The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 44

by D E Boske

  “Shh,” he whispered, taking her hand and guiding her to the table.

  He lifted her easily and placed her on the edge, grasping her hips to position her where he wanted her. She bit her lip, the sultry look in her eyes arousing the beast in him. His lips captured hers, holding her tongue hostage as he gently moved within her.

  She loved when he was in control and loved that he let her be in control when she wanted. She knew how to please him and loved the sounds he made. But right now, she wanted to be dominated and she gave herself over to his control.

  She eased back onto her elbows as he eased in and out of her in a steady, beautiful rhythm. He was good at what he did and she honestly had no idea how he was able to find the mark consistently. He knew how to make love and how to extend their pleasure and she loved him so much it hurt. She didn’t love him because of the phenomenal sex. She’d be lying if she said it wasn’t a factor in her feelings, but the love she felt did not stem from sex alone.

  The Mage was gorgeous and sexy, he had a seductive smile that lit the fires of her heart.

  When he was happy, his eyes would twinkle and a mischievous grin would play across his lips that drove her to distraction.

  “Darian!” she cried, as he stroked that spot within her that made her turn to jelly. Just as quickly, he stopped and she mewled in need.

  “Not yet, love.” He pulled out of her again and brought her feet to the floor. He turned her around so her back was facing him and she immediately assumed the position. He groaned at the sight, needing to be inside her. He needed to be in control and loved that she let him. She pushed her ass toward him, letting him know she was ready. He grabbed her neck and drove himself into her and she could not keep quiet.

  Darian must have cast a spell around Hunter, because the child never woke from the noise. She realized that these moments didn’t have to be so fleeting after all. He began to stroke her pleasure center in earnest and she knew he was ready too… The orgasm ripped through her with blinding intensity and she howled his name as she clutched the table with white knuckled fury. He pushed her down toward the table, her face almost touching the wooden surface, his breath coming quick and sharp. Moments later, he spilled into her as he continued moving.

  “Vazaalhen!” he said, his movements slowing as he came down from his high. He released her neck as he pulled out of her and she flashed him a satisfied smile. He planted a kiss on her lips and helped her up.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, looking her over. “I’m sorry, babe, sometimes I like it rough. All you have to do is tell me to stop and I will, okay?”

  “Mmm Darian, you definitely did not hurt me. I love the way you make love to me, the

  way you take control. You possess me and I want to be yours. Forever,” she said, taking his hand.

  He kissed her softly, then led her back to the bath. He gently washed her body, his hands warm as they massaged her breasts. She knew he wasn’t trying to turn her on, but damn it, he was. His touch was electrifying and it sent hot jolts of need straight to her core. He washed her hair next and she had to admit, it was one of the more erotic pleasures he’d given her. No other man had ever done this for her and she found she loved it and the attention. Once bathed, they returned to the bed and slid into the blackness that was Ru Nay’ Sha.

  Darian awoke late in the morning. He was exhausted from the extensive healing and lovemaking. He noticed Hunter and Renlyss were already up. They’d been quiet, he never heard them. Although, he probably wouldn’t have heard them anyway with how tired he was. He rolled onto his side to watch as Renlyss showed Hunter how to make pancakes. He was trying to help, but making a huge mess, to which Reny laughed and tousled his hair. Darian smiled as he watched them, his heart full and happy.

  “Morning, Darian,” said Brandiel, as he materialized close to the Mage.

  “Morning,” the Mage replied, not taking his eyes off his girl. “They’re adorable, aren’t they?”

  “Indeed,” replied the elf, not wanting to sound disrespectful. He thought Renlyss was one of the most beautiful elves he’d ever seen, but he didn’t want to anger the Mage. He respected Darian and wanted to earn his trust.

  “Thank you for remaining unseen, Brandiel. We both know you’re always here, but while

  your presence doesn’t bother me, I believe it makes Reny uneasy. Especially when we make love. The Order made sure that I am never embarrassed, no matter what situation I am found in, but Reny? Not so much. Who knows? Maybe one day she’ll be as used to your presence as I.” The Mage threw off the covers and began to dress.

  “Da!” cried Hunter, running to the Mage and clutching his legs.

  “Hey, little man,” said Darian, winking at Renlyss. Darian picked up the boy and brought him back to the kitchen.

  “Morning, love,” said Darian, kissing Renlyss thoroughly.

  “Morning,” she said, hugging him lightly.

  Brandiel watched them and couldn’t help but smile. They made a happy looking family and he thought that maybe Renlyss wasn’t as embarrassed as Darian thought. He saw her busy hands and she glanced sideways at him, but he didn’t look away.

  While Renlyss cooked, Darian played with Hunter. He used his magic to tell another children’s story and the tot chased the images the Mage created, giggling the whole time. Darian’s stomach rumbled at the smells coming from the kitchen. He was starving.

  He motioned to Brandiel, passed some gold and asked the elf to pick up some clothes for Hunter. The elf nodded and left immediately. Darian liked him instantly, even though he’d only met him a short time ago. Kelindril took no chances and had all the Gor Li’ Khan on duty and traveling with them.

  Brandiel returned when they were eating, holding up his purchases for the Mage to inspect. Darian nodded approvingly as he noticed the elf had not forgotten anything. There were several outfits including undergarments, boots, and shoes. They could pick up more as needed.

  “The cobbler would not take your gold. He said to please accept them as payment since you healed his wife and son. He also said he’s sorry, but it’s all he has. He looked fearful,” mentioned Brandiel, as he took the plate of pancakes that Darian handed him and began to eat.

  “I mean them no harm and do not expect payment. I know these people have very little. I hope you left the gold anyway.”

  “I did,” said the Gor Li’ Khan, satisfied that he’d understood Darian’s silent instructions. The Mage was generous and kind and Brandiel knew that he didn’t want it to become common knowledge.

  The very idea of a Mage of The Order struck fear into most hearts. In the Old Times, when The Order came to Kiri A’ Nouell for council, The Order had a good reputation. They worked side by side with all the goodly folk, but over time, they became more distant, withdrawing from the free lands to remain holed up in Mogan Dar. Most free people had forgotten about The Order and could no longer identify them as they once did.

  Brandiel realized this was how Darian had remained hidden for so long. He’d used The Order’s absence as a weapon of protection. And hiding in Kiri A’ Nouell was brilliant. So close to Mogan Dar and yet, virtually unreachable.

  Brandiel wondered if Morphindinaetlus knew Darian was there when he took Tynuviel or if it had been dumb luck that her and Kyler had been so vulnerable. Either way, by the end of that battle, the dragon knew the Mage’s location. Had he told the Dark Mage? Were there forces even now moving on the elven forest? What a disturbing thought.

  Darian finished his breakfast, kissed Hunter on the head, and took Renlyss in his arms, kissing her passionately. Brandiel watched the way Darian kissed Renlyss and the way she responded to his touch. She was breathless and wanting, her hands finding their way inside his breeches. He mumbled something in her ear and she giggled.

  “I love you, Darian Brade,” she whispered.

  “See you later,” he responded and Brandiel saw the hurt and disappointment in her eyes.

  The Gor Li’ Khan knew Renlyss was
yearning for the Mage to tell her that he loved her. He wondered if Darian would ever utter those words again. He’d seen the disastrous remnants of the Mage’s love for Tynuviel and wondered if Darian would have the courage to brave that tumultuous sea once more.

  The Mage seemed happy with Renlyss, happier than the Gor Li’ Khan had ever seen him. Brandiel thought Renlyss was a better match, though he would never speak those words aloud. She was strong, vivacious and stunningly beautiful. And a mage to boot. She had a better understanding of magic and had helped Darian countless times with potions and spells. They really were good together and now they had a son. Brandiel figured it was only a matter of time before Darian asked her to be his consort.

  “You coming?” asked Kelindril, as he followed the Mage out the door.

  “Yes,” responded Brandiel, as he nodded to Stilhan and Melanor, who would remain behind. Kelindril ordered Gavil and Tymriel to remain behind when he saw only two Gor Li’ Khan guarding Renlyss and Hunter.

  “Bring him back to me, Kel,” said Renlyss.

  “Of course,” he smiled at the toddler. “He will be safe and no harm shall befall him.”

  “Don’t let him drain himself too completely, Kel. He gives too much of himself in healing and cannot afford to be so exhausted.”

  “I will try, but you know as well as I, that he is extremely stubborn. I dragged him here yesterday and will do so again if needed. You have my word.”

  Darian smiled at the exchange. He knew he hurt Reny when he couldn’t return her endearment, but he just wasn’t there yet. To be honest, he began to wonder if he could ever love again, or if he even wanted to. It seemed too much trouble at times and he wasn’t sure it was worth it anymore.

  Tynuviel’s loss had affected him deeply, on a visceral level, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to get over her. Rationally, he knew Renlyss was perfect for him, but his damn heart had chosen Tynuviel and corrupted them both. He was far beyond redemption now and he chose not to look


  Regrets, yes, he had them aplenty, but what good were they? He blocked them off and sealed them away where they could do him no more damage. For the moment that is. They always seemed to resurface at the worst possible times, gnawing their way through his emotional exterior and leaving him raw and bleeding on the floor.


  He walked into a cloud heavy sky that suited his mood. He felt emotionally drained as well as tired from healing, but these people needed him. There was a crowd already gathered, awaiting his appearance. They cheered as he stepped out onto the porch and he waved to them. He categorized the list of people according to the severity of illness and walked into the first house.

  An elderly man was lying very still, his breathing labored and uneven. Darian went to the bedside and grasped the Orb of Healing. His voice was soft and pure and it gave Brandiel chills. The Mage closed his eyes, intent on the healing magic. He had no idea how long he remained lost in the Orb’s depths when he heard peculiar sounds.

  Of a sudden, he heard blades screaming an eerie cadence, but he dared not break his concentration. He knew the Gor Li’ Khan could handle whatever it was. He pulled the man back from the grip of death and his color began to return. When Darian was done, the man rested peacefully.

  The Mage opened his eyes and saw the carnage. The Gor Li’ Khan were wiping their blades clean, their breathing even. They had not even broken a sweat. Darian inspected the dead, not surprised to see that they looked as if they had been dead prior to the grisly battle. Rotting chunks of flesh fell from the bloated carcasses to stain the old wooden floor. The stench in the room was overwhelmingly grotty and Darian clenched his teeth to keep from retching.

  “What the hell happened, Kel?” asked Darian. “Have you ever seen anything like this?”

  “I was about to ask you the same thing, Mage,” responded the elf. “They broke the door down and stumbled in, reeking of death already. At first, we weren’t sure what to make of it, but it became clear that they were not friendly. Do you think this is the work of the Zogel?”

  “I’m not sure yet, Kel. I have to examine the bodies before I can be certain.”

  “You’re not getting near them, Darian. I promised Renlyss that I’d bring you safely back to her and Hunter. You cannot risk this disease getting a foothold in the boy.”

  “What about you? We’ve all been exposed, he could catch it from any of us, Kel.” Darian could tell this admission bothered Kelindril, but he hid it well.

  “We are immune to human sickness and disease,” Kelindril said.

  “So am I, Kel, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be carriers,” The Gor Li’ Khan paled at his words. “This is why I must examine them. If I know what it is, I can devise how to combat it. It isn’t just about this village anymore, Kelindril. Think of the bigger picture. If whatever this is gets out, how many will die? The Dark Mage’s armies will overrun Corillia and the free people will perish.”

  “Seal it off,” ordered Kelindril and Nymdal nodded.

  Reny, I’m not sure how long I will be gone. We found something… troubling.

  What have you found, Darian?

  While I was healing an elderly man… there was a battle… Babe, they looked dead before they ever broke in here.

  What? Darian, come home please. Get out of there.

  I cannot. We’ve been exposed and could possibly be carriers. I don’t want to take a chance with Hunter. I need to study the dead in order to combat the disease. If I can determine what’s causing this, I can create an antidote if I have access to the plants I will need.

  Darian, I love you. He felt the emotions she was struggling to keep in check and wished he could return her words.

  I know, babe. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Hug Hunter for me, but please don’t tell him anything. He’s been through enough shit. I miss you. Darian severed the connection because he was assaulted with feelings and emotions that he wasn’t prepared to deal with right now. He needed to be able to think clearly and right now, he wasn’t. What the hell was wrong with him?

  The Mage approached the bloody, disheveled mess on the floor and bent to inspect the bodies. He did not touch them with his hands. Instead, he reached out with his magic and at first, he could discern nothing. He called on the Dark Magic that had infiltrated his body and it responded to his call, surging forward like a tidal wave of despair and shrouding the dead. Darian closed his eyes, concentrating on the data the Dark Magic sent to him. He remained still for a long time and the Gor Li’ Khan began to get restless.

  Just as Kelindril was about to touch the Mage’s shoulder, he stirred and opened his eyes. The look on Darian’s face told Kelindril he was not going to like what the Mage had found. The Mage stood, drawing the Staff of Power free and commanding it to its full height. He obliterated the dead and turned his gaze on the Gor Li’ Khan.

  For a split second, Kelindril was afraid he would turn the Staff of Power on them, but though the Mage did not put the staff away, he held it in a non-threatening manner. Darian noticed Kelindril’s hand upon the hilt of his sword and smiled a disarming grin, which the Gor Li’ Khan did not return.

  “What have you found?” asked Kelindril, almost afraid to know the answer.

  “They were raised from the dead, Kelindril. Someone in this village did this. Someone who knows Dark Magic and knows that we are here. This was no random attack.” The Mage looked angry and… something else Kelindril couldn’t identify.

  “What are you saying, Mage? The traitor is among us?”

  “Yes. Either they accompanied us here or they arrived here before we did. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were among those healed. What better way to hide than to pretend to be a victim?” Darian was careful not to tell them that he and Sigorna already knew the traitor walked among them. The Mage kept this to himself.

  Kelindril’s blood ran cold at the thought. If the Mage was correct in his assumptions, and Kelindril had no reason to believe this wasn’t so, then the individual
that was responsible for this was among them. Maybe even someone they trusted. Kelindril stared hard at those around him, trying to discern if any of them were compromised. If he found out that any of his Gor Li’ Khan were recreants, he’d slaughter them without blinking. Darian had been good to them, taken them as his own and took care of them. Kelindril recognized how much he’d changed under Darian’s leadership, but wasn’t regretful. He loved working for Darian and wouldn’t change a thing. He’d felt drawn to the Mage and offered to be his guard, but didn’t honestly think that Darian would accept. When he agreed, Kelindril was surprised at first, until he realized that Darian was likely trying to get to know him even as he was trying to get to know the Mage. It worked out in the end and Kelindril was glad that Thelarki refused The Order’s gold.

  Kelindril reminded himself that Darian had been aware of the traitor before the Gor Li’ Khan ever met up with the Mage, but this was little comfort. The elf watched the Mage closely for signs of insanity, but so far, he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Darian seemed as sound as ever, which was kind of surprising considering the Dark Magic flowing in his veins. The elf thought that he’d be driven mad by now, at least in part.

  Darian walked out of the house and into a throng of people, frightened to their marrow. They were crowding him, everyone talking at once, and nothing could be understood. Kelindril ordered the Gor Li’ Khan to surround Darian and let no one close.

  “Everyone, calm down! The dead have been eradicated. The threat is over for now,” announced the Mage.

  “How could this happen? What kind of sorcery is this?” a middle-aged man asked.

  “Those people were our loved ones. Who would be so wicked?” asked a young woman near the front.

  “Had to be another Mage. The Order is responsible! You should leave! We don’t need your kind of help! Mages belong in Mogan Dar!” Too many people agreed. Darian was angry, he’d healed their sick at great personal cost and as usual, this is how they repaid him.


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