The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 54

by D E Boske

  “What brings you to our shores?” asked Kelendiel and was surprised when Darian answered honestly.

  “I’m on my way to the Haunted Lands.”

  “Why would you want to go there?”

  Darian grimaced, “I’m sorry, I cannot answer that. Only my inner circle knows why.”

  “I see,” Kelendiel replied.

  “Where is your favorite spot to watch the sunset?” asked the Mage.

  The question threw Kelendiel off balance. “I can show you, if you like,” he offered.

  “That would be appreciated,” the Mage responded.

  “Does The Order know your whereabouts?”

  “Again, only those closest to me know these things. As you know, a Mage of The Order is inherently distrustful. Are there any shops here or only in the human towns?” Darian knew he could just as easily ask Kelindril, but this way he could keep Kelendiel talking.

  “I would be happy to take you there as well. Anything in particular you’re looking for?”

  “Not really,” replied the Mage, but Kelendiel got the feeling he was lying.

  “How do you like working for a Mage of The Order?” he asked, looking to Kelindril, hoping to throw Darian off balance, but Kelendiel did not know Darian.

  “It’s the best decision I ever made,” admitted Kelindril, looking Kelendiel in the eye.

  “Really?” asked Kelendiel, surprised at Kelindril’s response. He’d thought, and he knew he was not alone in his beliefs, that Kelindril was as loyal as they came. He’d always done whatever Thelarki had asked of him without question, as far as anyone knew. Thelarki depended on Kelindril’s team increasingly and the king was a mess without them. He’d been edgy and snappish and more than a few Gor Li’ Khan were fatally impacted by his temper.

  “How do you punish those that fail you, Darian? As a Mage, I’m sure you’re particularly creative.”

  Kelindril had a hard time keeping the laughter in as Darian, ever the consummate actor, pretended not to know what Kelendiel was talking about.

  “Punish? I don’t punish them. Why would you think that? Does Thelarki punish you? That should not be allowed, Kelendiel. Treachery and treason are one thing, but punishment for failure is utterly unacceptable!” The Mage was angry and Kelindril knew it was for Kelendiel’s benefit.

  “I will speak to him of his atrocities when we meet…” Darian began, but Kelendiel cut him off.

  “No! I mean, that won’t be necessary.”

  Darian could see the cold fear the Gor Li’ Khan’s eyes reflected and this time, his anger was real. He also realized that he could not afford to take it as slowly as he’d previously thought. The Gor Li’ Khan were in real danger and he was in a position to save them.

  “Kelendiel, I have no time for nonsense and playing games. You would be welcome indeed, if you wish to join my ranks. I hope you know that the way the Gor Li’ Khan are and have been treated is a disgrace. A mistake I will never make. I am generous with them and have good relationships with them all. I like to get to know those who work for me and I’d like to get to know you, too.”

  Kelendiel looked about to say something, but the Mage cut him off before he could decide

  hastily. “I don’t require an immediate answer, nor do I want one. Spend some time with us while we are here and see for yourself.”

  “Thank you, I’d like that,” the elf responded, glancing at Kelindril. “Can I talk to you for a moment, Kelindril?”

  “Of course,” he replied, stepping out onto the veranda outside the Mage’s room. Kelindril knew there was something the elf needed to say.

  “Tell me the truth, Kel. How is it working for him, really? Is he as volatile as Thelarki?”

  “I know this has to be unbelievable coming from me, but I love working for him, Kelendiel. The work is rewarding and he honestly cares about us. Redemption seems possible with him in charge. All those unspeakable acts that we have all committed… Darian wipes the slate clean and we get the chance to start fresh. I never realized I even wanted that before I met him.”

  “So, he doesn’t punish you if you fail?”

  “No, not if it’s not warranted. You should only be concerned if you betray his trust or attack him. He is relentless and a dangerous enemy, but as long as you are sincere and do as you are told, he will reward you generously.”

  “That word has been used to describe him already. What do you mean by generous?”

  “He pays well,” said Kelindril, not elaborating and Kelendiel knew that Kelindril’s patience was wearing thin.

  “Thanks, Kelindril. I will think seriously about his offer and will spend some time getting to know him while you’re here.”

  “Everything ok?” asked Darian when they returned.

  “Yes, thank you. I will think on what you’ve said and would like to spend some time with you while you’re here, if that’s ok,” he said, looking Darian in the eye.

  “Of course,” Darian said patiently.

  They finished eating and Kelendiel took Darian to the shops, but Kelindril, Nymdal, Brandiel, Rohn, and Koryn flanked them. Kelendiel eyed the human but said nothing.

  “Brak Ahn’ Nol?” asked Darian and Kelendiel stumbled.

  “Ini Ni’ Kulana,” replied Kelendiel.

  “Koryn is a former Knight of Shorlan and more than qualified to be part of my personal guard,” Darian switched to common smoothly and Kelendiel chuckled. Koryn beamed inwardly at the Mage’s compliment but said nothing otherwise. He was still new and learning and was so thankful that Darian had accepted him. More than anything, he wanted to prove himself to the Mage. He didn’t want Darian second guessing his decision to bring him on board.

  They walked for a time in silence, but it was not an awkward one. As they drew near, they

  could hear hawkers shouting in elvish and Darian saw the amazed look on Koryn’s face and smiled to himself. The Mage knew Koryn was using the stone he’d provided. They walked into the first shop, which offered an array of clothing and jewelry. Darian saw a beautiful dress that

  would look stunning on Renlyss and picked it up.

  “Ah, you have a fine eye,” began the female elf behind the counter. When Darian turned toward her to acknowledge her, she gasped. “That’s not the only thing that’s fine on you,” she said flirtatiously, winking at him and the Mage smiled.

  “Is that so?” he responded, leaning on the counter.

  “It’s been too long since a Mage of The Order has graced my shop,” she said, leaning forward and giving him a spectacular view of her breasts. To his credit, he didn’t look and he didn’t act on her obvious interest. Kelendiel didn’t know Darian well enough to be shocked by his lack of attention.

  “Well then, I hope I make it memorable for you,” Darian said, his voice silky smooth.

  “I know one way you can make it memorable, Mage,” she purred and he laughed.

  “Babe, if I wasn’t with someone, I would be sorely tempted to take you up on your offer. But alas, how could I live with myself?” he asked, winking at her and she blushed.

  “I’ll make it worth your while,” she offered.

  “I bet you would,” he looked at her then, really looked, and his eyes played over her luscious breasts and he saw her nipples harden from his attention. He thought of Renlyss and any thoughts he’d entertained vanished.

  “Can you take this in for me? Here are the measurements,” he said, handing over a paper with his fine script visible on it. The elf looked it over and blushed, raising her eyes to meet his.

  “The dress is fifty gold with the adjustments included, but you can have it for free if you do something for me,” she said, her long lashes attracting the Mage’s interest.

  “What’s that, babe?” he asked, interestedly.

  “I want you to make love to me. I think you would be unforgettable,” she whispered and Darian laughed.

  “You have no idea,” he whispered into her ear. It sent shivers of delight down her spine and dampened her

  Kelindril watched Darian closely. The elf could tell the Mage was interested in the offer and was battling internally with what he should do. Darian thought on her offer for a long time. Images of Renlyss flashed through his mind; her smile, her face while deep in Ru Nay’ Sha, the way she looked when he made love to her. He handed over the fifty gold and winked at the elf.

  “Sorry babe, some things have to remain a mystery.” She looked incredibly disappointed, but accepted his payment along with the dress.

  “It should be ready in two days,” she said with a brilliant smile that made him hard.

  He yearned for Renlyss in a way he never did before and it scared the shit out of him. He

  wanted to bring her and Hunter to his side tonight. It had been a while since he’d seen them last

  and he knew that was why he’d contemplated sleeping with the seamstress.

  Or was it? He began to doubt whether he could give himself to one woman. If he was truly falling in love with Reny, he wouldn’t want this elf the way he did right now. He locked the shop door and made his way behind the counter, grabbing her waist, and pulling her to him. His lips devoured hers, his tongue dancing with hers in perfect harmony. She moaned into his lips and he kissed her again.

  Darian felt her hands begging for entrance into his breeches and he groaned when her tiny hand closed around him. She went to her knees immediately and the Mage grabbed the back of her head, easing himself in and out of her mouth.

  Koryn and Rohn were not prepared for this and had no idea what to do.

  Pay it no mind and whatever you do, say nothing of these events to anyone. This must remain between us and him. We are here to guard him and that is what we will do. Our loyalty is to him and him alone. He has not made it official with Renlyss and it’s none of her concern. They heard Kelindril’s words and acknowledged him with a nod.

  Does he do this often? Asked Koryn.

  Yes, in the past, but not since getting back together with Renlyss. I think he is battling his feelings for her. He’s been through a lot since Tynuviel…

  And I just need to make sure I’m doing the right thing. I’m not sure I can give myself to one woman and I’m not sure I want to. Before I make her my consort, I need to make sure that it’s what I want. The last thing I want to do is to hurt someone else. Darian told them. Kelendiel had no idea what to do with himself. He was clearly uncomfortable, but the Mage certainly wasn’t.

  She was screaming, but there was no doubt she was loving it. She was a screamer for sure and Kelindril thought he might be deaf before the Mage was satisfied.

  Darian flashed a wicked smile at her, but he was finished with her. He cast a spell to clean them both, got dressed, retrieved his gold, and was gone, the Gor Li’ Khan trailing behind him.

  Koryn and Rohn were quiet, not exactly sure what to say, but the others were talking and joking around. They seemed perfectly at east with the Mage’s behavior so it must be natural and happen often; a common occurrence. The Gor Li’ Khan blended into the background and disappeared, leaving Koryn painfully visible. Neither Darian nor the shop keeper seemed to care, as they paid him no mind, so Koryn watched them. Why should he care if they didn’t? Maybe he could learn something; the Mage’s exploits were well known.

  Kelendiel took it in stride and walked with the Mage. “Who’s the dress for?”

  “Her name is Renlyss and I’m thinking of making her my consort,” he replied.

  “Why bed the shopkeeper then?”

  “She was there and interested,” the Mage answered, looking at him briefly.

  “You were not ashamed?”

  “Did it look like I was?”

  “No,” Kelendiel laughed. “How was it?” the elf asked curiously. “You didn’t seem to be enjoying yourself as much as she was,” he observed.

  “It was ok,” Darian answered. “I definitely will not be going back for seconds.”

  “Why not? What made it just ok?” the Mage laughed at the elf’s curiosity.

  “Women come in different sizes just like men do. I prefer smaller women,” Darian said.

  “You mean…?” Kelendiel trailed off.

  “Yes. She accommodated me too easily.”

  “Oh,” said Kelendiel, not knowing what to say to the Mage’s blunt honesty.

  “You get used to it,” Kelindril offered, answering Koryn and Rohn’s unspoken questions.

  They walked through the shops and Darian stopped to purchase some items on his long list. When they walked up to the booth selling spell components, the elf behind the counter gawked openly at the approaching Mage and Darian smiled at the attention.

  “Brahn Da’ Har,” the Mage greeted and the elf nearly fainted.

  “Takasha! A Mage of The Order!” the elf exclaimed in his native tongue.

  “Aye, I need your help, if you don’t mind,” said Darian in a friendlier tone than they’d ever heard him use with a stranger before.

  “Of course! What can I do for you?”

  “I have a list of ingredients that I need,” he began and the elf held out his hand for the list.

  “Methradane? What do you need that for? It’s extremely volatile and it will eat through any exposed skin, Mage,” he warned.

  “I’m aware of its potency, I assure you,” Darian was polite when he said it, but the elf blushed just the same.

  “Of course, you are! I apologize. I am not used to having such an astute customer. It is a pleasure and an honor.”

  “Thank you,” Darian bowed in response and the elf laughed. “I have a lead-lined flask that should contain the contents.”

  “Yes, that will work nicely,” the elf replied. He raised his eyebrows at the next item on the list, “Zarcadin? What kind of war are you planning, Mage?” asked the elf and that had the Gor Li’ Khans’ attention.

  “I just like to be prepared,” said the Mage, brushing off the elf’s reply, but this was no unschooled twit.

  “You must be the one The Order searches for… Darian Brade,” he said, eyeing the Gor Li’

  Khan surrounding the Mage. Kelindril’s blade was on his throat before he even saw the elf move.

  “You will wish you had kept your thoughts to yourself!” Kelindril hissed in his ear, but Darian stopped him with a cold smile.

  “Wait to dispense your justice. I still need a few things and although I could find them on my own, it will be faster if he gathers them for me as he knows his shop,” said Darian.

  “Takasha! I mean you no harm, I swear. I want to help you,” the elf rasped, trying not to move and assist Kelindril’s blade in slitting his throat.

  “Why? Why do you want to help me? You do not know me and those who do, seek to betray me. As soon as I leave, you will send word to Mogan Dar,” said the Mage and Koryn, Rohn, and Kelendiel glanced at each other.

  “I have no love for The Order and have no wish to betray you. They have withdrawn from this land and are no longer allies. Shenna came to me and advised me to help you. She assured me you would come and here you are. Please, I mean you no harm. Let me help you, Darian,” the elf was nearly begging and Darian was unsure what to do with him.

  “Watch yourself around Thelarki, Darian. You can’t trust him. He will look to control you. All he cares about is power and what you can do for him,” warned the shopkeeper.

  “He’s never met a Mage of The Order, has he? I cannot be controlled,” said Darian coldly.

  “I meant no offense. I was just trying to help. My name is Dalyn.”

  “Pleasure,” the Mage replied. He signaled Kelindril to stay his hand for now while he assessed the situation and the volatile elf complied.

  “Why do you think Thelarki became the way he is, Dalyn?” asked the sly Mage.

  “Paranoia, most likely. Once the queen died, he changed. Maybe she was his conscience, who knows? I heard he locked his daughter, the seer Nephraete, in her room for days at a time. That was pure madness.” He gathered the rest of the ingredients from Darian�
��s list while he talked, but Kelindril watched his every move. When he was done, he laid everything out on the counter for the Mage to inspect to ensure his satisfaction.

  “I need a rare item and I’m hoping you have it in stock,” said the Mage.

  “I have an extensive collection of items and plenty of rare items too. What is it you are looking for?” he asked, eyeing the assassins. He was not ready to die today and he knew it would be up to the Mage. He sincerely hoped he had what he was looking for.

  “I am in need of ground unicorn horn,” the Mage responded and Dalyn paled.

  “I… ah…” Dalyn took a breath and began again. “I do have it, but I must warn you, it is extremely expensive.”

  “How much do you want for it?” asked Darian, looking to Kelindril.

  “S-s-seven hundred gold,” Dalyn stammered. Darian said nothing for long moments, he

  just stood there, silent, watching Dalyn.

  “I will give you eight hundred gold for this and the ground unicorn horn,” Darian bargained hard, he knew what he had was worth well over a thousand gold. He also wanted to see what Dalyn was made of and if he would stand up to him. Darian was fair and had no intention of trying to take advantage of him.

  “I can accept no less than eighteen hundred gold,” countered the shopkeeper.

  “Nine hundred fifty gold,” Darian offered, keeping his face blank.

  “Mage, I know you are aware of how much these items cost. I cannot just give the stuff away,” Dalyn replied, voice hard. Darian was pleased, though he didn’t let it show.

  “Twelve hundred gold,” Darian said.

  “Seventeen hundred,” countered Dalyn.

  “Fifteen hundred,” offered Darian, voice hard.

  “Done,” said the shopkeeper, looking to Kelindril.

  Darian laid a fat purse on the counter and Dalyn poured the coins onto a scale. He gave the Mage his change and packed up Darian’s items.


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