Precious Perfection (Alpha and Omega Series Book 11)

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Precious Perfection (Alpha and Omega Series Book 11) Page 6

by Lisa Oliver

  “No, I imagine you’re not.” Rex straightened his spine, glorying over the fact he was a good six inches taller than the annoying human. “You might as well piss off. My boyfriend and I are exclusive, and his sexy body is for my eyes only.”

  “Boyfriend?” Jake gaped, but he quickly collected himself. “Come on, admit it.” The man had the gall to hit Rex with his elbow. “I bet you’re a friend of that big owner dude. How much did Devyn pay you to say that? There’s no way a fine specimen like you would waste his time with a cripple like him.”

  And the rage was back. This time Rex wasn’t holding the flowers. “May I?” He asked Devyn who was watching the exchange closely.

  “Be my guest. I’ve said my piece.” Devyn propelled his chair back slightly.

  Grabbing Jake’s polo shirt with both hands, Rex hoisted his weight off the floor easily. The smell of Jake’s lust was battling with his god-awful cologne. “Listen, you two-bit has-been. Oh yeah, I read your last reviews. You’re about as appealing as a wet paper bag. Devyn is my m… boyfriend. When I’ve proved to him, I can be trusted, we’re going to be married. And do you want to know something else that might have skipped that sexed up brain of yours? Devyn honors me by even allowing me to caress his lips with mine. He has assets you know nothing about – honor, loyalty, talent, and the biggest heart you’d ever hope to meet. I pray with every fiber of my being that one day that fine young man you ridicule for being in a wheelchair will claim to love me in return and when he does, I will be the happiest bastard on the continent. You aren’t fit to breathe the same air as him.”

  Jake smirked, he actually smirked. The shit had no idea of the danger he was in. “I bet I could suck you finer than anyone you’ve ever had before. You’d be screaming my name in five minutes flat.”

  “Because you’ve had a shit ton of experience, I suppose?” Rex shook Jake until his teeth rattled. “Your sucking skills are a dime a dozen. Would you care about me afterwards, or would you run off to brag about your latest conquest to your equally shallow friends?”

  “Hey man, no need to get violent.” Jake’s attempts at pushing on his chest were pathetic. When Jake moved to tweaking his nipple, Rex let out a deep growl and Jake’s face went bright red. “Look, big guy, how about you put me down, and we go and chat about my offer over coffee? Truth of the matter is Sam, my producer, wants me to bring in some new talent. I thought Dev might be good for a laugh, but you and me could heat up the screen big time.”

  “You just don’t know when to shut the fuck up.” His claws threatening to make an appearance, Rex did the only thing he could think of. He threw Jake out of the shop door, uncaring when he heard a loud yell and bellowed cursing. I didn’t kill him; he should count himself lucky. Striding to the door, Rex closed it firmly, turned the lock, and flipped the open sign to closed. Turning, he saw Devyn sitting where he left him, his hand resting on the flower stems, a half-smile on his angelic face.

  “You know, Jake is right about one thing,” Devyn said softly as Rex moved slowly towards him. “A fine specimen like yourself could have any man you wanted with just a wink in their direction. Sloane was a prime example of that and now Jake too. I imagine they’re not the only two men in existence who drool when they catch a load of you.”

  “If I wink at you, will you be mine forever?” Gods, could I be any lamer right now? But Rex was truly blown away with his first decent look at the man the Fates envisaged just for him. So calm, so tranquil, so fucking beautiful, sitting in his chair as though it was a throne. Rex would happily fall to his knees and worship his mate for eternity if Devyn said yes.

  “I think you’ve already taken care of the mine forever part.” Devyn raised his hand, gently brushing over where Rex knew his scar would be hidden. Rex noted his mate’s shiver and his lust went into overdrive.

  Chapter Ten

  He truly wants me. Devyn wasn’t a stranger to lustful gazes. Jake used to throw them his way every time they saw each other, as had others in the past. Apparently, the innocence on his face was a turn on for some. But Devyn had never felt a gaze like the one Rex was sending him. He could feel it everywhere, from the tip of his hair down to his knees. It was the look a predator might focus on a prey animal, yet Devyn never felt safer in his life. Aroused, definitely, slightly embarrassed at the attention, but safe as well. It was a kinda nice feeling.

  “Should we talk?” Devyn asked as the silence from his mate, my gods, I have a mate who wants me, stretched and grew between them. “I have to admit, I’ve never been in this position before.”

  “How do you mean? Wanted? Desired? Lusted after?” Rex growled. “That pissant I threw out wanted you. I could smell it.”

  Rex wasn’t the only one smelling arousal. As the man got closer, the scent intensified. Devyn swallowed, hoping his tongue would work. Up close, Rex was a force of nature, one Devyn would happily bow to if he could. “I meant, maybe we should know a bit about each other, given that your wolf bound us together for life. I don’t know anything about you.” He quickly cast his mind for a simple question. “Do you have a pack?”

  Rex’s face shuttered. It was quick and didn’t last, but Devyn caught it, nonetheless. “Is discussing your pack an off-limits topic of discussion,” he asked, stung, although he couldn’t work out why. “As someone wolves consider a defect, I get it. It’s not as though I’d ever have a place in a pack, which could make things awkward for you if you have one.”

  “I will say this once and only once.” Rex loomed above him. “Don’t ever let me hear you refer to yourself that way again. I might not know all there is to know about you, but I’ve seen enough to know how talented, and fucking amazing you are. You. Are. Not. A. Defect.”

  “Then why the look?” Yes, Devyn could be persistent, and he had to give Rex credit, the man didn’t try and make out he didn’t know what look Devyn was talking about.

  “There are some things you need to know about me,” Rex said, his voice full of gravel. “Things I’m not proud of, but in my defense, I didn’t know… I wasn’t in full… Fuck it, I’m mucking this up.” He dropped his head for a moment, but just as quickly it was up again. “I want to kiss you again, without an audience this time. I need to know we’re okay. Can I?”

  “Worried about performance anxiety?” Devyn lifted his head without hesitation. It was a worry, knowing Rex had a confession that he might not want to hear, but unless it included a wife and kids, then Devyn figured he’d handle it the same way he handled everything else. But seeing his proud alpha flustered, bothered, – it made him seem more approachable and “real” somehow. A mate Devyn wanted to get to know in every way.

  Hungry. There was no other word for it – there was hunger in Rex’s kiss and the strength of that emotion swept through Devyn like wildfire. It was as though Rex wanted to swallow him whole, or cradle him close and never let him go. Devyn accepted his chair as a fact of his life, but in that moment, he resented it – resented how he couldn’t press his body against his mate’s the way he wanted to.

  But maybe being an alpha gave Rex mind reading qualities, because seconds later he was lifted from his chair as though his weight was nothing. The lovely flowers spilled from his lap, but Devyn barely noticed. He might not have feet, but he could curl one leg around his mate’s hips, his hands holding onto Rex’s shoulders like a lifeline.

  Not that his mate would let him fall. With one arm across his back and one under his butt, Devyn wasn’t going anywhere, and he didn’t care about that either. Exchanging breath, tongues, and spit with the man who was now his forever – there was a power and strength in Rex that Devyn dreamed of.

  And it was over too soon.

  “I want to sink my dick into you so deep, you can feel me in your throat.” Devyn groaned at Rex’s promise against his ear, every syllable stroking his cock. He pushed his lips and hips forward, keen to cash in on the promise Rex was offering, but the next second, he found himself plonked back in his chair.

  “What hap
pened?” What did I do wrong? Devyn asked, watching as Rex hurriedly scooped up the spilled flowers.

  “Sirens coming.” Rex dumped the flowers in Devyn’s lap. “I bet that bastard friend of yours called the police. I’m not about to spend hours behind bars when I could be claiming your ass. Have you got everything you need?”

  “Well, yes…” Devyn’s words were cut off as Rex grabbed the handles of his chair, spinning them around and heading out through the workshop.

  “How do you get to work? That truck parked out back?”

  “Yes, but….”

  “No time.” Leaning over the chair, Rex hit the emergency exit door with a clang. The doors flew open, like they were supposed to, and Devyn felt himself almost flying down the loading ramp.

  “Rex?” There were things Devyn wanted to do. Machines to check, lights to turn off. Running from the police just wasn’t his style.

  “Keys.” Rex was barking orders now, and yes, Devyn could hear the sirens now, but surely it wouldn’t hurt to talk to the police.

  “You can’t….”

  “Do you want me to spend the night in jail for defending your ass, when I could be loving on you instead?” Devyn could see the wolf in Rex’s eyes. Swallowing hard, he reached into his pocket, pulling out his keys.

  A beep, and Devyn was bundled into the passenger side of his truck. He grabbed hold of the seat belt, and quickly put it on. “You need to….” He was trying to be helpful, but a clang and a slam cut him off. Rex had thrown his chair in the back seat and was hurrying around to the driver’s side, jumping in, shoving the seat back to fit his long legs. He looked at the steering wheel and the floor well in shock.

  “I tried to tell you….”

  “Where the fuck are the pedals? Oh, shit, never mind.” Turning the key, Rex got the engine going and then jammed the knob, clearly marked “shift” forward. Devyn winced as his transmission protested, the truck lurching forward.

  “Where’s the fucking…. Damn it. This?” Rex hit the paddle and the truck tires spun as they flew out of the parking lot.

  “You know, you could take a bit more care with my things,” Devyn protested as Rex turned the wheel hard causing the truck’s back end to swing out. “This beast is a one of a kind and the customization doesn’t come cheap.”

  “Sorry. Sorry. Fuck, that’s all I ever seem to say to you.” Rex’s eyes were focused on the road. But at least he slowed the truck down slightly. “I know this isn’t ideal. I should’ve guessed that asshole was so attention hungry he’d fucking call the police the first chance he got. I should’ve ripped his throat out and been done with it.”

  Devyn winced as he grabbed the oh-shit bar. “Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of wooden furniture?”

  He caught Rex’s glance of approval. “You’re an odd one, aren’t you,” the man said fondly. “Is your place okay for all the wicked things I plan on doing to you when I find a flat surface?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Devyn wanted so bad he could taste it. But… “You said you were going to tell me about your pack, or non-pack situation. I got the impression it was important.”

  There was that shuttered look again, but Rex didn’t try to hide it this time. Eye straight ahead, he said in a voice devoid of any emotion. “I was born into the same home pack you were. My dad was the one who ordered your death. I was, am, the alpha’s son.”

  Devyn opened his mouth, but nothing came out, so he closed it again with a snap. Well, damn. A wife and kids might have been an easier confession after all.

  Chapter Eleven

  I’m coming unhinged. There’s no other explanation. Rex wanted to take back his confession the moment the words left his mouth. Sensitive topics were best discussed with a sleepy, sexually satiated mate, on a bed, under the covers, with him holding his man close as he gently and quietly explained his father’s role in Devyn’s life.

  But no. Instead they were barreling down the road in a vehicle with no foot controls. Rex wasn’t even sure if the thing had brakes, although one of the levers on the side of the steering wheel must be it. He opened his mouth. Shit fell out. And now Devyn was sitting silently, twisting his hands in his lap. Feeling decidedly uncomfortable, Rex wished he could turn back time.

  “I was only sixteen when you were born,” he said hoping an explanation might make things right. “I’d just shifted for the first time. I barely paid any attention to the pack meeting. I didn’t know the full facts until I spoke to my father, and your bear confirmed it.”

  “Your dad knows I’m still alive?”

  Fuck, I’ve made things worse. Devyn’s white face confirmed it. “No, I didn’t tell him why I wanted to know about your… your….”

  “It’s called a culling.” Devyn’s voice was tight.

  “Culling. Yes. Well, for what it’s worth, cullings were illegal even back then. If we got in touch with the council….”

  “Gregor tried that when I was about five. The wolf shifter he spoke to said seeing as I hadn’t died, and I wasn’t homeless, it wasn’t a big deal.”

  It is a big fucking deal. “You’re entitled to restitution. Culling became a criminal act among our kind in nineteen seventy five.” The plastic of the steering wheel creaked, and Rex forced himself to calm down. The last thing he wanted to add to his list of sins was destroying his mate’s vehicle.

  “My parents didn’t list me as missing and there were no complaints by them to the council.”

  “They couldn’t fucking complain to the council.” Rex turned the truck up Devyn’s driveway. He’d never been so happy to see a house in his life. Slowing down enough he could turn off the engine, Rex hoped the truck wouldn’t roll, but he had to touch his mate. “Devyn. Mate,” he said turning in his seat and reaching for Devyn’s hands. “The alpha locked your mum up for a week after you were taken. She killed herself a short time later. Your dad,” Rex heaved a sigh. “Your dad was only young. He drunk himself stupid after they lost you. The alpha said he was up in a pack in Alaska now, or something like that. We could find him if it’d help.”

  “My parents didn’t just throw me away?” The heartbreak in Devyn’s voice hit Rex deep.

  “I promise they didn’t. But when an alpha gives an order….”

  “The man who is now technically my father-in-law, you mean.”

  Rex gulped. “Yeah, him, but we don’t have to ever have anything to do with him. I left the pack when I was eighteen. He doesn’t agree with same sex matings and I knew I was one hundred percent gay. I’ve never been back. We keep in touch by phone, but once he knows I’ve taken a man as a mate he’ll disown me anyway. You’ll never have to see him ever.”

  “That’s so sad, for you I mean.” Devyn’s fingers were gentle as they stroked his cheek. “What about your mom? Will she still want to see you once she knows about me?”

  “Mom died.” Rex leaned into the touch. “After she had my brother Tony, the shaman said she shouldn’t have any more children. But to my dad, it was the only thing she was useful for. She got pregnant with twins. None of them made it.”

  Devyn’s whimper of distress had Rex searching his mind for some way of making him feel better. “It’s not so bad, honestly. Tony and me, he left the pack when I did, we’ve done okay. Hey, did you know my brother is Gregor’s mate? They met when your bear came to tear my head off for leaving you.”

  “The Fates have been busy,” Devyn chuckled softly, his fingers warm on Rex’s skin. “I’m glad for Gregor. He’s been alone a very, very long time. It’s kinda nice knowing you and me have things in common though. No mothers, shitty fathers, although I have no way of knowing if my father was shitty or not. He wasn’t to know I’m alive after all this time and he’s never likely to know. Gregor has been my father in every sense of the word when it counts and I’m not going to hunt down a man who’s likely to have a new family of his own. Nope. You had Tony and I had Gregor, and maybe we turned out all right?”

  “We found each other.” Suddenly the inside
of the truck seemed incredibly warm. The air was saturated with Devyn’s scent and Rex wanted nothing more than to bury himself in it and never come out. But Rex had one more confession to make. “You should know, I have had sex before with other men before. Quite a few of them actually.”

  Devyn’s chuckle lightened his heart. “I guessed that from the way you called Sloane your fuck buddy, or what was it? His bit of rough in bed?”

  Rex’s cheeks heated. “I’m really sorry you had to hear that.”

  “I might never have met you if Sloane hadn’t sucked at proposal venues.” Devyn tilted his head to one side. “I can see why you’d appeal to him though. You do scrub up nicely.”

  Rex glanced down at his new shirt, and freshly pressed pants. “I wanted to make a good second impression, or is that third impression?”

  “Who’s counting?” Devyn leaned closer. “I’d dearly love to see you naked again, and maybe this time you’d stick around so I could do some exploring. I haven’t, I’ve never….”

  “Gregor implied as such.” Rex closed the distance between them. Watching Devyn’s full lips move was going to become an obsession. Tasting them too. Devyn’s innocence was genuine, but his need to be closer shone through in their kiss. When Rex finally pulled back, determined to get them onto the flat surface he mentioned, he could see a hint of wolf in his mate’s eyes.

  “Hey, there, sweet omega.” Rex knew his own wolf shone through. “I can’t wait to see you in your fur.”

  “You do know I can’t run, right? My wolf’s back legs are as deformed as my human ones.”

  Entranced by the flush on Devyn’s cheeks, and the puffiness of his lips, it took a moment for Devyn’s words to penetrate. “It won’t matter,” Rex said, even as he felt a pang for the lack of mobility Devyn’s wolf form lived with. “I can hunt for both of us.”


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