Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

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Love & Consequences: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel Page 24

by J. A. Owenby

  “Omigod.” I rubbed my forehead with the palms of my hands and groaned. “What the hell happened? Why are we not in court testifying right now?”

  “Since the immediate danger is over, I’d like to take a few minutes to collect my thoughts and talk to you all at home.”

  “That bad, huh?” Hendrix asked.

  A heavy silence filled the car on the way to the house. I pulled my phone out of my purse and messaged Cade.

  Shit hit the fan. I’m on my way home, but I can’t see you yet. There’s more to come apparently.

  Black dots flickered across my screen.

  Are you alright? Did you see him?

  I snorted. Yeah, I saw him alright, but I’d have to wait to tell Cade the full story.

  Yes, but we didn’t have to testify. I don’t know why yet. I’ll let you know when the coast is clear, and you can join me.

  Thanks for letting me know you’re safely on your way home. I love you.

  Love you, too.

  I shoved my phone back in my bag and thought about the only thing in the world that made me happy: Cade.

  It was only one in the afternoon, but I made a beeline for the bar the second we got home. After a few healthy slurps of my vodka and cranberry, I joined everyone at the table. No one said a word to me about my beverage while we settled in at the table. Pierce, Zayne, and Vaughn disappeared the second we were safely in the house.

  “What happened?” Hendrix asked, still holding Gemma’s hand as though she were made of porcelain. I wondered if Cade would be attentive if I were pregnant. God knew I didn’t want any munchkins, not even with him. One pregnancy, although brief, was enough to last me a lifetime.

  “You didn’t have to testify because Brandon pled guilty to a lesser charge.”

  “What?” Hendrix snarled. “How did you let this happen?” He stood up suddenly, knocking his chair backward.

  “Hendrix, we need the entire story. Please,” Gemma said, holding her hand out to him.

  He ran his hand through his hair and remained standing.

  “How did this happen?” he asked Franklin quietly.

  “Since he pled guilty, the judge gave him a reduced sentence. He received three months in the county jail since he had no priors. Brandon has never been in trouble before. Well, none that could be proved. We know he’s done plenty but walking into a courtroom with charges that will stick is another matter.”

  “How could he have pleaded down? He had a gun on Gemma and me. That doesn’t count for some prison time?” I asked, my voice trembling.

  “Although he sexually assaulted you and attempted to rape Gemma, he didn’t. There was no ransom, and he didn’t transport you across state lines, so the charges were reduced.”

  “Then what the hell good is the system if it doesn’t protect us from monsters like him?” I cried.

  “I know, Mac. But there’s more …”

  My body shook with sobs as I brought my knees under my chin and curled up in the chair.

  “Mac,” Gemma said, hurrying toward me and wrapping her arms around me. “We’ll figure this out.”

  I leaned my head on her shoulder as my tears flowed. What the hell would we do in three months when Brandon was released? We lived in the same city, attended the same school. Would I have to change my entire life in order to not run into him? What if he waited for me again?

  If anyone else in this world understood my inner turmoil, it was my best friend. But she might have two people to take care of now. I’d not missed Brandon’s twisted, hate-filled expression when he’d heard her news. But I wasn’t sure if it was for Gemma or Hendrix. I suspected in his mind it should be his baby, not my brother's.

  Gemma released me and grabbed the box of tissues from the china hutch.

  “Thanks,” I said, taking one and blowing my nose.

  Instead of returning to Hendrix, Gemma sat down next to me and took my hand.

  “What else?” Gemma asked, her voice betraying her brave facade.

  “The FBI was behind the plea deal. They want Brandon out in hopes he’ll lead them to Dillon. They’re looking at the bigger picture.”

  “Well will they have a tail on him or what? I mean, if they know who he is and what he’s capable of, will it at least keep other girls safe?”

  Franklin nodded. “I fought for them to step in if Brandon was harming another girl, Mac. You and Gemma are my daughters, and I’d hate for anyone else to go through what you two have.”

  “What do you mean?” Hendrix asked.

  “Brandon will have a tail, and if he’s seen harming someone, the FBI will call it in. They can’t step in and stop anything, but the cops will be on the way.”

  “Won’t it tip Brandon off?” I asked. “I mean, he’s typically at a party or on campus.”

  “Right, as long as it’s not too risky to the overall operation …” Franklin said, his voice trailing off.

  I pursed my lips to keep from screaming at the top of my lungs. There was no way this deal was fair.

  “They will do everything to keep other women safe. You have my word.”

  “It’s a gamble, Dad. I mean, if I’m understanding correctly they’ll call it in only if it doesn’t blow their cover,” I said.


  “Is that all?” I asked.

  “There’s one more thing,” Franklin said to us, the color visibly draining from his face.

  Chapter 29

  “You have a few days to consider the offer,” Franklin said.

  I sat rooted in my seat, unmoving. There was no way I’d heard him correctly. The Witness Protection Program? Fuck. This was serious. How in the world had we ended up here?

  “I can answer any questions for you,” Pierce said, entering the dining room.

  “I—I,” I stammered. “What the hell do I even do with that?”

  “I know, Mac and I’m sorry it’s come to this. You all have a choice, though. But you have to make it together.”

  Gemma’s cheeks flushed bright red with the information, and Hendrix sat wide-eyed at the table, staring at us.

  “Would we stay together?” I asked.

  “Yes. The program protects families all the time.”

  “But we’d leave our entire life behind? Our friends? Cade?” My voice hitched as I considered the consequences if we went or if we stayed.

  “Cade would have a choice to go with us. If he wanted to, but it would mean leaving his sister and Mom, Mac.” Franklin’s expression softened.

  “I can’t ask him to choose, Dad. Hell, I can’t even choose. If we stay, we risk running into Brandon everywhere we turn, maybe even another shooting. If we leave, you give up your job, your friends, our house.”

  “Those are all things, though. We can have all of those again, Mac. This is about keeping us safe while the FBI goes after Brandon and his family.”

  “Can we come home after it’s over?” Gemma asked Pierce.

  “I’m sorry, Gemma. No. We don’t know how deep this goes, and unfortunately, Dillon is well connected. You’d be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.”

  Hendrix ran his hand through his hair and glanced at Dad.

  “Where are you at with all of this?”

  “I realize you all are grown, but my choice will be whatever you three decide.”

  “Dad, it’s not fair to you,” I added. “What do you want? What’s important to you? You’ve made a good life here.”

  “I have, but my life is with my family wherever it may be. Not to mention I might be a grandfather, so there’s that to think about as well.”

  Gemma bit her lip. “I’m so sorry. I’ll know one way or another tomorrow. It might help everyone with their decision.”

  “Let’s not jump to conclusions yet. Take tonight to talk to each other, see how the appointment goes tomorrow, then we can talk again. Whatever you decide, I’ll be there.”

  “I’m done for now,” I said, standing and taking a gulp of my vodka. “And Hendrix?”

  “Yeah?” he asked, looking perplexed.

  “Wrap. That. Shit. Up. This is the second time she’s thought she was pregnant. You saw what I went through. Like, why would you not be more careful? And here we are about to make life-altering decisions based on a baby’s safety.”

  “Mac, the first time wasn’t his fault. I was new on the pill and simply got scared remember?”

  I sighed, and guilt washed over me for being a bitch to my brother.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t want either of you to have to go through the heartbreak and hell I did. Regardless if you keep it or not, it fucks with you.”

  I walked away before they could say another word to me. On the way to my room, I grabbed the bottle of vodka. I didn’t miss Pierce’s disapproving looks, but he didn’t say a word. I wondered if Zayne would give me the same disapproval. For now, I didn’t have to deal with him much since he kept an eye on the outside of the property along with Vaughn.

  I hurried up the stairs, down the hall, and into my bedroom. Kicking the door shut with my foot, I strolled across the room, placed my glass down on my nightstand, and unscrewed the lid of the vodka. I tilted the bottle back and grimaced as the alcohol burned my throat. Replacing the cap, I set it down, then picked up my phone.

  Need you ASAP. Please.

  Cade’s message was on my screen before I could blink. The poor guy had probably been a wreck all day while he waited for me.

  On my way. See you in ten.

  I splashed some more vodka in the remainder of my cranberry juice and downed it. There was no way I could have this conversation with Cade without some liquid courage.

  A knock sounded at my door, and it creaked open slowly.

  “Mac?” Cade asked, poking his head around the door.

  “Hi, sexy,” I slurred and grinned, noting how his shirt hugged his muscular chest. I rolled over on my side and propped up on my arm.

  “Dammit,” Cade said, closing the door behind him. “You’re drunk.” A deep frown creased his forehead as he spotted the half-empty bottle of vodka.

  “Tipsy,” I said, patting the bed.

  “Was it that bad?” he asked while he joined me.

  “You can make it better,” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

  He took my hand and kissed the back of it. “Talk to me. What happened.”

  I groaned and flopped back on my pillow.

  “The motherfucker got a plea deal. He’s a free man to rape and pillage the town square in three months. The only hope we have is if the townsmen take him in the middle of the night, slip a noose around his neck, and hang him from the tree on the edge of our cherished city.” I placed the back of my hand on my forehead for extra dramatic emphasis. Even though this situation was deadly serious, I couldn’t resist being a smart ass. It’s what I did when I was stressed. That and eat.

  “What?” Cade asked, his brows knitting together in confusion.

  “Oh, it gets so much better. Would you like a drink now?”

  He shook his head, and I continued.

  “We didn’t have to testify at all which was good, but lemme tell ya. Fucking fireworks exploded in the hallway when we were leaving. Some goon decided to walk Brandon back to wherever he needed to go at the exact minute Hendrix, Gemma, and I walked out of the meeting room they’d stuck us in.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Right?” I rubbed my temples, attempting to regain a little bit of focus. “The second Brandon saw us, he tells Hendrix … Brandon said he’s going to bury his cock in Gemma.”

  “The son of a bitch,” Cade said, hopping off the bed. “Where were the guards?”

  “They were there, and Pierce stepped in front of my brother right as he was about to land a punch in Brandon’s face.”

  Cade’s hands clenched and unclenched while I talked.

  “But it’s not what stopped Hendrix.”

  “What did?”

  I barked out a drunken laugh. “Gemma,” I whispered loudly. “She tells him he needs to calm down so he’s not arrested.”

  Cade motioned for me to hurry up and spill the details.

  “Then she announces in front of everyone she thinks she might be pregnant.”

  Cade’s mouth hung open with the news. “Holy hell. Like, in front of Franklin and Brandon, too?”

  “Hell yeah. In her defense, she was scared shitless Brandon was that close to us again, and Hendrix was going to get his ass tossed in jail. She just blurted it out. Gemma is actually a really private person, I know she didn’t do it on purpose. But dude! You should have seen the look on everyone’s face, including Pierce’s!” I whisper yelled.

  “What do you mean Pierce’s? Why would he care?”

  I raised my eyebrow at him and picked up the vodka bottle, topping off my drink. “Want one now?” I asked again. “It gets even better.”

  “Are you serious?” he asked wide-eyed.

  “Mmmmhmm,” I said, taking another sip.

  “Yeah. I think a drink would be good.”

  “There’s a glass in the bathroom, help yourself.”

  I chewed my lip as he walked out of the room and returned with a glass. How God could have made him any hotter, I had no idea. Between my really good buzz and being terrified I was about to lose him forever, all I could think of was how badly I wanted to jump him.


  “Huh?” I asked, my gaze raking up his muscular body and peering up at him. “Sorry, I was thinking about you naked.”

  Cade chuckled and sat down next to me, taking a hefty drink.

  “What happened next?”

  “No clue. Where was I?” I asked, peering at him out of one eye.

  “Pierce’s reaction and Gemma’s possible pregnancy.”

  “Ohhh, yes. So, gotta ask you something and don’t take it personally, but do guys not have a clue about these situations?”

  “Not sure what you're referring to.” He took another drink and waited for me to reply.

  “Crayons. Box,” I muttered under my breath, recalling what I’d said to the girl that wanted to suck my boyfriend’s dick at the concert.

  “Huh?” Cade asked, his expression clouding with confusion.

  “It’s alright, I’ll draw you a picture,” I said, grinning at my own joke. “There’s a certain bodyguard who’s very much in love with your best friend’s girlfriend.”

  Cade gagged on his drink.

  “Dammit, sorry babe. I didn’t mean for you to choke on that one.”

  “Are you serious? How did I not see it?” he asked, wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand.

  “Right? That’s what I meant. Do you guys not see what’s happening right in front of you?”

  “In my defense, I wasn’t paying a bit of attention to anyone or anything besides you,” he said, trailing his fingers down my cheek.

  I leaned into his touch and kissed the palm of his hand. “I love you so much it hurts,” I confessed.

  “Babe,” he said, brushing his lips against mine. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. You have my heart.”

  Raw emotions balled up in the pit of my stomach. I inhaled sharply, the seriousness of the situation weighing on me.

  “Anyway, Gemma’s confession had a huge impact on all of us. We’ll know more tomorrow after she goes to the doctor.”

  I scooted back and rested my back against the headboard. My fingers tightened around my glass.

  “Cade,” I said, softly. “When I was with Asher, it was … we were young, and he was my first. I didn’t really understand what a relationship should really be about. Then, when I went to Louisiana, I met Jeremiah. I thought I was in love with him, but he was my rebound guy. It wasn’t until you walked into my life that I really began to feel whole. You’re the first guy I’ve dated that really saw me for me and loved me regardless. I didn’t have to pretend or try to hide my ADHD or mood swings. When you showed up it was like a part of myself had been missing all this time, and it had fi
nally made its way back to me.” I paused, glancing up at the ceiling in order not to turn into a puddle of tears.

  “Mac? What is it?” he asked, taking my free hand.

  “Please know that whatever happens ... it was you ... you were the light during my darkest days I’ve ever lived through.”

  “Babe? You’re scaring me. Are you breaking up with me?”

  I shook my head, the tears finally streaming down my face. “No, but you might break up with me.”

  Chapter 30

  “Mac, I’ve told you before I’m not going anywhere.”

  I held my hand up, not wanting him to say any more until I could explain.

  “Hear me out,” I pleaded. “When we learned Brandon would be free in three months, Franklin and Pierce approached us about—. The Witness Protection Program.”

  Cade’s eyes widened. “What?” he asked, his voice cracking. “You’re leaving?”

  “I don’t know. And if I do, we all do. It’s a decision we have to make together.”

  “Fuck.” He rose slowly. “Do you want to go?” he asked, pain etching across his face.

  “I don’t want to leave you, Cade. You’re the only person I care about other than my family, and they’d all be with me.”

  “Fuck,” he said, rubbing his hands over his hair and pacing across my room. “When will you know?”

  “Tomorrow. If Gemma’s pregnant I think we’ll all want to keep her and the baby safe. I think at that point we’re all in.” I choked on my words. “I don’t want to lose you,” I cried.

  In a few short steps, Cade was next to me on the bed, pulling me into his lap.

  “I love you,” he said, his words thick with emotion. “I love you so much.”

  I clutched at his shirt and held onto him with everything inside me.

  “Is there any other way?” Cade asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t expect you to do it.”

  “What? What is it?” Desperation hung from his words as we continued to cling to each other.

  I sat up, my attention on him. “You can enter the Witness Protection Program with us.”


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