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Owned by the Mob

Page 13

by Raven Rivers

  Chapter 23



  Waking to daylight streaming through the window, Sharon opened her eyes to see someone kneeling on her bed staring at her. The small child opened her mouth and screamed, “She sleeps no longer! Come, mama, and see!”

  Sharon had to laugh. Victor’s daughter was absolutely adorable. Granted, she was also very loud. Her long blond hair and snow white skin advertised the fact that Cassandra was her step-mother.

  Sitting down on the side of her bed, Cassandra grabbed her little one and pulled her over beside her. “You are the world’s greatest watcher.” Reaching out, she placed a little gold star sticker on her shirt. The girl’s face lit up. “Want to go show your father?” Nodding, Victorija scampered away.

  Sharon laughed, as she sat up. “You’ve got this mom thing down.”

  “We’re doctors. The skill set transfers better than one would think. I heard about yesterday and I’m sorry that happened to you.”

  Drawing her knees up, Sharon draped her arms around them. “I kind of lost it afterward. Being doctors, you and I know all about how and why people fall apart after a crisis. The thing I didn’t expect was for this situation to trigger all the walled-off emotions from the when I was little.”

  “I’m not surprised. You were abducted as a child. You put it all behind you and moved on, never thinking it would happen twice.”

  “It’s never going to happen twice, ‘cause I’ve already decided that I’ll die on my feet fighting before I let some deranged lunatic take me.”

  An angry voice sounded off from the doorway. “Wrong, my sweet.” Both of their heads swiveled around to see Alek standing there. “From this moment forward, you do whatever it takes to survive. You will fight with your last breath to stay in this world with me because I cannot be here without you.”

  Reaching out her arms to him, Cassandra quipped, “I’m gonna take this as my cue to leave you two alone.”

  When she left, Alek began pulling off his clothing and not in a way that made Sharon think he wanted to have sex.

  “You seem exhausted. Have you been up all night?”

  Nodding, he sat on the bed with her. “We found the would-be abductor. Gustov’s spouse is a physician. Let’s just say, we found more than we bargained for on this one.”

  “So it’s over?”

  “A business partner of the Balakovich family appears to be the one pulling the strings. Karl has had the man picked up in Russia and they will deal with him on that end. We’ve picked up his accomplice on this side and are reviewing the computers and phones on both sides to make sure we flesh out every single person associated with this situation. I would characterize this ordeal as nearly over.”

  “So I’m still stuck with a bodyguard for now?”

  “I do not wish to frighten you or put horrible thoughts in your mind that rob your ability to sleep, but we found these people doing terrible things to a small group of women. Though that is no longer the case, I would not risk anything similar happening to the woman I love.”

  Feeling ten kinds of guilty for whining about being stuck with a bodyguard when he’d obviously been through some serious shit, she pulled him back into the bed. “Come and rest with me.”

  “I don’t know if I can. Though I am tired, I am also anxious.”

  Moving closer, she climbed on top of him, murmuring softly, “Let me take care of you.”

  Pressing her lips against his temple she gave him a tender kiss. He relaxed under her and she placed a small trail of kisses down the side of his face. Upon landing on his lips, she felt a large hand came up to pull her close.

  Sharon could feel him growing hard beneath her. She moved down, kissing a wet, hot trail down his chest to his lower abdomen. She began to run her tongue down his happy trail and was careful to avoid touching his rather magnificent hard-on. Teasing him, she clawed her fingers gently through his neatly-trimmed pubic hair. There was nothing quite as nice as a man who groomed.

  “You are testing me when I am least able to hold back, my sweet.”

  Closing her hand around his ball sack, she tested the weight of him. His skin was warm and soft there. He thrusts his hips forward, letting her know without words what he needed.

  As her warm, wet mouth landed on his throbbing hard-on, a soft growl escaped his lips. His hands came out to touch her face and he ran his fingers through her hair. His stomach muscles tightened as he gently pulled back, keeping her mouth on the tip. Was he worried about turning her gift into something unpleasant, or was that just how he liked it? She allowed him to move as he liked, caressing his balls and hips.

  He grew thicker in her mouth. Sucking and twirling her tongue around the edge, she allowed the finger caressing his balls to slide back. One finger slid backward over his taint.

  Cursing under his breath, he pulled out and intentionally shot his load on her breasts without asking. Looking down with a distracted, obsessed look on his face, he reached for her. Pulling her up he turned her beneath him and used one huge hand to rub his cum into her skin. He said nothing, but his behavior spoke volumes. It was the behavior of an alpha claiming his mate, and she felt it all the way down to her bones.

  He asked brazenly, “What could a beautiful woman like you possibly get out of doing something like that for a beat up old boxer like me?”

  She immediately slid his hand between her legs and dipped his fingers into the evidence of her arousal.

  “You’re not old. I like smelling like you.”

  His eyes jumped to hers as he fingered her so expertly it took her breath away. He held her firmly down with one hand and pleasured her until she hit a hard climax.

  With a soft look of pure adoration on his face, he told her, “I wish you to be mine for all times.”

  “I’d like that, baby. I really would.”

  Some shyness crept into his voice. “I will soon be fit for marriage.”

  Without asking, she knew exactly what he meant. “I have money. We could pay off your contract.”

  Shaking his head slightly, he responded firmly, “A generous offer, but one no man of worth would accept.”

  “You mean the world to me.”

  Bringing up one of her hands, he kissed her palm. “I have devised a plan to solve this problem.”

  Chewing at her lip, she worried about what he could be implying. “Is it dangerous?”

  “Not that I am aware of, my sweet. I have invented a firing pin for small caliber handguns. Victor’s father believes my invention to be a thing of value.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. Tell me about it.”

  “I would not bore you with the details. Let me say that if things go as I expect them to, I will not only buy out my contract but be able to keep you in the style you are accustomed to living.”

  Running one hand through the side of his hair, she smiled up at him. “You saw my simple cottage. I’m not worried about luxury or wealth.”

  “That does not mean you don’t deserve the best that money can buy. I wish only for a nice home and security for you and our children.”

  “You noticed we haven’t been using protection?”

  “You are a physician and are most knowledgeable about such things. I took that to mean you wish to carry my child. Was I mistaken?”

  Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him close. “Hell no, you weren’t mistaken. I do want a child and having yours would be like a wonderful dream come true.”

  Taking her at her word, Alek positioned himself and slowly sank down into her warm, welcoming body. Closing her eyes against the pleasure of being filled by him, she sighed.

  “Open those beautiful brown eyes. I want them on me when I fuck you.”

  “You love talking dirty in bed.”

  “What man doesn’t?”

  Lifting her legs higher in an obvious invitation, she saw him look down to the place their bodies joined. He liked watching himself sliding into her. The thing was, so did she. They were de
finitely birds of a feather when it came to sex. Taking his time, Alek was firm but gentle. Adjusting his trajectory slightly, he slid across her g-spot. When her body bowed off the bed, he knew he had her right where he wanted her and pounded her senseless. Already aroused from sucking him off, she came far too quickly. Her big, sexy mobster didn’t last much longer. Coming to a stuttering stop, his upper lip peeled back in a snarl as he came inside of her.

  Lying wrapped in each other’s arms, he pulled the sheet up around them. “I am happy to spend all day long doing regular things with you but I have to admit that the times we make love seem extraordinary.”

  She curled closer to his chest and purred, “I love everything about being with you. I’m just worried that somehow we’ll get separated before this is finally done.”

  He pulled her close and replied, “I would never let that happen, kotyonok, so don’t ever worry about that.”

  Chapter 24

  Male Bonding


  Alek woke in the late afternoon, alone in bed. Considering that Miss Sharon had slept all night, her being missing from the bed didn’t alarm him at all. Slipping out of bed, he grabbed a quick shower and slid into some clean clothing his new love had left for him on the bathroom sink. Pulling the wrapper off a new toothbrush, he made good use of it.

  Now ready for the day, he realized his stomach was growling. Snatching up his cell phone, he called Draj for food. He might get offered food by the Nash’s, but if it wasn’t mealtime, he didn’t want to be a bother. Being at the Nash home was a bit unnerving for him, especially knowing Charles’s men hated him.

  Heading downstairs, Victor’s little one came running through the house, giggling. She ran behind him and pressed her tiny body back-to-back with him. Before he could figure out what was going on, Victor came crawling through the house on all fours. “Papa bear is looking for his cub. Where, oh where, could she be?”

  Rolling his eyes, Alek stood with his arms crossed over his chest. Victor looked a bit mortified when he realized Alek was watching. Just then Victorija giggled again.

  Victor called out in a pretend beast voice, “I suppose no cub wants a bear back ride today.”

  His little one stepped out quickly. “I do, papa.”

  Alek grabbed the little girl up and sat her on her father’s back.

  Victor growled playfully, “Hold on tight! This bear is really fast.”

  Alek wandered off towards the back of the house, leaving them to their game. Something blew past him so fast he barely got a look. Staring, he caught a glimpse of long, blond hair. The crazy bastard was going to drop her moving at that speed.

  Entering the kitchen, he found Sharon having coffee with her mother, sister, and the woman Tony had rescued. He only caught the tail end of their conversation. Sharon was telling Cassandra that she had tried to call Bethany and got a text back saying she was taking some time for herself and would call them soon. The whole Bethany situation was ancient history in his mind.

  Sharon jumped from her seat and came to him the moment she saw him. “Would you like some coffee or something to eat?”

  “Coffee would be nice,” he smiled. “I ordered food from Draj. He will be here shortly.”

  “Draj is not your fiancé. I am.”

  Pulling her close, he tuned out everyone else. “Are you now?”

  “Remember that whole ‘I wish you to be mine for all times’ line? Well, I take that to mean marriage.”

  “I was worried that you might try to wiggle out of the promise you made to me.”

  “Nope. I wouldn’t even try, especially after all that claiming you did.”

  The image rose in his mind of rubbing his essence into her skin. Bending down he inhaled, catching the faintest hint of his scent.

  “Are you tired yet? I could sleep again,” he grinned suggestively.

  Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him on the nose. “I’m gonna need some recovery time from our last bout of… sleeping.” Guiding him across the room by one hand, she pulled out a large mug. “If I remember, you’re fine with black coffee?”

  Taking the cup of steaming brew from her, he took a tiny sip. “Yes, black is fine. It is elegant, beautiful, and delicious in every way.”

  Her mother’s voice rang out. “You two are not alone. You know that, right?”

  Alek’s eyes jumped to the table and the three sets of slightly amused eyes. “I am forgetting myself. Good evening Misses Nash, Misses Balakovich, and Miss… I’m sorry, but I already forgot your name.”

  “That’s it, Alek. Get on outside with your ridiculous self. The men are in the garage. I’m certain I heard them calling your name.”

  Sharon whirled around. “Mother!”

  Bending down, Alek kissed her on the neck from behind. “It is fine. I know when I have overstayed my welcome.”

  Strolling out the back door, Alek did find them around the side of the house in a huge triple-car garage. Charles' voice sounded off, “Come on in, Alek. I see you got some coffee. Have you seen Victor? He was supposed to be here a half an hour ago.”

  Alek nodded hello to Charles, Tony, and Karl. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Victor pretending to be bear and chasing his little one around the yard as she laughed. “He must be around here somewhere.” Stepping over the threshold, he asked, “Did we get any feedback about Gustov?”

  Tony motioned to several men on computers strung down a table in the back. “Our IT department is still analyzing the hard drives and pulling phone records. Gustov got chatty, but unfortunately, he didn’t know much.”

  Alek saw the man had what appeared to be blood on his white starched button-up shirt. It was disheartening that they had seen fit to turn mister “can’t control his temper” lose on their one and only witness.

  Charles took a drink of his brandy. “It would have been better for everyone if my son hadn’t played judge, jury, and executioner all by himself.”

  “They were both worthless pieces of garbage,” Tony grumbled. “I did the fucking world a favor.”

  Alek asked the question that no one had apparently thought to ask. “When was the last time you slept?”

  “Two, maybe three days.” Thumping his chest, he intoned roughly, “I’m fit as a fucking fiddle.”

  Mister Nash stated blandly, “You are a fucking genius. I can’t trust you to take your stupid self in from the rain, much less sleep every day like a normal fucker.”

  Karl’s voice cut into their argument. “The men on my end beat some interesting intel out of the oil man. He was working on his own. Not breathing anymore got in the way of him coming up with a rescue plan for Gustov.”

  Tony knocked back another shot. “Fuck them all.”

  “Go to sleep, son. You’re getting on my last nerve.”

  Alek didn’t need to guess what Tony was thinking. He always mumbled about his old man outliving his usefulness. Today was no different. Storming out of the garage, Alek was reasonably certain the younger man was not going to sleep. He’d never known him to be quite that compliant.

  “Have a seat, Alek,” Charles offered. “How are you settling in around here?”

  Dropping down onto a nearby crate, he replied, “I guess now that your daughter has agreed to be my wife, I am mobbed-up with the Italians as well as my Russian brothers. I am so far in that I will probably never get back out again.”

  His soon-to-be father-in-law gaped at him.

  “I am not surprised,” Karl spoke up. Women who have been through trauma often latch onto their partners in a moment of hysterical bonding.”

  “She was quite calm when she agreed to be mine for all time.”

  “We’ll see,” Karl shrugged.

  “I don’t plan to rush her to the altar, so she has plenty of time to change her mind.”

  Changing the subject, Charles complained bitterly, “I don’t know why they had to pull all the bitches out of that basement. It’ll take years to track all that shit down.”

sp; “Where in the hell is my son?” Karl was getting annoyed.

  “I’m sure not gone too far,” Alek shrugged. “Would you like me to look for him?”

  “Please. I’d like to get back to the hotel sometime soon. We’re having dinner with the Winchesters later tonight.”

  Grabbing his coffee, Alek headed out to the back yard. Following the footpath along a winding trail, he heard Victor’s little one clapping and shouting. The moment Alek rounded the corner a large dog with a spiked collar jumped between him the and child, barking his head off.

  Victor growled, “lyezhat!” The dog sat but still tracked Alek’s movements, making a menacing noise in the back of his throat. Victor lifted the huge dog house and slid it aside.

  “This is a very terrible idea, Victor.” Why he was messing with the older mobster’s money stash was beyond Alek’s ability to comprehend.

  “Bring the paper to daddy, Vic.”

  The little one skipped over and handed him a sheet of paper. Alek could tell what it said from where he stood because it was written in black marker. In bold, black, neatly-penned letters it read, “Rottweilers cost more to feed than safety deposit boxes and aren’t as secure.”

  “If you keep messing with that old man, he is going to tag you back.”

  Cramming the note in a huge sealed freezer bag of cash, he resealed the bag and placed it face up so it would be the first thing they saw when they opened the stash. Shoving the dog house back, he walked back over to his daughter, giving the terrifying canine a scratch behind the ear on his way past.

  “I think your brain is broken, my new friend,” Alek laughed.

  “It doesn’t pay to allow the old man to think he’s still the smartest mobster around. Are they looking for me?”

  “You know that they are.”

  “Did they update you on how everyone is now dead?”

  Sighing, Alek nodded. “I wanted to talk to them. I was given to understand we were going to sleep and start fresh this evening.”

  “Tony’s obsessed with that pregnant chick. He went back while we slept and started with the doctor, wanting to know why, and how, and who… and things just got out of hand. He wound up putting a hole in her skull. After that, Gustov wouldn’t talk. The old men think he acted alone. I think there’s reason to believe others were involved.”


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