Robby (Cooper Construction Book 3)

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Robby (Cooper Construction Book 3) Page 26

by Jen Davis

  He narrowed his eyes at his old brother-in-arms. “Is that what you were hoping for? Why? Why are you trying to wreck my happiness? And you can drop the act. Matt knows everything and we’re stronger than ever.”

  “Of course, you are.” Parker’s pretty face contorted. His perfect features looked almost alien, set in cold, hard lines. “Perfect Robby lands on his feet again. Why do good things only happen to you? It’s not fair.”

  “You know damn good and well my life was no walk in the park.” Of all the people to be jealous of, why would Parker choose him?

  “I could’ve taken your spot. John was going to pick me, I know it. But you left—and between missing you and dealing with Harry’s suicide—he wouldn’t even look at me again. Said I made him sad.” Parker huffed. “Then, after whatever happened with your beefcake bodyguards at work, he left town. He’s gone.” Parker stamped his foot. “I was so close to finally hitting the jackpot, and you ruined it.”

  “John was not the jackpot.” Though he could understand why it would seem so to Parker. “Besides, you don’t need someone to take care of you anymore. You’re a grown man. Get a job; make a life.”

  “How? Should I go get a job working a drive-thru somewhere so I can afford to rent a hovel and sleep on the floor?” His old friend bared his teeth. “Fuck that. Even a place like this is better than you’re suggesting.”

  “A place like this?” Steve appeared like magic behind him. “Are you slumming it, Parker?”

  “No. No. You misunderstood. I love you, baby.”

  “You love having a free place to live, more like.” Steve ground his back teeth. The emotions flitting across his face vanished into a stony stillness. “Get out.”

  “But my stuff is at your place. And you know no one else can make you feel as good as I do.” Parker reached out, but Patty’s boss swiped his hand away.

  “Good is the last word I’d use to describe how I feel right now. Get out before I throw you out.” As Steve took a menacing step forward, Parker scurried out the door.

  Robby wondered briefly if he would be caught up in the raid when the cops shut down Nitro’s back room.

  There but for the grace of God go I.

  At least he never had to worry about John showing up again.

  The bell over the door rang with Parker’s exit, then quieted, and the three of them stood in a heavy, awkward silence. Patty spoke first. “Does this mean he was lying about you? To like, get even or something?”

  “They weren’t all lies, exactly. I did some questionable things to get by when I was a kid. But I’m not a kid anymore. My life is different now. I love Matt, and he loves me.”

  The bell rang, and Matt strode in. He smiled when his gaze landed on Robby.

  Grinning in return, his heart rallied. He drew on the feeling, then turned back to Patty. “I’ll take a drug test if you want. Anytime you want. I’m not perfect, but I promise I would never do anything to endanger your son.”

  Matt twined their fingers together. “You’re perfect for me.” He turned to Patty. “I want peace with you, and it feels like we’re finally getting there, but Robby’s worth fighting for. I won’t give up on him—or on Jimmy.”

  She looked at their joined hands. “Are you sure, Matty?”

  “More than anything.”

  “And Jimmy will be safe?”

  Matt nodded. “I trust Robby with my life.”

  She stared uneasily at Matt, then Robby, and back again.

  “I don’t want to be your enemy.” Matt ran his hand over her arm. “I love you. You’re Jimmy’s mom, and no one can take that away. I don’t want to fight you…but I will. Please. Can’t we just try to be friends again?”

  Patty closed her eyes briefly and rested her hand over Matt’s. “Okay, then. If my blessing is what you need, you have it. I trust you—God knows, you’ve earned it. And no matter how much I deserved it, you never gave up on me. You supported me, always, and now I’m going to support you.”

  She turned her tremulous smile to Robby. “Welcome to the family.”


  Six months later


  A soft toddler’s hand, smacking his face, woke Robby up from a sound sleep. “Baba!”

  Now that Jimmy could maneuver out of his playpen, he loved climbing into bed with his daddy and Baba on weekend mornings to demand his breakfast.

  He pulled the little boy into his arms and breathed in his curly black hair. “Five more minutes, Jimbo.”

  A wet baby kiss dragged across his cheek. “Cancake.”

  How could he resist? Leaving Matt snoring in the bed, he hefted Jimmy onto his hip and carried him to his highchair. “Pancakes, huh?” He dropped a handful of Cheerios in front of the boy as he pulled some Eggo’s out of the freezer. Not pancakes, but close enough.

  Since Matt had moved in last month, and Jimmy stayed the weekends, he kept his kitchen fully stocked. He still wasn’t much of a cook, but he made do with what he could cobble together from a box. Jimmy didn’t mind, and Matt said he was just happy he didn’t force him to eat spaghetti or lasagna. Marinara sauce gave him heartburn. He’d finally broken down and told his mother the night he’d introduced her to Robby.

  She was still adjusting to both ideas.

  The toaster pinged, and he dropped the baby’s breakfast on a plate and cut it into bite-sized pieces. A drop of syrup on each piece would guarantee a mess, but it made Jimmy so happy, he never said no.

  Matt shuffled in just as the toddler stuffed the first bite into his mouth. “Do I smell waffles?”

  Robby laughed at the lines still smooshed in his face from the pillow. “Sit down, old man.”

  Since Matt had quit his bartending job, the weekends meant relaxation and quiet family time. Well, maybe not quiet. Jimmy never stopped talking. But the little boy’s joyful babble only made life better.

  “Are we still going to Brick and Liv’s for dinner tonight?” Robby asked, pulling more waffles from the toaster oven. “The guys say it’s been too long since they’ve seen you.”

  “It’s only been a week, babe.”

  Robby grinned as he piled Matt’s breakfast on the plate. He missed seeing Matt at work every day, too, but the internship at Berringer put a light in the man’s eyes that made it all worth it. Besides, he saw him plenty at night.

  “What can I say, it’s hard for anyone to get enough of you.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “Hmm. Kane just wants me there for more parenting advice. Having a newborn is freaking him out.”

  “Can you blame them for wanting to learn from you? You’re an amazing father.”

  “So are you.”

  Robby froze.

  “Don’t look so shocked. You are the heart of this family, Rob. I love you. Jimmy loves you. Even Patty thinks you’re amazing.”

  He rubbed his chest against the rising joy and looked around the table. Matt and Jimmy were his everything. He had a family, one who would never turn their backs on him. And a tapestry of human connections from Brick and Kane, to Paul and Chris, and all the kids whose lives he touched at the Q-Center.

  Not bad for a throwaway queer kid from Sherman.

  Who said dreams didn’t come true?


  The first draft of this book was a far cry from the version that ended up on the page. Thank you so much to Amanda and Joanna for wading through the worst of it. Thanks also to Amelia and Meka for your tough love. I needed to hear your feedback. All of you made this book infinitely better. You are amazing writers and friends, and I am grateful for you beyond measure.

  About the Author

  Jen started her love affair with romance novels, first as a reader, then as a reviewer and blogger.

  She is happily married to her high school sweetheart. Together, they’re raising two kids, a cat, and a dog who is afraid of his own shadow.

  Jen spends her days working as television journalist and her nights curled up with a good book.

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