it is very irritating.’

  Melody said. ‘Our signal to enter the dwelling.’ She asked Sarn. ‘Lady Darby said this one, right?’

  ‘Yes, Commander.’


  They walked up the ten large square rock faced steps covered in green sand and came to two tall yellow doors firmly closed against them.

  Sarn thumped several times on the door and on the final thump the doors slowly opened. Taking that as an invitation they hurriedly entered, closing the doors behind the last Warrior. Just as the sand hit hard against the front of the house.

  The long hallway they found themselves in boasted pale white lights which bathed the floor just enough to see where they walked. Closed doors lined the hallway, Peyton did a quick count and came up with eleven not counting the brown double doors at the end.

  Sarn held his scanner up and waited for the all clear. He nodded and said. ‘It is safe Commander.’

  ‘Thank you Sarn.’

  Melody then gave the signal for them to remove their masks. Sarn touched a small button under his chin and his face mask peeled back over his head and folded into the collar at the back of his neck. Peyton’s fingers searched for the button as she watched everyone else do the same.

  Sarn’s large hand came into view and he gently flicked the button. Peyton sighed in relief. ‘Couldn’t find it, thought I was going to be stuck in there forever.’

  ‘I would never have allowed that Star Daughter.’ He assured her softly with a smile.

  She grinned as she said. ‘It would make eating hard to do.’

  He nodded seriously, but she saw the twinkle of humor in his eyes as he said. ‘It would, although talking did not seem to be a problem.’

  Laughing silently, she turned to Melody who was making hand signals and watching Warriors move away with blasters at the ready. Several disappeared up the staircases situated either side of the doors they had just entered, which Peyton had not seen. She was thankful Melody, and the Warriors were with her.

  Two Warriors slowly crept along either side of the corridor and placed a round disk on the doors they came to. The disks would signal if someone was inside, when they were sure no one was in the room. They then checked to see if it was locked. If not, two more Warriors would enter and search the room. If the door was locked, the same two Warriors would unlock the door, search inside and then move on. Two more Warriors followed either side of the corridor and re-locked the doors with their own locks. Thereby insuring no one could use the rooms to stage an ambush from later.

  Apparently it was a procedure that Hawk’s eldest brother, Kardan the Elite, had implemented many yentas earlier. It was now part of their standard operating procedure for entering a dwelling in unknown territory. It only took the team around four minutes to complete their tasks. Melody made sure they did not open the door at the end of the hallway, suspecting the occupants, if any, would be in that room. When the Warriors were finished, they returned and took their positions at the rear of her guard. Keeping an eye out for any surprise attacks as they moved down the corridor.

  They had walked a quarter of the way along the hallway, when one of the double doors opened and four shots were fired. Before the sound of the blaster died away, the door was slammed closed again.

  Lukkas and Sarn, who were in the lead, dropped to the floor. Kent moved in front of Avana and Peyton, who had flattened themselves against the wall, along with the other Warriors. ‘Melody, are you Sarn and Lukkas okay?’ Peyton called barely keeping the fear from her voice.

  ‘Yes, stay put.’ Melody was on one knee firing her blaster with Lukkas and Kent, punching holes in the doors as they heard running feet from above. Melody slowly stood when there was no return fire and called out. ‘Halt. Do not come down, we are safe.’

  ‘Okay… okay.’ Peyton said as she shot her hand out and a long spear of starlight hit the doors at the end of the hallway, obliterating them.

  They heard several grunts and screams from within, Sarn raced with Melody to the now exposed room.

  Kent called out to the Warriors overhead. ‘We are well. Resume your search.’

  He and Lukkas walked slowly toward the room with Avana and Peyton following.

  ‘Nice spear.’ Avana said admiringly.

  Peyton grinned as she held Avana’s trembling hand. ‘Thank you, in truth I did not know I could do that.’

  ‘It was still well done.’

  ‘Avana, do you want to go back to the shuttle with Hawk?’

  ‘No, I am alright.’ At Peyton’s look of disbelief, she amended that to. ‘I will be.’

  ‘Okay, but if you need to leave, you just tell us. No one will judge you.’

  ‘Thank you, but I will stay.’

  They came to the doorway and looked into what was the kitchen. Sarn held a short green and red male, not much taller that Peyton, against the far wall. He was completely bald and had prominent lips which were colored black as though they had been painted on, his round black lined eyes were filled with fear. He wore decent clothes and had a slight pot belly, being held against the wall, with his face squashed, did not stop him shouting. ‘Who are you people?’

  Melody stood with his confiscated blaster in her hand and snarled. ‘Do not even think to pretend you do not know who we are. You chose to ignore all our hails since we arrived in orbit. So shut up.’

  Melody was pissed, even more so when she had to answer her link and Hawk asked. ‘Commander, is the Star Daughter and Sene well?’

  ‘Yes, Commander Roeah. We have the situation contained.’

  There was a long pause before he said. ‘Very well, Roeah out.’

  ‘Shit… Tuap, that is not good.’ Melody scowled at the small group of females and children standing together in the corner of the room. ‘Do any of you have weapons?’

  They did not reply or move. Beyond annoyed Melody’s voice was sharp as she ordered. ‘I ask you to surrender any weapons before my Warriors search and take them from you. And I tell you now they will not be gentle.’

  No weapons dropped to the floor or appeared in hands, so Melody called over her shoulder. ‘All clear.’

  Kent grunted as he and Lukkas stepped forward with Avana and Peyton still just behind them. Sarn magnetically cuffed the male and turned him to face the room. His face was abraded and seeped a clear fluid.

  Melody wondered if that was the normal color of blood for his race. She thought perhaps it was when the sight seemed to make the young females loudly cry and moan again. Three adolescent males with the same facial features and coloring as the male stepped forward. Their hands were clenched in fists and their faces twisted in youthful snarls showing long canines.

p; Melody stood between the youths and Sarn. She said mildly for her, considering how annoyed she was.

  ‘You three, rethink what you are about to do and then look and see what your chances are.’ She pointed to herself and the Warriors. ‘My Warriors and I will cut you down before you take another step.’

  Kent and Lukkas moved a few steps into the room, still remaining in front of Peyton and Avana. They both looked at the youths without expression.

  Melody said when she could see the anger in their eyes morph into fear. ‘Now walk back to the females and settle and we will say it never happened.’

  She waited for them to decide what they were going to do, as they looked at her. Then Sarn with his hand still on the male’s shoulder and finally they looked at Kent and Lukkas. Then all three sort of collapsed in on themselves and shuffled, defeated to stand next to the older female. She stood, eyes alert, posture unbending as opposed to the younger females who were still crying noisily.

  Peyton tapped Lukkas softly on his back, he moved aside and she ordered the females. ‘Quiet!’ Instant silence reigned throughout the room. Exasperated with the drama, she snapped. ‘Stop that noise, no one is dead or hurt badly… yet.’

  She pointed to the female who appeared older than the others. She and the other females were as green as the males, except they did not have the patches of red skin the males had. Although they had long red hair, they still had no lashes or eyebrows but had the round lined eyes and lips like the males. The young girl’s dresses were a pale yellow as opposed to the young adult female’s dress, which was a light tan color. The older female wore a high collared, mid-calf, dark brown dress again from expensive material. All the colors complement their coloring, Peyton thought someone had an eye for color. The males were also well dressed in black trousers and yellow shirts, which gave credence to this being the family who ruled the world.

  ‘You?’ Peyton ordered the older female. ‘Take us to somewhere we may sit and discuss why I and my people are here.’

  The woman asked. ‘The young can leave?’


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