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Lovewrecked Page 20

by Halle, Karina

  Daisy must see this in my face because now she’s passing the bottle to me. All the times I went swimming there…

  “But don’t worry,” he adds. “For the most part, they’re harmless. Mainly hammerheads, which look worse than they are. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of an attack. Tiger sharks on the other hand… Anyway, just stay out of the water for a few days, you’ll be fine. Okay, hurry up with that vodka son and pass it back. Been way too long.”

  I absently take a big swig, barely feeling the burn, then hand it back to him.

  “Anyhoo,” he says, eagerly taking the bottle. “Seems I had an inkling today was going to be special. I brought over some camping equipment and some extra food. Now that we have alcohol, I don’t think we’re missing a thing.”

  Food? All of us castaways head to the dingy and peer inside.

  There’s a camping stove, a small bottle of propane, and a grill.

  And the food.

  Which happens to be heaps of canned goods.


  I mean, we were running low so I am in no way complaining that we have food to eat, but at the same time, I know we’re all tired of the same old thing. At least in this mix though, there are some wild card items such as sliced olives, diced tomatoes, corn, mushrooms, tuna, sardines, even some tins of Spam.

  “There’s a lot more where that came from,” Fred says. “We have a whole bunker full of this stuff out yonder. None’s expired either, so you can eat without worrying.”

  “This is very generous of you,” I tell Fred. “But I can do better than the tuna and sardines.”

  I grab a tin of sardines and then go over to the tree my fishing pole is resting against.

  “Now that I have bait, I’m catching us lunch and dinner,” I tell them.

  Daisy claps excitedly, like my number one fan. Hard to tell if she’s a fan of me or the potential fish, though.

  While everyone goes about getting ready for the day and prepping for the party, I take the fishing rod and head down the beach, toward the west. Figure that with the current being the way it is, more fish will be at that end.

  This must be the “head” of the dick, if you’re looking at the shape of the island. From here I can see where the land curves inward. If I kept walking along the beach it would eventually take me around and connect me to the other side.

  I stick the sardine on the end and throw the line in the water. I don’t want to go in deeper than my ankles thanks to Fred’s warning about sharks, but I hope there’re enough fish in the sandy shallows.

  I don’t have to wait long to find out.

  There’s a flash of silver in the water and then a tug at my line.

  The fish puts up a bit of a fight, but in record time I pull it up out of the water.

  A bonefish, about ten pounds, and a beautiful silver olive color.

  “Yesssss!” I yell. I close my eyes, giving thanks to the ocean for providing us with the food, a little karakia or prayer.

  When I open my eyes, I notice a shark fin in the water.

  That’s a sight that will never not chill you to the core.

  But after getting over the initial shock, I realize it’s just a small nurse shark, coming to check on what the commotion in the water was all about.

  “Better luck next time,” I tell the shark, then I head back down the sand toward barracks.

  I feel like a soldier returning from war.

  Everyone sees the fish and immediately swarms me, congratulating me like I’m a hero. I have to say, after feeling like I’ve majorly fucked up for most of this trip, it feels good to provide for them. Like I’m finally the captain again, after deeming myself unworthy.

  I quickly kill the fish, then clean it on a large rock. On the camping stove, Fred heats up the diced tomatoes and olives. I grab the grill and put it over the fire Richard started, sprinkling the fish with liberal amounts of salt and pepper that Fred brought. While it grills, smelling absolutely incredible after a week of somewhat tasteless food, Daisy pours everyone pinot noir into tin mugs. Lacey sets out the plastic plates.

  When it’s all ready, we sit down on the sand, fresh caught grilled fish covered in tomatoes and olives in one hand, mug of wine in the other.

  We raise our drinks.

  “To Tai,” Fred says.

  “And to Fred,” says Lacey.

  “Before we dig in,” I tell them, “I’d like to say a few words first. I…being here has made me realize I’ve lost touch with some things, a lot of the connection that my ancestors had to the land, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a moment and give a proper thanks. A karakia, in Maori.” I close my eyes. “Nau mai e ngā hua, o Papatūānuku, o Ranginui kete kai. Whītiki kia ora! Hāumi e. Hui e. Tāiki e! That is, I welcome the gifts of food, provided by the earth mother and the sky father, bearer of food baskets. Gifts bound together to sustain all of us. United and connected as one.”

  “Amen,” everyone says.

  “Okay, let’s fucking eat,” I tell them, taking a hearty sip of the warm but wonderful wine, and digging in.

  It’s the best meal I’ve ever had in my life. I know it’s the same for everyone else, enough that we sound like we’re all having an orgasm at once. Everyone looks so incredibly happy.

  I catch Daisy’s eye and that happiness spreads inside me.

  I’m incredibly happy.




  I am so sore.

  I didn’t think it had been that long since I last had sex, but having sex with Tai was obviously a first time thing. And my god, can that guy wear you out! I had no illusions of how skilled he would be with that cock of his, I could tell just by his hands that he’d know what he’s doing and he’d give it to me good.

  But he gave it to me maybe a little too good, if that’s at all possible. Last night was crazy.

  We got good and drunk on the rest of the vodka and wine, and we ate the most amazing meals in the history of cuisine (fish for lunch and dinner…don’t really know what kind of fish it was, but it was good).

  Then, when everyone passed out on the beach, we snuck into the jungle and ripped the clothes off each other, stealing what moments could find.

  Then, after it got dark and everyone went to bed, we took a sleeping bag and headed down the beach, out of sight. We went at it all night long, barely getting any shuteye.

  “Good morning,” Tai says gently, his voice thick with sleep.

  I roll my head to the side and see him staring at me, his eyes half-closed. How can a man be so hot and manly and pretty all at once?

  “Hi,” I tell him. I’m smiling. Of course I’m smiling. I’m lying on a sleeping bag on our own private section of the beach, naked, Tai beside me.

  Also naked.

  And hard. Very hard.

  My eyes focus on his morning wood for a moment, the source of my pain and pleasure. The sun isn’t up yet—you’d think we’d sleep in for once—but I can definitely make that thing out in the dim light. He’s primed and ready.

  “How did you sleep?” he asks, leaning in to kiss my jaw, reaching over to brush the bedhead off my brow.

  I close my eyes at his touch and sigh happily.

  “Good. When we did sleep. I am a little sore, though.”

  “It’s the sand. Not so great for the back.”

  “No, it’s your monster cock. Not so good for my cooch.”

  He snorts. “You sure about that?”

  “Your monster cock?”

  “I think it’s been doing you a world of good. I’d go so far as to say you’re pretty much insatiable. Been thirsting for it for weeks now.”

  I glare at him playfully. “Have I been that obvious?”

  “Hey, I’m the one catching you having sex dreams about me,” he says, slowing bringing his hand down over my breasts, gently teasing my nipple.

  I’m starting to squirm. “I never said the dreams were about you.”

  “Who was it about then?”
  “Okay, so it was about you.”

  “And what was I doing in your dream?”

  I gnaw on my lip for a moment, debating if I should tell him.

  “I see,” he says with a nod. “You don’t want to ask for it.”

  “Hey, I asked you to fuck me.”

  “No.” He pinches my nipple hard and I gasp. “You told me to fuck you. It was an order, and I obeyed, a captain momentarily giving in. No matter though, I already know what I want.”

  He moves over on top of me and I will never ever get sick of the sight of his mammoth frame, his big, hard muscles bearing down on me. I’m already small but this makes me feel itty bitty, like I’ve been captured by this big bad beast of a man with the heart of gold, a man that takes me and ravages me and…hmmm sounds like one of my favorite romance novels.

  My hands go to his back, relishing the feeling of his smooth, bare skin, his taut muscles beneath.

  But he moves, sliding down and down, leaving wet, hot kisses from between my breasts, down my stomach, over my belly button, until he’s firmly between my legs.

  Big hands slide under my ass, bunching it, and I spread my thighs.

  “Just like your dream?” he murmurs, flashing me a wicked grin.

  Oh, what a sight. This will be forever framed in my mind gallery.

  “Hmmm, I’m not sure yet,” I say playfully. “Let’s see what you got.”

  “Sounds like a challenge,” he says before he dips his mouth, placing his lips around my clit.

  Holy bejesus!

  The feel of his warm mouth sends shockwaves and shivers through my limbs, from the top of my head, all the way to my toes. I start to lift my hips, wanting more pressure, more suction.

  Tai pulls back instead.


  I lift my head and stare down at him. “What are you doing? Don’t stop.”

  “Just making sure I’m living up to your dream.”

  “Well, you’re not. In my dream you didn’t stop!”

  His mouth curls into an amused smile. Then, while keeping his eyes locked on mine, proceeds to blow gently on my clit.

  Oh my stars.

  My head flops back onto the sleeping back, and I stare up at the sky as it lightens above us.

  I squirm beneath him, trying to raise my hips again, needing his mouth to put me out of this delicious torture, but he’s not in a hurry. He slowly blows all the way down to my ass.


  “Please,” I whimper. “Tai…I want…”

  Use your words, Daisy, I think, but it proceeds to come out in an unintelligible mumble.

  He pauses. “If I remember correctly you came a lot during your dream. Very quickly. Can’t have that happen now that I’ve finally got your sweet cunt in front of me. I want to take my time savoring each and every inch of your honey.”

  I lift my head again and stare down at him. Dirty mouthed bastard.

  His long tongue slowly protrudes. The moment it makes contact with my skin, I’m hissing like a tea kettle.

  “Patience,” he says before he spreads his tongue wide, licking up my length in a long, slow stroke, giving my clit a flick at the end.

  I throw my arm over my face in breathless despair. “You’re killing me.”

  “What’s the rush? You want to come, I want to take my time. I eat things slowly.”

  His tongue suddenly plunges inside me, causing me to jolt.

  Damn it!

  “You’re a sadist,” I mumble. “A secret Dom who wants to make a girl beg for it. The real Tai Wakefield is into torture.”

  “Never said I was an angel,” he says. I look down at him and he smiles, his lips glistening. “But I promise you, Gingersnap, I’ll make it so good for you. Just hold out a little bit.”

  “Jerk,” I mutter, but it drifts off into a blissful sigh as his tongue begins to lap me up again, increasing speed and pressure.

  Then one thumb curves around my bum and presses into me, just the tip.

  “God, yes,” I moan, my limbs straining, heart pounding louder. “More of that.”

  Yes, yes, yes.

  His voice is muffled as he starts working me faster, his tongue flicking harder, his thumb sliding deeper.

  Finally, he’s giving me what we both need.

  And in true Daisy fashion, it doesn’t take long at all.

  With his thumb and now his tongue both plunging up inside me, his other thumb rubbing circles at my clit, I’m coming…

  I already know it’s going to blow my world apart before it even starts.

  It’s like every little tightened knot inside of me, every little tense string of anxiety and worry and sadness, all of it, everything negative and dark and buried, has suddenly been cut with a pair of shears. I’m let loose, freed, exploding in all different directions at once, like a beam of light has opened up inside of me, throwing me out into the universe like a confetti cannon.

  I am spinning and flying and it’s all so much.

  So much.

  Too much.

  At the top of this flight, where I don’t even know my name, I only know that I have Tai for now. And that for now is not forever.

  And as I realize that, I’m trying to hold onto this moment. This moment where I have him. Until now, the only thing I had was the rising sun. Now I’ll do anything not to lose this.

  “Oh god,” I whimper. My bones feel hollow, my body weightless. I’m lying on the sleeping bag, bare and vulnerable and fileted to the soul. My feelings snuck up on me like a motherfucking freight train, running me right into the ground.

  Fucking hell. He goes down on me once and suddenly it’s like I can’t live without him?

  Get a grip, Daisy.

  But other than my hands, which have frozen in place around the sleeping bag, I can’t get a grip right now.

  I thought this was just sex between us, I thought that’s all I wanted.

  That’s usually all I want. I’ve kept my heart out of most entanglements because that’s what it was, an entanglement. A net. A place to be caught and held before you’re hurt. The only person I let myself fall for was Chris, and look what happened with that. Only proved my point, that it’s not worth letting your guard down and letting someone in, because you’re only going to experience pain in the end.

  But Tai? I want Tai. All of him. And as much as I pretend that I can do this sex thing with him, I’m going to be devastated when we have to part ways.

  I don’t want to say goodbye.

  “You okay?” Tai asks, coming up beside me.

  I blink at him and realize I have tears in my eyes.


  I nod. “Yup. Good.” Give him a small, shaky smile.

  “You’re crying,” he says, running his finger underneath my eye, wiping the tear away.

  “Guess I needed to,” I tell him. “Nothing you did, just…”

  “A release?”


  A release and the realization that this man is going to break my heart.

  * * *

  I’m hungover and, I have to admit, there’s something comforting about it. Like even though we survived a shipwreck, and we’re stuck on this semi-deserted island, the hangover feels like an old friend. An old friend that likes to smack you upside the head and kick you in the gut, but an old friend nonetheless.

  Everyone else is feeling it, too. It was the plan, after all. Morning sex with Tai helped, but we had to hurry back to the barracks before people realized we were missing, and then the hangover reared its ugly head.

  We’re all sitting on the beach around the fire. Fred is heating up a pot of coffee on the camping stove, and at the moment, Fred is our savior. We haven’t had coffee since the shipwreck and we need it more than ever.

  Finally, it’s ready. Poured into the mugs we drank the wine from last night.

  It’s instant, but it’s hot and heavenly.

  “Never thought freeze-dried, chemically processed coffee crystals could taste so divine,”
Richard remarks. “Elixir of the Gods.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Fred says with a chuckle. “You stay here long enough, drinking that stuff, you’ll start having fantasies about a perfectly brewed espresso.” His eyes go to a dreamy place.

  “So do you think you’ll leave with us when the plane comes?” Tai asks him.

  Fred shrugs. “Don’t know. Don’t think so.”

  “You still have work to do?”

  “I don’t want to have to leave Wilson,” Fred says. “Only true friend I got.”

  That’s so sweet and sad at the same time. Maybe I’ve been too harsh with that little goat.

  Suddenly Lacey starts snickering, looking at something over my shoulder.

  “Whatcha got there, Wilson?” Fred asks.

  I look over my shoulder to see Wilson just outside the bungalow.

  Chewing on something.

  Oh my god.

  He’s chewing on my vibrator.


  “Hey!” I yell, putting my coffee down and scrambling to my feet, kicking up sand as I go.

  I start running after Wilson, who then thinks it’s a game of sorts, and starts running around the bungalow in circles, the vibrator flopping in his mouth.

  Everyone is falling over themselves, laughing, but I’m determined to get that thing back. It was expensive as hell and when you find a good one, you hang onto it.

  “Daisy!” Tai yells, voice breaking up as he laughs. “Daisy, you don’t need it that badly. Let it go!”

  I mean, he’s right. I have Tai.

  For now.

  And I have better standards than using a vibrator that a goat chewed on.

  I stop, catching my breath, and Wilson joyfully runs off into the jungle, bleating in victory.

  “Enjoy it, you pervert!” I yell after him.

  Then I return to the beach, knowing how much I’m going red. Tomato Zone Four, maybe.

  “Why Daisy, I’m not sure where your face ends and your hair begins,” Tai jokes.

  “Yes, you’re very red,” Richard explains bluntly, as if I didn’t get it.

  “I have to say, I didn’t think Wilson had it in him,” Fred muses. “Usually such a polite goat.”

  “Uh huh,” I say, sitting back down and covering my face with my mug. There’s no such thing as a polite goat.


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