Shadow Cursed (Shadow Falls Series Book 2)

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Shadow Cursed (Shadow Falls Series Book 2) Page 11

by Lizzy Prince

  Even though Bridget has been mad at me, she’s still always been kind to me. It’s like it goes against her nature to be mean. Sure, I’ve been more than a little confused by her behavior since I’ve met her, well, from what I thought was the first time I’d met her. Turns out, that was well over a year after I really met her. There’s always been this conflict in her eyes when she looked at me. I would see this desperate desire layered with pain and heartbreak, and now that I know I’m missing time, it all makes sense. That I can’t recall this time in my life pisses me off and is making my wolf furious.

  Bridget sucks her lips in and bites down, looking uncertain about how to respond, but I don’t need her to worry about complimenting my compliment. Instead, I grab her hand and pull her toward the car. “Come on. Let’s get going.”

  She doesn’t fight my hold, but she does look a little stunned. By everything that’s happened today, no doubt. She doesn’t say a word as we make the short trip to Killian’s house. My eyes keep stealing glances at her, but she’s got a faraway look on her face as she stares out the window. Her body is relaxed, but I can’t tell if it’s more from being worn out, or if she’s truly comfortable in my presence. I’m guessing she’s just tired.

  We pull up in front of Killian’s house within five minutes. It’s a Georgian-style mansion that screams old money, but Killian is anything but. His house is primmer and more proper looking than Killian could ever be. But he has a certain persona he wants to project. Knowing him for as long as I have, I’d say he’s mostly successful, but I know there are some days when his monster is barely restrained. He usually disappears for a while when that happens. We never talk about it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

  Bridget doesn’t make any attempt to get out of the 4Runner as I round the front and open her door. She looks surprised when I speak. “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

  She straightens her spine and unbuckles, hopping out of the SUV and ignoring the hand held out to help her. Tired then, she’s definitely tired. I take us to the side door that’s always unlocked instead of the front door, opening it like I’ve done a hundred times.

  “Do you have something against knocking before you enter people’s houses?” Bridget asks, not so subtly giving me shit about when I let myself into her house.

  “Not when I know I’ll be invited in.” I smile down at her, but she just rolls her eyes and waits for me to lead the way down the hallway.

  We come in through the kitchen, which is essentially unused in Killian’s house. It’s kind of a waste since it’s huge and sparkling with top of the line appliances, but what does a vampire need with a chef’s kitchen? There might be some blood in the fridge, but that’s probably all that’s in there. A hallway takes us from the kitchen into the huge entry. There’s a curved stairway that leads up the second floor, but I can smell vampires just off the main room in the front parlor. That’s what Killian calls it. I would never voluntarily call a room a parlor. We don’t live in Victorian England for Christ’s sake.

  “Killian,” I call out, making Bridget jump a little next to me. I frown and rest my hand on her back, urging her forward. She relaxes, but I can still feel the tension coursing through her. It’s irritating my wolf, who wants me to pick her up and take her some place where it will just be the two of us. I smack him back down because as appealing as that sounds, there are much more important things to deal with at the moment than my possessiveness.

  “In here,” Killian replies, although neither of us has any real need to announce our presence. He knew the moment I entered his home, hell, probably as soon as I pulled up outside. Vampires have extraordinary hearing. I’m doing it more for Bridget’s benefit. Not to mention I know nothing about the vamp that Killian’s been babysitting. As a newborn, her senses are likely all out of whack, and whether or not she can concentrate enough to hear us coming is beyond me. There’s no need to surprise her.

  The front parlor is a room that has no purpose but sitting. There are two couches facing each other separated by a low table. There’s a fireplace on the far wall, and it’s dancing with flames, throwing off enough heat to warm the entire room. Killian has his arm draped over the mantel, with his hand dangling casually off the edge. He looks relaxed, but I’m not fooled. He’s wound up so tightly he’s practically vibrating.

  The red-headed vamp is sitting on the corner of the couch, looking like she’s trying to contain herself to the smallest space possible. Her knees are tucked up against her chest, and her arms are hugged around them. She keeps her eyes fixed on an invisible spot on the carpet as we enter.

  Bridget and I move toward the couch opposite the red head, and I lift a questioning brow in Killian’s direction.

  “Killian, this is Bridget. Bridget, Killian. I’m assuming your… friend here is Hollis.” I nod toward the woman across from us. She uncurls from her compacted posture. She sets her feet on the ground, but she doesn’t look any more comfortable. It might actually be worse, since her hands are now gripping her legs so tightly I’m afraid she’s going to make herself bleed.

  Killian moves away from the fireplace and sits down next to the woman, placing a hand low on her back as he whispers something in her ear. She slumps a little as though releasing some of the tension plaguing her, but she still doesn’t look at us.

  “Silas, Bridget.” Killian nods in acknowledgement toward Bridget, who looks as though she’s not sure if she should be frightened or pissed. “This is Hollis.”

  He removes his hand from her back and sinks back onto the couch, crossing his arms as he does. “Our meeting at Alarik’s earlier today reminded Hollis of a few things she needed to share with you.”

  Hollis finally looks up and holds my stare with crystalline blue eyes. There’s no fear in them, just apprehension. When she doesn’t say anything after a prolonged silence so excruciating that Bridget starts to fidget next to me, I finally speak. Hoping my question will prompt her to talk.

  “Killian mentioned a curse. What do you know of it?”

  Another minute of silence hangs over the room, and I’m about to write this off as a lost cause or some fucked up prank when she finally talks. Her voice is like warm honey, meant to entice. It’s part of her vampirism, though it only enhances a person's existing attributes so much, meaning it’s something that’s inherently part of who she is. It doesn’t affect me as it might a human man, or someone who didn’t have a five foot nothing, spitfire of a woman sitting next to him.

  “You’ve been cursed to forget a woman as soon as you sleep with them.” She meets my gaze as she delivers this news with the warmth of an iceberg.

  “Killian mentioned that. How do you know this?” I ask, trying to keep my temper and everything else in check. My wolf is not happy.

  “Because I was the one who cursed you.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I don’t know what I’m doing here. Sitting in Killian Moore’s fancy room—seriously, what guy has a room with this much wallpaper—thinking that someone is going to offer us tea at any moment. The uncomfortable-looking woman sitting across from me bit me earlier, and the thought sends fresh pain pulsing through me, centering on the spot on my arm.

  Silas is surprisingly composed next to me, but I don’t know what to believe. Is this some elaborate setup for him to get out of being a complete dick to me? He told me that he didn’t remember us meeting or having sex. He didn’t remember anything until after that happened. I mean, I know Shadow Falls is a messed-up place with all kinds of supernatural beings—hello, there are vampires sitting across from us—but is it really possible to curse someone? And why would this woman have cursed Silas? A dreadful thought starts creeping up my spine. Did she curse him as some kind of retribution? Did he sleep with her and ditch her, too?

  I gasp unintentionally as that thought slams into my head, and everyone in the room snaps their heads to look at me. A blush explodes over my face, and I know what’s coming next.

p; “What is it?” Silas ducks his head down to meet my eyes. His whispered question tingles across my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

  I shake my head, a little too vehemently. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  “No. What is it?” Silas asks again, looking so worried about me that it cracks the very thin layer of ice I try to wrap around my heart. Just a little crack.

  Slowly lifting my eyes to his, I level him with a stare. “I was just wondering if she cursed you because you slept with her and disappeared.”

  Silas’s face contorts into a frown. Hollis coughs, barely covering her laugh, or maybe she just choked on her own spit.

  “No. We never slept together,” she croaks out as soon as she stops choking.

  “Why then?” I ask, trampling all over Silas’s right to ask questions. He should be the one interrogating her. He’s the one that was cursed, but the question is already out of my mouth before I finish the thought. Am I really going to believe this? Is this a slate washed clean, get out of jail free card for Silas? Has my anger really been misdirected all this time? My head aches with too many thoughts at once.

  “Do you know who Corbin Macek is?” Hollis says in lieu of answering my question. Oh, so that’s how this is going down? A muscle in my cheek twitches. I inhale deeply and blow out my breath slowly.

  “Unfortunately,” Silas mutters, but I have no idea who this Corbin dude is. I want to ask, but I’m trying not to interrupt again. Even if I’ve been on the shit end of the stick because of Hollis’s curse.

  “Then you know what a piece of shit he is.” Hollis’s jaw tightens, and her eyes burn with hatred as Silas continues to stare at her.

  “What about him?” he finally asks.

  “Until a few weeks ago, Corbin all but owned me.” Hollis grits her teeth, barely getting the words out. Killian’s hand returns to her back, and his eyes are fixed on her as if no one else is even in the room with them.

  “He forced me to curse you.”

  “When?” Silas growls, the sound a deep reverberation within his chest.

  “It’s been at least two years. Maybe a little longer,” she says, and I can’t help but notice the timing.

  “Why?” Silas is stiff next to me as he repeats the same question I asked earlier. Color rises on the back of his neck as if he’s so enraged that the force of holding it in is raising his blood pressure.

  Hollis looks horrible. Not just tired and guilty, but strung out, like a junkie who needs a fix. I don’t know what’s going on in this fancy house, but I’m a little worried for her. Damn my soft heart. This woman bit me hours ago, now I want to, what? Take her home and fix her up?

  “I don’t know. He never gave me reasons for the things he wanted me to do. I couldn’t refuse him. I couldn’t…” Her eyes are all over the room, like a trapped animal that’s been cornered and doesn’t know how to get out.

  “Why tell him now?” I ask, keeping my voice calm and soft, as if that’s going to make any difference in this conversation.

  “Things have changed.” Her eyes land on me, and I watch as her pupils dilate. Worry that I might smell a little too enticing prickles against my instincts. She rips her gaze from me and turns to look at Killian instead, as if he can provide an anchor for her. “When I saw you earlier today, I told Killian what I knew. I only thought it was fair.”

  “Fair?” Silas’s voice is dripping with anger and disdain, and he struggles to maintain his composure. I’ve never seen him angry before, not really. He’s always charming me with smiles and teasing. It’s quite something to see how the veins in his arms pop out as he clenches his fist. I don’t know why, but I place a hand on his arm, and his head swivels toward me, all anger melting from his eyes as he looks at me with surprise and… hope.

  I don’t look away from him when I ask my next question. “Can you remove the curse?”

  Silas tears his eyes from me and looks back at Hollis, whose face has morphed into one of pure agony. She inhales, the sound ragged and painful. “I can’t connect with the magic anymore. Not like this.” She flicks her hand in front of her chest as if to say that whatever she is now, it is not how she was before. She looks defeated.

  “Do you know how I can break it? Can I break it?” Silas asks, a note of pleading in the question that has another layer of that ice cracking away from my heart.

  Hollis looks gutted as she shakes her head. “I don’t… my magic…” She stumbles over her words, and her nostrils flare as she tries to contain her emotions. “Now that I’m this, I can’t access my magic any longer. But I’ll find out. I promise you. I’ll find out.”

  Abruptly, I stand. I know that Silas is barely hanging by a thread. He’s going to snap, and I’m not sure who’s going to bear the brunt of his rage.

  “Is there anything else you need to tell us?” I direct the question toward Hollis, but I’m starting at Silas. His face is hardened, but his eyes show devastation. I blink rapidly as those damn tears well up in my eyes, and my throat constricts as I swallow back the need to cry.

  Killian’s the one who responds. “No. I’ll call as soon as we know more. We will find out more.” I tear my eyes from Silas to find Killian’s intense gaze focused on me. “Take care of him.”

  I don’t know how to acknowledge that, because I have no idea how on earth I’m supposed to take care of Silas. What could he possibly need from me? Instead of questioning Killian, I turn back to Silas and hold out my hand, not that he needs help getting up from the couch. Obviously, he doesn’t, and I’m not sure where the impulse came from, but it’s too late to pull back now. My hand disappears in his huge warm one, and he rises from the couch. He doesn’t spare a glance at Killian or Hollis as I lead us from the room. I get the feeling Silas doesn’t want my back exposed to the two vampires in the room.

  “Should I be worried about leaving Hollis with Killian? She doesn’t seem well,” I ask once we’re back in Silas’s SUV.

  It takes a while for my question to penetrate, and when Silas finally looks at me, I can tell my question hasn’t registered. Reaching out, I place my hand on his arm, and his eyes flutter shut as if he’s soaking in the touch. A thousand butterflies flit around in my stomach, and my breath hitches. Seeing him vulnerable like this has cracked open a whole new side that I’ve never seen of Silas before, and it’s killing me. Hitting me right in my weak spot that demands I feed people and make them feel good. I worry my lip between my teeth, gnawing on my bottom lip.

  “What?” Silas finally asks, and I’m relieved that he sounds normal.

  “Hollis. Will she be okay with Killian?”

  Silas snorts and starts the car. “He’s the one you should be worried about. She’s trying to overcome bloodlust. If he doesn’t tread carefully, she could easily tear his throat out.”

  “Oh. Okay then. Good to know she’ll be fine.” I clear my throat, taken aback by the thought of that pale and frail looking woman ripping out Killian’s throat. Then again, she did try to eat me. I rub a hand over the bandage wrapped tightly around my arm.

  Neither of us speaks as Silas drives me home. There’s a tiny part of me that’s disappointed he’s not taking me back to his house, but I get it. He’s got a lot to absorb and mentally sort through after what we’ve just learned. And so do I. I probably need the space too. To consider how I’ve been mad at Silas for the last year over something that wasn’t his fault. Crap. Now I feel guilty.

  Silas pulls up in front of my house, and I’m surprised when he shuts off the car and gets out. He’s around the front and opening my door before I get my seatbelt unclicked.

  “You didn’t have to get out. I could have made it to my door just fine,” I gently tease.

  “I’m not leaving you alone.” Silas looks affronted that I would even suggest such a thing.

  “Oh. So, you’re coming in?” I blink up at him. So, no need for space to think then. Okay.

  “Yes. We need to talk.”

  He takes my arm, like I’m an old lady who ne
eds assistance. Or, I suppose, like a gentleman, but Silas abruptly stops before we take one step. Tipping his head back he… sniffs the air and is suddenly on alert. Huh.

  “There’s a wolf nearby,” he says quietly.

  “A wolf?” I gasp, my eyes darting around my small yard as if I’ll be able to spot what he’s… smelling?

  Chapter Fifteen


  All the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up as my wolf and I are both on high alert. I should have scented the wolf as soon as I exited the car, but the revelations of the day have my head spinning. I haven't begun to figure out how this could have happened. Why would anyone do this? And what other implications are there that I haven’t had time to figure out yet?

  All I know is that Bridget and I need to have a talk. She needs to understand that I didn’t just walk away from her last year as if I’d checked her off my list once I got in her pants. I think she’s starting to believe that, but I need to know for sure. The smell of a wolf nearby overrides any other thoughts except for my need to protect Bridget.

  My eyes scan the edge of woods behind Bridget’s house, and I see a familiar streak of light brown fur as Vic darts off into the woods. Why is one of my Betas at Bridget’s? Did he need something? Was he waiting on me to come here? How did he even know I’d be here? And why wouldn’t he have just told me he was here? There’s a path in the woods that winds behind Bridget’s house. I know this because I’ve run it hundreds of times on my way to see her. I suppose Vic could just be out for a run. Still, it’s odd. I’ll have to have a talk with him later.

  “What is it?” Bridget asks once she realizes I’ve stopped in the middle of her front lawn.


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