The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 14

by D E Boske

  got to stop. I will slit their throats.” The Gor Li’ Khan’s eyes shone with anticipation at his words

  and it showed Darian that he still had a long road to travel.

  “Can you at least wait until we return from the Haunted Lands before doing so? I may need several of them to accompany me. If they will,” said Darian.

  “What do you mean if? They cannot refuse your command, Darian, unless they are more irreverent than I’ve been led to believe,” remarked Kelindril.

  “I cannot command them to accompany me on this journey, Kel. It must be by their choice, for the road is perilous. I only want the strongest, for they are the only ones who will be of any use to me.”

  “How many do you need to accompany you?” asked Kelindril, amazed that the Mage was so vocal.

  “If I could convince five of them to join me, it would be sufficient, I think. If I could hand pick them, I would choose Aganor, Alvos, Thimkur, Heshen, and Graynor. They are all quite accomplished Mages, each powerful in their own right. But together, we have a chance to be something great.” The way that Darian spoke was odd, reverent even.

  “I thought you hated Alvos. Why would you want him along for such a journey?” asked Kelindril.

  “Because he is more than competent, Kel. He is strong, powerful and I want to promote him to head of the Dregian order. I will never let my personal feelings interfere with my decisions for The Order. If I did, we’d never get anything done. On some level, I trust none of them, though I know I must begin to somewhat. I will never trust them completely as I do you.”

  This admission from the young Mage rocked Kelindril to his core. Kelindril never thought to receive such high praise from Darian. He was surprised at how much it mattered to him and how deeply Darian’s words touched him.

  What’s happening to me? Thought Kelindril. What has the Mage done to me? I haven’t cared about anything in a very long time. Why now? And why him? The elf did not like the implications nor where they led him.

  “What would you like to do tonight, love?” Darian asked Renlyss after he smoothed over the situation with Kelindril.

  She quickly decided that she liked the mood he was in and his pet name for her. “I have no preference as long as I’m with you,” she smiled up at him and fluttered her lashes.

  “Are you flirting with me, Reny?” he asked, the laughter apparent in his voice.

  “That depends.”

  “On what?” he asked, the ghost of a smile on his lips.

  “On what I get if I am flirting with you,” she said, pretending to swoon.

  “I will give you your heart’s desire, Reny,” he whispered, as he crushed his lips to hers. His deft fingers had already found their way under her dress.

  “Mmm, no Darian,” she said, gently pushing him away.

  “No? What do you mean, no? You’ve never told me no before, Reny,” he sounded hurt and a little angry.

  “I meant not here. Take me to your tower, Darian. I want to be alone with you. Really alone,” she said, giving him a wicked smile.

  He spoke quickly with Kelindril, letting him know where they were going. To Darian’s surprise, Kelindril did not get too upset. Especially once Darian explained how safe they would be. No one knew the location of the young Mage’s tower. They never would.

  “Take my hand, Reny. It will be quick and you may feel a bit off balance for a bit,” he replied in a sultry tone. “But I promise, when I’m in you, you will not be able to think of anything else.”

  “I’m counting on it, Mage,” she said, gripping him gently. He groaned, as her hand closed around him and her lips claimed his. Before she was aware, she was in his tower.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled, swaying on her feet. He pulled her into his arms, resting her head on his chest until the dizziness subsided.

  He felt her hands undoing his shirt with single-minded purpose. “No tour, Reny? You just want to skip to the main attraction?” he asked, with a smile.

  She paid him no mind and continued to relieve him of his clothes one piece at a time. She could feel his main attraction pressing firmly into her belly and she wanted him. Right here, right now. Her hand was soft and cool and he felt her grip him lightly as she went to her knees. Her lips closed around him and he groaned as her tongue encircled him.

  “Takasha Reny!” he exclaimed as she brought her teeth to bare. She didn’t hurt him, nor was it her intention to do so.

  His hands tangled in her hair as his hips began to move. She pushed him against the wall and held him, effectively stopping his movements. He groaned in frustration as she continued to tease him with her lips.

  “Reny,” he hissed.

  “Shh,” she said without stopping. She knew he could not take too much more and threw herself into her task.

  His breathing quickened and he no longer held back. She increased the pressure on him

  and he lost himself in the feel of her lips. She smiled as he found his release, but did not let him go until he was spent. She flashed him a wicked smile as he took her hand, helping her up.

  He crushed his lips to hers as he lifted her dress above her hips. He held her in his arms

  and placed her back against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he took what she offered. She was ready and it thrilled him. Her arms encircled his neck and his lips danced over her breasts. His tongue worked her nipples until they were hard and she cried for more. She felt so good and already Darian was close to another explosion. He felt her tighten around him as she screamed his name and he gave in to the pleasure.

  He took her to his bedroom where they made love again, as he relinquished total control to her. She bound his hands and feet in magic so he could not move and straddled him easily. She softly bit his chest, nipping him gently as she listened to the sounds he made. Her mouth closed over his nipples as she sucked hard, running her tongue over them. He bucked underneath her and she merely laughed.

  She knew if he really wanted to, he could break her magical hold over him, but he was enjoying himself too much to do so. He knew she wouldn’t hurt him or he’d never have let her bind him to begin with. Already, he was thick and hard again and she reveled in his ability to do so. He flexed and she could feel him gently slapping her chest and she giggled at his playfulness.

  Finally, she put them both out of their misery as she brought her hips down, taking him deep inside. She dug her nails into his chest as she began to move. Her hips punished his as she picked up the pace and he groaned in pleasure. He held himself in check, as she was not yet ready to give in to his charms.

  “Don’t disappoint me, Darian,” she moaned.

  “Have I ever?” he said between gritted teeth.

  She arched her back, grinding her hips into his as she screamed his name. He thrust his hips in time with hers and she collapsed on top of him, utterly spent. She belatedly cancelled the binding spells and he caressed her hair with his right hand. She drifted into Ru Nay’ Sha soon after, taking Darian with her.

  When she awoke the next morning, she was alone in the bed. Darian had obviously been up for a while as the bed was cold. She stretched out languidly, yawning sleepily. Darian really tired her out. When they made love, it was far too intense and last night had been, Mmm, she thought. She found she was a little sore, but not too bad. She looked around his room, trying to get a feel for the man she was in love with. His bed was big, big enough for at least five people to sleep comfortably. The coverlet was a silvery grey color and the pillows were black. The bedroom furniture was carved from an expensive, dark wood and together, it was very rich, very Darian. Tall windows lined one wall and the morning light streamed in to brighten the room.

  She rose and climbed out of the bed using the small footstool, as the bed was far higher than she was accustomed to. She walked around the large room looking at everything. It was immaculate. Everything was in its place and it was clean. No dust or clutter, which she knew Da
rian hated.

  Finding the bathroom, she washed and brushed her teeth, then padded back to the chair beside the bed to retrieve her clothes. On impulse, she looked through his wardrobe. She wanted to look at his clothes, but she had an underlying cause. She wanted to make sure there were no women’s clothes anywhere.

  She hadn’t lied when she told him that she would end it if he slept with another woman. She wasn’t one of his many bimbos that he kept for amusement on his terms. Though he was certainly treating her differently since she told him she wanted to be his consort. She smiled to herself. She hoped that someday, he might fall in love with her. She didn’t dare to hold out hope because she wanted it so badly and couldn’t stand the thought of him hurting her.

  She stood looking out the window, admiring the view. He startled her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

  “Morning, Reny,” he whispered into her ear.

  She leaned back into his chest, “Morning, Darian,” she said, as he kissed her cheek.

  “I made some tea, come have some with me,” he said, as he kissed her neck.

  He took her hand and led her back down the winding staircase. The stairs were narrow and hugged the wall, offering no protection should you lose your balance. She avoided looking down as she could easily imagine tumbling to her death. He held her hand and she loved the way he made her feel. She had to admit, he was different. He led her outside and she gasped at the surrounding landscape.

  The huge double doors led out to rolling greenery, dipping down to an immense body of

  water. There was a large, round table set up with plates and silverware, a teapot, cups and saucers. When had he done all this?

  She always knew he was romantic, but never thought to be at the receiving end. She smiled as her eyes filled with unshed tears. He held her hand as she sat and he took a seat across from her.

  The day was warm, the sun shining brightly filling her with a sense of positivity and peace. She reached across the table to grip his hand and stroked it with her thumb. He smiled at her, his eyes holding something more than she ever remembered seeing before. She blinked and it was gone. His grey eyes revealing nothing as usual.

  “Do we have to go back today, Darian?” she asked.

  “Not unless you want to,” he said, his eyes darkening. “I’m sure Kelindril will be fine for

  another day.” His smile warmed her and her body responded immediately.

  She looked out over the horizon and saw nothing but endless nothing, no signs of any

  living things. Then suddenly, a flock of birds broke from cover and flew into the sky. She watched,

  transfixed by the display. In the distance, she saw a rabbit. Nearby, a squirrel came bounding down a tree and began foraging for food.

  “I didn’t realize there were living creatures here, Darian,” said the elven mage, amazement and awe in her voice.

  “Did you think it was nothing but an empty space, Reny?” he asked. His tone odd, not angry, but she couldn’t pinpoint the emotion.

  “I honestly didn’t know what to expect, Darian. It’s beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “Everything I have is yours, Reny. As my consort, you share what is mine.” He was serious. She’d never seen him more so.

  He brought them back to the elven forest the next day and she missed being alone with him already. Kelindril was in their room as they stepped from the gate and her smile slipped a little.

  “Darian, it’s good to have you back safely,” said the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  “We were perfectly safe, I assure you. But thanks for your concern, Kel,” replied the Mage. Darian noticed the shift in Reny’s mood.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked, but suspected what was bothering her. “You know we can return anytime we want, right?” he said, as he wrapped her in his arms. She put her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

  “I just want to be alone with you, Darian,” she said.

  “I know babe, but now is a dangerous time and all precautions must be taken. I need to get to work now, I’m sorry.”

  “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “No. I must contact Morphindinaetlus for the first time and establish a connection. I always welcome your assistance, but this is something I must do alone.” He kissed her forehead, then retreated to his study where he blocked everyone out, including Kelindril. The ward he set was particularly nasty, which would prevent any intrusion.

  “Morphindinaetlus,” he sent his thought out to the dragon. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the wyrm.

  “Morphindinaetlus.” As he followed the link, he felt his conscious mind leave his body. He felt light as air as he drifted over the treetops of Kiri A’ Nouell. He could see the chain of magic

  connecting him to the dragon, as he soared through the clouds.

  The connection became stronger the closer Darian moved to the wyrm. He soared over

  Mishkalan, marveling at the silvery streak that was the Kalishar River. The view was breathtaking

  and he wished he could have brought Renlyss along for the ride.

  It was neither cold nor warm. In fact, he felt nothing, no wind on his face nor in his hair. As he approached Marubiel, he could see the town walls shored up for impending battle. Moving westward, his consciousness flew over Limmin. The town appeared mostly recovered from the attack, but he noticed that Destiny’s house was still a burned ruin, a hollowed husk of its former glory. He imagined Kyler and Destiny having supper in front of the fireplace what seemed a lifetime ago now.

  Al-Dan-Tir sprawled across the land; a fortified city protected by the Knights of Shorlan. He flew up and over Thunder Peak, grateful that he could feel nothing. Though he could control his body temperature, it was difficult in this barren wasteland. He understood the wyrm’s reason for choosing this location. He knew it made sense. Not many would dare to make the trip and if they did, few would survive. But survive he had and he’d helped others do the same. He did not let himself dwell on the reasons for visiting the dragon’s lair, as it would inevitably lead to Tynuviel.

  His consciousness wormed through cracks in the stone and into the wyrm’s tunnels. He followed the link easily in the darkness, a soft blue glow in the impenetrable gloom.

  At last, he was before the beast. Morphindinaetlus was an immense weapon that was volatile and dangerous. Darian knew he’d had no choice in enlisting the dragon’s help, but it didn’t ease his mind any. The beast opened one golden eye, looking around to see what had disturbed his slumber.

  “Who dares to enter my lair?” asked the mighty wyrm. “Show yourself, you coward!”

  “Relax Morphindinaetlus, it’s me,” said Darian.

  “Darian? How are you here?” asked the wyrm.

  “I’m not, not really. I followed our connection to your lair. My mind is here, but my body is not,” Darian explained. He smirked to himself as he thought of the dragon’s frustration at not being able to eat him.

  “I didn’t know that was possible,” said Morphindinaetlus.

  “What do you mean? How did the Dark Mage contact you?”

  “That bastard was nothing more than a voice in my head,” snapped the mighty wyrm.

  “Do you know his identity?” asked Darian.

  “No, but I do know he is powerful.”

  “So am I,” warned Darian.

  “Relax Mage, I’m not about to renege on our deal. You may be powerful, but he has something that you do not,” advised Morphindinaetlus.

  “Dark Magic, I know,” said the young Mage, his tone clipped.

  “Don’t get your underwear in a bunch. We’ve got to get that book before he figures out our plans, Darian.” Darian studied the wyrm. He seemed sincere about helping, but the Mage didn’t trust him.

  “If the Dark Mage was never anything but a voice in your head, how did he bind you?” asked the Mage, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  “He crept into my
lair, blinded me before I saw him, restricted me so I could not move or strike, and then bound me to him with magic,” said the dragon, his tone bitter with the memory.

  “We’ve had our differences, but I’ve always treated you fairly,” said the Mage.

  “You stole from me!” screamed the dragon, a deafening sound.

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t bring that up,” said Darian. In response, the dragon began to laugh, a great, rumbling sound. Then, without warning, hot, searing flame erupted from its mouth. Darian looked at the great beast as if he’d lost his mind.

  “Stop being such a baby! You cannot hurt me as I am not physically here,” admonished Darian.

  “The orb was priceless!”

  “It still is wyrm. I didn’t destroy it.”

  “I should hope not,” snorted the dragon.

  “It would comfort you to know that it has been of great service to me,” said the cocky Mage, for he knew this was a sore point for the wyrm.

  “No, it wouldn’t,” snapped the dragon. “It would comfort me to know the thief returned my property.”

  “That’s not going to happen. It was never yours to begin with. The orb belongs to the elves,” replied Darian.

  “Mhmm, so you gave it back to them?”

  “Of course not! I don’t understand why you’re so upset. I paid you handsomely for it.”

  “You did what?” asked the wyrm, anger replaced by curiosity.

  “I left gold and gems, not to mention lunch. You think those three cows climbed over the mountains and survived to make it to your doorstep?” Darian could see the dragon was deep in


  “I miss our conversations, Mage,” said Morphindinaetlus, abruptly changing the subject and catching Darian off guard.

  “Does this mean that I’m forgiven?” The mighty wyrm lowered its head approximately to

  the Mage’s eye level and blew a puff of smoke from his nostrils.

  “I have missed you more than what I thought. Your witty banter and intelligent conversa-

  tion is hard to come by,” muttered the great wyrm.

  “That tends to happen when you live in a barren wasteland and eat what few guests you do get. It almost guarantees it, in fact.” Morphindinaetlus laughed at that.


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