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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

Page 41

by D E Boske

  “Why are you being nice to me, Darian? I’ve tried several times to speak with you and you’ve been nothing but rude.”

  “Don’t ruin the moment, Torgyn,” remarked Darian, his eyes glittering.

  Torgyn nodded and took the plate from the Mage and muttered a muffled, “Thank you.”

  “Would you like to tell me what’s going on with you? Where did you disappear to, Torgyn?” the Mage’s tone was mild, gentle even and the Bard didn’t know if he should trust Darian with his… What should he call it, secrets?

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” the Bard hedged.

  “Don’t play games with me, Torgyn,” the Mage’s tone quickly turned hard. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t make me hurt you to get it out of you, because I will if I have to. And I won’t feel bad about it.”

  “Now you’re being mean again.” Darian looked like he would strangle the musician.

  “What are you, twelve? Now you’re being mean,” Darian mocked. “If you don’t tell me what I want to know in the next five minutes, I’m gonna’ make you hurt. How old are you, anyway?”

  “Eighteen. Darian, since you healed me, I haven’t felt like me. It feels like there’s some

  thing else in here with me, lurking, hiding, devouring my soul.” The Mage’s eyes softened at his confession.

  “You were close to death, Bard. Don’t underestimate the mark that leaves on you.”

  “I have dark dreams and they frighten me. Dreams where I’m killing all of you, starting with Mordinian.” The Bard looked at the Mage as he spoke and Darian could see the struggle within, but he wasn’t sure if it was real or in Torgyn’s head. The only way to be sure was to delve deep inside his brain. He wasn’t sure Torgyn wanted to be subjected to that torture. Especially after what he’d already endured.

  “Well, who could blame you with that one. After you’re finished with the thief, I’ll be more than happy to help you,” remarked the Mage.

  “I’m serious, Darian. Something’s wrong with me. Please, help me.” The pleading tone the Bard used irritated Darian, but he reminded himself how young Torgyn was.

  “Let me have a look,” Darian said, as he put his hands to either side of Torgyn’ face. The Bard felt the Mage’s magic encase him and he felt warm and safe. He could feel Darian in his mind and he opened himself to the Mage. He didn’t want to fight, he wanted help and he figured the easiest way to get it would be to relax and invite the Mage in.

  Darian dove into Torgyn’s mind, searching for anything that seemed out of place. He saw the Bard’s childhood, a drunken, abusive father who beat him and his mother. Darian’s eyes darkened at the sight, but it wasn’t what he was looking for. He pushed the vision aside and plunged deeper.

  The Mage witnessed the Bard’s fruitless efforts in attracting girls and knew it wasn’t his

  looks. Torgyn was a good-looking man, but his approach sucked. Darian vowed to help him with that. The Mage was beginning to understand the young Bard, intimately connected as they were. He understood why Torgyn was so damn irritating and promised himself he’d be a little more understanding and nicer to him.

  Darian got himself back on track and wished he hadn’t. Torgyn was stroking himself to completion, groaning as he did so. The Mage pushed it aside only to find himself caught in an endless parade of self-satisfying visions. He stared murder at the Bard, but Torgyn simply shrugged. The Mage smiled and Torgyn returned it in kind.

  Darian could see that Torgyn was a good person. He saw visions of the Bard helping those less fortunate than he and the Mage came to understand that he’d badly misjudged Torgyn. He saw when the Bard first met Mordinian and how the thief saved his life and wondered why Mordinian even bothered. The thief took Torgyn to an inn where he could recuperate from his wounds; wounds inflicted by thugs attempting to rob Torgyn. The Bard wasn’t giving up his coin

  as he’d worked hard for it and they were going to take it by force.

  Torgyn saw Mordinian hiding in a darkened alley across from them, waiting for the opportune moment. When it came, he did not waste it. Using the shadows, he crept silently across the street and slit the throat of the lookout. He dragged him to a darkened corner and returned to pick them off one by one. Mordinian was ruthless and efficient, coldly calculating his next moves.

  Torgyn lay broken and bloody on the ground and it appeared as if the thief paused to wonder why he got involved. Darian knew that thieves normally did not entangle themselves with other people’s affairs. They generally remained isolated and Darian wished the thief had stayed isolated, but knew that Torgyn would have died if not for the thief’s efforts. Torgyn had used his magic to influence Mordinian, it was obvious.

  So, the Bard spoke the truth of how they met, mused Darian. But it still doesn’t explain why he remained with Mordinian. Why would the thief even want to travel with a Bard? Thieves keep to themselves by trade. It didn’t make any sense and he didn’t trust that Mordinian would be upfront and honest if asked.

  Darian pushed on until he felt something lurking in the darkened corners of the Bard’s memories. As the Mage got closer, it vanished, only to resurface someplace else. It was elusive, but Darian was determined. He tracked it, coaxed it out of hiding, called it to him using his Dark Magic. It reared up, striking out at the Mage, hissing and biting.

  Darian lashed out with his magic, penetrating the darkness with light. He drew the Staff of Power, the stone flaring to life as blazing white light shot forth to envelop the shadows. Darian didn’t stop to wonder why the stone wasn’t murky like it had been since the Dark Magic’s success in joining with him. He only cared that he was able to help Torgyn.

  With renewed fury, Darian attacked the oozing darkness and it screamed in agony. He ripped it free of its claims to the Bard, stripping it of its energy, and destroyed it with the Staff of Power. Darian surged to the surface, clawing his way free as he felt the darkness pulling him down. He fought it with the staff, but it had a tight grip on him.

  The demon sensed something dark and stepped free of the open portal to find Darian on the ground convulsing and the Bard standing over him laughing.

  Sigorna grabbed Torgyn by the throat and demanded, “What the hell happened?”

  “He was trying to free me from the darkness living inside of me,” said Torgyn, laughing hysterically.

  The demon shook him mercilessly and tried again. “What happened here?” asked the demon through gritted teeth.

  “How should I know? I’m no Mage of The Order! I asked him for help and that’s what he

  was trying to do. He was inside my mind, rooting around for what’s plaguing me.”

  “And you reward him by laughing? You’re a sick twist, aren’t you?” Sigorna bent down

  and checked on Darian, whose movements finally stilled, but the Mage was unconscious. Sigorna rounded on the Gor Li’ Khan. He was angry that those who were supposed to protect him had let him be so vulnerable.

  “How could you let this happen?” he demanded.

  Kelindril went toe to toe with the huge demon, not backing down. “Darian was trying to rid Torgyn of his darkness. The Bard has been suffering lately and Darian was attempting to locate the source. You should know better than anyone not to interfere when a Mage of The Order is casting.” Kelindril’s tone was sharp, he was furious.

  “How dare you question my ethics! You know nothing of me, nor of the Gor Li’ Khan.” Kelindril walked away and went to Darian’s side. Kelindril held the Mage down and motioned for Lorin to check him over.

  Lorin was already coming their way and knelt next to Darian. “What happened Kelindril? Give me as much detail as you can, please. It will help in determining what’s wrong with him.” Kelindril repeated everything he’d seen and Lorin looked gravely concerned. He looked at Torgyn and quickly cast a shield around the Mage, Kelindril, and himself.

  “This doesn’t look good, Kelindril. Torgyn had Zogel venom in his veins. He was already beginning to decay. The
darkness that’s living in him is not gone. Darian was able to slow its advance, I think, but could not rid the Bard of it completely. I think Darian realized this and was attempting to rid Torgyn of it and it struck back. I believe it knocked Darian out and I need to assess the damage.”

  Lorin approached the Mage warily. He reached out tentatively for the Orb of Healing and

  was relieved when Darian made no move to stop him. Lorin warmed it in his hands, singing to it in ancient elvish. The Orb blazed to life in the elven mage’s capable hands and pure white light emerged. He delved into Darian to see what was accosting him and was faced with a darkness so treacherous that it knocked him off balance and he fell backward, the Orb rolling from his grasp. Kelindril snatched it up before it went too far and gave Lorin a helping hand up.

  “Thanks,” the elf breathed a heavy sigh and motioned for the Mages to come closer. Aganor and Thimkur came forward immediately.

  “What happened and how can we help?”

  “Darian trusts you,” Lorin said, looking directly at Aganor as he spoke. He then told them what happened and what he needed from them.

  “I need to join with you both in order to eradicate the darkness in Darian. We then need to cleanse Torgyn because he is clearly not cured. I can see the madness lying close to the surface,”

  explained Lorin.

  “Of course, whatever you need,” Aganor offered. He let Lorin lead as he was unfamiliar with the Orb of Healing and its power.

  Lorin motioned them closer and they joined hands as Lorin continued to sing to the Orb. Neither Mage understood the language or the dialect, but they knew the item was extremely powerful. Lorin passed the Orb over Darian, trying to locate the elusive darkness residing within him. Lorin gasped as he witnessed the Dark Magic’s advance since the last time, he checked on him. It was a part of him now, entwined in his very being. There would be no freedom from its tight grip. They were united in strength and its infiltration was complete.

  Lorin felt the strength of the two Mages and together he believed they’d be able to cleanse both Darian and Torgyn. The elven mage went after the darkness with aggressive force, striking out with their combined power. The darkness was old, powerful, and would not be dismissed so easily. It bucked and pulled free from their grasp, nearly bowling them all over.

  Alvos quickly joined them and they went after it again. It was hiding in the darkened recesses of Darian’s mind. The Mage’s thoughts and memories remained closed to them, his protection spells and wards still in place. They summoned it to the light and their power was too great to dismiss. The darkness obeyed their summons and once the light touched it, it screamed in agony, loud and trilling, but they were relentless. They were unsure how long it took, but finally, with a loud burst of energy, it was gone and everything was deathly still.

  They went to Torgyn next and repeated the ritual until he was free as well. The Bard did not have as much inside him. It looked as if it tried to latch onto Darian. Probably due to the Dark Magic living within the Mage.

  “Thank you!” said Torgyn, heaving a sigh of relief. “I feel like myself once more.”

  “It was our pleasure,” said Lorin tiredly. He replaced the Orb of Healing in the pouch tied to Darian’s waist and collapsed in his bedroll. Using the Orb of Healing took a lot of energy from the user. Because he was joined with Order Mages, the drain became more intense. Ru Nay’ Sha claimed him quickly and he knew no more.


  Darian remained unconscious and once Kelindril was sure the Mage’s tasks were completed, he hurried them on their way and closed the way to his charge. He let no one near. Nymdal, Stilhan, and Tymriel backed him up and the Mages did not even consider attempting to get closer. They could see the Gor Li’ Khan were serious.

  Renlyss sat by Darian’s side in case he needed anything. He was resting peacefully, his breathing deep and even. Kelindril watched the way she took care of Darian and hoped she would remain with the Mage this time. If she left him again, he’d kill her painfully with no remorse.

  The Mage awoke sometime later, rearing up as if he was a drowning man seeking air. He had a haunted look in his eyes that made him look wild. Renlyss was by his side before Kelindril could get there. She was talking softly, soothingly to him while running her fingers through his hair.

  He grabbed her and pulled her into his lap, his lips seeking hers. She gave herself to him, knowing he needed this. She didn’t try to stop him and didn’t worry about the others. His tongue passed her lips and she met his urgency. Her hand dipped between them to grasp his growing affection and he kissed down her neck, kissing along her collarbone and driving her mad with desire.

  Kyler looked away, giving them what privacy could be had in such close quarters, but noticed that not everyone among them was as courteous.

  “He’s not really going to…” began the seer, but Kyler took her and they walked out of sight of the others.

  “Yes, he is and I don’t want you subjected to that,” Kyler replied.

  She giggled, “I’m not naïve, Kyler I don’t need to be protected.” She touched his face and kissed him softly, while her hand began working its way inside his breeches.

  His eyes darkened with lust. “What are you doing, Nephraete?” He asked, as she gained access to him. He leaped into her hands, as she went to her knees and he no longer cared about anything else.

  Renlyss unfastened Darian’s breeches and released his engorged flesh. He tugged her breeches down and sheathed himself within her. They both gasped in pleasure and she began to

  make love to him the way no one else would.

  Tryllia watched, entranced, as she recalled the way Darian made love. Tryndil watched her for a moment before he took her hand, leading her away.

  Darian was barely breathing, Renlyss was so tight around him that it was hard to maintain control. He could feel her clamping down around him and knew it wouldn’t be long. Her slim arms snaked around his neck as her hips rose and fell in a steady rhythm. She used her magic, locking him in place and he grinned at her, kissing her deeply.

  “Darian,” she cried, breaking off the kiss, but he was having none of that. He kissed her again, tongue probing and teasing as her hips worked a magic all their own.

  Torgyn watched, greedily taking it all in, aroused and frustrated. He’d never been with a woman before. He knew Darian knew this too and was a bit embarrassed by his lack of experience. Especially in the wake of Darian’s obvious expertise. It was so natural to the Mage and the fact that neither one was ashamed of making love in the open like that…

  Torgyn felt when Renlyss used her magic and was shocked that Darian would let her. The Mage must trust her, otherwise Torgyn couldn’t imagine her getting away with it. She held him in place and the Mage seemed to love it. He grinned wickedly and gave himself up to her fury.

  Renlyss held Darian so tight his face was pressed into her breasts, but he never complained. She could feel him thicken inside her and she increased the force of her movements until she felt his release and she joined him in bliss.

  Darian kissed her possessively and pulled her off him. He stood and cast a quick spell to clean them both and slowly pulled his breeches up. He acted as if nothing untoward had happened and found it funny that the others felt awkward. Sex was a natural act and he’d been raised not to be embarrassed in any situation. He pulled Renlyss close, feeling her up as he kissed her slowly. If they felt awkward, maybe they should look away.

  “Thanks, babe,” he whispered for her ears alone. “I needed that.”

  “I know,” she replied, kissing him back, snaking her arms around his neck.

  “You’re fearless,” he remarked, as he put his arm around her waist. “Not many women would have given that to me.”

  “I’m not many women, Darian Brade. I am unique and strong and that’s why I’m a perfect fit for you.”

  “It’s about time you realized that. I’ve been telling you that for a while now, babe,” he winked at her and
she laughed.

  “What are you all looking at? Haven’t you ever seen two people have sex?” Renlyss asked. “I’m starving,” she said, looking back at Darian.

  “Mmm, me too,” he acknowledged.

  “I’ll make honey cakes for you,” she said, as she began to collect what she’d need.

  “You’re gonna’ make me fat,” he said and she laughed, her eyes tearing. The elven mage continued to make honey cakes, bacon, and coffee and when it was done, she brought Darian a plate of food and a steaming mug of coffee.

  “Thanks, sexy,” he drawled, kissing her slowly and thoroughly.

  “Mmm, you’re welcome, love,” she replied in between kisses.

  The next morning, they continued east. Darian walked with Renlyss holding her hand as they talked softly. Kelindril scanned the horizon, watching everything and everyone closely. Kylee came to walk beside him and he instantly became tense.

  “Good morning, Kelindril,” she said brightly and he groaned inwardly.

  “Morning, Kylee. I’m afraid I cannot talk right now, I am working,” he said a bit tersely.

  “Nonsense, Kelindril. You have time to talk. I have all the Gor Li’ Khan surrounding me. I will be fine, I assure you.” Kelindril looked as if he would kill Darian, but the Mage only smiled a wicked smile and winked at Kylee who returned it in kind.

  “It seems you have time after all,” she said softly, as she slipped her hand into his.

  He felt as if he would burn alive from her touch and he longed to be free of it. He hated how she made him feel. He didn’t want to feel the things he was feeling. When Elyssa left him, he made a vow to himself that up until now, had not been difficult to keep. He’d promised himself to never fall for another woman.

  In the long years since Elyssa’s departure, Kelindril had only succumbed to passion twice. He told himself he didn’t need contact with a woman and by abstaining it made him stronger. Part of that was true. Without sex, it left his mind free to focus on details that really mattered. His mind was sharper, he was focused and he had himself convinced that if he gave in to a woman’s charms, that that sharpness of detail would vanish like fog before the morning sun.


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