Defy You: A Brother's Best Friend/Age Gap Romance (Rebel Ink Book 3)

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Defy You: A Brother's Best Friend/Age Gap Romance (Rebel Ink Book 3) Page 7

by Tracy Lorraine

  This is wrong. So very wrong.

  I can almost feel Zach’s hands wrapping around my neck as I sit here, but still. I don’t leave.

  Suddenly the music gets louder and she moves before me.

  Unable to resist, I look up.

  I somehow manage to swallow down the groan as I take her in. Her back is pressed up against the pole as she slowly slides down, her knees widening as she hits the floor.

  Fuck. Me.

  Dropping my hands, my fingers wrap around the soft fabric of the bench and my nails dig into the wood on the underside.

  Her movements are hypnotic, and as I watch her hips roll against the pole, I forget about who she is and all the reasons why I shouldn’t be watching her move the way she is right now.

  Sitting back, I rearrange myself in my trousers and keep my eyes on her, totally fascinated.

  I’ve seen plenty of dancers in my life. Hell, I’ve spent more time and money in these back rooms than I’d admit to most people, but I can honestly say that I’ve never been quite as captivated as I am right now.

  Her feet never leave the floor, but she doesn’t need any of the fancy moves I’ve seen before.

  My eyes find hers after she’s spun around the pole once more, and I take in the accomplished smirk on her face.

  I want to ask her if she’s proud of herself, but I can’t force my lips to move—not that she’d hear anyway over the volume of the music.

  She takes a step toward me and my heart damn near jumps into my throat.

  Her eyes hold an intent that equally excites me as it does scare me.

  Dropping my gaze down her body, I run my eyes over her slender neck, down to her barely contained tits. Biting down on my bottom lip until I’m sure I’m going to break through the skin, I try to push the image of her perfect rosy nipples from last night from my mind.

  My cock throbs as I recall quite how desperate I was to suck one into my mouth to discover if she tasted as sinful as I imagined.

  I go lower, finding her slim waist and toned stomach before my eyes lock on the lace that’s wrapped around her hips. Her thong is tiny, to the point it’s almost not worth bothering with, but it’s the garter belt and stockings that really have my mouth watering.

  The second she’s in front of me, her scent assaults my nose, ensuring that she steals all my senses.

  Her delicate hands land on my shoulders, pushing me back until I’m resting against the bench.

  I watch in a daze as she places one knee beside my thigh and then the other.

  My arms remain useless at my sides, although my fingers itch to touch her. To feel how soft and warm her skin is.

  But I can’t. I fear that if I so much as reach for her then I’m not going to be able to stop.

  I push back, melding myself into the bench in the hope that it puts an extra bit of space between us. But it’s futile. I already know that.

  Her core presses down against my solid length, and I’m powerless to stop my hips from lifting to get more.

  “Tiny,” I half-moan, half-warn.

  I want to take everything she’s offering. I want to claim her, mark her as my own so no other motherfucker in this place will touch her.

  “You’re going to need to sound a little less like you’re enjoying yourself if you want to convince me to stop.”

  Her hips roll, her tits thrusting in my face. Finally, my arms move, but it’s only to wrap my fingers around her wrists.

  She stills the second we connect, and her eyes fly to mine. They widen in challenge, her defiance shining as bright as ever. For whatever reason, she wants to break all the rules tonight, and fuck if I’m not a few seconds from throwing caution to the wind myself.

  Leaning forward, my lips brush her ear and she shudders.

  “Tiny,” I all but groan, “I need you to stop.”

  “What about what I need?”

  “What you need,” I grate out, “is to do as you’re told.”

  “I’m not a fucking kid,” she snaps, thrusting the evidence in my face once more.

  “Oh, Tiny. Trust me when I tell you that I’m more than aware of that.”

  My eyes drop to her tits, which are only looking more tempting with the way I’m pinning her arms behind her back.

  They’re right there. It would be so easy to take what I need. What I know she also wants. But I can’t. Being tempted is one thing, but betraying one of my best friends is entirely another.

  When I look back up, her lips are pursed in frustration and her eyes are dark with desire.

  “I think I’ve had my money’s worth. You should go and get dressed. But make sure you get a good look at the place, because it’s the last time you’re going to see it.”

  She growls in frustration as she thrashes against my hold.

  “Can you go and get dressed without getting into any trouble?”

  Disobedience flashes in her eyes, and a smirk curls her lips.

  “If you can’t, I’ll just carry you out like this.”

  “I need my stuff if I’m not allowed back,” she sasses.

  “Then I suggest you do as you’re told. You’ve got five minutes. Do not test me, Tiny.”

  “That’s the thing though, Spike. Testing you is my new favourite hobby.”

  “Brilliant,” I mutter, getting the confirmation I didn’t need that this thing between us isn’t over.

  “I will break you, Spike.” She winks before moving from my lap.

  Her eyes drop to my crotch and she smiles. There’s no point trying to hide the fact that my cock is trying to push through the fabric covering it. She’s already felt it against her.

  Licking her lips, she backs away from me.

  “And that wasn’t a warning. It was a promise,” she says before turning around and walking toward the door. Her hips swing from side to side, her round arse on full display, but it’s the sight of the artwork adorning her shoulder blades that confirms that I did the right thing. Guilt hits me. I should have put a stop to this much sooner.

  “If you’re not interested, then you should probably stop staring,” she warns without looking back to confirm that I am indeed looking right at her.

  “Stop waving your arse in my face and I might.”

  She chuckles as she pulls the door open and finally looks back at me. “You’ve got five minutes to sort yourself out. Don’t make me wait.”

  My lips part to respond, but she’s gone before I manage to form any words.

  The second the door closes behind her, I fall back against the bench. “Fuuuuuuuuck,” I bellow, my frustration over this whole situation getting the better of me.

  I’m meant to be looking after her. Keeping her safe. I shouldn’t need her this badly.

  Scrubbing my hand down my face, I think of Zach. I tell myself that he was the reason I dragged her out of this place yesterday and then away from that squat this morning, but I fear that I may just be lying to myself.

  After giving myself a severe talking to, I push up from the seat and head out to meet her.

  I rest my back against the wall outside the dressing room with my foot propped up behind me.

  It can’t be thirty seconds later when Dakota appears. It’s almost as if she were watching. My eyes narrow on her as I try to figure out if she was or not. It’s no secret that they keep cameras on their girls at all times.

  “I hope you’ve got a plan for her, because as much as you might not like her working here, she needs the money,” Dakota warns.

  “I’ll figure something out,” I mutter, not willing to talk about this with anyone but Kas.

  “Just make sure you think with your head, not your cock for once.”

  “She’s Zach’s little sister. I won’t be going there.” Dakota’s brows rise, convincing me that she did indeed see everything.

  “Right, well, good luck with that. You got what you wanted. I’ve terminated her contract and ensured she can’t go anywhere else. Congrats, you may just have ruined her life.” S
he slaps me on the shoulder before disappearing down the hallway.

  “Oh good, you’re still here,” a familiar voice snaps behind me.

  “Did you really think I’d leave you here?” I ask, turning to look at her.

  “A girl can hope.” She tilts her chin up at me. There’s not an ounce of embarrassment or regret on her face for what happened in that room.

  My eyes drop to her hoodie and leggings. It’s a damn shame, I must admit.

  “You regretting your decision already?” she asks, stepping up to me until her breasts brush my chest. “Don’t worry, I made it easy for you. I’ve got nothing underneath.” A wicked smile appears on her lips before she ducks away from me.

  I stay where I am for a second, willing my body to do the right thing.

  “Are you going to hang out here all night, or are you still intent on escorting me home so I don’t get in any more trouble?” She looks back at me with an expectant look on her face.

  I can’t help but laugh and shake my head at her.

  I think I may have underestimated this girl when I suggested she move in with me earlier.

  After telling D that we were leaving, Kas and I make the quick walk home. Thankfully, we’re not accosted by a gangster, or drug dealer, or whatever the fuck that guy was last night. I’m grateful, because although I’d have done whatever it took to get his hands off Kas, I can’t deny that Titch was the better man for the job.

  But he shouldn’t be fighting, and I’m pissed that he was even put in that position after everything, but I knew there was no way to stop him after what we saw. I just hope Danni wasn’t too hard on him when he appeared with busted-up knuckles once again. I’m surprised I’ve not had a phone call ripping me a new one, seeing as I was meant to be keeping him out of trouble.

  It seems I may not be as good at that as I once thought I was.

  “I’m going for a shower,” Kas says the second we’re inside the flat. She drops her bag in the middle of the living room and begins stripping out of her clothes before she even gets to the hallway.

  I stand where I am and watch. I’ve already fucked up enough times tonight, what’s once more?

  As she drops the zip-up hoodie to the floor, I discover that she was telling the truth about having nothing on underneath.

  “I can still feel you looking,” she calls back over her shoulder.

  “It won’t happen again,” I reply, before turning to the kitchen for a much-needed drink.

  The sound of the water running is a tease I don’t need. I may not have seen her naked, but I’ve run my eyes over enough of her skin now, to have a very good idea as to what she might look like with water cascading down her body.

  Fuck. My. Life.

  Forgoing the beer I was intending to grab, instead I reach up and pull a bottle of Jack down from the top cupboard. Something tells me that beer isn’t going to cut it tonight.

  I flop down on the sofa with the bottle and pull my phone from my pocket.

  Finding Titch’s number, I hit call.

  It rings a few times before his voice comes down the line.

  “Hey, man. How’s it going?”

  “It’s uh…” I hesitate, and as I should expect, he sees right through me.

  “What have you done?” he asks, suspicion obvious in his tone.

  “I… uh… Kas is here.”

  “Here as in, in your flat?”

  I let out a sigh, sliding down the sofa and stretching my legs out.

  “Yeah, she’s currently in the shower.”

  “Fuck, man. What the hell happened after I left last night?”

  I think of all the things that have happened. Where do I even start? “A lot. She’s in a really bad place. I’ve offered her your room so she can get herself sorted.”

  “Okay. Does Zach know?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Spike,” he warns. “Tell me you’ve got a fucking good reason as to why you didn’t tell him the second she stepped inside your place.”

  I pause for a second. “It’s her life, not mine.”

  “It’s your flat. Telling him she’s moving in, isn’t telling her secrets.”

  I blow out a breath. I know he’s right, and I know I need to confess.

  “I guess. So what about you? Danni hit the roof when she discovered you’d been fighting?”

  “Pretty much. She made me sleep on the sofa as punishment.”

  I can’t help but bark out a laugh. “It’s not fucking funny. She made a show of the fact that she wore my favourite lacy little thing to bed.”

  “Man, that’s cold.”

  “Mate, there was nothing cold about it. She’s still holding out on me.”

  Some sadistic side of me loves the fact that Titch is about as blue-balled as me right now. “I’m sure you can turn her.”

  “Yeah, she doesn’t stand a chance when she gets home later. What about you? How are you gonna bang everything with a pulse with Zach’s baby sister on the other side of the hall?”

  “I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t give a shit.”

  “She’s a kid. She doesn’t need to hear all of that. I’m a grown fucking man, and some of what you got up to traumatised me.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You loved it, and you know it.” He mumbles some incoherent complaint down the line, but I just laugh. He makes out that I’m into all sorts of kinky shit. I might not be one to say no to much, but my taste isn’t all that crazy when it comes to sex.

  An awkward silence ensues. I’m just about to make my excuses and end the call when he speaks. “What aren’t you telling me, Spike?”

  Fucking Titch. I grumble under my breath. Always too fucking perceptive for his own good.

  “N-nothing,” I stutter as the sound of the water shutting off catches my attention.

  “Spike,” he warns.

  “It’s nothing,” I repeat with a little more strength behind it.

  “Okay… just… don’t do anything stupid. I won’t rescue you from Zach if you fuck this up.”

  “I’m not going to fuck anything… u-up,” I hesitate as Kas joins me. Her hair is wet from the shower, her face clear of makeup, and her body clad in an almost see-through vest and a pair of tiny shorts.

  She falls down onto the other sofa and props her feet up on the coffee table, putting her bare legs on full display. I can see all the way down to her… Nope. Do not look.

  When I glance up, I find her amused eyes staring back at me. She winks before reaching for the TV remote and turns it on.

  “Spike. Spike.” My voice being called eventually drags me from my daze.


  “Speak to Zach before he has a reason to take you out, yeah?”

  “I don’t know what—”

  “Go on, keep lying to me. I dare you.”

  “What! I’m not…”

  “Watch your back, Spike. And keep it in your fucking pants.” Without another word, the fucker hangs up, although not before I hear his laughter down the line.

  “Arsehole,” I mutter, ending the call and throwing my phone down on the sofa. I tip my head back and blow out a slow breath.

  “Problem?” Kas asks innocently.

  “Yeah… it started when I found you up on that fucking stage.”

  “Ah, you’re welcome.” She chuckles and continues flicking through the channels.

  Dragging my head up, I look over at her. “Any chance you could put more clothes on?”




  I watch Spike as he sits, uncomfortably tense, on the opposite sofa, and I can’t help but smile.

  “I could have taken care of all that, you know?”

  His eyes remain on the TV, refusing to look at me. “We’re not having this conversation. As far as I’m concerned, tonight never happened,” he mutters.

  “Think that all you like, but you’re only lying to yourself.”

  Shifting, I lay out on the sofa, getting comfortable for the fi
lm I’ve just found to watch. My movement forces him to look over once more, and my skin tingles as his eyes run the length of me.

  It was mean of me to come out here wearing quite so little, but knowing how much it would wind him up made it too tempting.

  “Who did your ink?” he asks suddenly. They’re not the words I was expecting.

  “Loads of people. As I’m sure you can see even from over there, some could do with a little work.”

  He continues to study me, his attention making my temperature soar. If it weren’t for his interest, I’d probably be cold, wearing so little.

  “I could definitely improve a few.”

  “You think you’ve got the skills?”

  He chuckles. “Oh, Tiny. I know I have. No one’s ever disappointed when I get my hands on them.”

  Heat floods my core. He may not have touched me yet, but I already know his words are true. I was desperate to feel his touch back in that room earlier, but the fucker kept his hands well clear of me.

  He’s impressing me with his ability to deny himself what he so clearly wants. It’s admirable, it really is. And that only makes my need to win stronger.

  “Maybe I’ll get to find out one day, when you stop being such a stick in the mud.” I keep my eyes on the TV, but it’s impossible to miss him sitting forward in disbelief.

  “Excuse me, I’m not a stick in the mud.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  His mouth opens to argue, but he must think better of it because he falls back against the sofa with his arms folded over his chest as he sulks.

  We both remain silent as the film starts. I turn the volume up until the sounds of gunshots and people’s screams fill the flat.

  “I didn’t have you down for a shoot ‘em up fan,” Spike says when the first advert break starts.

  “Why, do I look like a rom-com kind of girl to you?”

  “You’re a girl. I thought it was in your genes or some shit.”

  “Stereotypical much?” I mutter as he pushes from the sofa and disappears toward the kitchen.

  “I just thought all females wanted that, the happily ever after those kinds of films always give you,” he says, continuing to dig himself into the hole he started before he left. “Drink?”


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