The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 59

by D E Boske

  Afterward, she lay on his chest, kissing him softly and loving the sounds he made at her touch. “What made you change your mind, Darian?” she asked, running her tongue over his hardening nipple.

  “I told you, if given time that I could fall for you, Reny. We’re a perfect match and have a lot in common. You just needed to come to the same conclusion,” he said softly, running his fingers through her hair.

  She giggled instead of becoming angry with him. Her heart felt ready to burst with happiness and passion. How could she be angry with him when he was so incredibly gorgeous? He reached under his pillow and pulled out the ring he’d placed there earlier and held it in his closed hand.

  “Reny, we’ve been through so much together. I was there for you and helped nurse your broken heart after your shattered affair with Galavad. You’ve helped me get over Ty. I’m no longer just surviving, babe. I wanna’ live my life with you by my side, because with you by my side, I feel like anything’s possible. I feel like I can accomplish anything. I even think that I can live through what’s coming as long as you’re with me.” She was crying again and he gently wiped her tears away and kissed her soft and slow.

  “I wouldn’t be the kind of man that I want to be if it wasn’t for you. You’ve changed me and made me a better man, Ren. Would you honor me by spending your life with me and be my

  consort?” he asked, heart pounding as he held the ring out to her.

  She sat up, the carefully wrapped bed sheets falling to her waist and exposing her beautiful breasts. He shot Nymdal a look and the elf turned his back on them, but didn’t leave the room. He still didn’t know how the Mage even knew he was looking.

  Fresh tears streamed down her cheeks and she threw herself at the Mage and climbed

  atop him. “Darian, it’s beautiful!” she exclaimed, knowing it had cost him plenty. The ring was a five carat, pear shaped diamond with a platinum band. Carved into the band were elven leaves and on the inside was an inscription written in elvish. It said, ‘This represents my growing love for you, Reny. Forever faithful, Darian.’

  She placed the ring on her finger and wrapped him in a loving embrace. “Yes, Darian! Yes, I will be your consort. We will get through the dark times ahead together. And we will raise Hunter to be a strong man, just like his father,” she said, as she placed a soft kiss on his lips, but he had other plans.

  He rolled her over and made love to her again until they were both exhausted. They kissed for some time, just enjoying the feel of each other and being one. Darian had never felt this way before. Not even with Ty. The depth of his love for this elf terrified him, but it was also exciting. He knew he wouldn’t miss whoring around because no one made love to him the way she did.

  Later, they went to out to check on Hunter and Brandiel. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was warm and bright. They’d spent several glorious hours in bed and they were both glowing from within. It wasn’t hard to find them; the shouts and laughter were easy to follow. Brandiel and Hunter were sparring and the Gor Li’ Khan was teaching the boy the basics. When he saw Darian, he stopped immediately and began fumbling to explain his actions.

  “Darian, I’m sorry. I was… I thought Hunter should know…”

  “Brandiel, I’m not angry. I’m touched that you are taking the time to instruct him. I think it a good thing for him to know. I have many enemies and he will need to learn how to defend himself and his mother,” Darian said, squeezing his lover’s hand.

  Brandiel’s eyes flew to Renlyss’s hand, saw the ring, and he grinned a genuine, warm smile. “She said yes?”

  “Aye,” replied the Mage. “Brandiel was indispensable to me during preparations. He did a lot of the running, chose Hunter’s gifts and picked up almost everything for me. Thank you, Brandiel,” said Darian sincerely and the elf nodded shyly.

  “I’m glad I was able to help,” he said. “Hunter is a fast learner and a pleasure to have fun with,” he added and Hunter giggled.

  “Let’s show them what you’ve learned, okay?” asked Brandiel and the boy nodded.

  Brandiel came at Hunter slowly, circling the boy and the Mage was happy to see that the elf also had a wooden sword. Brandiel did a downward chop and Hunter blocked with his sword. The elf was careful not to hit too hard so the vibration wouldn’t knock the sword out of the small child’s hands.

  Lustryl stopped to watch the show and Darian held his breath, something he never did.

  He never questioned his abilities, but he couldn’t afford to lose Reny. He had to hope that he’d done a good job of erasing her memory. The elven mage felt Darian stiffen and become alert and turned to see what caused the distraction. She frowned and glanced at her lover, but his features didn’t give anything away.

  “You slept with her, didn’t you?” she asked, pulling her hand out of his. A sick feeling welled up inside him and he had a ready lie on his lips, but felt she deserved the truth.

  “I had to be sure, Reny. I’ve been fighting the way I feel about you for too long. I had to be sure that you wouldn’t walk away from me again. You hurt me more than I will ever admit. If I was going to take the chance and let you in again, I had to be sure that what I was feeling was real. I’m afraid of my love for you, but I’m also happy. Happier than I’ve ever been,” he finished and waited for her to throw his ring at him and storm up the beach.

  “I’m not going to say that it’s okay, Darian. You have a lot to make up for. I realize that we technically weren’t together because you hadn’t asked me yet, but it’s still not okay. I feel betrayed and hurt,” she said, as a tear traced its way down her lovely face.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I will gladly spend the rest of my life making it up to you,” he whispered, going down to his knees in the sand. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and placed his cheek to her belly.

  She went to her knees and grasped his face in her hands and looked deep into his eyes. For once in his life, he let down every shield surrounding him, every ward, every protection spell and laid himself bare before her. She felt what he’d done and her eyes grew wide in shock. He’d never been this vulnerable and it scared her and yet, she felt empowered too.

  “Look inside me, babe. You will see I am being honest. More honest than I’ve ever been before.” She took this once in a lifetime opportunity, closed her eyes, and delved inside the mind of a Mage of The Order. It was dark and terrifying, his thoughts and emotions laid bare, but she knew what she was looking for and how to find it.

  She avoided the dark corners of his mind that were clearly memories of his time in Piri-Tuma. She knew he would not allow her there.

  I will allow you access wherever you want to go, babe. She heard his voice inside her mind and followed her instincts. She walked into the darkened recesses of the Mage’s mind and was thrown to the ground with the force of his rushing memories. She flew through them, unable to break their hold on her. His memories rushed at her and through her in a nonstop, maddening torrent. She was witness to his time in Piri-Tuma, his punishments and rewards and these left her breathless and weeping. She clutched at her heart, her eyes tightly squeezed shut, but could not look away.

  Finally, she could take no more and ran back out into the lighter areas. She stepped into

  another memory and was assaulted by his love for Tynuviel, and their tortured love affair. She saw how hard Darian struggled in admitting his feelings for Tynuviel and what her rejection of him had done to him. She saw what her own rejection had done to him and the pain it had caused. She lingered on his memory of his return and Kelindril and Kyler telling him what happened. She saw the devastation on his face, the hurt and anguish he tried so hard to hide.

  Next, she was privy to his memories of their flirting on the way to Kaleika Bay and Kelindril’s and Kyler’s opinions on the matter. She witnessed his battle of emotions concerning her and her heart nearly erupted. She’d done this. She’d caused him all this pain. She began to cry anew as she continued to watch. She saw him with the
dressmaker and the elf who stood not far from him. Fresh agony tore at her, but she understood, too. He needed to be sure and although she didn’t agree with what he’d done, she knew he really loved her. That was no longer a question. She could feel the raw emotion running through him and the fear that he’d lost her because of his foolish actions.

  She opened her tear stained eyes and looked deep into his beautiful, silvery grey orbs, as he looked at her with nothing but desperate love, something she never thought she’d see from him. Honestly, she hadn’t believed that he was capable of loving anyone but Tynuviel. And now, here she was wearing the ring he’d bought for her and speaking words she never thought she’d hear. Not in her wildest dreams. She put her hands to either side of his face and brought her lips to his.

  Forgoing his usual pattern, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and she latched onto him, fiercely possessive. His hands found their way to her ass, as he pulled her into him, his hard length pressing firmly against her.

  “I love you, Mage, but I swear, if you ever do anything like that again, I’m taking Hunter and leaving,” she said, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “I have no interest in anyone else, my love. I swear, I don’t want to be inside anyone but you. The way you make me feel when we make love is something I’ve never felt before. I’m addicted to your sweetness and I crave you in a way that frightens me,” he whispered, kissing her again. She felt his wards and protection spells slide back into place and knew the moment had passed. In a way, she was relieved because he’d never been more vulnerable.

  “You’re good with the boy, Brandiel, and your form is perfect as always,” said Lustryl, admiring the handsome Gor Li’ Khan.

  “Thanks,” said Brandiel, turning toward the speaker and nearly fainting. “Lustryl,” he said, shocked and she laughed.

  “Would you like to have dinner with me?” she asked confidently. She didn’t think he’d turn her down. She’d seen the way he always looked at her and the definite interest buried there.

  “That would be… I mean…” the elf fumbled for the right words.

  “I think what he means to say is, yes,” laughed Darian. Lustryl looked at the Mage and smiled her thanks. Renlyss watched their exchange closely, looking for any signs of interest in either one, but saw none.

  “Da! Did you see? Did you see?” squeaked Hunter, as he flew into Darian’s waiting arms.

  “I did. You were great, buddy,” replied the Mage and Lustryl looked on in confusion.

  “I thought a Mage of The Order could not have human children,” she commented.

  “We can’t,” answered Darian. “He’s not ours by blood. We rescued him from the town just before Blavven Krill. Many were ill and died before we even got there. I healed those that I could but Hunter’s family didn’t make it. No one in the town would claim him so we took him with us. He would have died otherwise.” Lustryl looked at the Mage with definite interest then and Renlyss made sure she knew Darian was hers.

  “That’s a very noble thing to do,” she said, looking him over and looking to Renlyss’s hand entwined with Darian’s.

  “I could not imagine leaving him behind. He’s a good boy and he will have a good life with us. A better one than he would’ve known otherwise,” Darian said, as he kissed Renlyss, who returned it feverishly and the Mage smiled.

  “I have not had the pleasure of meeting a Mage of The Order. I’m Lustryl and you are?”

  “Darian, pleasure to meet you, and this is Renlyss, my consort.”

  “Is he as good as he thinks he is?” Lustryl asked Renlyss, smiling as she took her hand in hers and ruffled the boy’s hair with her other.

  “Mm so much better,” Renlyss replied, looking Darian over with hungry eyes. Lustryl’s eyebrows rose and she looked to Brandiel who merely shrugged.

  “I’ve never been with him,” the elf replied, laughing.

  “It was nice meeting you,” Lustryl said, as she made her way back to Brandiel.

  “What was that about?” Darian asked, as he looked back at Reny.

  “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about, Mage,” she replied.

  “There’s no need to mark your territory, love. I’m all yours, as I’ve said.”

  “I’m not sure the women got the message,” she returned, tightening her grip on his hand and claiming his mouth with hers.

  “Vazaalhen! If you’re not afraid of public displays of affection, and by affection, I mean having sex right here, then by all means keep kissing me that way. I have absolutely no shame and I will take you here on the beach, darlin’,” Darian said, his voice soft, low, and incredibly sexy.

  “I promise you, I will be faithful to you, Ren. I know I have a bad reputation, but I’m

  serious about loving you. I know you already know this, but I don’t just throw those words around. I’ve only ever said them to one other woman, babe,” he said.

  “I know. I just… I just got so jealous when you both were talking and I know it’s because you slept with her, but… I hate acting so childish and possessive of you, Darian. I’m sorry,” she said, looking into his eyes. “Can you forgive me?”

  “We’ll talk later about how you need to service me to earn my forgiveness,” he said, eyes glittering dangerously.

  She laughed, slapping his arm playfully, but he grabbed her wrist in his grip and jerked her into his arms, crushing his lips on hers. She lost herself in the heated kiss and she realized he’d enfolded her in his Shryvven. She felt his hand slide between the soft fabric of her panties and her skin and she welcomed his touch. She parted her legs for him and his greedy fingers sunk into her and as she was about to cry out, he covered her mouth with his, swallowing her moans of need.

  He undid his breeches and pushed hers past her hips as she settled over him, his tongue dancing with hers. His warm hands closed over her breasts and her breath hitched as he pinched and teased her hard nipples. Using his magic, he put her on display and his lips closed over her nipples, sucking and softly biting as she threw her head back and moaned loudly. She wondered briefly why no one was saying anything, but the thoughts were fleeting.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she eased down onto him, feeling him push inside her. The pleasure was mind numbing and she lost herself in it. But his words…

  “Gods! You’re so tight, babe. You make me lose control,” he whispered, shuddering as she began her dance, her hips rising and falling in rhythmic fashion.

  “You need to lose control sometimes, Mage. You cannot always be in charge,” she whimpered, biting his left earlobe and licking softly. His hips thrust upward, taking him all the way in and she arched her back, thrusting her full breasts into his face. He latched onto one nipple, softly biting and licking and she ground her hips into his, moaning in his ear.

  “Has anyone ever told you how dangerous you are?”

  “It may have been mentioned a time or two,” he breathed, groaning as her speed increased.

  “Oh fu…” he began, but she kissed him, biting his lip as she greeted her release and he flooded her with his warmth.

  “Son of a bitch! Babe, what you do to me.” His breathing was ragged and he looked so damn good flushed with his pleasure. Pleasure she’d given him. The knowledge made her heady with need and she kissed him, brushing his tongue with hers.

  As she came down off her high, she snuggled into him. “Promise we’ll always be like this,” she whispered into his ear.

  “What, sex crazed maniacs? Oh baby! I can so make that promise!” he laughed. “But you have to promise that you’ll always want me,” he said, kissing her neck.

  “Mm, I will never stop wanting you, Darian,” she giggled. “You’re an addiction and I’m not looking to be cured.”

  Darian helped her dress then willed his Shryvven to release the invisibility spell. Nymdal, Stilhan, Lorin, Melanor, and Koryn stood watch over them less than ten feet away. Renlyss’s panicked look to Darian had him smiling that devilishly sexy smile.
  “No worries, babe, they could not hear us either. Do you think I’d be so careless? I know how you value your privacy.” She smiled at his words and kissed his cheek.

  “Did they just…?” began Lustryl. Looking at Brandiel and blushing furiously.

  “Um yeah. Sorry about that. That guy has no shame,” the elf replied, a bit embarrassed.

  “I guess he doesn’t need it looking like that,” she smiled, taking Brandiel’s hand. “Do you work for him or something?” she asked, as his body reacted to her touch.

  “We are his personal guard,” said Brandiel.

  “Oh,” she said, sounding a bit crestfallen.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, not letting go of her hand.

  “You leave when he does, right?” Brandiel understood why she seemed upset.


  “What if I want to see you again? She asked, looking up at him through her long lashes.

  “Come with me,” he blurted out.

  “What?” she was shocked that he would say such a thing. They’d never even been on a date, though she often wished he would ask. She’d seen him ogling her and went out of her way to look nice in case she ran into him. She guessed he was the shy type.

  “I’m sorry. I know that sounded incredibly forward. I mean, we haven’t even been on a date yet,” he began.

  “Do you like me, Brandiel? She asked, looking into his eyes.

  “I… Yes… I do. Er we don’t know each other, but I… I’d like to get to know you,” he stammered and she laughed.

  “You’re adorable,” she said.

  “Is that a good thing?” he asked, laughing at his own awkwardness.

  “It’s a good thing,” she kissed his cheek, but he turned her to face him and brought his lips to hers in a tender kiss.

  “Why does she not remember you, Darian?” asked Renlyss, already suspecting.

  “I kinda’ erased her memory of me,” said the Mage softly. “Just a little bit,” he said, holding his left thumb and index finger less than an inch apart and giving her a cheeky smile.


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