Swift, thro’ my quiv’ring nerves shall float
The tremours of each thrilling note;
And every eager sense confess
Extatic transport’s wild excess:
‘Till, waking from the glorious dream,
I hail the morn’s refulgent beam.
DEAR Maid! of ever-varying mien,
Exulting, pensive, gay, serene,
Now, in transcendent pathos drest,
Now, gentle as the turtle’s breast;
Where’er thy feath’ry steps shall lead,
To side-long hill, or flow’ry mead;
To sorrow’s coldest, darkest cell,
Or where, by Cynthia’s glimm’ring ray,
The dapper fairies frisk and play
About some cowslip’s golden bell;
And, in their wanton frolic mirth,
Pluck the young daisies from the earth,
To canopy their tiny heads,
And decorate their verdant beds;
While to the grass-hopper’s shrill tune,
They quaff libations to the moon,
From acorn goblets, amply fill’d
With dew, from op’ning flow’rs distill’d.
Or when the lurid tempest pours,
From its dark urn, impetuous show’rs,
Or from its brow’s terrific frown,
Hurls the pale murd’rous lightnings down;
To thy enchanting breast I’ll spring,
And shield me with thy golden wing.
Or when amidst ethereal fire,
Thou strik’st thy DELLA CRUSCAN lyre,
While round, to catch the heavenly song,
Myriads of wond’ring seraphs throng:
Whether thy harp’s empassioned strain
Pours forth an OVID’s tender pain;
Or in PINDARIC flights sublime,
Re-echoes thro’ the starry clime;
Thee I’ll adore; transcendent guest,
And woe thee to my burning breast.
But, if thy magic pow’rs impart
One soft sensation to the heart,
If thy warm precepts can dispense
One thrilling transport o’er my sense;
Oh! keep thy gifts, and let me fly,
In APATHY’s cold arms to die.
O THOU, whose sober precepts can controul
The wild impatience of the troubled soul,
Sweet Nymph serene! whose all-consoling pow’r
Awakes to calm delight the ling’ring hour;
O hear thy suppliant’s ardent pray’r!
Chase from my pensive mind corroding care,
Steal thro’ the heated pulses of the brain,
Charm sorrow to repose — and lull the throb of pain.
O, tell me, what are life’s best joys?
Are they not visions that decay,
Sweet honey’d poisons, gilded toys,
Vain glitt’ring baubles of a day?
O say what shadow do they leave behind,
Save the sad vacuum of the sated mind?
Borne on the eagle wings of Fame,
MAN soars above calm Reason’s sway,
“Vaulting AMBITION” mocks each tender claim,
Plucks the dear bonds of social life away;
As o’er the vanquish’d slave she wields her spear,
COMPASSION turns aside — REFLECTlON drops a tear.
Behold the wretch, whose sordid heart,
Steep’d in Content’s oblivious balm,
Secure in Luxury’s bewitching calm,
Repels pale Mis’ry’s touch, and mocks Affliction’s smart;
Unmov’d he marks the bitter tear,
In vain the plaints of woe his thoughts assail,
The bashful mourner’s pitious tale
Nor melts his flinty soul, nor vibrates on his ear,
O blest REFLECTION! let thy magic pow’r
Awake his torpid sense, his slumb’ring thought,
Tell him ADVERSITY’S unpitied hour
A brighter lesson gives, than Stoics taught:
Tell him that WEALTH no blessing can impart
So sweet as PITY’S tear — that bathes the wounded Heart.
Go tell the vain, the insolent, and fair,
That life’s best days are only days of care;
That BEAUTY, flutt’ring like a painted fly,
Owes to the spring of youth its rarest die;
When Winter comes, its charms shall fade away,
And the poor insect wither in decay:
Go bid the giddy phantom learn from thee,
That VIRTUE only braves mortality.
Then come, REFLECTION, soft-ey’d maid!
I know thee, and I prize thy charms;
Come, in thy gentlest smiles array’d,
And I will press thee in my eager arms:
Keep from my aching heart the “fiend DESPAIR,”
Pluck from my brow her THORN, and plant the OLIVE there.
DEEP in th’ abyss where frantic horror bides,
In thickest mists of vapours fell,
Where wily Serpents hissing glare
And the dark Demon of Revenge resides,
At midnight’s murky hour
Thy origin began:
Rapacious MALICE was thy sire;
Thy Dam the sullen witch, Despair;
Thy Nurse, insatiate Ire.
The FATES conspir’d their ills to twine,
About thy heart’s infected shrine;
They gave thee each disastrous spell,
Each desolating pow’r,
To blast the fairest hopes of man.
Soon as thy fatal birth was known,
From her unhallow’d throne
With ghastly smile pale Hecate sprung;
Thy hideous form the Sorc’ress press’d
With kindred fondness to her breast;
Her haggard eye
Short forth a ray of transient joy,
Whilst thro’ th’ infernal shades exulting clamours rung.
Above thy fellow fiends thy tyrant hand
Grasp’d with resistless force supreme command:
The dread terrific crowd
Before thy iron sceptre bow’d.
Now, seated in thy ebon cave,
Around thy throne relentless furies rave:
A wreath of ever-wounding thorn
Thy scowling brows encompass round,
Thy heart by knawing Vultures torn,
Thy meagre limbs with deathless scorpions bound.
Thy black associates, torpid IGNORANCE,
And pining JEALOUSY — with eye askance,
With savage rapture execute thy will,
And strew the paths of life with every torturing ill
Nor can the sainted dead escape thy rage;
Thy vengeance haunts the silent grave,
Thy taunts insult the ashes of the brave;
While proud AMBITION weeps thy rancour to assuage.
The laurels round the POET’s bust,
Twin’d by the liberal hand of Taste,
By thy malignant grasp defac’d,
Fade to their native dust:
Thy ever-watchful eye no labour tires,
Beneath thy venom’d touch the angel TRUTH expires.
When in thy petrifying car
Thy scaly dragons waft thy form,
Then, swifter, deadlier far
Than the keen lightning’s lance,
That wings its way across the yelling storm,
Thy barbed shafts fly whizzing round,
While every with’ring glance
Inflicts a cureless wound.
Thy giant arm with pond’rous blow
Hurls genius from her glorious height,
Bends the fair front of Virtue low,
And meanly pilfers every pure delight.
Thy hollow voice the sense appalls,
Thy vigilance the mind enthralls;
est hast thou none, — by night, by day,
Thy jealous ardour seeks for prey —
Nought can restrain thy swift career;
Thy smile derides the suff’rer’s wrongs;
Thy tongue the sland’rers tale prolongs;
Thy thirst imbibes the victim’s tear;
Thy breast recoils from friendship’s flame;
Sick’ning thou hear’st the trump of Fame;
Worth gives to thee, the direst pang;
The Lover’s rapture wounds thy heart,
The proudest efforts of prolific art
Shrink from thy poisonous fang.
In vain the Sculptor’s lab’ring hand
Calls fine proportion from the Parian stone;
In vain the Minstrel’s chords command
The soft vibrations of seraphic tone;
For swift thy violating arm
Tears from perfection ev’ry charm;
Nor rosy YOUTH, nor BEAUTY’s smiles
Thy unrelenting rage beguiles,
Thy breath contaminates the fairest name,
And binds the guiltless brow with ever-blist’ring shame.
COME, bright-eyed maid,
Pure offspring of the tranquil mind,
Haste, my fev’rish temples bind
With olive wreaths of em’rald hue
Steep’d in morn’s ethereal dew,
Where in mild HELVETIA’s shade,
Blushing summer round her flings
Warm gales and sunny show’rs that hang upon her wings.
I’ll seek thee in ITALIA’s bow’rs,
Where supine on beds of flow’rs
Melody’s soul-touching throng
Strike the soft lute or trill the melting song:
Where blithe FANCY, queen of pleasure,
Pours each rich luxuriant treasure.
For thee I’ll climb the breezy hill,
While the balmy dews distill
Odours from the budding thorn,
Drop’d from the lust’rous lids of morn;
Who, starting from her shad’wy bed,
Binds her gold fillet round the mountain’s head.
There I’ll press from herbs and flow’rs
Juices bless’d with opiate pow’rs,
Whose magic potency can heal
The throb of agonizing pain,
And thro’ the purple swelling vein
With subtle influence steal:
Heav’n opes for thee its aromatic store
To bathe each languid gasping pore;
But where, O where, shall cherish’d sorrow find
The lenient balm to soothe the feeling mind.
O, mem’ry! busy barb’rous foe,
At thy fell touch I wake to woe:
Alas! the flatt’ring dream is o’er,
From thee the bright illusions fly,
Thou bidst the glitt’ring phantoms die,
And hope, and youth, and fancy, charm no more.
No more for me the tip-toe SPRING
Drops flowrets from her infant wing;
For me in vain the wild thymes bloom
Thro’ the forest flings perfume;
In vain I climb th’embroider’d hill
To breathe the clear autumnal air;
In vain I quaff the lucid rill
Since jocund HEALTH delights not there
To greet my heart:—no more I view,
With sparkling eye, the silv’ry dew
Sprinkling May’s tears upon the folded rose,
As low it droops its young and blushing head,
Press’d by grey twilight to its mossy bed:
No more I lave amidst the tide,
Or bound along the tufted grove,
Or o’er enamel’d meadows rove,
Where, on Zephyr’s pinions, glide
Salubrious airs that waft the nymph repose.
Lightly o’er the yellow heath
Steals thy soft and fragrant breath,
Breath inhal’d from musky flow’rs
Newly bath’d in perfum’d show’rs.
See the rosy-finger’d morn
Opes her bright refulgent eye,
Hills and valleys to adorn,
While from her burning glance the scatter’d vapours fly.
Soon, ah soon! the painted scene,
The hill’s blue top, the valley’s green,
Midst clouds of snow, and whirlwinds drear,
Shall cold and comfortless appear:
The howling blast shall strip the plain,
And bid my pensive bosom learn,
Tho’ NATURE’s face shall smile again,
And, on the glowing breast of Spring
Creation all her gems shall fling,
YOUTH’s April morn shall ne’er return.
Then come, Oh quickly come, Hygeian Maid!
Each throbbing pulse, each quiv’ring nerve pervade.
Flash thy bright fires across my languid eye,
Tint my pale visage with thy roseate die,
Bid my heart’s current own a temp’rate glow,
And from its crimson source in tepid channels flow.
O HEALTH, celestial Nymph! without thy aid
Creation sickens in oblivions shade:
Along the drear and solitary gloom
We steal on thorny footsteps to the tomb;
Youth, age, wealth, poverty alike agree
To live is anguish, when depriv’d of Thee.
To THEE indulgent Heav’n benignly gave
The touch to heal, the extacy to save.
The balmy incense of thy fost’ring breath
Wafts the wan victim from the fangs of Death,
Robs the grim Tyrant of his trembling prize,
Cheers the faint soul, and lifts it to the skies.
Let not the gentle rose thy bounty drest
To meet the rising sun with od’rous breast,
Which glow’d with artless tints at noon-tide hour,
And shed soft tears upon each drooping flower,
With with’ring anguish mourn the parting Day,
Shrink to the Earth, and sorrowing fade away.
Fantastic, aëry, empty thing;
Borne on Illusion’s flutt’ring wing,
Fallacious as the wanton wind;
Capricious Goddess! — Beauty’s foe;
THOU — who no settled home dost know;
The busy World, the sylvan Plain,
Alike confess thy potent reign.
Queen of the motley garb — at thy command
FASHION waves her flow’ry wand;
See she kindles Fancy’s flame,
Around her dome thy incense flies,
The curling fumes ascend the skies,
And fill the “Trump of Fame.”
When Heaven’s translucent ray
Unveil’d the mighty work of GOD;
When the Promethean spark of day
Awoke his Image from a torpid clod;
When radiance pour’d on human sight,
And the illumin’d Soul beam’d with celestial light;
EXULTING MAN, sole Potentate below,
First felt thy pois’nous glow;
He gaz’d upon his wond’rous frame;
The self-approving conscious flame
Thrill’d in each trembling vein with subtle art,
Then fix’d its baneful source within his godlike Heart.
Thy breath accurs’d brought deathless woe
On Man’s devoted race;
Hurl’d th’ aspiring FIEND to realms below,
Who, plung’d in fell disgrace,
There deep enthrall’d in adamantine spells,
In chains of scorpions bound, for ever, ever dwells.
In ev’ry scene of social joy,
Amidst the rude unpolish’d train,
From the low offspring of the barren plain,
o him whose lofty bosom owns
Descent sublime from scepter’d thrones,
All, all thy laws obey.
Thy light hand plumes the warrior’s brow,
Trims the fierce war with tinsel show,
E’en in the tented fields thy banners flow,
To thee illustrious Chieftans bow;
’Tis thy capricious influence forms
All that mad ambition warms;
The laurel wreath, tho’ steep’d in blood,
Plac’d by thy fickle hand appears
Radiant as the sunny spheres,
When Morn’s proud beams roll in a golden flood.
AH, VANITY! avert thine eye;
Check thy fell exulting joy;
With burning drops thy flush’d cheek lave.
Nor gloat upon the carnag’d brave:
For what can trophied wreaths supply,
To drown the desolating cry,
That, o’er th’ empurpled fields afar,
Proclaims the dread-destructive pow’r of War?
E’en amidst the SAVAGE race,
The untam’d INDIAN owns thy sway;
For THEE he paints his tawny face,
And decks his shaggy hair with fragments gay:
For THEE he marks his sun-burnt breast,
With beads and feathers idly drest:—
His hardy limbs with gaudy tints imbru’d,
Reeking and mangled with the pointed dart,
Vainly he vaunts — nor heeds the smart,
Tho’ pitying NATURE weeps with tears of blood.
Then turn my MUSE, where milder joys
The village hero’s mind employs;
Where gentler sports delight the breast,
And soften’d Nature smiles confest.
Let me paint the rural scene,
The white-wash’d hut — the velvet green,
May’s blithe morn — exulting glee,
The chaplet pendant on each tree,
The shining hat with tawdry ribbands bound,
The lofty may-pole and the well-swept ground,
Where valiant combats speak the thirst of Fame,
And the loud shout proclaims the victor’s name.
O VANITY, thy potent reign
Spreads its influence o’er the plain —
For thee, the blushing maids prepare
Garlands wove with nicest care,
For thee, they dress their festive bow’rs
With waving wreaths of scented flow’rs,
Where the bold Youth that wins the prize
Reads his best Victory in his Sweetheart’s Eyes.
Such is thy pow’r — thy mandate rules
Above the laws of Pedant Schools;
REASON, in vain contends with Thee,
E’en now, I feel thy vivid sparks infuse
A warmth that guides my hand, and bids me court the MUSE.
Collected Poetical Works of Mary Robinson Page 9