Defy You: A Brother's Best Friend/Age Gap Romance (Rebel Ink Book 3)

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Defy You: A Brother's Best Friend/Age Gap Romance (Rebel Ink Book 3) Page 2

by Tracy Lorraine

  A shudder runs through my body as I reach out, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her into my side.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” she barks, grinding to a halt.

  “I’m sorry,” I say sarcastically. “I thought I was looking after you.”

  Her body is rigid as she stares up at me. “I don’t need looking after.”

  “Really?” I ask, my eyebrows lifting. “Because you totally had that under control back there.” I look down to where she’s holding her ruined top around herself.

  “I’d have figured something out. I always have in the past.” She rolls her eyes like it’s not a big deal. Like fuck it’s not.

  “This isn’t the first time something like that has happened?”

  “Spike,” she says with a sigh. “My life is… different to yours. I know how to handle myself. I’ve had no choice but to learn to.”

  “But he—”

  “Nothing happened. There’s no point dwelling.” She takes a step and continues walking down the street.

  “W-wait,” I call when she overshoots the entrance to my building.

  She stops but doesn’t turn.

  “This is me.”

  She looks up at the building beside her before looking back to the club.

  “You live next to a strip club.”

  “Where else would London’s most eligible bachelor live?”

  A laugh falls from her lips, and it does something to my insides. Thankfully, she doesn’t give me the time to think about why that might be because she turns and walks to the door.

  “So, what are you waiting for? Show me to your lair.”

  Shaking my head, I follow her before pulling my keys from my pocket and letting us both in.

  Sadly, we don’t have a lift, so I guide her toward the staircase and we make our way to the top floor.

  “Whoa, the penthouse too,” she mutters once we reach the top.

  “Don’t get your hopes up, I’m not some secret millionaire.”

  “It’s more than what I’m used to,” she says so quietly that I’m not sure if I’m meant to hear it or not.

  Swinging open the door, I gesture for her to enter first.

  I watch as she comes to a stop in the centre of the room and spins, taking everything in. I might have only met her a few times since she arrived, announcing that she was Zach’s half-sister, but tonight she’s different to what I expected. When I’ve seen her around her ‘family’ she’s been shy, nervous. But tonight, she’s confident, sure of herself, sassy.

  I’m not quite sure how to handle it.

  My flat isn’t much, a relatively small two bed, one bath that Titch and I have shared for a few years. It’s not exactly what you’d call a dream home, but it has everything we need, plus a bakery below and a strip club within stumbling distance. Life could be worse.

  Dropping her bag to the kitchen counter, I pull the fridge open and grab a can of beer. The buzz I had from the whisky seemed to vanish the second I saw her up on stage, and I could really do with it back if I’m going to manage to rid myself of the images of him and what he was about to do to her, and the fact that I’ve allowed her to convince me to walk away.

  The music I’d clearly forgotten to turn off before I left earlier plays away happily in the background.

  “Do you want a drink?” I offer, but when she doesn’t answer, I turn and look at her.

  She’s still looking about the place, her eyes wide.

  “A-are you okay?”

  She spins my way. “Why did you bring me here?” The shy girl I’ve previously met makes a momentary appearance.

  “Because it was the right thing to do. You nearly just…” I trail off, not wanting to say the words out loud.

  She stares at me, her face hard with her anger before she drops her eyes to my can.

  “Do you have a real drink? One from a bottle.”

  I want to refuse and get her a glass of water, but after what she’s been through tonight, I guess a decent drink is the least she deserves.

  Spinning for the cupboard with the spirits, I pull it open and grab the bottle of vodka at the front.

  I hold it up to her. She nods and releases one of her arms from around her body.

  “Don’t you want a glass?”


  With a shrug, I pass the bottle over.

  She opens her mouth to argue when she sees it’s an unopened bottle, but after a beat she just releases her ruined top and twists the cap.

  I should look away, I know I should, but the second the fabric parts I’m unable to rip my eyes away from the strip of skin it reveals.

  It’s no secret that she’s an ink fan. They’re visible when she’s clothed, but the fabric reveals more, and I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want to find out what she was hiding. In more ways than one. She lifts the bottle to her lips and swallows a generous amount.

  I know she’s aware that I’m staring at her. It’s impossible for her not to be, seeing as I’m only a few feet away, but still I’m unable to stop.

  She’s one of my best friend’s sisters—my boss’ little sister. I shouldn’t be looking. Hell, I probably shouldn’t have even brought her here. She’s too young for me, too young for me to be looking at the way I am.

  I lift my hand to my hair, sweeping it back from my face and tugging until it bites, punishment for everything I shouldn’t have done tonight.

  She pops her hip, resting her free hand on her waist, waiting for me to get my fill.

  “I need that job, Spike. You can’t just storm in and ruin it for me just because my brother won’t like it.” Thankfully, her words are enough to drag my eyes up.

  “You don’t need that job,” I counter.

  She lifts the bottle again and the fabric moves, revealing more of her skin.

  “Ah,” she says, as if she’s figured something huge out. She lowers the bottle and stalks toward me. “This isn’t about rescuing me, is it? You’re not trying to be the big man, trying to protect me from myself.”

  I swallow, her sweet scent hitting my nose as the heat of her petite body seeps into my front where she’s so close. “W-what do you mean?”

  “If you wanted a private show, old man, you should have just said.” She stares up into my eyes, her light blues holding me captive as my heart damn near beats out of my chest.

  After long, excruciating seconds where I’m unable to find any words, she lifts the bottle once more. She swallows two huge mouthfuls without so much as a wince before slamming it down on the counter. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”

  My lips part but no words pass as she closes the space between us. All I manage is a step back that has me bumping into the counter behind me.

  “I would offer you mates’ rate, but seeing as I’ve got debts to pay, I’m going to have to ask for my full price. I hope you’re good for it.”

  She shrugs off the ripped fabric that’s doing a shit job of covering her, and I watch as it flutters to the floor.

  “If you ask really nicely, I might even do extras.”

  “What! No,” I say in a panic as she rolls her hips against me and runs her palms up my chest.

  “It’s okay, I won’t tell him if you don’t.” She bites down on her bottom lip as one of her hands descends down my stomach.

  My reactions are too slow to catch her, and by the time my fingers wrap around her wrist, she’s already rubbing my cock through my jeans.

  “Oh look, I’m right. I mean, it was kinda obvious. You know you’ve got a rep in Pulse, right?”

  “Kas,” I growl, my fingers tightening to stop her rubbing at me.

  “Hey, I may as well find out what all the fuss is about, now we’re alone.”

  “No,” I bark, releasing her and slipping from my trap between her body and the counter.

  Reaching behind me, I pull my shirt from my body and hold it out for her.

  “Put this on, for fuck’s sake.”

  Her eyes lo
ck onto my abs, but I don’t hang around long enough to hear what she might have to say, because I turn my back on her and march toward the bathroom, flipping the lock the second I’m inside.

  “Jesus, fuck,” I mutter to myself, standing with my hands on the basin and my head dropped between my shoulders.

  Shame burns through me that I even allowed that to get so far. But fuck, her tits.

  “Fuck,” I bellow, willing the image of her standing half-naked and offering herself up to me from out of my head.

  Zach would cut off my bollocks just for looking, let alone anything else.

  I brought her here to do the right thing. To protect her. To do what he would do himself. But that… that wasn’t meant to happen.

  Deciding to make use of the bathroom, I toe off my shoes and drop my jeans before stepping into the shower. I turn it on and tense when the ice-cold water hits me. I fucking deserve it after what I just did, looking at her like that, letting her touch me.

  I have a quick shower before wrapping a towel around my waist and pulling the door open.

  The last thing I expect to find is Kas in the hallway, leaning back against the wall in only my shirt and the now half-empty bottle in her hand.

  Her eyes lock onto mine for a beat before dropping down my practically naked body. Water droplets run down my chest and stomach before soaking into the towel, and fuck if she doesn’t follow them.

  “What are you doing, Kas?”

  “Enjoying the view,” she says, almost sounding bored. “Seems to be a little obscured, though.” She lifts a brow as she stares at the towel like its mere presence offends her.

  “I’m going to get dressed,” I say, ignoring her burning stare and the need it creates within me. I can’t lie, I was hoping to end tonight with a girl in my bed, but never in a million years did I think it would be Zach’s little sister who ended up in my flat.

  “Why? Things will probably be more fun if you don’t.” A smirk appears on her lips as she tilts her head to the side, looking me up and down and causing my temperature to increase.

  “We’re not going there, Kas.”

  “Why not?”

  When I look over my shoulder, she’s pushed from the wall and has followed me to my room.

  “I’ve had a shitty night. You ruined my night, so it only seems fair that you make it better.” She takes another drink, only she’s had so much now that when she tips it up, too much comes out and it sloshes over her face and drips from her chin, soaking my shirt. “Whoopsie.” She giggles, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

  “I think you’ve had enough, don’t you?”

  Walking over, I wrap my fingers around the almost-empty bottle.

  “See, you just can’t stay away, old man.”

  “You need to go to bed, Kas. Sleep it off.”

  “I have every intention of making use of a bed, Spike. Yours, to be specific.” She glances around me. “Don’t you think those sheets need messing up?”

  I pull the bottle, but she keeps her grip tight. “No, I don’t.”

  “Jeez, I thought you were meant to be the fun one. The one who’s up for anything.”

  “Not with you.”

  “Oh, ouch.” Her lips turn down, doing her best impression of looking offended, but I know it’s all a drunken act. “And here I was thinking you thought I was hot.”

  “You’re drunk.”

  “I know.” She giggles again, the light sound doing things to my insides. “It’ll only make it more fun.”

  “Come on, you’re going to bed.”

  I finally manage to get the bottle from her hand and lead her to the spare bedroom.

  When Titch moved out, he left all his furniture behind. It’s all ready for a new tenant when I find someone who can put up with me.

  With my hands on her upper arms, I walk her into the room and to the side of the bed.

  “Sleep it off, and tomorrow I’ll take you home.”

  “Oh goodie,” she sasses.

  Pulling the covers back, I gently push her so she has no choice but to fall into bed.

  She drops onto her back and brings her knees up, forcing my shirt to slide up her thighs, exposing her curvaceous, inked legs.

  “Go to sleep, Kas,” I warn, taking a step back. Only she’s quicker than I gave her credit for, because she reaches out and catches my fingers.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” she whispers, her eyelids hooded as if she’s already half-asleep.

  My heart aches for her. She’s clearly in some shit if the events of tonight are anything to go by, but that doesn’t mean that I’m about to crawl in beside her. Having her here and wearing my shirt is bad enough. Zach would kill me for looking at her, let alone getting into bed with her, even if absolutely nothing happened.

  “You’re safe here, Kas. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “Please, Spike. I need… I need you.”

  My teeth grind at the vulnerability in her voice, but I can’t break. For once in my life, I need to do the right thing where a woman’s concerned.

  As I slip my fingers from hers, her arm falls to the bed. She’s already out of it.

  I silently walk from the room and pull the door closed, heading to my room, discarding my towel and dragging on a clean pair of boxers.

  I flop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling.

  Well, tonight didn’t exactly go as I’d hoped.

  I just wanted a normal night out with friends, a night like we used to have before women turned up and stole my best friends’ hearts.

  I blow out a long breath.

  I’m happy for them, of course I am. But equally, I can’t help thinking that they’re fucking delusional.

  Women are great, don’t get me wrong, but relying on one to make you happy for the rest of your life? Huge fucking mistake.

  So while I’m happy for Zach and Titch, I’m also dreading the day they learn what women are really like. The day they have their hearts smashed and their worlds turned upside down. Because it’ll happen. I’d put everything I have on it.

  I lie there for the longest time, running the events of the past few weeks, along with tonight, through my head.

  I should be fucking some hot woman right now. I should be half-cut and having the time of my life. Instead, I’m lying here fucking miserable with an untouchable woman in the other room.

  I think about the way that man put his hands on her earlier and my fists clench, my knuckles cracking open from the couple of punches I got in before Titch took over.

  No man should get to touch any woman like that, but especially not one of us. Because Titch was right—she is one of us. Just another reason why I need to keep my eyes off her.

  I’m just drifting off when a blood-curdling scream fills the flat.

  I’m up and out of bed in a flash, racing toward her room.

  There’s only a sliver of light coming from the crack in the curtains, but it’s enough to see her thrashing about under the covers.

  Rushing over, I rest my knee on the edge of the bed and place my hand on her shoulder.

  “Kas, Kas. It’s okay. Wake up.”

  “No, no. No!” she cries. “Get off me, no.”

  “Kas, wake up.” I shake her harder in an attempt to pull her from her nightmare.

  The light catches the tears streaming down her cheeks, and my heart aches for her.

  We all knew that she didn’t have the best of lives from the little she’s told Zach, but I fear he’s barely scratched the surface based on the little glimpse I’ve had tonight.

  Suddenly, she sits up, drops her head into her hands and sobs, heart-wrenching sobs that wrack her entire body.

  Without thinking, I crawl next to her and pull her into my arms.



  When I come to, not only is my head banging, but I’m really fucking hot.

  Stretching my legs out, I still, when what I thought was the pillow that I’m clinging onto also moves.

My heart jumps into my throat. What the hell did I do last night?

  Then one face pops into my head.

  Oh, fuck no.

  Lifting my head, I drag my eyelids open and look up at my companion.

  “Mornin’, Tiny.”

  “Fuck. My. Life,” I groan, dropping my forehead to his very naked and very sculpted chest.

  “Well, that’s the first time I’ve heard that so early in the morning,” he chuckles, sounding way too amused and way too awake for my liking.

  “Why the hell are you in my bed?” I ask. “You’d better have some…” I lift the edge of the covers that are resting halfway up his belly and breathe a sigh of relief when I find he’s wearing a pair of boxers, although it’s impossible to miss the huge bulge of his morning wood.

  Something stirs between my legs, despite the hangover raging in my head.

  Running my eyes over the definition of his abs and over his chest, I finally make it to his eyes. They’re darker than I remember from last night, and I can’t help wondering if he’s having similar thoughts.

  “I’m certainly not here for the reason you’re thinking.”

  “I’d really hope not, because I don’t remember anything, and I’m sure that would be a hit to your ego.”

  “Tiny, Tiny, Tiny,” he mutters. “Had I touched you, you wouldn’t have been able to think about anything else for days.”

  “Days?” I ask, one eyebrow lifting in question.

  “Daaays,” he confirms. “But seeing as I refused all your offers last night, you didn’t find out.”

  He rolls away from me and sits himself on the edge of the bed.

  My eyes lock onto his tattoo. I immediately know who did it, because the detail in the wings is as intricate as the one on my shoulder blades that Zach did not so long ago.

  Unable to resist, I reach out and run my finger over the edge of the feathers.

  His entire body jolts at my touch.

  “Shit, sorry. This is amazing.”

  “Well, that’s your brother for you.” His shoulders square and he pushes from the bed, stopping me from touching him any longer.


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