The Reject Rescue

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The Reject Rescue Page 4

by George H. McVey

  Now to see what Clarice thought of his idea. He started texting his plan to her and asked her opinion.

  It’s a gamble. However, it is also a huge over-the-top grand romantic gesture. That’s probably what she’ll need. Mom and I will be there to help convince her.

  Now all he had to do was convince her to spend tomorrow with him and the surprise would be complete, and either she’d know he was serious, or he’d spend the rest of his life alone pining for his one true love.



  Roxanne woke as the charter jet descended to the airfield attached to Disaster City. The center really was like a miniature city unto itself. They disembarked the plane and there was a luxury SUV waiting for her that the company had rented for her and a Jeep waiting for Jackson that he had obviously rented as well. Jackson walked her over to her vehicle and pulled her into his arms kissing her like they were going to be apart for a month instead of just a few days. “I don’t want to let you go, Roxy. Spend the day with me tomorrow.”

  She looked at this gorgeous man who kept offering his heart to her, at every turn. “You came here to get Pinga trained, and I came to help outfit the trainees.”

  He nodded. I know that but neither of those things happen until Monday. You are supposed to settle into your house, right? All I’m doing until Monday is hanging out at the barracks. So, spend the day with me tomorrow. Let me come pick you up and spend the day with you. Isn’t that what couples do?”

  He started kissing her neck and doing that thing that left her marked already, and she could feel her resistance crumbling. “All right, I’ll spend the day with you. I’ll text you the address to the house.”

  He took her phone and put his number in it and sent himself a text. “Now I have your number too. I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow we can go to breakfast together and spend the whole day with each other."

  There was a twinkle in his eye that told her he was up to something. She may not know everything about this big strong survivalist, but she’d been around him enough to know he had something up his sleeve. He was her boss’ best friend after all. She needed to call her mother anyway and let her know she was in town for a month. She could at least put her off for this weekend by honestly telling her she had plans already. She slid behind the wheel of her rental, and Jackson leaned in and sealed his lips to hers again drinking deeply of her mouth. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, love. Sleep sweet and dream of me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He walked back to his jeep with Pinga in her harness right beside him. He opened the door, and she heard him as she was shutting the door to her rental. “Load up!” The dog jumped into the open back and lay down he put his duffle bag and gear pack in behind her and climbed in himself and then drove away. Roxanne once again put her fingers on her freshly swollen lips and willed her heart to calm down. She synced her phone to the SUV’s Bluetooth and wasn’t surprised when it announced, “Text message from My sexy Survivalist.” She laughed at the way he’d put his number in her phone her sexy survivalist indeed. “I already miss you, period. End message.”

  She laughed. “Send reply voice to text. “You are a mess my love. Send message.”

  Her heart tripped at calling him her love, but she thought it might actually be true. That thought brought a measure of fear, but mostly it just brought her excitement. She put in the address to her rental house into the GPS. She called the homeowner and let him know she was about ten minutes out, and he told her that he would meet her there. Thankfully, she knew the man, and it wasn’t any of Winslow’s family. She had been worried about that when Rudy told her they rented her a house. But with the Air B&B business being a thriving one, she should have known some of the older couples would open their guest houses to make some money.

  She hit the button on her steering wheel to place a call. “Seri, call Clarice.”

  “Calling Clarice.”

  “Hey girl I’ve been waiting for you to call me. You there yet or are you hiding in the bathroom to get away from all that loving your sexy survivalist is giving you?”

  Roxy laughed. “Oh my stars and garters Clarice he’s insane. But we landed about ten minutes ago I’m headed to my rental, and he’s already made me promise to spend the day with him tomorrow and texted me that he misses me.”

  Clarice laughed with her. “Listen girl, my computer is never wrong and on top of that, Mom says she already knew you two were perfect for each other. Just make me a promise that you’ll let your heart free to love him.”

  Roxy frowned. “What does that mean?”

  “It means remember a year ago, when you were telling me how everyone could see how much Rudy loved me when I couldn’t? How you told me that I had nothing to worry about with any other woman because Rudy only saw and wanted me? Well now, it’s my turn to repay the favor. That big marshmallow of a man is setting up a huge over-the-top serious romantic gesture for you, and I know you. Your first response is going to be to want to run away from it to protect your heart. I’m going to ask you to trust me and the rest of your heart family and don’t. When he asks you to take a huge leap of faith close your eyes and leap. I won’t say more but that if you do all your fears will be put to rest. When he told you, he wanted forever he means it. He called Gordon tonight to tell him you were his Lorelei, and we both know how important that is. He’s as gone for you, as Rudy was about me.”

  Now Roxanne’s heart was racing, and part of it was from excitement but the larger part was from fear of being hurt again. “What aren’t you telling me Clarice.”

  “No way girl, I’ve told you all I can except this; Jackson Cornilus is not going to give up until he makes your dream of being a wife come true.”

  “He told me he’d go to my folks place with me when they force me to come to Sunday dinner.”

  “Yeah and he will. If I were you, I’d make sure you have your survival first-aid kit with you because you sister's husband might need some first aid if they are there. Your dad too maybe.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  Clarice cleared her throat. “Do you remember what happened to my other fiancé after I came back to Alaska?”

  Roxy nodded then realized that Clarice couldn’t see her. “Yeah of course, he was arrested and charged with multiple counts of larceny and identity theft. He’s in prison."

  “Yes he is and do you know why?”

  “I’m thinking it was because he was a con man and got caught.”

  “Yes because Rudy went and led the police straight to him. He and Jackson are like two peas in a pod when it comes to taking care of those they love and being heroic. If Rudy risked his life confronting a dangerous con man what do you think your big, strong, heroic search and rescue leader is going to do to the men who crushed your heart?”

  “Hey, I got to go, I’m at the rental and the owners waiting to give me the keys. I’ll call you tomorrow night after my first date.”

  “Sounds good. I’m so happy for you Roxy.”

  Roxy tapped the disconnect button on the wheel and then slipped the car in park and exited. In just a few minutes she had her keys and the alarm code. The owner remembered her and welcomed her home, and they parted ways with Roxy promising to come to dinner some night to say hello to his wife. Then she went into the perfect little one-bedroom bungalow and connected all her tech to the wifi. Afterwards she put her clothes away after unpacking her car and took a quick shower blushing again when she saw the marks of Jackson’s make out session on her neck.

  Soon she was dressed in a sleep shirt and slipping under the covers. Just as she got ready to turn the lights out a text came in from Jackson. Good night, my love dream of me.

  She smiled and replied simply. Goodnight U2

  It wasn’t long until she was doing exactly what Jackson had texted her to do. She didn't even realize when she’d slipped into sleep and dreamed of a log home at the edge of a mountain and little kids with blonde hair and grey/blue eyes.


  He didn’t even bother to unpack his duffle just put his survival kit in the locker assigned to him and then walked Pinga letting her do her business and disposing of the bag of waste when she was done. He texted a goodnight to Roxy and then tried to get his brain to settle down and let him sleep. Tomorrow would be epic, one way or another. He finally slipped out of the bed indicating to Pinga, she could stay in her own and slipped outside to call his best friend. “I was wondering if you were going to call me or wait until after it was all done.”

  “What if I scare her away?”

  Rudy laughed. “Roxy? Corny that girl is fearless.”

  “Nah man she really isn't, not when it comes to love. She’s been hurt, and I mean burnt to the ash, hurt in the past.”

  “Well, you could always get her the way I got Clarice. Have someone to get her blackout drunk do she doesn’t remember until after you got her signature on the license.”

  “Yeah and how did that work out for you the next-day buddy?”

  Even without seeing him, Jackson knew his pal was shrugging. “All worked out in the end now didn’t it? Seriously Corny, Clarice called me right after Dad did. It’s a good plan. I told dad where to find your grandparents ring’s and I’m heading to the venue myself right now.”

  “I never understood Rudy. When you came home and told me, you’d never marry anyone else I thought you were whipped man. So, I’m sorry for that. I get it now.”

  “It’s all good man. I don’t think anyone can understand it until they experience that kind of love for themselves. The ones I feel for are the ones that never experience it.”

  “Yeah that is kind of sad when you think of it.”

  Rudy laughed, “listen to us man we sound like all those guys we used to make fun of for tying themselves to one woman. You’re the last of us brother. Even dad fell before you. But you know what they say. The bigger they are the harder they fall, and boy, I can feel the tremor all the way on the other side of the world.”

  Jackson smiled before taking a deep breath. “I honestly don’t care how badly you tease me. So, go ahead, I deserve every bit of it. All I care about is this. Will she say yes? I don’t know what I’ll do if she tells me no. Even worse if she pushes me away.”

  “Relax Jackson, seriously, you’re getting yourself worked up over nothing. Clarice and Evelyn are experts at this love and connection thing, and they are both convinced that this is the perfect move for your girl. It’s completely looney tunes, but they both say it’s probably the only way to overcome her fear of you doing to her what the other one did. Just if you meet the guy don’t go beating on him. Remember he’s her sister’s husband, even if he is a fart blossom. Maybe instead of a beating invite him to the Resort for a Survival vacation and free training. We can allow him to fall down the trail side of the little cliff repeatedly. Maybe with a bungee cord attached so he bounces a few times.”

  Jackson laughed. “Thanks man I need that.”

  “You any calmer yet?”

  “Yeah, I really am.”

  “Then go get some sleep. You need to look fresh and sexy if you have even a snowballs chance tomorrow.”

  Jackson sniggered again. “I swear Rudolph holiday; you are one pure D mess boy.”

  “Maybe I am but at least three people love me no matter what.”

  “Guess I’ll see ya soon.”

  “Yep, I believe that’s true. Get some rest Corny, it will all work out, you’ll see. Tomorrow your whole world changes.”

  Jackson hung up and thought about that. If this crazy plan worked, then Rudy was right, his whole world would change tomorrow. Nothing would be the same ever again. But honestly, that didn’t scare him. He was tired of his old lonely existence. Just him and a dog at the foot of his mountain. If this worked out with Roxanne, then he’d never be alone for long again. No, he’d have the love of a good woman and the chance at starting his own family. Everything his heart desired but was afraid to admit to.

  He grabbed a quick shower and slipped back into his rack and dreamed of an Alaskan mountain with little Cornilus offspring running everywhere all of them with wavy blonde hair and storm grey eyes. The perfect combination of their mom and dad.



  When her alarm went off at six in the morning, Roxy was tempted to just stay in bed. She really hated getting up so early. However, she knew if she wanted to get a few things done before Jackson showed up to hijack her day she needed to roll out of bed. She wandered down to the kitchen and started the coffee pot and then wandered back to her bathroom. She took a long hot shower and washed her hair. Then she wondered how to dress for the day but figured since he just asked to spend the day with her; they weren’t doing anything too dressy. So, she put on a pair of Jeans and a mid-length sleeved shirt.

  She fixed her coffee and then grabbed her computer looking over the Disaster City Search and Rescue website re-familiarizing herself with the different types of Search and Rescue, they were involved in. It became apparent pretty quick that they could handle any situation in Texas and the surrounding areas urban, desert, forest/jungle, mountainous, even arctic; though a Texas winter might be icy and cold, it hardly stood up to the ones Jackson and company faced in Alaska and further north. Still she started making some notes about gear she would suggest for each setting and putting together the Ultimate all environment package as well. When she was sure her parents would be up, she gathered the courage and placed the call she really didn’t want to make. At least she could honestly say, she was busy this weekend. Between getting groceries and spending time with Jackson today and tomorrow as well as checking the shipping list that Colette sent her against what she wanted her weekend was full. She hit the contact for her mom and took a few calming breathes as she waited for her to answer. “What’s wrong Roxy?”

  The worry in her mother's voice threw her for a minute. “Hi mom nothing’s wrong why would you think that?”

  “Why because this is the first time since you left us that you’ve ever called. We always have to call you.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t think about that. I just wanted to let you know I was in town for about a month. I didn’t want someone to see me and call you before I could tell you.”

  “You’re back? To stay?”

  “No mom. I have a client to see here. I’ll be working with them for a few weeks, a month give or take probably, before I have to go home to Alaska.”

  “Why would a secretary at a luxury resort be meeting a client in our small Texas community?”

  Roxy bit her lip and tried not to let her irritation show in her voice. “Mom I haven’t been a secretary since I left Georgia. I was hired to be Rudy Holliday’s personal assistant but got promoted almost a year ago now. I sent you and dad both an email when it happened. I’m the vice president of operations for Alaskan Wilderness and Survival Gear. You know Mister Holliday’s company.”

  “I don’t remember any email about that. Why would he promote you to vice president Roxy? How did you get such a promotion? You don’t know the first thing about wilderness or survival gear.”

  Now she was getting upset. This was just like her mom. “That’s where you’re wrong mother, I know everything about the products my employer creates, tests, manufactures and sales. As a matter of fact, I sell millions of dollars’ worth of those products all over the world every month. This time I just happen to be at Disaster City Search and Rescue. Their current contractor is charging them too much and offering them inferior products, and they asked us to help them put together complete gear packs for each division.”

  “Oh, honey you should have let Mister Holliday help them. It sounds like they need an expert not a salesgirl.”

  She gritted her teeth. “I’m not a salesgirl mother. I’m Rudolph’s second in command. I help run the whole corporation. My salary is twice what Winslow ever made on his best month, and I have stock options and bonuses every quarter. I’m the professional when it comes to this field, and I wo
rk for the most awarded and recognized expert in the field himself. Not that you care after all I’m not about to give you your first grandchild, but that’s not really my fault either is it? Seeing as how the couple that is, made sure I didn’t have the opportunity to be first.”

  Her mother sighed. “You need to let that go Roxanne Dallas Kowalski. it’s been two years.”

  “I know exactly how long it’s been Mother.”

  “Well then, you know you can’t keep pouting about it after all this time. You are coming to dinner tomorrow correct? Beth and Winslow are doing a gender reveal and pregnancy photo shoot. I know they’d love to have you in some of the photos with your sister.”

  “ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? Absolutely not. There is no chance, I mean none that I’m going to have my picture taken with my hand on Elizabeth’s developing baby bump.”

  “She’s your sister Roxanne.”

  “She’s the woman who humiliated me and stole my groom and wedding day. She’d be more likely to get photos of me wringing her thieving neck. Besides I already have plans this weekend. I’ll make a Sunday dinner before I leave if time allows but not tomorrow.”

  “Don’t be like this Roxy. We’re your only family.”

  “See that’s where we have to disagree mother. You and dad are the people that gave birth to me and raised me, and I’ll always love you for that. Elizabeth is the child you had after me. The one who took everything away from me and humiliated me to the point that I had to leave and find my own family. I have a family, but they are all in Alaska. We may be blood but that family, they are the ones that love me, support me and never try to destroy my hopes and dreams. I need to go. I have work to do. I’ll call later when I know which Sunday, I can make dinner. I just wanted you to not be surprised when your neighbors see me around town.”


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