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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 35

by D E Boske

  “Darian, can I have a moment?” asked Thimkur. Not waiting for a response, he walked far enough away so that he could enact a sound shield to mask their words.

  Darian decided to humor him. “What may I help you with, Thimkur?” asked the young Mage, amused.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” asked Thimkur, rounding on him.

  “A little something called, saving our collective asses,” Darian responded with a smile. “Or

  did you want me to let the Dark Wraith claim you? I wasn’t aware I should have asked for your

  opinion beforehand.”

  “What you’re doing is dangerous, Darian. Using Dark Magic without proper training can kill you.”

  “As opposed to being infected with it, not using it, and dying anyway?” retorted Darian. “Do you think I can choose between them?” His face grew mock serious. “Oh wait, Dark Magic, I haven’t been properly trained in your use. Could you kindly step aside and stay out of my spell casting for now? Just until I’m able to learn to control you,” Darian said condescendingly.

  “Vindel ahzhen Laberyl Ohmn Na!” Darian scolded in his native tongue and Thimkur had the decency to look abashed. “Fukhril dez Drohl Yan. Vazaalhen!” Darian snapped, cancelling Thimkur’s sound shield and walking away.

  Thimkur stared after him, unable to believe Darian had cancelled his sound shield. He seemed to do it so easily too. Thimkur knew if Darian had cast the sound shield, he’d have had a hard time cancelling it, if he was able to do it at all. Thimkur seriously doubted he’d be able to cancel anything Darian cast. His weaves were complex and tight like a virgin, no wiggle room. Thimkur was no slacker, but he was no Darian, either.

  They walked until well past sunset, taking as few breaks as possible. When they finished setting up camp, Darian collapsed, completely worn out. He would never tell them how weary he was. Controlling the Dark Magic was no easy feat, even for an experienced user. For an untrained Mage, the Dark Magic coursing through his veins was like lava, burning him from the inside out. It was like trying to control a hurricane or tsunami. It just couldn’t be done. He rolled himself into his bedroll and was soon deep in Ru Nay’ Sha. He hadn’t even bothered to eat anything.

  Kelindril watched over him, never leaving his side. He almost woke the Mage to try to get him to eat something, but realized rest was probably more important now. He’d seen a few Mages making their way to see Darian, but without being told to do so, Nymdal, Stilhan, and Melanor quickly chased them off. They did not look happy about it, but they couldn’t make it past the Gor Li’ Khan. It appeared as if Thimkur and Aganor dressed them down, but Kelindril was unsure whether it was real or for his benefit. He decided it did not matter as long as they obeyed.

  Kylee brought Kelindril some food when it was ready, knowing he would never leave Darian’s side.

  “How are you feeling, Kel?” she inquired, reaching out to touch his arm.

  “I’m fine, Kylee,” he replied, trying hard to ignore her. Her nearness drove him to distraction and he needed his wits about him, now more than ever.

  “I’m glad Darian was able to heal you, Kel,” she said, squeezing his hand.

  “Me too,” he smiled at her and she kissed his cheek, then left him alone. She knew he was

  struggling with his feelings the same way she was, but he wasn’t handling it well and she didn’t want to push him too far, too fast.

  Renlyss came to check on Darian, and the Gor Li’ Khan let her pass, much to the dismay of the Mages. She knelt next to him, checking his temperature, but he was cool to the touch. She stayed with him and didn’t leave his side in case he woke and needed something. She tried to remain awake so that she could leave before he woke in the morning, but exhaustion claimed her.

  In the morning, Darian woke to the sweet smell of lilacs and honey. He could feel soft, warm breasts on his chest and an aching swell in his breeches. He was holding someone and their legs were entwined with his. When the hell had this happened? Her hand was insistent and he rose to the occasion. Renlyss lifted her head sleepily and looked directly into his eyes. She jumped up and began trying to explain and he kept any emotion off his face. She owed him.

  She’d walked out on him twice and he wasn’t in a forgiving mood.

  “Darian! I’m so sorry. I must have fallen asleep and I…” she trailed off.

  “Did you roll downhill?” he asked, the barest hint of a smile on his gorgeous face.

  She slapped him playfully, saying, “I came by last night to check on you and see if you needed anything, but I must have succumbed to Ru Nay’ Sha. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

  “What won’t? You checking on me, seeing if I need anything, stroking my ego, or you succumbing to Ru Nay’ Sha?” his silvery grey eyes sparkled with mischievousness and her breath hitched.

  “Actually, I meant that I wouldn’t fall asleep on you and… and…” she couldn’t finish her statement and though he was amused, he didn’t let it show.

  He would never tell her how much he missed her, the ache of her absence festering like some debilitating disease. She completed him in a way that Tynuviel never had and that admission cut him deeply. He could not let her see how much he wanted her, so he blocked off his emotion, severing the connection to his humanity. His eyes turned cold and hard.

  “See that it doesn’t,” his tone was clipped, as he rose to get something to eat. At least he was able to regain his composure before he stood.

  He walked away from her, hoping she’d stop him, tell him that she wanted to be with him the way he so desperately needed to be with her. But she didn’t, she let him walk away, her heart breaking at his obvious dismissal.

  “What was that about?” asked Kelindril. “You know she still loves you, right?”

  “Then why’d she leave twice?” asked the Mage disgustedly. Kelindril had no answers to that.

  “I do not know, my friend. Maybe she is afraid of how strong her love for you is?”

  “Why’d you let her through, Kel?”

  “Because she wasn’t a threat and she obviously cares for you. Her only interest was in making sure you were okay. Besides, you are good together and who knows? If you spend enough time together on this trip, maybe you’ll get back together?”

  “I don’t want to be with her anymore, Kel. She left me twice, something that no other woman has ever done. Do you honestly think I’ll give her another opportunity?”

  “I don’t know, will you?”

  “Hell no,” said Darian.

  “Now you know how you’ve made women feel all these years. You know, when you leave them the way Renlyss left you, twice.” There was humor in Kelindril’s eyes as he gave his honest opinion to his friend.

  Renlyss walked away, blushing furiously. Why did he have to be so… so… infuriatingly

  gorgeous! She had to find a way to rid herself of her feelings for him and bury them deep. It was obvious to her that he hated her. She guessed she couldn’t blame him after what she put him through. He’d been vulnerable with Tynuviel’s abandonment and her rejection had only cut him deeper. When she looked at him though, memories of his violent outburst surged to the surface, drowning her love for him in its rushing torrent.

  Darian watched her walk away, the gentle sway of her hips, and was plunged into pleasant remembrances of her.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he whispered, as he kissed the tip of her nose. She giggled at the Mage’s playfulness, falling in love with him a little more.

  “Morning,” she said, kissing him as she rose to bathe.

  “Not so fast, darlin’,” he drawled, grabbing her wrist as he tugged her back to him. Her firm breasts touched his chest and he cupped her bare ass with his left hand, while his right hand had other, intimate plans. She moaned softly and gave up fighting his advances.

  He left a trail of kisses down her body, each one pulling a hungry moan of approval from her throat. He slid his arms under her legs, her knees draping over his forearms, o
pening her gently like the delicate petals of a flower opening for morning sunlight. It scared her how much she loved him, but she couldn’t imagine living without him.

  His initial thrust was deep and he paused for a moment, letting her body become accustomed to his invasion, but she wanted all of him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her and he grunted, his body shuddering in protest.

  She pushed him down, climbing atop him and braced herself against his strong chest. She

  took her time, enjoying the transformations on his face the farther she took him inside her. She

  used her magic to bind his arms to the bed posts and he let her. He could break them easily, with hardly any effort, but she wasn’t trying to hold him captive. Not for long anyway.

  He felt her magic wrapping around him and he welcomed it because he knew where this was headed. The last time Reny did this, it was explosive for both of them and he felt that it would be more intense this morning. He’d never let anyone do that to him before, but damn, he liked it. A lot.

  She rocked forward, her lips on his and her breasts on his chest, but she did not stop. She pushed back on him and he growled and softly bit her lip. She sat up and her motion steadily increased. She loved being in control and was amazed Darian let her do it more than once. She knew it was because he really liked it.

  She tilted her head back, rocking harder, feeling him grow rigid. At the last second, she restrained his legs as well. The shock and surprise on his face turned her on. He let her do it knowing she would never hurt him. Ecstasy claimed them both and it lasted for long, breathless moments.

  “Hey, you ok?” asked Kelindril. “You just kind of drifted off and you seemed lost in thought.”

  “Yeah, you could say that,” he said dreamily.

  “Why don’t you go talk to her?”

  “What? No, that’s a bad idea. Nothing good can come of that.”

  “You never know.”

  “Oh, but I do. I have proof. Two times I have given myself to that woman and two times she’s rejected me. No one’s ever done that to me before and I find that I…”

  “Love her desperately and can’t think straight around her? Am driven mad with desire for her? Am filled with a desperate need to make her mine?” Kelindril finished the Mage’s thoughts for him and Darian only scowled, which must mean he was close to the mark on at least one, though the elf suspected he was accurate on all statements.

  With one last sigh of regret, Darian locked up his emotions once more. It’s easier this way, he kept telling himself. But he’d had to repeat this too many times lately and he didn’t like it. Not at all. He would not leave himself open for more heartache with this vivacious beauty. Besides, she didn’t want him anymore.

  The crushing weight of disappointment was almost too much to bear. These were things he’d never felt before, they were strangers to him. Is this what it feels like to be in love? Then I don’t ever want to feel its sting again! Maybe The Order was right to stop us from feeling this shit, Darian mused. It serves no purpose and can get us killed too easily. He wondered if he should

  reinforce that rule. Most, he knew, wouldn’t care either way. He’d been the only different idiot. Right now, he was not congratulating himself on being unique.

  He went to get something to eat and smelled true bliss, damn her. Now she was just being mean. Renlyss smiled up at him as he approached.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, a bit gruffly. After all, he could barely walk right with the throbbing ache between his thighs. His daydream had been too vivid. Alas, he was cursed with a perfect memory and every aching detail became crystal clear.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked, appearing to be caught off guard.

  “You know very well what I mean,” he responded, eyeing the honey cakes she’d made.

  “You think I made these for you?” she gasped and Darian frowned.

  “Who else?”

  “Me,” said Nephraete, grabbing up two and taking one to Kyler.

  “Mhmm,” said Darian. He didn’t for one second believe that story, but that didn’t stop him from grabbing three of the delicious cakes before stalking off. Renlyss smiled and the seer gave her a thumb’s up and a wink.

  Kelindril didn’t miss any of it and he chuckled at the ladies’ ruse. They’d completely flustered the Mage and that was an accomplishment, but he wasn’t about to let Renlyss off easy. Not after what she’d done.

  “You’re playing a dangerous game, Renlyss,” he warned.

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” she replied, a bit too innocently.

  “I’m talking about the games you’re playing with the Mage. Please don’t insult my intelligence by pretending not to know what I’m talking about.” Kelindril was a bit angry with her because of the way she’d left things with Darian when she disappeared for weeks.

  “I know I hurt him, Kelindril and I’m sorry. It’s just… I cannot seem to stay away from him and yet… whenever I get too close, I am filled with terror remembering his violent outburst. What if it had been directed at one of us? I just… I still love him so much and I… I can’t…”

  “Either give yourself to him or stay away from him. Stop taunting him, you heartless bitch. He needs his wits about him, now more than ever.” Kelindril snapped and walked away before she could respond.

  “Yikes! He was pissed,” said Nephraete, watching the Gor Li’ Khan return to the Mage’s side.

  “Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should just let him go. I’ve caused him enough pain.”

  “Do you love him?” asked the seer.

  “I do and gods, that admission kills me,” said the beautiful, elven mage. “I’ve tried to forget about him and move on, but I can’t, Nephraete, nor do I want to anymore. I crave his presence like a suffocating man craves air. Who am I kidding? He would never consider being with me again.”

  “You cannot give up. I think Darian still harbors feelings for you and if you give up now, you will live to regret it,” said the seer. “Go talk to him,” she urged.

  Renlyss looked at the man she loved; he was laughing at something Nymdal had said. He had a gorgeous smile and she trembled nervously. Why should I feel nervous? She thought. We’ve been lovers for a long time and I know he will never hurt me. In that instant, she felt ashamed at running out on him, but honestly didn’t think he’d give her another opportunity. She looked back at Nephraete, but the tiny seer shooed her toward the Mage. She gathered up every last ounce of courage that she could muster on such short notice and approached Darian.

  “Mind if I sit with you?” She waited for his consent before lowering herself to sit beside him. She purposely brushed up against him as she sat, but he never acknowledged it. He didn’t speak to her, he sat silent for long moments and she thought he would ignore her, but he surprised her.

  “Why’d you leave me, Reny?” The sorrow in his voice nearly broke her.

  “I was a fool. I’m sorry, Darian. When I witnessed your…” she trailed off, unsure of how to describe it. “I became terrified that your power could be directed at me. I was afraid that you’d hurt me. I know I hurt you and at the worst possible time. Please forgive me, Darian. I know you don’t want me anymore and for that, I cannot blame you. I walked out on you twice and I’m surprised you took me back the second time. I know there won’t be a third.” She held her breath, dreading his confirmation.

  “You must know that I would never hurt you on purpose, Reny. To my knowledge, I haven’t hurt anyone yet. I needed you. You could have kept an eye on me and… What does it matter anymore?” He winced when he felt her small hand slide into his.

  “I don’t want things to be awkward between us, Darian. Can we take a walk? I saw some interesting plants earlier and I believe they could be of use. We’d have to do some tests, but I think it’s worthwhile.” She expected him to refuse her, but his easy acceptance gave her hope.

  “Sure, let’s go,” he rose, holding his h
and out for her and her throat tightened at the possibilities contact with him did to her.

  She took his hand and showed him where the plants were hidden. Kelindril, Nymdal, and Stilhan followed closely on their heels. They did not walk far and yet they were hidden from the camp so they would have what solitude could be had. The Gor Li’ Khan blended into their surroundings, giving them feigned privacy.

  “See, here’s one I saw,” she exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the small, reddish gold leaves.

  “Hmm, interesting,” he said, curiosity lighting his beautiful eyes. He cast a minor cantrip

  and once he was sure it was safe, he trimmed several of the leaves and assembled a few beakers.

  “Did you see anything else?” he looked at her and she held her breath.

  “Yes, this way,” she walked ahead of him and he stared hungrily at her ass. He wanted nothing more than to run his hands over it and…

  “Here it is,” she said triumphantly, as she saw the hunger in his eyes.

  Darian knelt to examine the fragile looking plant. His fingers waggled as he cast another spell. The plant was velvety black with silver streaks along the stalks. The leaves were small, round, and near the tip were tiny, silver flowers. Darian held out his hand, whispering softly, reaching out with his senses. Renlyss felt the Weave respond to his call and it stimulated her. Being near him while he was casting made her wet and she wanted him. All in good time, she thought. She had much work to do before that could happen, she knew. He would not trust her yet. He gently pruned the plant, letting the Weave guide his hands.

  “To be honest Reny, I thought you made this up in order to get me alone,” he said without looking up. Her heart skipped a beat when he called her Reny, his pet name for her.


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