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Seduction (The Secret Billionaire Asher Christmas Duet Book 1)

Page 15

by Z. L. Arkadie

  He furrowed his brow.

  I jerked my head back. “Is that a yes?”

  “We’re surgeons. You can’t ask a surgeon that question. I have regrets. Earlier in my career, I could’ve done better and saved a life instead of losing that life.”

  “Yes,” I said, nodding and sighing with relief. “That’s a valid point.”

  He smirked. “Is it?” His eyebrows flicked up twice.

  I touched my face to feel my smile. “Mm-hmm.”

  “Penina,” he whispered and curved an arm around me.

  “Yes.” I sighed, my head soaring to somewhere beautiful again.

  His eager lips found mine. Although the energy by which his lips seized mine was intense, his tongue worked sensually, delicately tasting its way deeper into my mouth.

  Pausing for air, we gazed longingly into each other’s eyes. His warm breath slid against my parted lips, and I breathed him into my lungs. Then, in a sensual collision, our tongues pushed, stroked, tasted, and laved. Jake’s erection was so stiff it could be used as a hammer. He shoved his hand into my pants, and I shoved mine into his. I was right—hard, like steel.

  Our hands feverishly sought to get past our clothes. He sank his fingers into my pussy while smashing my clit. I moaned in his mouth as I pumped his shaft like a piston.

  Knock, knock, knock.


  We became very still with our dizzied gazes posted on each other.

  Jake put a finger against his lips, signaling for me to remain silent. I didn’t move a muscle. His eyebrow arched as he carefully but quickly lifted my arm, taking my hand out of his pants. I felt the absence of his hard dick against my palm and his slippery tip on my fingers. Jake tiptoed to the door and very slowly pushed the button to lock it. Whoever was on the other side knocked again.

  “Dr. Sparrow?” Deb called.

  I slapped a hand over my mouth, stifling a gasp. Jake remained silent. After a few more seconds, her rapid footsteps scurried away.

  Jake and I exchanged looks that said we were happy to dodge that bullet. I pressed my lips together, forcing myself not to laugh. He waggled his eyebrows then walked over and wrapped me in his arms again. I succumbed to his hard body and the nearness of his beautiful face by drifting closer against him, interlacing my fingers through his hair.

  His finger gently traced a line down the side of my face. “I want you in my life, Penina.” Since we had almost been caught with our tongues in each other’s mouths and our hands in the other’s pants, he kept his voice low.

  I nodded. “We’ll talk?” I asked, watching my volume as well.

  “Tonight, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about me. It’s not an easy choice I’m making, but I’m choosing to trust you, Penina. Can I trust you?”

  It took a moment for me to register that he was asking a question. “No one’s better at keeping secrets than I am.”

  Jake nodded gently. We stared into each other’s eyes.

  He wet his lips while focusing on his finger trailing down the side of my neck. “I want to fuck. What about you?” he asked.

  I tipped my head back, sucking in air sharply between my teeth, allowing the divine tickling sensation on my neck to rouse my pussy. “You get right to the point, don’t you?”

  “We don’t have much time. Deb’s looking for either me or you.”

  I waggled my eyebrows. “Okay. Then let’s fuck.”

  Without pause, Jake tugged my pants and my panties down until they bunched around my feet. As I stepped out of my garments, he pulled his down and freed his cock from his underwear. The cold office air on our newly exposed skin did nothing to quench our desire.

  Our mouths luxuriated in feverish kissing as he hoisted me off the carpet with one arm. In one smooth move, I wrapped my thighs around his waist as he crammed his dick into my sensitive pussy with his other hand.

  “Huh!” I gasped, keeping my voice as low as possible while his manhood plunged through my wetness. That felt good.

  Jake sat me down on his desk. The hard wood was cold against my ass. I arched my back as our gazes explored each other’s faces.

  Then he closed his eyes, raking his front teeth across his bottom lip, and whispered, “Mmm. You feel so damn good. I’m going to come too fucking fast.”

  His thickness filled me up so that even as we waited in a moment of high anticipation, my sensitive sex was eager for him to get started.

  I moaned. “Oh, Jake,” I whispered, impatiently lifting my hips toward his cock. I couldn’t take it. My lust was aflame.

  That one action was the match that lit his fire. Jake reached between my ass and the hard desk, grabbing the rounds of my cheeks. Suddenly, he sipped air sharply between his clenched teeth as he indulgently shifted my pussy against his erection.

  “Oh,” he repeated in whispers as the euphoric look on his face exhibited just how much he wanted to blast off inside me.

  My thighs trembled as I felt the tingling and throbbing with each stroke.

  “I’m going to come,” he whispered.

  Caught in euphoria, I tilted my head back, breaths deep and soft, said, “Me too,” and curved my hips more toward the action. Jake would hold on if he knew I was almost there.

  “It’s close.” I sighed.

  The sensation built and built.

  “Come on, baby,” he whispered, releasing a trembling sigh. Jake gave it to me at the right pace.

  “It’s … ha!” My orgasm burst into existence, then it spread like wildfire.

  “Shit.” Jake grunted and quivered, releasing himself after knowing I had done the same.

  I rested the side of my face on his shirt-covered chest, and his hands rubbed my back while we held each other, giving our bodies a moment to cool. One thing was for certain … we were definitely on again. We looked at each other with silly postcoital grins. Then we engaged in more sensual head-spinning kissing before we cleaned ourselves with Kleenex and headed out for rounds.

  I exited his office first, but I didn’t take the direct path back to the care station. I knew Deb well. If she suspected Jake and I were alone in his office, then she would make sure she saw which hallway I used to enter the care station.

  The medical complex was one of those modern monstrosities. The care station was set in the middle of the sixth floor, and four hallways poured into the area. One corridor led to attendings’ offices. That meant Deb would be positioned in a spot where she could see me walking from that direction, all woozy from my quickie with our sexy new attending. I was pretty much on cloud nine and would be for the next hour, so I walked in the opposite direction of the care station and took the stairs down to the courtyard, where Lonzo, the guy who ran the coffee cart, gave me a free latte because I’d left my wallet in my locker. When I casually strolled into the care station, sipping my hot latte, it appeared as if I had taken a restorative break.

  Once I saw where Deb was positioned, I constrained a smirk. I had been right about her. I also pretended not to see her when she looked at me in surprise. That was the problem with carrying on a secret relationship in a hospital. Everyone who worked there was too smart. At some point, our colleagues would figure out that Jake and I were getting it on and, to my surprise, falling for each other on a deep level. However, that wasn’t the time.

  My shift ended, and I completed handoffs. I played Jake’s game and pretended to not see him as I said goodbye to everyone in the vicinity.

  “Dr. Ross,” he said after I had turned my back on him.

  The sound of his voice calling my name blasted through me like an electrical current.

  I turned to face him. “Yes, Dr. Sparrow,” I said.

  His smile was pleasant and completely casual. “Thanks for the great assist today.”

  “You’re welcome.” My tone matched his.

  I didn’t observe anyone after that exchange, even though I could sense Angela and Deb watching us. Who are we fooling anyway? Our attraction for one another was like fluorescent
red light streaking through the room. They knew something was going on between us. They could probably feel it.

  I still had that floaty feeling as I walked through the busy lobby. Jake and I would do it again as soon as we were in the penthouse together. I was making plans to strip out of my clothes, take a bath, and wait in the tub until Jake got home, when I walked past Rich. He pretended not to notice me, which was sort of a bummer. I thought we at least liked each other enough to be cordial. I rolled my eyes as I ambled through the sliding glass doors. As usual, the outside air instantly reminded my body how exhausted I was.

  Just as I finished a yawn, a tall and slender man with dark hair and brown eyes obstructed my path. I grimaced because I recognized him from somewhere. Then the tension released from my body as I recalled him pushing the button for the elevator the previous night.

  “Dr. Ross?” he asked.

  “You’re Jake’s driver,” I said.

  He held out a hand. “I’m Kirk.”

  “Nice to officially meet you, Kirk,” I said as we shook.

  “Jake would like for me to take you to the penthouse.”

  I wondered if he knew Jake’s real identity. There was no way I was going to ask. I wouldn’t dare put Kirk in the position of informing on his employer. Plus, Jake had said he would tell me the truth about himself that night.

  So I forced a tired smile. “Lead the way?”

  He smiled back, and I followed him to a black luxury sedan parked against a red spot along the curb in front of the hospital.

  “No ticket for you?” I asked, grinning as he opened the door.

  He sniffed. “Sometimes. But …” He hesitated. “They’re all in Dr. Sparrow’s name.”

  We both chuckled as I slid into the back seat. I could have sworn he was going to say something else or call Jake by another name.

  As the vehicle pulled away from the curb, I saw Rich standing on the sidewalk, watching us like a hawk from afar.

  I could’ve walked to the penthouse, but I was happy I hadn’t. My head was heavy with exhaustion, and my throat felt scratchy. I usually kept my immune system robust by taking vitamins and drinking chamomile-and-echinacea tea with lemon and honey throughout the day, but I hadn’t downed one cup since Jake came into my life. Resting my head on the seat, I thought that would be the first thing I did when I arrived at the penthouse—call room service and have them make me a cup of tea. I loved room service. One call and voilà. I could be spoiled by it.

  My cell phone dinged in my bag. I had a text message, and believing it was Jake, I dug my device out. But the message was from Jamie, letting tenants know we could return to our apartments.

  I pressed my lips together as I realized I was practically living with Jake. What is he to me? My new boyfriend? We would certainly have to define the parameters of our relationship later that evening when he came home.

  “When he comes home,” I whispered just to hear how the words sounded outside of my head.

  Going to bed without him had been so painful the previous night. After the party, I took off my mask, jewelry, dress, and shoes, and put them back in the big box. I refused to cry as I washed the makeup off my face. While studying my reflection in the mirror, I noticed that I looked the same. Even though so much had changed in my life, I was still the same Penina, and I liked that.

  Know thyself. Always try to be aware of who you are. It’s not going to be easy, but do it.

  Those words, spoken in my mother’s voice, came back to me before I turned away from my reflection. I couldn’t remember if she’d said them to me, but someone had.

  Regardless, a yawn made me stop trying to figure out the mystery of the speaker, and I crawled into bed, thankful I hadn’t canceled my shift for the day. Knowing myself was why I was able to look Jake in the eye that morning and dare him to pull me off his service. If he wanted out of our personal-slash-sexual relationship, that was fine, but our professional relationship was not up for debate. He was the best neurosurgeon in the hospital, and because of it, I was obligated to learn whatever the hell he could teach me. But I’d had no idea we’d end up back together before the day was over.

  Kirk stopped the car in front of the elevator in the parking garage. He opened my door then pushed the button for the elevator. While he waited with me, we talked about how nice and warm the evening was. Not too humid, thankfully. He couldn’t wait until the summer ended. I yawned. He told me to have a nice rest of the day, then I rode up to the penthouse floor. I closed my eyes, letting myself feel the smooth ascension. I would soon be back in Jake’s domain and, after that afternoon, solidly back in his world. The elevator dinged. My eyelids fluttered open as the doors separated. Then I gasped as my heartbeat raced at the sight of a woman I’d never seen before.

  For several moments, we said nothing as we studied each other. I sensed I had taken her by surprise as well. The woman was very attractive in the way that most women who put an effort into their appearance were. Eyeliner was applied thickly on her lower and upper eyelids. Her lipstick and blush were bloodred, but somehow the overpainting seem to complement her ivory skin. She wore an emerald cotton sundress without a bra. It was the sort that looked as if it cost a lot of money. Her short dark hair, cut into cute layers, went perfectly with her bare shoulders and swanlike neck.

  She was the first to ask, “Who are you?”

  “I’m Dr. Ross. Who are you?” I finally managed to say.

  She snarled then crossed her arms. “Gina, and this is my apartment. What are you doing here, Dr. Ross?” She said it with such spite.

  “Oh,” I said, sighing in relief. “You’re Jake’s friend.”

  The woman chuckled. “Jake. That’s right. I heard that’s what he’s calling himself these days.”

  I couldn’t move a muscle. “I’m sorry?”

  “Asher. He’s calling himself Jake Sparrow, I heard. But he’s Asher Nathaniel Christmas, and I’m his girlfriend. So again, who the hell are you?”

  I thought she said her name was Gina, but I was so shocked that I barely heard her. I didn’t want to know it, really. The world “girlfriend” kept repeating in my head, taking root in my heart. The moment I knew would come had arrived. Jake, or Asher, had disappointed me. And the worst—or maybe the best—part about it was that I was relieved that we could finally stop pretending that he wouldn’t leave me. Everyone loved me and left me, including my own mother. Tears in my eyes, I apologized for infringing on her property and asked if I could pack my things before leaving.

  She remained smug and cold when she said, “Make it quick.”

  What a bitch.

  The tears fell freely as I secured my computer and mail from the other day. I shoved the clothes I’d worn on the night of the fire into my bag too. I hadn’t realized how smoky they smelled. I needed to do laundry. The fact that I was thinking about that at such a humiliating, confusing, and heartbreaking moment made me feel worse.

  After I was all packed up and on my way out, she stood by the elevator. I didn’t want to see her again or that smirk on her face. I wasn’t weak, but I knew when to and when not to fight. She had won. Jake or Asher had already let me know he’d bought the penthouse for a woman he was close to.

  “Whatever Asher has with you, forget about it. He’s not well,” she said. “My advice is that you bow out now before he breaks your heart later. Once his brothers know where he is, they’re coming to get him.”

  My frown deepened, not because she was being a stellar bitch who I wanted to punch in the mouth, or because she kept calling Jake ‘Asher,’ but because I faintly remembered Eloise mentioning a Christmas brother. Then I recalled the news show I’d been watching the other day. They were discussing a politician named Spencer Christmas. One of his critics had called him a billionaire from old money. I could hardly believe how all the parts were falling into place.

  Caught in a trance, I stepped into the elevator.

  “Down,” Gina said, smashing the button. She scowled at me until the d
oors closed between us.

  As I walked through the lobby, the people I was used to greeting said their hellos, and I put on my happiest face, not giving any indication that we were saying our final goodbyes. Then I was out on the sidewalk, walking back to my place, feeling as if my hot and fast relationship with Jake, or Asher, had come full circle.

  Before I reached my building, I received another text, once again thinking it was the man I considered my ex-lover. I looked at my phone, curious to hear if his self-proclaimed girlfriend had told him what happened at the penthouse. But it wasn’t Asher. It was my aunt.

  Found your mother. Come.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Penina Ross

  I booked a seat on a flight to Tampa that was taking off in two and a half hours and then called a cab. The driver was to arrive in half an hour. I packed fast, trying not to forget what I needed for a two-day stay in Tampa, Florida, while attempting to see clearly through my teary eyes. My suitcase was almost packed when I remembered that I had to call Deb. I didn’t want her to sense that I’d been crying, so I pulled myself together as much as I could before getting her on the phone. I told her I needed two days off.

  “What’s going on? Are you okay?” She sounded highly concerned.

  I closed my eyes to get a handle on my grief. “I have to fly to Tampa, Florida, and identify my mom’s body.”

  She gasped and apologized profusely for my circumstances. Although she had nothing to do with my mom’s death, I accepted her apology and asked if she wouldn’t mind keeping my situation between the two of us.

  “Of course. Your privacy will be respected.”

  I thanked her. Deb wished me safe travels, and we ended our call.

  Part of me wanted to call and report to Jake what had happened in his penthouse. That would’ve been the mature thing to do. Jake had been ready to tell me everything about himself, which more than likely would’ve included the information Gina had hurled in my face. I was blessed with a sharp intuition, and I recognized a spiteful person when I encountered one, so I wasn’t convinced she was Jake’s girlfriend. Her eyes had been shifting when she said it, and that indicated deception. Also, the energy in her body meant she was desperate to claim him. I was a threat to her. I probably should’ve stayed and held my ground.


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