The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 27

by D E Boske

  She backed him to the bed, letting his breeches fall past his hips. He was an impressive sight, and she was salivating just looking at him. She pushed him down and slid into his lap, taking him in her hands. He groaned in need and she smiled wickedly at him.

  Her hand slid along his length as she kissed his chest and sucked on his nipples. His hands caressed her soft skin as she played with him. Finally, she could take no more of this foreplay. She needed him inside her. Positioning herself above him, she brought her hips down to meet his and the exquisite pleasure damn nearly blinded her. She rocked on him forcefully enough to make him grunt with effort.

  He took control and put her beneath him. “Darian,” she gasped. “I want to get pregnant,” she held her breath, waiting for his response. He stopped moving and said nothing for a long while.

  “No, Aslyn. I think it’s best if we wait until I return,” he finally managed.

  “Darian, please. I really want this.”

  “I wanted more time with just you and me,” he explained. “There will be plenty of time for that.”

  He didn’t want to voice aloud his worst fears, that he may not even return. He very well

  may die in the Haunted Lands before he could return to her. What kind of life was that? Raising a child of The Order by herself? It’s not that he thought she couldn’t do it. He was sure she could. But would The Order allow the child to remain in Kiri A’ Nouell? Delvishan had said that his children would never know the inside of Piri-Tuma. Was that offer only good so long as he was alive? The Mage didn’t know.

  “Darian, please. I really want to begin now. Who knows, by the time you return, I could be just about to give birth or I may already have done so.” She sucked on his bottom lip and kissed him softly.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked, not knowing if he was doing the right thing.

  “Mmmm,” she replied.

  Darian raised her hips with his hands and delved deep into her, his thrusts slow and even. She was whimpering and the noises she was making made him crazy. His movements were rhythmic and sensual. He knew exactly what she wanted and where she wanted it. Every lover she’d had, struggled to find that magical spot within her. The one that made lights explode behind her eyes. But Darian hit it every time effortlessly. He was a master. And tonight was no exception. He stoked her fire until she screamed and clawed at him going blind with pleasure. He felt her tighten around him and the sensation was too much to take. He moaned, spilling into her as she milked him dry.

  He collapsed on the bed next to her and she smiled sleepily, thoroughly exhausted.


  In the morning, Darian rose before her, so he let her sleep while he bathed. Nymdal kept him company and they talked about many things. Darian was a good guy and Nym honestly admired him.

  “Can I ask you something, Darian?” Nym asked tentatively.

  “Of course, Nym. You can ask me almost anything and I will give you a truthful answer,” responded the Mage, as he washed the soap out of his hair.

  “Where did you learn to make women scream like that? Women never scream like that for me,” he explained, a bit dejectedly.

  “In Piri-Tuma,” Darian explained, a touch of laughter in his voice.

  “They teach you how to make a girl scream during sex?” asked Nym, astonished and Darian laughed aloud at the very idea.

  “No, Nym. I actually learned from the source.”

  “Women taught you how to please them?” Nym asked a bit skeptically.

  “Yes. Why do you find that so hard to believe? Who better to teach you than they? Only a woman knows what really turns her on. Only she can tell you exactly what she wants.”

  “Damn! What a life you’ve led,” said Nym, sounding jealous.

  “Indeed. Although, to be honest, my time in Piri-Tuma wasn’t always pleasurable. There was a lot of pain and punishment too, Nym,” said Darian softly. He lathered his body and rinsed himself off, stepping from the generous tub and wrapping himself in a towel.

  His chiseled torso gleamed with water that dripped down into his nether regions hidden by the towel. His chest was silky smooth and unblemished.

  “How do you have no scars?” asked Nym.

  “Ah,” said Darian, as if pleased that Nym had asked a good question. “Magic has kept me in perfect condition.”

  “How is Aslyn? Do you like her? Does she make you happy?” asked Nym, wanting to get as much information out of the Mage before he clammed up again.

  “She is a beauty, Nym. A treasure to be sure and she makes me… hope that there is more out there for me. Hope that I can find love and hold onto it. I do like her. A lot actually. I am hoping that it can be more… Nym, she… asked me to…” the Mage trailed off and looked deep

  in thought as if troubled by something.

  “What? What did she ask, Darian?”

  “She asked for a child,” said the Mage quietly.

  “She… asked you to…” Nym trailed off, shocked at Darian’s confession.

  “Yup,” was all Darian could manage.

  “What did you do? Did you acquiesce?”

  “Aye, that I did,” said Darian. “Though I am not sure if I have done the right thing.”

  “You feel it is too soon?” asked the Gor Li’ Khan. Nym thought they were moving incredibly fast, but it wasn’t his place to judge.

  “It’s not just that, Nym. There is a very real possibility that I may not return from the Haunted Lands. I may perish before I make it there and could certainly do so before I learn the Dark Arts. That would leave her to raise a Mage child on her own. The Order could demand the child’s return to Mogan Dar. What then?” said Darian thoughtfully.

  “How would they even know, Darian? Your child has more than a fair chance of being raised right here in Kiri A’ Nouell with The Order being none the wiser. You have said yourself that they have not been able to penetrate the magical barrier.”

  “You forget about the traitor, Nym. With that one’s identity unknown, they can report the events easily enough.”

  “True enough, I suppose, but Aganor will not let anything happen.”

  “Not knowingly, of course,” responded the Mage exiting the bathroom. He pulled open his wardrobe with considerably more force than was needed and barely managed to stop it from banging on the wall. He finally settled on a sky-blue shirt with silver buttons, black pants, and

  black leather boots with buckles down the sides.

  “I spoke with Jayliss, Darian,” admitted Nymdal.

  “About?” prompted the Mage, a bit disinterestedly.

  “She seemed really upset after you ran into her the other day and I kind of felt bad for her, you know?”

  “Why? She knew what she was getting involved in,” Darian said, shrugging his shoulders as he buttoned up his shirt. “She begged me to take her and I did. You heard her. I did nothing wrong.”

  “I know, Darian, I was there. I heard everything, but she really likes you and I guess she was really hoping it would turn into something more.”

  “There could never be more between us. She was just too needy, Nym. She’s not strong enough to be with me. She could never handle life with a Mage of The Order.”

  “How can you be so sure?” asked Nym.

  “Her manner, attitude, and posture. She would give me everything I ask for without thinking twice about her needs. That is not the woman for me. I don’t want a woman who will do whatever I ask. I want a woman who will tell me what she wants, how she wants it, takes from me that which she needs, and gives me what I need in return. I need a strong woman who will stand up to me when I am being unreasonable.”

  “You think yourself unreasonable?” asked Nym, laughter in his eyes.

  “I can be sometimes and I know it. I am not easy to be with. I demand a lot from my women, but I give equally. I buy gifts for them and even take them shopping and let them pick out anything they want. What do Jayliss and I have in common? Nothing. What kind of conversations coul
d we have? I gave her more than one opportunity to walk away, but she wanted me, and in that moment, I wanted her too. We both received pleasure, but it was nothing more than that.”

  Darian pulled his breeches on, tucked his shirt in, and pulled on his boots. He then proceeded to fix his hair and looked himself over in the floor length mirror next to his wardrobe. Satisfied, he flashed Nym a rakish grin and went to check on Aslyn.

  Aslyn was still deep in Ru Nay’ Sha and it concerned Darian. He went to the bedside and felt her forehead to see if she was feverish. She wasn’t. Her face had a beautiful, healthy glow. She looked absolutely radiant. He kissed her cheek softly so as not to wake her and reached out with his power. He did not need physical contact; his hands hovered over her resting form as he examined her.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she looked upon the Mage. He was deep in concentration, his eyes closed, and it touched her that he was so concerned. He appeared to be examining her; probably because she had slept so late. Her body was in the process of building a child and she needed the extra rest. In fact, she would need to rest quite a bit in the coming months. A Mage child would be a strain on her body and she would miss Darian being near.

  She reached out to touch him with her right hand and he opened his eyes and nodded at her without breaking his quiet chanting. She felt strong and alive, but tired.

  “How are you feeling?” asked Darian, when he finished his examination of her.

  “Tired, but good,” she replied with a smile.

  “Would you like to get breakfast with me or do you want me to bring it to you?” he asked with a 0gentle smile. A smile that Nym had never seen on the Mage’s face.

  “I would love to go with you,” she replied. Darian was right by her side, helping her up and doting over her.

  “What would you like for breakfast, love?” asked the Mage in an unusually gentle tone.

  “I’m starving, Darian. I want eggs and bacon.” Her stomach rumbled loudly and she


  “You shall have whatever you want,” he replied, offering her his hand.

  Kyler and Nephraete joined them at the Black Mare. Kyler couldn’t deny that they made a cute couple, though he was afraid they might be moving too fast. He wasn’t sure that they were thinking clearly. Kyler wanted to see Darian happy, but to ask Aslyn to be his consort after only a few dates… That seemed so unlike the Mage. He knew Darian wanted to move past his love for Tynuviel, but this… This was so uncharacteristic of his friend.

  “Good morning,” Darian said, looking up at the elven prince.

  “Morning,” he responded, taking a seat next to his friend. Nephraete engaged Aslyn in easy conversation, leaving Kyler and Darian to talk quietly.

  “Darian, I must ask this and pardon me if I am stepping over the line here,” began the elf. Darian could tell something was bothering his friend, but he needed to get it out in the open.

  “What is it Kyler?” asked the Mage.

  “Don’t you think you are moving too fast with Aslyn? I mean, you’ve only been on a few dates with her and you asked her to be your consort? This is unlike you, Darian.” The concern on Kyler’s face touched Darian deeply.

  “I really like her, Kyler. She is a good fit for me. We have a lot in common and we talk, I mean really talk. It’s not just sex like it has been with the past several encounters. She is strong and intelligent and will put me in my place should I falter. Don’t you like her?”

  “Of course, I do. I’m just worried about you. Don’t you think it’s a bit fast?” asked his friend.

  “I guess it’s not a good time to tell you that she’s pregnant, huh?” said the Mage, almost afraid of Kyler’s response.

  “What?” Kyler nearly shouted, barely holding himself in check.

  “She is very persuasive, Kyler. She really wants a child, so I gave in to her. I… am not sure I’ve done the right thing.” Kyler realized the Mage had cast a sound shield around them so they could speak freely. He hadn’t even felt the magic slide into place.

  “Darian, I’m happy if you’re happy, but I think… I don’t know. You just met her and you asked her to be your consort. Now you tell me she’s pregnant? This is so unlike you. I just don’t know what to say.” Kyler was more than shocked. “Are you sure you’re ready to take this next step?”

  “I hope so, Kyler. I just… I’m not sure that…” Darian was at an unusual loss for words and it bothered the elf more than a little.

  “What are you trying to say, Darian?” asked Kyler.

  “What if I do not return from the Haunted Lands? She will have to raise a Mage child on

  her own and hope that The Order does not come to claim the babe.”

  “First of all, you will be returning. Do not even suggest otherwise. Secondly, how would Mogan Dar even know about the babe?” reasoned Kyler.

  “The traitor could easily alert the Dark Mage,” explained Darian.

  “Takasha! I didn’t think of that, Darian,” admitted Kyler. “If the Dark Mage can make bracers that can penetrate our barrier…”

  “Exactly,” replied Darian.

  The day passed quickly by, as did the continuation of the party at night. Four Gor Li’ Khan surrounded Darian at all times. Kelindril was taking no chances with the Mage’s safety. Kelindril had assigned himself, Nymdal, Stilhan, and Gavil to watch over Darian this night.

  Darian danced several dances with Aslyn until Kiel tapped the Mage on the shoulder. The Mage handed her over to her brother and asked Nephraete to dance with him. She took his hand and a jolt of energy raced through her at his touch. He cradled her in his arms like a precious treasure and she loved the way she felt in his embrace. He was an exceptional dancer and he moved with cat like grace.

  Later that evening, Darian announced that Aslyn was expecting and the crowd erupted in cheers and shouts of joy. Kiel hugged his sister, careful not to hurt her. He clapped Darian on the back and shook his hand.

  “I am glad you’re part of the family, Mage,” he said. “She could not have chosen better.”

  “Thank you, Kiel, but we have Kinistaya to thank. For if it were not for him, we may have never met,” admitted the Mage.

  “You would have gotten around to her eventually, Mage,” said Kiel, his eyes betraying his mirth. Darian wisely kept silent on the subject; he did not want to offend Kiel. The Elflord was a strong ally and one that the Mage would not let go of easily.

  “I’m exhausted,” sighed Aslyn once they were back in the Mage’s chamber.

  “Rest, my love. Can I get you anything?”

  “Maybe some tea?” she asked a bit sleepily.

  Once he handed her the cup of tea, he sat beside her and gently rubbed her feet. She made soft moans of pleasure and slowly drifted off without finishing her tea.

  Kelindril watched Darian, amazed at how different he seemed with Aslyn. Darian tucked her in bed and kissed her softly on the forehead. He then went to his study and called the demon to his side.

  “How may I serve thee, oh temperamental liege?” asked the Falahari as he materialized next to Darian.

  “We’ll be leaving in two days’ time. Will you be ready?”

  “I’m ready now,” stated the demon, crossing his arms over his massive chest. “Who’s the babe in the bed?”

  “That is my consort, Aslyn,” remarked Darian.

  “Your consort? When did that happen?” asked Sigorna, surprised. Obviously, Darian had blocked him the night he proposed.

  “Sigorna, she’s pregnant,” admitted the Mage quietly.

  “She’s what now? Did you say what I think you said?”

  “Yes, you heard correctly.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna tell you what I think you need to hear and probably what no one else has the balls to say to you. ARE YOU CRAZY??!! You just met her, Mage. You’ve only been on a few dates with her as far as I know and now you’ve not only asked her to be your consort, but now you tell me you knocked her up? You usually show good
sense, Darian, but lately, I don’t know anymore. What’s prompted this irrational behavior?”

  Darian laughed, openly amused, but the demon was serious. “I really like her, Falahari. I think she’s good for me. She’s strong and capable and since I’ve been with her, I do not crave anyone else.”

  “Probably because it’s only been a couple of days. Seriously Darian, I think you might be making a huge mistake.”

  “I appreciate your support, Falahari. Please protect her as you do me.”

  “It shall be as you command, psychotic master,” responded the demon.

  Darian dismissed him soon after and crawled into bed beside his consort. He couldn’t believe the turn his life was taking.

  In the morning, the Mage awoke to a horrific banging on his door. He jumped out of bed trying to make it to the door before the noise woke Aslyn. He yanked open the door to find an angry Kelindril.

  “What’s going on, Kel?” asked Darian irritably.

  “You tell me. Why’d you lock us out?”

  “What are you talking about? I did no such thing,” responded the Mage. Just then, Melanor ran up to them, flushed from running.

  “Darian, Galavad requests your presence at once! He said something is wrong with one of the babes.”

  “I’m on my way,” Darian replied, not even bothering to pull a shirt on.

  “Kelindril! Come quickly!” shouted Nymdal. Kelindril did not ask any questions. If Nymdal

  was upset, it must be serious. He signaled for the rest of the Gor Li’ Khan to follow and went in pursuit.

  Aslyn awoke soon after they all had left. She yawned and stretched lazily. She felt the bed next to her, but it was cold. Darian had been up for a while now, it seemed. He’d been so good to her and she couldn’t believe that he went along with her wishes.

  She rose to bathe and it wasn’t long after she was dressed that there was a knock on the door. She hurried to see who it was because she was sure it was either Darian or his Gor Li’ Khan guards.


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