Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance)

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Masking the Fae King: Bramble's Edge Academy Year 2 (Reverse Harem Romance) Page 17

by Brenda Trim

  “What the fuck?” Sol exclaimed as he sat on the edge of his seat listening.

  “We need to get you out of here, Ryk,” Daine added as he glanced around the room like he’d lost something.

  “Why would he need to leave?” Maurelle asked.

  “They used Shineah’s spell,” Ryker said as he stared at her. He was watching her so closely that she jumped out of his lap and gasped at the pain in her back. She sank to the coffee table and wrapped her arms around her torso.

  “What are you talking about? Who’s Shineah?” Brokk blurted.

  Ryker ran his hands through his hair. “Shit. This complicates things. What do you remember?”

  Maurelle glanced at Brokk and her cheeks heated and turned pink. “I, um, the sex the other night. That’s the last memory I have.”

  Ryker got up and knelt in front of her then brought his hands to his mouth. Her jaw dropped when he kissed the back of them then placed a kiss on her cheek. “I’m glad you didn’t forget everything. I can’t stand the thought of losing you entirely.”

  “You’re talking as if you love me or something,” she replied. She had to admit she liked the way he looked at her and showed her affection.

  Ryker smiled at her making him even more gorgeous than usual. “I do, Braveheart. More than I’ve ever told you. Tell me what the council said and did. I need to take action against them after what they put you both through.”

  Her mind was reeling. The most wanted guy at the academy cared about her. Loved her even. And he wanted revenge against those that hurt her. “You can’t go up against the council. They’re too powerful.”

  “Not for me. When you were with the council do you remember saying the words damnatio memoriae?”

  Something clicked in her head. The words were familiar, yet nothing came to mind when she tried to recall if she said them and there was nothing. “I don’t think so. It’s the weirdest thing. They’re so familiar as if I know them, but nothing comes to my mind.”

  “Same here. The council was relentless with their questions about the supposed king’s return. I remember every second that they used potions and weapons on us, but not those words,” Brokk added.

  “It was awful. He had a bone sticking out of one leg and burns on his skin and so many cuts I thought he’d bleed to death,” Maurelle blurted with tears in her eyes. Ryker lifted her and cradled her in his lap before she was able to sniff back her emotions.

  Ryker pressed his forehead to hers. “I am so sorry I failed you. I never wanted you to be hurt.”

  “You didn’t fail me,” Maurelle insisted. “This had nothing to do with you. It’s the council. Some of them desperately want there to be another king while the others want to kill him if he exists. They’re insane.”

  “We looked everywhere for you both. I threatened the headmaster, searched the underground lake, went to visit my aunt in the Edge and searched the sewers. I was ready to barge into the enforcers office and cause chaos,” Ryker admitted.

  “He took risks he shouldn’t be taking. The realm can’t afford to lose him,” Daine added. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you guys are back even if you had to give up your memories in the process. It is worth the price to keep him safe.”

  Brokk shot a glance at his dormmate. “I have no idea what you are talking about. Care to fill me in?”

  Daine looked at Ryker who nodded his head. “What I am about to tell you must not leave this room. I know I can trust you both given everything you endured for me already, but I need to stress to you the urgency for discretion. I am the Fae King. We discovered this at the end of last year. You are one of my Guard, Brokk. That’s what that marking on your chest means.”

  Maurelle gasped as his words sank into her mind. “Holy shit. That’s why they tortured us. I wondered why they singled us out. I don’t even know what to say except that I will never reveal who you are. I was treated to the evil the council is capable of. I have the scars to always remind me.”

  Brokk pulled the collar of his shirt out and glanced down at his chest. “That’s what this signifies. I didn’t remember getting the tattoo and worried what else I might have done in a drunken stupor.”

  Maurelle once again climbed out of Ryker’s lap. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take right now. I’m exhausted and need a nap then food.”

  Ryker stood and cupped her cheek. “I can’t let you out of my sight. Would you indulge me and take a nap in my bed?”

  Maurelle bit her bottom lip and thought about his request. “Ummm. Yeah sure. I can’t climb another flight to my room anyway.”

  Ryker smiled at her and it felt like she made the sun rise. “I know you don’t remember what we had, but I promise to win your heart once again.”

  He kissed her lips, breaking away before things got heated. Maurelle had no memory of having a relationship with Ryker and was eager for him to win her heart. It wasn’t going to be too difficult. She liked him, a lot. That’s why she had sex with him in the first place.

  Yeah, she was extremely glad to be back at the dorms. More awaited her than she knew as she pined to be returned to her life.

  Chapter 19

  Ryker caressed Maurelle’s cheek and let his hand drop when he noticed her jerk with his touch. It’d been like this for several weeks and he was quickly losing his mind. He’d done everything possible to win her heart back, and yet she remained at an arm’s length.

  Ever since she and Brokk were tortured at the hands of the council neither one of them had been the same. Brokk was still one of his closest friends, but he was no longer the carefree, happy male as usual.

  What had changed was the fact that Brokk and Maurelle were now closer than ever. Ryker understood the fact that a trauma like what they’d endured together bonded them on a deep level. The problem was his mixed feelings on the matter.

  He was beyond grateful that the two of them had each other during the ordeal. He became murderous and wanted to burn shit down when he considered how they’d been hurt. For them to be there supporting one another during that hellish time was a blessing and no doubt the work of Fate.

  On the other hand, when he saw her smile and stand closer to Brokk than she was willing to with him that raging inferno shifted directions. He didn’t want to kill one of his best friends, yet he wanted his mate back. Ever since Shineah told them to expand their relationship they had become more and more intimate until Brokk and Maurelle were taken.

  Now it had been too many weeks since they’d even kissed, and it was weighing on Ryker. His air classes with them both were a test of his patience. One he’d failed a time or twenty. Thank the Gods the professors had opened the windows this year as it minimized the tornados his emotions spurred.

  “Alright class. We’re going to take class outside today so maintenance can repair the damage to the walls,” Professor Aobheal announced.

  Glancing over his shoulder, Ryker saw Aobheal holding the leg of a table and shaking her head. Ryker should feel bad for causing so much damage, but he didn’t. He was pissed, worried, and terrified of never being able to claim Maurelle as his mate.

  There was no doubt in his mind she was his forever, and now everything was all kinds of fucked up. But that didn’t mean they had to stay that way. “Hey,” he whispered into her ear then placed a kiss to her soft lips.

  The sound of a disgusted grunt brought his head up. Dani stood there with her vapid friends while she glared at Maurelle. “When will you see her for the whore she really is? I mean last year she was all about you, Ryker and now she can’t go two feet from Brokk,” Dani said after she shifted a smile his way.

  The female was beautiful and yet she did nothing for him. When first arriving at the academy he had entertained the idea of fucking Dani and her group of friends. That all changed the instant Maurelle had been walked into the mess hall.

  “Sounds like she’s ready to spread her legs for you too, Ryk,” Maurelle observed. “She doesn’t have anything to hold onto while you
pound her, but there’s always an alternative. I’ve heard swings have straps that could come in handy.”

  “Shut up, slut. No one wants a fat female. You should cut back on the deserts,” Dani countered.

  Ryker saw red. He turned and opened his mouth to let her know how vile her jealousy was when Maurelle’s hand landed on his forearm. “A thank you is in order,” Maurelle informed Dani with a saccharine sweet smile. “I’m doing you all a favor by eating extra banana pudding. If I didn’t there would be no males left for any of you.”

  “Move along little demon,” Brokk called out with a wave of his hand. Ryker chuckled as the group huffed and stormed off.

  Ryker twined his fingers with Maurelle’s and started walking out the door. He glanced down when she tugged her hand away. While his heart broke that she didn’t want to continue holding his hand, he was reassured by the pink flush on her cheeks and the smile gracing her lips.

  “I know you don’t remember this, but we were far closer before your ordeal,” he told her as they crossed the grassy area behind the air league building. “We share an intense bond.”

  “And intense sex,” Brokk added from over her shoulder.

  She gasped and her cheeks turned red then she smacked his arm. “Don’t say that so loud. You’ll make me sound like the slut Dani called me.”

  “You’re the farthest thing from what that female said,” Ryker interjected. “Trust me I know. My aunt runs a brothel, you know.”

  “Ah so that’s where you learned your way around a female’s body. Now it makes sense why you’re so good,” Maurelle teased. He loved seeing the twinkle in her eyes.

  “There are no other females for me except you,” he told her honestly. She bit her bottom lip and kept her gaze on his while they walked. “I want to go into the Edge tonight and see Shineah. The memories aren’t coming back on their own and we don’t have time to waste waiting to see what happens.”

  “Plus, you’re the you know what and need your allies up to full speed,” Brokk added with a clap on Ryker’s shoulder.

  “That’s at the bottom of my list,” Ryker admitted before they reached their class and they got to work.

  He was determined for Maurelle and Brokk to get all of their memories back. Part of it was for selfish reasons and the other for the good of the realm. He needed them both on his side so he could ascend to the throne next year.

  It was difficult for him to believe they were nearing the end of their schooling. He was nowhere near prepared to take the throne from those in power. Sure, he’d healed the worst parts of the realm and sent their enemy scrambling.

  In fact, they’d gone too quiet for Ryker’s liking. With everything they’d done over the past two decades he didn’t think they’d given up. There was no way they would go through all of the trouble to give up after a few minor setbacks.

  There was little doubt in his mind that they were recouping power while planning something big. Ryujin informed him after his last water class that the same evil entity was trying to reestablish a connection with him. That fact erased the lingering question about how his father was overpowered and murdered.

  He would have his female back and claim his throne. Then he’d make the fuckers responsible pay with their lives.

  Ryker was sweating bullets and it had nothing to do with their race through the sewers. He prayed the Peridun could restore their memories. Fate needed to give him a damn break for once.

  There was only so much one male could tolerate before it got to be too much. He was close to his breaking point, and only the fact that he knew his mom Galina, would tell him to hold his head high and forge ahead.

  She always believed in him and dedicated her life to raising and protecting him. He would make her proud.

  “Are you sure this is wise?” Brokk asked as they walked down the street that lead to Shineah’s shop. “We could get caught and given detention.”

  Sol chuckled and used his wings to fly above and ahead of them. Landing, he walked backwards and said, “We’ve done far worse, brother. This is an easy trip.”

  “Easy?!” Maurelle sputtered. “You call that easy?” Any memory that could trigger Ryker’s true identity was removed so neither of them recalled their excursions.

  “Don’t fucking say that,” Daine countered. “That’s like setting up a neon sign that says we’re right here assholes. Come get us.”

  “You’re being paranoid,” Sol replied then turned around to face forward.

  “Paranoid? Have you lost your damn mind? They found Maurelle and Brokk on campus. Just keep your mouth shut,” Daine insisted.

  “Enough,” Ryker declared. “Let’s focus on the matter at hand. Are you both sure you want your memories back?”

  “As certain as I’ll ever be,” Maurelle replied as she glanced up at him while biting her lip.

  “I agree. I can’t be an effective guard without them. We still have a battle to wage, and I want to be on top of my game,” Brokk said.

  “You’re the best of us, Brokk,” Sol interjected.

  “Course I am. Look at me,” Brokk exclaimed as he held his arms out to his sides and flared his wings to their full span.

  Everyone burst into laughter as Ryker opened the door to the shop. Maurelle gaped at the sight before them. Shineah turned at their entrance the charms hanging from her hat jingled with the movement.

  “Ryker…ah, I see these two had to use my memory spell. That means you are in grave danger,” Shineah said.

  “We’ve known that for weeks,” Ryker said in response. “I need to know how we can get their memories back. Neither recalls our relationship. Please tell me there is a way to restore what they’ve lost.

  Shineah walked from behind her counter and picked up several vials as she crossed to her worktable. After selecting a ceramic bowl with a dragonfly on the side, she began to pour the liquids together.

  “This will not be a pleasant process,” she explained. “Recovering what was erased never is. It is fast though, so you won’t have to endure it for long.”

  “How much pain are we talking about?” Maurelle blurted as she looked around at the peculiar shop. It was another example of what was taken from her. They’d been there so many times in the past year, she was very familiar with the place and the Peridun.

  “I cannot quantify the pain you will experience.”

  Brokk wrapped an arm around Maurelle’s shoulder. “It can’t be as bad as what we’ve already been through. And, it won’t last for days like last time either. We can do this. I’m right here with you.”

  Maurelle nodded. Seeing the closeness between the two of them was comforting and infuriating for Ryker. “I’m here for you, as well,” Ryker vowed. “Is there a way I can take the pain for them? They’ve already suffered enough for me.”

  “No,” both Brokk and Maurelle insisted.

  Shineah paused in her mixing to watch them with a smile on her face. “This is not something you can endure for them. The only way to regain lost memories is to express the desire for them and endure the cost of getting them.”

  “It’s okay, Ryker. We will do it. You have proven to me that you cared for me deeply during these past weeks while I have had no idea what we meant to each other. You never once wavered, even when the prettiest females at the academy threw themselves at you with their panties off and their legs wide open.”

  That made him burst into laughter while his heart sang with emotion. He loved her more than words could convey and had begun to hope he wasn’t losing the one female he would ever want. She’d just given him hope.

  “What can I say? I am Prince Charming after all.”

  “You mean King of Charm,” Maurelle countered.

  “It’s ready,” the Peridun interjected. “One of you should come lay down on the table while the other can sit on the stool. It’ll be easier if you’re prone after taking this.”

  Ryker followed Maurelle to the metal table and helped her onto the platform. Brokk sat on the stool wit
h Daine and Sol standing at his sides. Ryker remained by Maurelle. Shineah handed them each a small glass containing a vibrant yellow liquid. It smelled like lemongrass and sunshine as it passed by his face.

  Maurelle toasted Brokk then gulped down her drink. She looked at Shineah before shifting her gaze to Ryker. She shrugged her shoulders and he released the breath he’d been holding right as her eyes rolled back in her head and her body began to shake.

  He immediately grabbed her shoulders and held her gently while also not allowing her to flop from the table to the floor. A shriek left her mouth and Brokk cried out. Maurelle’s legs moved restlessly on the platform. Ryker put one arm across her chest and the other over her thighs.

  Tears streamed down her temples and rolled into her hair. Leaning over, Ryker placed a kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Maurelle. I wish you didn’t have to experience another second of pain for me. All I can do is promise a life of pleasure once we get through this.”

  Her head moved side to side, and she whimpered. Ryker didn’t think he could handle another second of her pain. It was pure torture. Turning his head, he saw that Daine and Sol had hold of Brokk. Not that he looked as if he was in danger of falling off the stool.

  Where Maurelle was thrashing, Brokk sat rigidly while he jerked different body parts as agony wracked his entire body. It was clear he’d gone through immense pain. Seeing proof only reinforced his promise to get revenge against those responsible. They’d pay dearly.

  Maurelle’s body suddenly stopped moving. Ryker brushed sweaty strands of her pink hair from her forehead. “Ryk,” she rasped when she opened her eyes. The smile that spread across her face made him gather her into his arms and pull her to his chest.

  “How do you feel?” He broke his embrace and held her at arm’s length and checked her over.


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