The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 48

by D E Boske

  “Palsy-walsy?” joked Darian and the elf laughed. “I hear you, my friend. I am careful, trust me. You know I don’t trust easily, especially now with the traitor among us. It could be any one of us and that is not a comforting thought.”


  They left the village behind and continued through the Wilderness. The Gor Li’ Khan faded from view, but never strayed far from Darian’s side. Kelindril would take no chances with their safety. His keen eyes missed nothing. He watched every one of them for any signs of betrayal.

  Blavven Krill loomed large in the distance and the Gor Li’ Khan tensed at the prospect of once more crossing over it. The last time they’d moved through the pass, nothing had happened and the mountain remained quiet. Kelindril did not hold out hope that it would remain so this trip. Kryndale’s group had been assaulted, but his had not. Why? Now, they were traveling with a much larger group that comprised Mages of The Order. He was certain that would draw Blavven Krill’s ire. And there was the matter of the miscreant. They had to find out who it was and eliminate him quickly. This had gone on long enough and it was time to end it. Painfully. Kelindril’s eyes gleamed with bloodlust and he wanted nothing more than to be the one to disembowel him.

  Betremen was still groggy and was leaning heavily on Aganor for support. He was weak and tired, but alive. Darian had saved him and he was forever grateful. The Kryllnaw’s attack had taken them all by surprise. The Mages heard the commotion and came to see what had happened. They saw the towering demon in the doorway and ran to lend what aid they could. It was obvious to them all that the one they sought was amongst them. The need to find him and end him was running rampant in the group. The Gor Li’ Khan were ever watchful and would not leave Darian’s side. The malefactor would need to be more creative going forward if he wanted to catch Darian unaware.

  Kelindril called a halt for the night as the sun dipped below the horizon and pitched them in utter blackness. The night was cloudy, no stars shone through heaven’s canopy and the moon remained hidden from view. The Gor Li’ Khan had them on strict rations to make certain they would have enough to see them to Kaleika Bay. Thankfully, the villagers had been generous with food and drink since Darian had healed their sick. They should not run low before reaching their destination.

  Thelarki would not be pleased to see them, Kelindril was sure. Except for Nephraete, perhaps. She may be the only one Thelarki still cared for. The rest were expendable. No. Thelarki would not be happy to see the Gor Li’ Khan returned. Especially once he learned that they’d


  They sat around the fire, eating, drinking, and talking. Darian remained quiet, but watchful. Hunter lay snuggled between the Mage and Renlyss and fell asleep soon after he finished eating. It had been a long day for him and he was still so young. The young Mage eyed them all as they sat and talked, trying desperately to deduce who was responsible for all the carnage. They all seemed so normal and he didn’t want to think that any of them could have done the things he’d seen.

  Asa sat with Kyler, Nephraete, Kiel, Tireniel, and Lorin. The Knights of Shorlan sat together and Shaz sat with them, talking to Thane. Realistically, Darian knew it couldn’t be Shaz, Mordinian, or Torgyn, but he could not definitively say that they were not involved somehow. After all, Mordinian had been looking for him for some time and at The Orders’ behest. Torgyn was quiet and sat by himself, writing fervently in a leather-bound tome. The Mage felt certain it was either a song or the beginnings of a tale.

  “You should rest, Darian,” whispered Renlyss.

  “I have other things that I would like to do and they involve…” he whispered into her ear and she giggled, capturing his face and kissing him softly.

  “Let’s put the little monster down and then we can see about making that happen,” she said, a twinkle in her eye.

  Stilhan took the boy from Renlyss and laid him gently down and covered him. The Gor Li’ Khan sat by the boy and guarded him protectively. Renlyss looked to Darian and he nodded, holding out his hand for her.

  “Do not underestimate the trust I am placing in you,” Darian said to the Gor Li’ Khan. “If anything happens while we are gone, my wrath shall not be contained,” he warned ominously. He grabbed Renlyss’s waist and quickly opened a portal and they disappeared into it.

  The portal opened in his tower and he quickly closed it so no one could follow him through. This was one place that would remain his and his alone. This was his sanctuary and he didn’t want anyone here and he guarded it more fiercely than any other. The enemy must not learn its location.

  He took her hand and led her to the couch. He cast a spell to light a fire and warm the cold stone. He was on his knees before her and she was wet with anticipation. His hands were warm on her thighs as they inched her dress up around her waist. He tugged her panties down and spread her legs so that she was open to him.

  “Mmm, so pink,” he mumbled in deep appreciation as his tongue flicked over her sensitive nub. She moaned loudly, her hands on her breasts, gently squeezing and flicking her hardened nipples. She pulled the dress over her head, putting herself on display for him and the wicked

  gleam that lit his eyes did not escape her.

  His tongue probed her until she could take no more. The assault of pleasure quickly overwhelmed her and she gave herself over to it. Her cries grew weak and he gently tugged her onto the floor. He placed her kneeling in front of the couch and massaged his head at her needy opening. She moaned and pushed her hips back and impaled herself on his full length. She screamed in pleasure as he thrust deep inside her and she gripped the cushion in earnest .

  He pulled out of her and she felt cold and empty, but he quickly remedied that. He sat himself down on the couch and pulled her atop him, spearing into her as his lips captured her nipple and sucked softly. He eased her back, holding her tightly, but wanting deeper penetration and she went along with him eagerly.

  He filled her so completely and it felt so damn good that she couldn’t keep quiet. “Darian!” she cried as he worked his hips, stroking her in slow, lazy circles that made her insane with want. He felt her tighten around him and he increased the speed of his movements, his hands forcing her down atop him. She exploded around him, milking him as her mischievous hand gently squeezed his balls. He remained inside her as he kissed her lips softly.

  “Darian, I love you so much,” she said breathlessly, writhing in his lap and waking the beast once more. She felt him thicken inside her and smiled wickedly up at him.

  “Mmm, you’re deliciously naughty, Reny. I love that about you,” he purred. He wanted this woman every way that he could imagine. He laid her down on the couch and raised her legs until they were on his shoulders, her knees hooking over so that her feet were on his back. He pressed himself gently inside her and she moaned loud and long at the delicious intrusion. Her moans grew in intensity as his thrusts took possession of her body. He moved slow and steady, his rhythm building a slow burn within her.

  “I want to get pregnant, Darian,” she whispered as he moved within her. She felt him thicken and knew her words had an effect on him.

  “No, Reny. Now is not the time, babe. Mmm, we’ll have plenty of time for that once we return home.”

  She pouted, “Please, Darian? I want it, so much,” she purred.

  “Vazaalhen! Mmm, babe what you do to me,” he moaned. “You’re so wet and tight. I’m gonna fill you babe,” he whispered, his breath coming quick and sharp.

  “Darian, please. I want…” she began, but he cut her off.

  “I said no, Reny. Not now.” His words were forceful and she knew he meant it. He began to thrust hard and deep and she gave herself over to the powerful sensations. She felt him pulsing within her and he groaned as he felt her hands once more milking his balls.

  He healed her quickly and drew them a bath. “You should stay here with Hunter,” he

  offered. “You would both be safe here and the spells that are in place will take care of you.�

  “No. I want to be with you, Darian. You will need me close so I can assist you.”

  “It wasn’t a request, Renlyss,” he said, his tone firm. She had to admit, she was pissed that he would try to control her, but she was also turned on.

  “Look, babe, Hunter needs us and if I do not make it out of this, at least he’ll have you. He’s already lost everything; we cannot make him lose us too.”

  “Fine, Darian. But what will happen to us if you die and we are still here? We could never return home.”

  “Have you so little faith in me?” he asked, a smile touching his gorgeous face. “I have things in place that should I perish, my tower will crumble and return its occupants to Kiri A’ Nouell.” He kissed the tip of her nose, but she was not appeased.

  “Darian, promise me you will come back to me. I cannot lose you,” she said, as tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “I will do my best, babe, but you know I cannot promise such a thing. Who knows what Delvishan has in store for me? But I want you there with me to witness it.” He kissed her tears away and held her tenderly.

  They returned to the camp to pick up Hunter and the Mage explained to Kelindril his plan. “Makes sense, Darian. I know Renlyss is not happy, but I understand your reasoning. I think it’s for the best.”

  “Thanks, Kel. I’m going to stay the night with her and I will return in the morning. Please,

  keep watch and let me know if anything should happen.” Darian pressed a gem into the Gor Li’ Khan’s hands and was gone again.

  “When I can, I will buy more appropriate things for his bedroom, but for now, he may sleep with you or in this room. It’s the closest room to ours,” he told her and she grew giddy at his words.

  “Our room?” she said, looking up at him.

  “Yes, ours,” he said, kissing her as his hands massaged her ass. “I will stay here with you tonight, but in the morning, I must leave. I will return as often as I can, okay?” he said and she nodded happily as he folded her into his arms.

  Four days later, they arrived at Blavven Krill. The dark smudge on the horizon had grown into a larger than life murky, foreboding vision. Even in the light of day the mountain was hidden in darksome intent. Kelindril and Kryndale led the way as they had come through here before. The Gor Li’ Khan surrounded Darian, Kyler, and Nephraete, singling them out as the most important. Calisha remained close to the seer and if needed, he would protect her.

  The path into the pass was steep and uneven. Loose rock skittered downhill as the trespassers made their way higher. Because of the angle of the climb, it was impossible to see what lay on the other side.

  Tryndil remembered their desperate fight to escape and wasn’t eager to return. He was sure the mountain would not allow them to pass unhindered and unmolested. He wondered why Kelindril’s passing had been favorable.

  They climbed for hours, an eerie feeling hanging in the air the closer to the top they got. They made it over the ridge before madness broke out. The trees to either side of the pass exploded in fury as Blavven Krill’s inhabitants surged forward to greet their guests.

  Darian was already chanting and drawing on the Staff of Power. The huge beast that came crashing into their midst was bipedal and easily stood over ten feet tall. Shaggy, black hair covered its body and its black claws were sharpened to killing precision. It roared, pounding its fists on its chest and attacked.

  Darian was ready, he let loose a volley of spells, each more wicked than the last. The fireball he sent careening into the beast was more than five feet across. The heat that it gave off was incredible and any that were too close felt its burn. It hit the beast squarely in the chest and it burst into flames, catching the long hair on fire and using it as fuel.

  The beast roared and stamped out the flames, but came on ferociously. Lightning struck the beast’s still smoking hide and stunned it for a few precious moments. The Gor Li’ Khan did not waste the gift and slammed forward, their blades biting deep into the beast. Blood pooled around them and Brandiel was already moving on to the next target and did not see the deadly attack.

  The huge arm swung out at the tiny Gor Li’ Khan and struck Brandiel in the chest, sending him flying into a tree, more than ten feet away. He lay still and motionless and Darian was worried that he was gone. He could not break away at this moment as another foe took the beast’s place.

  This fiend was a quadruped with luminous, yellow eyes and huge, cat-like paws. Darian began casting again and called on the Staff of Power to assist. Its head turned to look the Mage in the eye and Darian saw that it had two heads.

  “Great,” mumbled the Mage as he sent sharp knives of power hurtling at the horror.

  Kelindril was beside Darian in an instant, both swords moving faster than the eye could follow. The fiend batted at the Gor Li’ Khan, claws extended and the screech of elven steel as they collided was blood curdling.

  At the same time, a giant figure lumbered out of the trees. It stood more than ten feet tall

  and was more than ten feet wide. It had thick, bark like armor and eyes the color of amber. A

  huge wooden club was fisted in its hand, the massive head surveying the battle.

  “You!” It pointed at Darian and the Mage mouthed the word, ‘me,’ as he pointed to himself.

  “Why do you come here Mage?” its liquid amber eyes bored holes into Darian. The voice sounded like crumbling dry leaves blown away on an arid breeze. If the desert could talk, that’s what it would sound like, thought Darian.

  “We mean you no harm. We only want to cross to Kaleika Bay.” As they spoke, the battle continued to rage around them, almost surreal in its devastation.

  “You fight and kill,” the monstrosity raged, as its arm swept out to encompass the scene.

  “We only protect ourselves! You attacked first. I say again, we only wish to cross to Kaleika Bay. Let us pass and we will leave you in peace,” said Darian, blending his magic with his words in an effort to coerce this being.

  Darian noticed one huge hand drop to stroke the pelt of the cat-like ball of fur, which had stopped attacking once the giant targeted Darian. The Mage hoped this was a good sign. Kelindril guarded the Mage and did not put his swords down, but held them in a less threatening manner.

  The giant made a series of clicking noises and then guttural grunts and growls and Darian understood that he was calling of the attack. Blavven Krill’s denizens retreated, but did not leave and the companions did not pursue.

  “See?” said Darian. “We want peace. We have no desire to harm any of you.”

  “Who are you, Mage?” asked the giant, his voice whispery soft.

  “Before I tell you that, may I ask you something?” countered the Mage to which the giant laughed. Darian cast a shield around Aganor, Kyler, himself, and the giant, so they could speak frankly.

  “You are much like the Mages of old, but you are young, no? Aye, you are. I can see it in your eyes, Mage. Do not try to deny it.”

  “I am young, yes, but no less experienced.”

  “This I believe. What is it you wish to know?” asked the being.

  “If a battle between the goodly folk of Corillia and the evil Dark Mages of Mogan Dar ensues, which side would you fall on?” asked the Mage and Aganor gasped as he began to comprehend what the young Mage had planned.

  The giant knelt on one knee so that he could look Darian in the eye. “Do you know what we are? How we came to be?”

  “I’m sorry, but no. If you would be willing to tell that tale, I will listen,” urged the Mage.

  “Long ago, in the dawn of the first age, we were what you would call, normal. Trees,

  plants, flowers, ground animals, birds, and insects. Blavven Krill was a place of wonder and beauty, young Mage. But then the Dark Ones came and perverted the land. A great battle was fought between the Mages of The Order and the Dark Mages that had corrupted themselves.

  “The Dark Ones stormed through the lands, changing and corrupting every
thing they touched, using their vile Dark Magic to pervert the land and her creatures. The terrors that they are responsible for and the power that they have usurped must be answered for!”

  “I agree,” said Darian seriously. “So, they turned you into what you are now?”

  “Yes, Mage, and we have been searching for a way to return to our former selves ever since. Can you help us?”

  “I will try, though in all honesty, I’m not sure I will make it through this ordeal. A Dark Mage is currently pursuing me and I need to find safe passage through Blavven Krill. Then I must find my way to the Haunted Lands, for there is an artifact there that I need in order to defeat the Dark Mage.”

  “You must be Darian Brade,” laughed the giant, moving swiftly, his huge arms swinging wide, as he roared with laughter. Darian signaled them all to stand down and make no threatening movements. The Gor Li’ Khan were on edge and Kelindril’s team wanted nothing more than to spill blood.

  “I am he,” admitted the Mage to Kyler’s disbelief. The elf shook his head, but Darian signaled him that it would be alright.

  “You are a friend to Blavven Krill, Darian Brade. You, we have been interested in for some

  time. The Dark Mages, they have entered here, but they have not left. They are now fertilizer,” he

  roared with laughter.

  “Dark Mages have come through here looking for me?” Darian asked, feeling sick to his stomach. If they’ve come through here, then the Dark Mage must know what I am planning, Darian thought with a sick twist.

  “Nay, not looking for you specifically, though your name was mentioned. They are hunting you, young one. Be wary and trust no one, for the Dark One’s spies are everywhere. They may even be among you…” the giant had no idea how true his words were.

  “Aye, your words hold more truth than you can imagine,” admitted Darian. “May I ask you for a favor?”

  At this, the giant laughed heartily. “Just like the Mages of old! Bold and brazen and straight to the point. What is it I can do for you?”


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