The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 42

by D E Boske

  “How are you, Kelindril?” she asked, and he felt something stirring inside him that he had

  not felt in over a decade. Desire. Lust. Arousal.

  Takasha! He thought in desperation. What am I to do? Darian will only encourage me to

  give in to this beauty, but I cannot entrust my heart to another, no matter how captivating.

  “I’m fine, Kylee, and you?” he asked, trying to remain calm. He didn’t want her to know that her presence bothered him, though he suspected she knew. She’d kept her distance for a bit and he had to acknowledge, though he would never admit to such an offense, that he’d missed her company. He’d missed her scent. He’d missed her touch. He wanted to taste her lips, but that was never going to happen. He would not give in.

  “I’m fine now that I am with you once more,” she said lustily, looking up at him through

  incredibly long lashes.

  Takasha! She is so beautiful! He thought, not for the first time.

  “Kylee, this is madness. You know that we can never be, don’t you? I cannot take this step with you or with anyone else for that matter,” he said a bit harshly.

  “Why, Kelindril? I know that you want to. I can see it in your eyes whenever you look at me, though you pretend not to. I know that you’ve been hurt, so have I, but I feel it’s time to try again. I feel good when I’m with you. I feel safe. My heart feels safe.” She squeezed his hand gently.

  “I am Gor Li’ Khan, Kylee. Nothing is safe with me, especially your heart.”

  “I don’t think that’s true. I think that’s what you want to be true, but it isn’t and you know it and it frightens you.”

  “I am Gor Li’ Khan, Kylee. I do not fear anything.”

  “You fear what you are feeling the same as I do, but it cannot be stopped, Kel. I won’t hurt you and I won’t leave.”

  “I didn’t think Elyssa ever would, either, but that didn’t stop her from doing it anyway,”

  Kelindril said bitterly.

  “Genia told me that we would be together forever, until he had a chance to be with the princess of Kiri A’ Nouell, that is. He left me quickly once she showed him interest. Believe me, Kel, I know pain. I know loss. But I am willing to try again with you. Can we just be friends and see where it goes?”

  “Of course, Kylee. We can be friends, but it can never be more,” said Kelindril, hardening his heart. He had to in order to survive her touch.

  Kylee stayed with Kelindril all day as they talked and got to know one another. They each told their stories and gained a better understanding of one another. Kylee knew that she was in love with Kelindril. There was something about him that she just couldn’t shake. She needed him, his strength, his touch. And she swore she would win him in the end. She refused to give up. She

  was the only one the dangerous elf let close and she marveled at that.

  It was nearing dusk when Kelindril called a halt and went to speak to Darian. “The village

  is not far now, but I feel it’s best if we arrive in the light of morning. They are not to be trusted, Darian. They came after us after we paid a hefty price for their water. This will be the last opportunity to purchase any needed provisions before crossing Blavven Krill.”

  Darian nodded his understanding and changed the subject lightening quick. “Kelindril, may I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” Kelindril said a bit warily.

  “Why are you so afraid of Kylee? I can see that you really like her.”

  “I thought we covered this already,” the Gor Li’ Khan said a bit irritably.

  “You told me your story, yes, but it’s been so long now. Why are you still so afraid? Kylee is not Elyssa, nor will she hurt you.”

  “How can you know this, Darian? There is no such thing as forever when it comes to love. Love is a falsification and those that feel its sting know what I am speaking of.”

  “How did you become so jaded, Kelindril?” asked the Mage quietly.

  “You already know the answer to this question, Darian,” gritted Kelindril.

  “Why are you staring at her ass then, Kelindril?” asked Darian with a smile.

  “Kelindril, do you mind if I lay with you?” asked Kylee.

  “It’s funny you should ask, Kylee, we were just talking about that!” said Darian with a wicked grin. “He was just telling me how he was hoping you’d come over here,” said the Mage, as he winked at Kelindril.

  The elf did not find the humor in any of this. He was upset with Darian because the Mage should respect his choices and decisions the way that he respected Darian’s. But the elf had to admit that he was fully aroused knowing Kylee would be so close to him.

  They sat around the fire as night fell and the darkness became comforting. They ate as they talked and Kylee sat close to Kelindril. At one point, she laid her left hand on his right thigh and he wondered if she could sense how turned on he was.

  Darian sat with Renlyss, but he watched Kelindril closely. “I think before long he will go to her. I don’t think he’ll be able to resist much longer,” Renlyss observed.

  “I hope you are correct, babe. I think she’d be good for him and I can see that he has already changed quite a bit since coming to work for me. I can only see him getting better if he lets himself fall for her.”

  The elven mage pulled Darian in for a kiss and he willingly went to her. Takasha! She was everything he was looking for and he could not imagine being with anyone else, Tynuviel included. She was perfect for him because she understood him like no one else ever would. The way they made love was drastically different than the way he’d made love to all the other women. And he’d been with countless women. She was the only one that he craved. The only one he wanted to be with. And this began to frighten him because he was beginning to comprehend the implications.

  He understood what he was asking of Kelindril, but also knew that the elf needed this. Even though the assassin would never admit it. Darian was resolved in what he needed to do to come out of this alive. And he would do whatever it took. The Order had trained him relentlessly and viciously and he was no stranger to hardship, pain, or abuse.

  When he was with Renlyss though, he was a different man. She brought out the best in

  him and he believed that he could fall for her if given enough time. He didn’t know what it was about Tynuviel that made him fall so hard so fast, but he’d never done that before. It’s not who he was and he didn’t know if that was a good thing or not. He ached with her loss, though it lessened when he was in Renlyss’s arms.

  One by one they turned in and Kelindril and Kylee were the last to remain awake. “Kelindril, I know that my presence makes you extremely uncomfortable, but I promise you I will never hurt you. I… care for you and I just want to be with you.”

  She leaned forward before he could stop her and captured his lips with hers. The longing that he hadn’t felt in decades came rushing to the surface and he kissed her back, his tongue passing her lips and she welcomed it with a soft moan. She reached down to stroke him softly and found that he was more than ready and leaned closer to him. He kissed her neck and moved back to her lips, as his hand found her full breasts.

  Darian opened one eye cautiously, he didn’t want Kelindril to know he was watching. He smiled to himself and hoped Kylee could break through his tough exterior. So far, she seemed to be doing an excellent job.

  Kylee climbed into his lap and pressed her core into him. She could feel his body respond and he growled appreciatively. She ground her hips into his and moaned at the friction that it created. Kelindril was about to undo the buttons on her shirt when he opened his eyes and saw Kylee sitting atop him, her beautiful breasts in his face.

  “Kylee, we just can’t do this. I can’t take this step with you. I’m sorry.” His voice was hoarse from unspent passion and she pouted. She kissed him again and he kissed her back. She undid his shirt, exposing his bare chest and ran her small hands over his hot skin.

  “No! I ca
n’t do this. I’m sorry.” He wrapped himself in his bedroll, but Ru Nay’ Sha was a long time coming.

  In the morning, he awoke to the warmth and softness of breasts on his chest and a morning hard on that could crack steel. Kylee lay on his chest, pressed close to him and he sighed in contentment. Her knee was between his legs, gently massaging him every time she moved in her sleep. She nuzzled his neck, her hand resting on his chest and he had to admit that was the best night’s rest he’d had in a very long time. She moaned as he ran his hand down her back. When had she climbed into his bedroll? He couldn’t remember when he succumbed to Ru Nay’ Sha, but he knew it had been late.

  Nymdal stood over him, smiling down at them as he handed Kelindril a cup of hot tea. “Thanks,” muttered Kelindril. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  “It never is,” laughed Nym, walking away and Kelindril smiled.

  “Kylee,” said Kelindril softly. Her hand slid down to grip him gently and he let out a stran-

  gled, “Agh!” He moved out from under her and she sat up, immediately.

  “Morning,” she said, with a radiant smile.

  “Morning, Kylee,” he replied, trying desperately to get himself under tight control once more.

  “I want you, Kel,” she whispered in his ear. “I want to feel you inside of me and I know you want this too.” She straddled him, pressing herself into him as she leaned down to kiss him softly. Then she stood and packed up her things. He lay there for a few moments more, getting his body under control.

  “Have some breakfast, Kelindril,” said Nym, proffering a plate of biscuits, eggs, and bacon.

  “Thanks, Nym,” said Kelindril, taking the plate and sitting up.

  “She’s really under your skin, huh?” asked Nym and was surprised when Kelindril didn’t get angry. He shrugged, as he took a bite of biscuit and egg.

  “I probably like her way more than I should, Nym. But it doesn’t matter. Nothing’s going to happen.”

  “Has anyone told her that?” laughed Nym and Kelindril joined in. “Anyway, I think it’s a good thing, for both of you. Coming to Kiri A’ Nouell and joining with Darian can be a new beginning for all of us. We can finally put the past to rest. Darian has been good to us and I’m glad we’re with him now, Kelindril.”

  “Me too, Nym. It’s good to work for someone who honestly cares about us. But as for Kylee, I don’t think I’m strong enough to give her a chance. Elyssa is a wound that I fear will never close, Nym.”

  “Kelindril, you cannot remain alone.”

  “I have so far.”

  “That’s nothing to brag about, Kelindril. Everyone needs someone and I can see that you are attracted to her. Take it slowly, but take it or you will live to regret it.”

  By midday, they made it to the small village. A wooden fence surrounded the borders of the village and the gate stood open. Kelindril walked up to the gate and knocked, but did not step through. He didn’t want them perceived as a threat. He had no way of knowing how many were behind the walls or how many were fighters.

  A small boy greeted them with smiles and sticky hands and the mother was not far behind. She scooped up the boy and held him close to her bosom as she eyed the visitors.

  “We mean you no harm,” said Kelindril in perfect common. “We were hoping for some supplies and water. We can pay,” said Kelindril.

  “Who are you?” asked a man coming up behind the woman.

  “We are on our way to Kaleika Bay and are in need of supplies and water. We have gold to pay,” said Kelindril.

  “Have you a healer among you? We have sick that need tending to,” said the man.

  “Aye, we have a healer,” said Kelindril at Darian’s nudge.

  “Then you are welcome indeed!” said the man, throwing the gates wide and allowing them entrance.

  “Show me your sick,” Darian said, coming forward, hood raised.

  “Bloody hell! A Mage o’ The Order!” he cried.

  “Shh,” said Darian. “Don’t call attention to us, if you please.”

  “O’ course, what ‘ere you wish, master,” said the man with respect, bowing low.

  He led them to the first patient, a little girl that could be no more than three years old. She was shaking with fever and they told the Mage she was unconscious most of the time.

  “How long has she been like this?” he asked the girl’s mother.

  “About a week now, yeah,” she said, with tears in her eyes.

  “Has she been eating and drinking plenty of fluids?” he asked.

  “Nay, not fer about a week now,” she shuddered, collapsing suddenly.

  “Get her into bed, now!” the Mage commanded and the villagers obeyed. They put her up in the same room as her daughter. Darian felt the foreheads of mother and child.

  “Kelindril, get these people out of here,” commanded the Mage. He would need the power of the Orb of Healing in order to cleanse this place.

  Darian could feel the sickness permeating the very air and he suspected that more than half the villagers were infected. He knew he would not be able to heal them all today. It would most likely take him about five days to heal them and recuperate his energy. He felt the Dark Magic stirring and he forced it down.

  The Gor Li’ Khan forced everyone out of the room except themselves and Darian. Everyone else remained in the hall with the rest of the company and this did not sit well with some of them.

  Darian withdrew the Orb of Healing and began to sing to it as he warmed it in his hands.

  He pulled the Staff of Power free as well and brought it to bear on the tiny form beneath the coverlet. Kelindril had never seen Darian wield both items at once and he had to admit it gave him chills.

  The young Mage called on the Staff of Power and brilliant white light shot out and encompassed the little girl even as the Orb of Healing began its work on her tiny form. Darian sang to the Orb and ran it over her body until he found the source of her ailments. He threw himself

  deep into the Orb, surrendering to its magic and encompassing the little girl.

  She was so small! Darian would not let her die. He saw the sickness inside of her and concentrated on healing her. It had spread throughout her body so he concentrated on her solar plexus. From here, he could heal her completely. He spent roughly an hour on her and moved to the mother next.

  The door opened and Darian came out, his mouth set in a grim line. “Where are the others? I will heal as many as I can today, but I fear I will not be able to take care of all of you. Please, show me to those that have been sick longest and those that are in dire need of care.

  A man came forward and attempted to enter the bedroom, but the path was blocked by the Gor Li’ Khan.

  “Please, that’s my family!” cried the man.

  “Lorin, please make sure he is clean before he is allowed to enter,” commanded Darian.

  “Will they be alright?” he asked, looking at the hooded figure of the Mage.

  “Yes, they will be fine now. In a few days, they should begin to regain their strength and vitality.”

  “Bless ye, sir!” said the man, submitting to Lorin’s will. Once the elf was certain he was clean, he let him pass and Darian nodded his thanks.

  The leader brought them to another home marked with a brand on the door, the wood burned and marred. The air smelled of sickness and death. Darian entered and saw more children abed along with the parents. No one was caring for them and if he didn’t work quickly, they’d all be lost.

  He began with the children, two boys and a girl and then moved to the parents. They were far more advanced and it took him more than five hours to cleanse them all. When he emerged from the home, he was weary, but there was much work to do.

  The next house held ten people; grandparents, parents, and children. Darian checked them all to assign importance and found the grandparents near death. He found a stool and sat down heavily and began working.

  Kelindril admired Darian for his work. He could see the Mag
e honestly cared about these people, though he did not know them.

  The village had suffered since the Gor Li’ Khan’s passage to Kiri A’ Nouell. The once bustling village was dirty and quiet, the majority of folk were either too old or too young to be of much use. Where were all the men? The hunters and foragers? What happened here?

  Darian finished the grandparents and began on the children. He worked on the young ones one at a time so that each had his undivided attention. Once healed, he stood and moved to the parents.

  The night was deep and dark when he finished. He could barely stand and Kelindril sup-

  ported him as they walked into the street.

  “Good sir! Thank ye for all ye done, but there is another who is gravely ill.”

  “I’m sorry, but it’ll have to wait until the morn,” said Kelindril.

  “Show me the way,” said Darian tiredly and Kelindril shot him an angry glare.

  The man showed them to another small cottage, where a small boy lay barely breathing. Darian dashed to the boy’s side and began immediately. Four hours later, Darian emerged, the corners of his vision blackening. He fought to remain upright as the man showed them to clean rooms that they provided for free. The townsfolk felt it was the least they could do for all the healing the Mage had done for them.

  Darian collapsed onto the bed, Ru Nay’ Sha claiming him as her own. Renlyss curled against him as she too drifted away.


  The sun slanting in through the window woke Darian, but he was too tired to rise yet. He knew it was early morning, he guessed around six. He turned on his side and drifted off once more. His dreams were dark as he reviewed the events of the previous night. They all suffered from the same sickness, though Darian wasn’t surprised by this. The village was small and they all lived tightly packed together. What bothered him was the sickness itself.


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