by Don Tapscott
51. Ibid.
52. Interview with Jerry Brito, June 29, 2015.
53. Interview with Steve Beauregard, April 30, 2015.
54. Interview with Jerry Brito, June 29, 2015.
55. Don Tapscott and Lynne St. Amour, “The Remarkable Internet Governance Network—Part I,” Global Solution Networks Program, Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto, 2014.
56. E-mail correspondence with Vint Cerf, June 12, 2015.
60. Adam Killick, “Knowledge Networks,” Global Solution Networks Program, Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto, 2014.
61. Interview with Jerry Brito, June 29, 2015.
62. Interview with Tyler Winklevoss, June 9, 2015.
63. Interview with Joichi Ito, August 24, 2015.
68. Anthony Williams, “Platforms for Global Problem Solving,” Global Solution Networks Program, Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto 2013.
69. Interview with Brian Forde, June 26, 2015.
70. Interview with Gavin Andresen, June 8, 2015.
71., 7.
72. Interview with Constance Choi, April 10, 2015.
73. The digital revolution has moved on to “the second half of the chessboard”—a clever phrase coined by the American inventor and author Ray Kurzweil. He tells a story of the emperor of China being so delighted with the game of chess that he offered the game’s inventor any reward he desired. The inventor asked for rice. “I would like one grain of rice on the first square of the chessboard, two grains of rice on the second square, four grains of rice on the third square, and so on, all the way to the last square,” he said. Thinking this would add up to a couple bags of rice, the emperor happily agreed. He was misguided. While small at the outset, the amount of rice escalates to more than two billion grains halfway through the chessboard. The final square would require nine billion billion grains of rice—enough to cover all of Earth.
74. E-mail interview with Timothy Draper, August 3, 2015.
75. Interview with Hernando de Soto, November 27, 2015.
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Abra, 20, 186–88, 325n
Academic institutions
as players in blockchain ecosystem, 286
role in culture, 246–49
Accenture, 69, 70
Accessibility, 256–57
Accountability, 10, 30, 108–9, 303
in foreign aid, 20–21, 190–91
in government, 23, 199, 202, 207–9, 309
in microfinance, 192
Accounting, 63, 64, 73–79
double-entry, 7, 74, 75, 310
triple-entry, 77, 78–79, 180
World Wide Ledger, 6–8, 75–77, 142
Accounting fraud, 74, 76
AccountingWEB, 74
Adams, Scott, 106
Advocacy networks, 302–3
Agency costs, 107
Agency risk, 60
Agenda, for next digital age, 307–9
Aggregating economy, 17–18, 134–35, 164–65
Agora Voting, 218–19
Agriculture, 138–39, 157–58
Airbnb, 17, 18, 115–17, 134, 135, 270
Allaire, Jeremy, 71–72, 75–76
Allianz, 156
Allied Control, 261
Altcoins, 60, 257
Amazon, 13, 72–73, 118, 122, 123
American Association of Independent Music, 230
American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), 229
Andreessen, Marc, 5, 9, 80, 311
Andreessen Horowitz, 178–79, 284
Andresen, Gavin, 51, 104, 285, 305
implementation challenges, 257, 260, 262, 271–72
Angaritis, Dino Mark, 31–32, 115, 131, 153
Animating objects, 22, 155, 156–61
Anti–money laundering/know your customer (AML/KYC), 42, 44, 302
Antonopoulos, Andreas, 70, 125, 128, 225, 233, 255
design principles, 40, 47–48
digital identity, 15, 264–65
re-architecting the firm, 86, 96, 97, 98, 102
AOL, 255
Apple, 13, 118, 150, 161, 229, 235
Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), 261
Arab Spring, 200
Ariely, Dan, 279
Art (artists), 21, 239–43
buying through bitcoin blockchain, 240–42
ownership rights, 45–49, 132–33
profile of next-gen patron, 242–43
Artificial intelligence (AI), 91, 123, 265, 274
Artist-centric music model, 231–35
Artists and repertoire (A&R), 238–39
Artlery, 239–43
Ascribe, 132–33, 243
Asset ownership, 19–20, 193–95
Asymmetric cryptography, 39–40
Athey, Susan, 111
Attention markets, 140–41
Attestation, in financial services, 56, 57, 58
Auction/dynamic pricing mechanisms, 234
Audits, 6–7, 63, 75–77, 78
Augur, 82, 83, 84–85, 181, 220, 224
Australian outback, power poles, 145, 146–47
Authenticating identity and value, in financial services, 61, 64
Automated Clearing House (ACH), 59, 293
Automated subsidiary rights management, 234
Autonomous agents, 22, 120, 121, 122–25, 126, 321–22n
Autonomous vehicles, 156–57, 165–67
Back, Adam, 34, 41
“Backdoor access,” 244
Background checks, 176
bAirbnb, 115–17
Balanc3, 76, 178
Bandcamp, 235
Bank of Canada, 9, 294, 296
Bank of England, 9, 294
Bankruptcy laws, 174
Banks. See also Central banks; Financial services
unbanked and underbanked, 170–72, 175–78
Barclays, 68–69, 75
Barclays Accelerator, 68–69
Barhydt, Bill, 187–88
Beauregard, Steve, 297
Behavioral change, 257
Bengloff, Rich, 230
Benkler, Yochai, 94, 107, 277
new business models, 129–30, 134, 135, 139
Bernanke, Ben, 294
Berners-Lee, Tim, 281
Big Brother, 244, 274–75
Big data, 44, 151, 225
Big Seven, 128–42
Birch, David, 177
Bitcoin, 5–10, 278–79
buying art through blockchain, 240–43
design principles. See Design principles
implementation challenges. See Implementation challenges
the players, 283–89
Bitcoin Foundation, 305
Bitcoin Lightning Network, 59, 288
Bitcoin Magazine, 279
Bitcoin Weekly, 279
Bitcoin XT, 271–72
BitFury, 261
BitGo, 287, 303
BitLicense, 286, 291
BitMoby, 50–51
BitPay, 48, 72, 246, 260, 263, 266
BitTorrent, 34, 119, 246
Black, Doug, 292–93
BlackBerry, 150
Black box marketing, 97
Black box of identity, 14–16
Blockapedia, 13
1, 224
distributed ledger technology, 6–8, 18
governance network, 298–308
how it works, 6–8
implementation challenges. See Implementation challenges
plan for prosperity, 17–23
players in ecosystem, 283–89
promise and peril of, 24–26
rational exuberance for, 8–10
seven design principles. See Design principles
Blockchain Alliance, 303–4
Blockchain cooperatives, 134–35
Blockchain IPOs, 82–84, 127, 180, 181
Blockchain judiciary, 220–21
Blockchain makers, 138–39
Blockchain voting, 215–17
Blockcom, 90, 127
Blocking Web sites, 244–45
Blockstream, 28, 38, 65–66
Block time, 255–57
Bootstrapping, 34
Boring, Perianne, 208, 287, 288
Boundary changes, 92–109
Boundary decisions, 109–14
Bouvier, Pascal, 269
Brand, Stewart, 129
Bretton Woods system, 281, 295–96, 298
Brito, Jerry, 263, 264, 286, 287, 291, 297, 301
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), 229
Brody, Paul, 33
Brown, John Seely, 94
Brown, Richard Gendal, 69
BTCjam, 81
Building management, in IoTs, 159–60
Business building, components of, 179–80
Business models, 115–44, 168
autonomous agents, 122–25
bAirbnb vs. Airbnb, 115–17
Big Seven, 128–42
distributed applications, 117–22
distributed autonomous enterprises, 126–28
hacking your future, 142–44
Buterin, Vitalik, 87–88, 262, 278–80
autonomous agents, 123, 125
consensus mechanisms, 31
futarchy, 220
re-architecting the firm, 18, 87–88, 96, 100–101
Buzzcar, 137
Byrne, David, 227
Byrne, Patrick, 83
Byzantine Generals’ Problem, 241
Cabell, James Branch, 277
California Public Employees’ Retirement System, 77
Campus microgrids, 148
“Canonical persona,” 16, 140
Cap-and-trade system, 222–23
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 173, 175
Carlyle, James, 69
Cars, 137, 164–67, 165–67
Cavoukian, Ann, 27, 28, 41, 42, 51–52, 275
CBW Bank, 73
Ceglowski, Maciej, 254, 275
Central banks (banking), 9, 31, 57, 286–87, 293–96, 309
Cerf, Vint, 274, 281, 299
Chain (company), 67–68
Chamber of Digital Commerce, 208, 287, 288, 302, 303, 304
Chase, Robin, 137
Chaum, David, 4, 219
Chesky, Brian, 135
China, 13, 56, 174, 243–45, 264, 266–67, 272
Choi, Constance, 288, 307
Christie, Chris, 98
Circle, 83, 284
Circle Internet Financial, 71–72
Cisco Quad, 139
Civil Justice Council, U.K., 221
Clark, David, 281
Clark, Jeremy, 215
Climate change, 149, 221–23
Cloud computing, 118, 122
Coalition for Automated Legal Applications (COALA), 301–2, 303
Coase, Ronald, 74, 92–93, 100, 105, 121, 142, 319n
Cohen, Bram, 119, 262
Coinbase, 44, 83–84, 284, 302
Coin Center, 286, 287, 302, 303
CoinPip, 217
Collaboration, 139–42
Collins, John, 302
Colu, 238
CommitCoin, 215
“Commons-based peer production,” 129
Competitive advantage, 64, 66, 110–11, 140
Complex instruction set computer (CISC), 260–61
CompuServe, 118
Computer viruses, 122, 123
Computing, evolution of, 150–52
Conflict adjudication, 100, 105, 219, 221
Conflicts of interest, 100, 125
Consensus mechanisms, 30–33, 36–37, 95, 98, 262, 266, 305
Consensus Systems (ConsenSys), 15, 87–92, 99, 101, 112–14, 130
Consideration, 10, 30
Conspiracy theories, 213
Content ID, 235
Contract breaches, 104, 258
Contracting costs, 99–101
Contracts. See Smart contracts
Coordination costs, 92, 93, 105–7, 121, 142, 166
Copyright, 45–49, 132–33, 228–31, 234, 236, 237–38
Core competencies, 110–12
Corporate boundaries
changing, 92–109
determining, 109–14
Corporate governance, in financial services, 73–79
Corporations, reconfiguring as engine of capitalism, 21–22. See also New business models; Re-architecting the firm
Corruption, 19, 20–21, 50, 188–89, 193–94, 195–96
Counterparty risk, 59
Coursera, 248–49
Creative industries. See Art; Music
Credit cards, 4, 36, 42–43, 62, 79
Credit scores, 62, 79–82, 177
Criminal uses, 4, 9, 128, 275–76, 303
CrisisCommons, 189
Crowdfunding, 82–83, 128, 181, 245–46
CrowdJury, 220–21
Cryptocurrencies, 5, 9–10
Cryptoeconomics, 119, 321n
Culture, 21, 226–50. See also Art; Music
on the blockchain, 249–50
privacy, free speech and free press, 243–46
role of education, 246–49
Cuomo, Andrew, 289
Cyberclones, 42
Data analytics, 233–34
Data breaches, 39, 43, 92, 118, 151–52
Data mining, 36
David, Paul, 57
Decentralization, 91–92, 106–7, 117–18, 162–63, 293–96
Declaration of Independence, 19
Declaration of Interdependence, 308–9
Deegan, Patrick, 81
De Filippi, Primavera, 258, 264, 265, 288
Delegative democracy, 218–19
Deliberative polling, 223
Delivery networks, 301–2
Deloitte, 68, 76–77, 78
Democracy, 9, 13, 23. See also Governments; Voting
alternative models of politics and justice, 218–21
on the blockchain, 214–15
engaging citizens to solve big problems, 221–23
second era of, 211–15
tools of twenty-first-century, 223–25
Democratized entrepreneurship, 179–81
DEMOS, 215–16
Desertification, 149–50
Design principles, 29–52
distributed power, 33–35
in government, 201–3
inclusion, 49–51
networked integrity, 30–33
privacy, 41–56
rights preserved, 45–49
security, 39–41
value as incentive, 35–39
De Soto, Hernando
citizen rights, 200, 201, 310
economic rights, 19–20, 56, 174, 178, 193, 194, 310
Developers, as players in blockchain ecosystem, 285
Diasporas, 306–7
Dictator’s learning curve, 265
DigiCash, 4, 247
Digital Asset Holdings, 63, 65
Digital brainstorming, 223
Digital certificates, 40
Digital content management system, 238
Digital Currency Association, U.K., 302
Digital Currency Group, 86, 284
Digital Currency Initiative (DCI), 247, 282, 284, 286, 301, 303, 305
br /> Digital Economy, The (Tapscott), 164, 212, 309
Digital identity, 15–16, 140, 176, 177–78, 197–98, 203–4, 264–65
Digital registry of artwork, 132–33, 242–43
Digital rights management (DRM), 132, 234
Dilbert Principle, The (Adams), 106
Direct democracy, 214, 218
Disease management, 151, 158
Disney, Walt, 246
Dispute resolution, 100, 105, 193, 219, 221
Distributed applications (DApps), 117–22
bAirbnb, 115–17
Distributed autonomous enterprises (DAEs), 22, 120, 121, 126–28, 143–44, 273–74
Distributed capitalism, 25, 49, 163
Distributed ledgers, 6–8, 18, 64, 65, 156, 181, 208–9
Distributed power, 33–35, 202
Distributed user accounts, 37
Document keeping, 159, 205
Domingo, Analie, 182–83, 186–87, 325n
Double-entry accounting, 7, 74, 75, 310
Double-spend problem, 30–31, 132
Downey, Paul, 205
Draper, Adam, 286–87
Draper, Tim, 284, 310
Drug therapies, 151, 158
Dylan, Bob, 110
ECash, 4
Economic power, 12–13, 172–75
Economic rights, 19–20, 45–49, 132–34, 172, 175
Edelman’s Trust Barometer, 10
players in blockchain ecosystem, 286
role in culture, 246–49
Edwards, Jim, 200
Electricity consumption of blockchain, 24, 259–63
Electronic voting (e-voting), 198, 215–17
Ellipse (album), 227–28
Emergency services, in IoTs, 158
Empowerment, 107, 208
Encryption, 28, 40, 243–44, 314n
End-to-end (E2E) e-voting systems, 215–16
Energy consumption of blockchain, 24, 259–63
Energy grids, 145–50
Energy management, in IoT, 157
Enigma, 27–28
Enterprise collaborators, 139–42
Entrepreneurship, 22–23, 179–81
Environmental Defense Fund, 222
Environmental monitoring, in IoTs, 158
Epigraph, 194
Ernst & Young, 33, 36
Essex, Aleks, 215
Estonia, 197–99, 203, 204, 206–7
Ethereum, 37, 83, 87–88, 119, 262, 278, 279–80
Exchanging value, in financial services, 62, 64
Executive Order 6102, 258
Facebook, 13, 81, 118, 140, 180, 246
Factom, 94, 194, 245–46
Factory of Things, 160
Fair competition, 93–94
Fairfield, Josh, 34, 263, 264, 293
Fair trade music, 227–39
Farming, 157–58
Featured Artists Coalition, 226
Federal Reserve, U.S., 57, 174, 293, 294
FedEx, 147
Fiat currencies, 217, 255, 292, 293–96
cryptocurrencies vs., 5, 38, 256, 260
FICO score, 80, 82