The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 23

by D E Boske

  On their way to the Leaf and Vine, they ran into Renlyss, who was walking toward them and did not miss Aslyn’s arm entwined with his. The sight gave him a perverse sense of enjoyment at Renlyss’s obvious distress. After all, she’d left him. Again. He did not spare her another thought.

  He really liked Aslyn and thought that Kinistaya did an outstanding job of picking her for him. As they walked, he slid his hand down to her ass and stroked her slowly. His touch ignited the fires deep in her belly and his scent drove her wild.

  “How long is the interview process?” she asked, a bit coquettishly. His answering smile was radiant.

  “It depends on our interest in each other. If we are in agreement and we like each other,

  then it can turn into courtship. If one of us decides this isn’t the arrangement for us, then we can go our separate ways. It’s why I like to do it this way.”

  “Hmm,” she said softly. “What do you like in a woman?” she asked, looking into his beautiful eyes.

  “I’m a breast and ass man,” he said bluntly and she giggled in amusement. “I like intellectual conversation and a strong, independent woman. I know it sounds crazy, but I like women who can stand up to me and not put up with my crazy moods. I need someone who has backbone and who is not afraid to speak up if she thinks I’m wrong. I absolutely cannot tolerate a woman who will let me walk all over her and do whatever I want all the time. And I will not put up with possessiveness. Especially after only one or two nights together. I don’t like when women try to own me. Behavior like that is a quick way to lose my interest.”

  “What is a quick way to keep your interest?” she asked, a bit huskily. His laugh resounded deep inside her and she almost clenched her thighs together. He had a beautiful smile.

  “Aslyn, I think we will get along just fine,” he mused. “What keeps my interest is a woman who knows what she wants and takes from me that which she needs.”

  His voice dropped to a silken whisper, “I adore late night, hot, steamy conversation over a glass of wine.” She’d been hanging on every word and he could almost smell the wetness between her thighs. She was in need, he knew, and he was more than willing to fill it.

  She laughed when she’d recovered her composure and he liked the sound of it. She was his for the taking and he knew it. She exuded sexuality and he couldn’t believe that she had a hard time finding a date. He felt her fingers entwine with his and they walked the rest of the way holding hands.

  Her blood came alive from his touch and she was hoping he was feeling the electricity as well. It couldn’t be just her, could it? She’d heard from several elves that he’d been with that he had that effect on them as well. She felt drawn to him and his power and she wanted to feel his lips on hers.

  He was nothing like she thought he’d be. He was a Mage of The Order and power radiated from him like heat waves in the summer. She would have thought he’d be arrogant and demanding, but instead, he was a bit of a gentleman. Except, of course, when his hand stroked her ass, but she was not complaining.

  The Leaf and Vine was busy as usual, but they got a table right away. The gold Darian passed to the server ensured it.

  “What can I get for you today?” asked their smiling server.

  “I will let the lady order for us,” Darian replied with a smile.

  “Eylan Brua and tea for two, please,” she said, never looking away from the Mage’s hypnotic eyes. He smiled his approval when she spoke and she felt a surge of girlish elation, but quickly stifled it.

  He reached across the table to clasp her hand and she stroked his with her right thumb. His eyes darkened at the contact and she smiled to herself. So, he was feeling it too?

  A group of Mages entered and sat several tables away from Darian. Alvos purposely avoided looking in Darian’s direction. The young Mage was thankful for the friendship, though it was not without difficulty. They’d had their share of problems, but had always been able to work through them.

  “Can I ask you something, Darian?” she asked, her voice soft and musical.

  “You can ask me anything and I will tell you what I can,” he replied, his voice soft as silk.

  “What do you want from me? What would I be expected to do?” she looked into his eyes.

  “I do not expect you to do anything that you don’t want to do, babe. I do not force myself on anyone. I’ve never needed to. I want companionship and someone I can share my life with. I want intelligent conversation and kisses in the dark. I’m easy to please,” he replied with a smile.

  “Would I have to accompany you to Mogan Dar? Will I have to leave my home behind? Will I be left alone while you are away in meetings or whatever it is that you Mages do all day?” He smiled at her questions.

  “I will only be going to Mogan Dar when I have to and would want you with me most of the time. Other than that, I will be residing in Kiri A’ Nouell as that is now my home. So, I think I answered the first two questions. The only time I would not take you with me is if there were sensitive Order matters to discuss. So no, you will not be alone all day waiting for me, love,” he said, his smile touching his eyes and igniting the fires of her desire.

  “Because you are a mage, we can work together in spell creation, making a list of all components that have the properties needed for the particular spell, and the calculations, if you should so choose.”

  “Mmm,” she said, as she took a sip of her tea. She had not even noticed when the server brought it. The Mage utterly captivated her. He was as dangerous as the rumors claimed.

  “Yes, I would love to be more involved and help you in any way that I can.” She took off

  her slipper and reached under the table with her foot. He felt her touch him and he smiled wickedly at her. His body responded to her immediately and she grinned, feeling wild and untamed.

  The food came and they talked easily as they ate, feeling at ease with one another. Darian reminded himself to thank Kinistaya personally for this beauty. He really liked Aslyn, she was an effervescent beauty and he really enjoyed their conversation.

  As they were leaving, Jayliss came in and she smiled at him until she saw he was with Aslyn. The smile dropped from her face quickly replaced by a hurt expression. It only made it worse because he paid her no mind, fully absorbed in his conversation.

  “I’m sorry, Jayliss,” said Nymdal, feeling sorry for the girl. He knew she really liked Darian

  and the fact that he ignored her now was harsh. Especially after sleeping with her.

  “I should have known, right? It’s how he is. I should have known I wasn’t good enough for him. I’m so stupid,” she squeaked, as a tear fell from her eye.

  Nym couldn’t take the time to comfort her because Darian was already out on the walkway. With one last look at her, he turned and followed Darian out of the Leaf and Vine.

  The Mage had never promised her anything but a good damn time. Nym would know, he

  was there. Darian had absolutely no shame. Nym didn’t think he’d be able to perform if someone was right there watching, but the Mage seemed to relish it. He guessed that twisted behavior

  stemmed from his time spent in Piri-Tuma.

  Nym was not sorry that he’d given up everything in Kaleika Bay to follow Kelindril here. And he definitely wasn’t sorry that they were Darian’s guards now. The Mage was more than generous and Nymdal really liked Darian.

  Nymdal had to wonder if Darian could ever commit to just one woman. He wondered if the Mage could’ve done it for Tynuviel. When you have lived a certain way for so long, it becomes second nature and he wasn’t altogether sure that you could change even if you wanted to, which he believed Darian did not.

  He watched them walking hand in hand as they talked. Whatever they spoke of, it was clear that they were passionate about the subject. Darian was grinning, Aslyn was blushing and Nymdal wondered how long it would last before Darian grew bored.

  Nymdal heard a sound behind them, off to the left and spun around, sword in h
and. Darian turned to see what the commotion was and felt, rather than saw, the darkness leaking into the forest.

  Not again, Nym thought. The last time this happened, Darian was thrown into a tree and

  lost consciousness. He seemed to be okay, but to be honest, Nymdal wasn’t so sure. Increasingly, Darian began to change. It was so gradual that most probably wouldn’t even notice, but he was Gor Li’ Khan. Even the slightest change was evident to him.

  As quick as it had come, it was gone. Nym turned around and saw Darian with his right hand stretched toward the forest. He was pulling it toward him, Nym was sure. He could feel it coming closer, obeying the Mage of The Order’s call. Why would he risk it? Why would Darian call the darkness to him?

  “Kelindril, this can’t be good,” whispered Nymdal.

  “No. It’s definitely not a good thing. I will double the guard and make sure that someone is with him at all times,” Kelindril commented.

  “Even when he’s not alone?”

  “At all times,” Kelindril repeated. “I will take no chances with his safety, Nymdal. Especially now.”

  “Have you noticed him changing too?” asked Nym.

  “Yes, gradually day by day. This is not good. And this,” Kelindril stated, waving his hands to encompass the area, “will only deteriorate the situation.”

  “Darian, are you okay?” asked Aslyn, worry etched on her beautiful face. “What’s going on?” she asked, reaching out with her magic. She felt the change in the forest. It was guarded,

  dark, and foreboding. It no longer felt serene and peaceful.

  Darian drew the Staff of Power and commanded it to full height. Aslyn gasped at its beauty. White light exploded into the forest as he chanted in low tones. She could not understand the words he spoke, nor could she really make out what he was saying. The light grew so bright they had to shield their eyes or become blind by it. A loud popping sound resounded through the air and then the light was gone.

  One look at the Gor Li’ Khan told her this wasn’t normal. Aslyn looked at Darian with respect and awe, but quickly masked it. She was sure a consort to a Mage of The Order would not be so shocked and awed.

  “What was that, Darian?” she asked quietly.

  “Dark Essence, I believe. The aftermath of Dark Magic’s use.”

  “What is it doing here?” she asked, as a cold, dark dread began to fill her. Almost as if she knew what he would say.

  “Would you like to come back to my chamber? We could have a drink or two and talk about it,” he offered, not really thinking she would accept. This will be the death of me. No woman is going to want to be with me since I am infected. If Renlyss ran screaming, then Aslyn won’t be far behind her, he thought.

  “I’d like that, Darian. I really do want to help if I am able.” She thought she saw surprise in his eyes when she accepted his invitation. Why would that be? Did anyone ever turn down Darian’s invitation?

  “What would you like to drink?” he asked once they were inside. “I have Nykessa, Al-Dan-Tir blue wine, or for the brave of heart, I have Cryvellan brandy,” he said waggling his eyebrows.

  “Cryvellan brandy, please,” she said, surprising him once more.

  “Mmm Aslyn, you sure are a sweet surprise,” he replied. He’d felt the Gor Li’ Khan enter the room behind them and frowned, but said nothing. Kelindril was probably worried about the display with the Dark Essence. He’d never let Darian be alone now. That meant guards with him at every step. At least they stayed invisible. He doubted Aslyn even knew they were there.

  He brought two crystal goblets and the crystal decanter of Cryvellan brandy and sat down

  on the couch next to her. He left space as he didn’t want to assume and because what he would

  tell her very likely would kill whatever electricity they had between them.

  He poured generous amounts into each glass and took his time, gathering his thoughts. “Several months ago, I was held captive by a Dark Mage in Piri-Tuma,” he began, gauging her interest. She said nothing as he spoke and kept her face devoid of any emotion.

  “He tortured me with Dark Magic for what seemed like months, but I have no way of

  verifying how long I was there. He took dark rods of power and shoved them down my throat, choking me with them. I guess my body began to absorb the Dark Magic and now… I am infected with it. It grows within me at an alarming rate. I’m dying, Aslyn, slowly, painfully. If I cannot

  recover the Morgannate, I will perish. I very well may perish before I am able to find it.”

  Kelindril was shocked that Darian had told her so much. He must really like her… He looked at Nym and found the elf looking at him with an expression that must be akin to his own.

  “What can I do to help?” she asked, sincerely concerned for the Mage’s welfare.

  “I honestly don’t know, Aslyn,” he replied. “I just want to be honest with you about what you’re getting involved in. I don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  “Is there any way to rid yourself of it?” she asked, hopelessly enamored with him.

  “Not that I know of but I will not know for sure unless I recover the Morgannate.”

  “What is the Morgannate?”

  “It is a book of Dark Magic,” he replied. “In all seriousness, I cannot believe that you accepted my invitation.”

  “Why is that? Do you get many women who turn you down, Darian?” she asked in a light, joking manner.

  “After the display out there, I thought you’d run as far away as you could,” he replied, ignoring the second part of her remark, since she would not want to hear the truth.

  “I don’t frighten easily, Darian. I will not run screaming,” she promised.

  “I do not want you to regret ever meeting me. It seems that everyone that encounters me, ends up suffering.”

  Kelindril wondered what the Mage was doing? Is that honestly how he felt or was it a game to get her in his bed? If it was the former, then he must be sinking into darkness fast. It was uncharacteristic of the Mage to be so open and honest. Kelindril hoped that it was the latter.

  “I do not regret meeting you, Darian. I don’t even think that’s possible,” she smiled. He wanted to kiss her, but restrained himself as he wanted her to make the first move.

  She was trying to gauge his interest to see if he would make a move on her, but he sat still, drink in hand. She took a drink for bravery and leaned into him. He turned to look at her and could see the desire lighting her eyes. Her lips found his in a soft kiss and she knew she was smitten. He parted his lips slightly and kissed her again as a soft moan escaped her. His third kiss had her wet and willing as he brought his tongue to bear.

  She climbed into his lap and put one long, sexy leg on either side of him. She could feel the thickness of him and she reveled at the feeling. She ground her hips into his and he groaned as his arms encircled her slender waist. Damn! Where had he learned to kiss like that? She never knew it was possible to feel so much from one little kiss.

  Her hand slid down his chest, feeling his firm, hard muscles. But that was not the hard muscle she was looking for. Her hand dipped lower to stroke him and his hips rose to meet her

  eager hand. His kiss deepened and she felt his hands on her breasts.

  “Aslyn,” he whispered, his voice smoky with need. His lips moved to her neck, kissing and nipping their way across her collarbone.

  “Darian,” she breathed, as she worked on his breeches, trying desperately to free him. At last she worked him free and her lips went immediately to him. A guttural moan escaped him and it echoed to her core. She worked him deeper and he thrust his hips, wanting her to take all of him. Her lips circled the base and he moaned and said something she didn’t understand. She knew it wasn’t elvish and guessed he’d spoken in the tongue of Mages.

  Her tongue continued to work him over and from the sounds he was making, he liked it. She could feel him stiffen between her lips, redoubling her efforts and was soon rewarded as h
e flowed into her. She dragged the back of her hand across her lips and flashed him a wicked grin.

  He slid the dress off her shoulders, eager to see her firm breasts. Her nipples were hard already, but when his lips found them, they stiffened from his ministrations. His right hand slid up her thighs to feel the wetness he coveted. He stood up, lifting her easily as she wrapped her legs around him and he brought her to his bed.

  He laid her down gently, sliding the dress past her hips. She was more than happy to see he was ready for her once more. He lay next to her, kissing her softly as his hands wandered. His lips worked their magic on her body and she wanted to feel him inside her, but he had other ideas.

  He placed soft, sweet kisses around her ankles and began working his way up her thighs. He moved slowly, feeling her desire and need grow. He could smell her arousal and he wanted to taste her. All in good time, he thought. She felt his lips and tongue kissing and licking her legs and damn it felt good! But she wanted him to… She lost her train of thought as she felt his tongue

  part her lips, begging for entrance. She raised her hips and he gently held her down to the bed

  as he had his way with her.

  She squirmed and writhed on the bed as his tongue worked ever deeper. His lips covered her and softly sucked as he licked and tasted. His tongue grazed her swollen clit and she cried out, grabbing the sheets tightly in her fists. Darian did not relent; he had her right where he wanted her. The sounds she made had him aching to bury himself in her but she wasn’t ready yet. He concentrated on her button and soon she was screaming his name and bucking wildly under him.

  Nymdal watched from where he stood and because he was at a good angle, he saw everything. He made mental note after mental note. Next time, he would try these tricks that Darian

  had been so generous to show him.

  “Can we do this every day?” she begged him, her breath coming in quick, sharp gasps.

  “Oh yes. In fact, I demand that we do,” he smiled at her affectionately. “I need a lot of sex

  to keep me satisfied, Aslyn. Do you think you can handle me?”


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