The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 66

by D E Boske

  “See how easy that was to clean? Please, don’t be afraid of me. I will never hurt you, okay?” Darian said, hugging the child close. Hunter laid his head on Darian’s shoulder and hugged him back.

  “I love you, Da,” said Hunter and Darian felt his eyes tear up.

  “I love you too, Hunter,” he replied.

  Renlyss watched from the doorway and felt overwhelmed with emotion. Darian was so good to them both and she knew how lucky she was to be with him. She loved him more and more each day and what made it even more special was knowing he felt the same. The fact that he was able to say the words meant more to her than what she’d previously thought.

  At one time, she thought she would’ve been happy with him even if he never loved her and that was still probably true. But she was elated that he really loved her. He was a perfect match for her; strong and capable, hot and sexy, and amazing in bed. Her thoughts drifted to last night and how rough he’d been with her. She grew wet from the memories of his hard and fast thrusts, the sounds they both made as pleasure claimed them…

  She walked over to her boys, kissed Hunter’s cheek and claimed Darian’s lips with her own. Her tongue passed his lips as he parted them for her and he groaned at her possessiveness.

  “I will take you on this table, Reny. You know I’m not ashamed, babe,” he whispered, as he kissed her again, fingers softly stroking her cheek.

  “I love you, Darian Brade,” she returned, kissing him and loving the effect she was having on him. His breathing quickened and she could see how hard he was, his breeches barely containing him.

  “I love you too, Reny,” he responded, and slapped her on her ass.

  “Oh!” she cried in surprise and grinned wickedly at her lover.

  “Eat, Ren. You’re gonna’ need the energy,” the Mage advised.

  “I like the sound of that,” she admitted. “How are you feeling, Darian?”

  “I’m good, babe, and you?” he asked, as his eyes traveled to the space between her thighs. She shuddered in delight and took the tot from the Mage.

  “I’m good,” she replied with a smile. “How’s my Hunter?” she asked, as the boy smeared jelly in her hair and on her dress.

  “Thanks,” she said and he laughed.

  “Hunter,” Darian began, his tone stern. “We don’t make messes on purpose, even though they’re easily cleaned,” the Mage reprimanded and Hunter looked forlorn.

  “It’s ok when it’s an accident, but not when you do something like that on purpose.”

  “I sowy,” Hunter apologized to Renlyss and she hugged him tightly.

  “It’s ok, Hunter. But if you do that again…” she trailed off. “The tickle monster will get you!” She began tickling him furiously and Hunter giggled, trying to run away, but Renlyss caught him.

  Darian quickly cast a spell to erase the damage done to his lover and watched her shapely ass as she crawled around on the floor playing with Hunter. Her dress parted to reveal her sexy legs and his appreciation grew, quite literally.

  About an hour later, Brandiel took Hunter outside so Darian could prepare for his meeting with the Mages. Darian passed Brandiel some gold and asked him to pick up a few things and to let Hunter pick something out. The elf nodded and pocketed the coins. Three Gor Li’ Khan went with Brandiel and Hunter to ensure their safety.

  “Did I hurt you last night?” Darian asked softly, startling Renlyss.

  “What? No, Darian, you didn’t. Why?” She saw something in his eyes that made her pause.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” She tried to keep the fear out of her voice but wasn’t sure if she succeeded.

  “I don’t remember anything after Kel ushered everyone from the room. I don’t remember

  making love to you, Ren,” he replied, his eyes betraying nothing.

  “Darian… Are you saying that… The Dark Magic…?” she asked haltingly.

  “Yes, Ren. The Dark Magic is claiming me more often and I… I don’t know how much longer I have, babe,” he said softly.

  “Darian, I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m going to say it anyway. I want to get pregnant and before you say anything, Mage, you will hear me out,” she ordered, as she saw he was about to object.

  “I have never loved someone as much and as fiercely as I love you. The depth of my love

  frightens me to my core. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. If something happens to you, I fear I will not have the will to live. Hunter will not be enough to help me survive. I need a living reminder of you just in case. If I have a child growing within me, your child, that will see me through the Dark Times, Darian. Please, I beg, grant my request or Hunter may truly grow up alone.”

  Darian could see she spoke the truth. The depth of her sorrow was mirrored in her beautiful eyes and he ached to ease her pain. Tears began falling from her eyes, spilling down her cheeks as the love she felt for him and her fear of losing him became a dark reality. He folded her into his arms and held her as he comforted her.

  “Ren, I am infected with Dark Magic. Any child that we create will be infected as well. I

  do not know the extent of the damage this could cause,” he tried, but knew he was losing this battle.

  “I know, Darian, but I also believe that we will find a way to deal with this together. I believe in Delvishan and Shenna. They would not have brought us together if we weren’t meant to change the way things have been between our people. Together, we will rebuild the old alliances of Kiri A’ Nouell and Mogan Dar. Corillia shall once more know peace. The Mages will pass through the gates of Mogan Dar and mingle with Corillia’s people and begin to heal old wounds and cast out superstitions. Under your rule, the Mages will prosper and new hope shall be born,” she responded, holding his face between her hands.

  “Reny, tonight we will make love and I will grant your request,” he said, as he captured her lips with his.

  “Really?” she said when they both came up for air.

  “Yes, really,” he grinned and kissed her again. “Now, we must prepare for this damned meeting,” he groused and she smacked him on the ass.

  Kel was shocked that Darian finally caved. He didn’t think the Mage would budge. Renlyss looked stunningly beautiful, her skin glowing with lust or love, Kel couldn’t be certain.

  Kelindril came to inform Darian that the Mages had arrived. The Mage sighed heavily

  and Kel showed them in.

  “Darian,” began Declan, but found the Shangmarrum otherwise engaged. The young Mage was lip locked with his gorgeous consort and Declan couldn’t blame him. She was a stunning creature and a good match for him. From the few brief meetings she’d attended, Declan witnessed how strong and intelligent she was. Darian listened to her opinion, and that was a good thing because he didn’t listen to many.

  Renlyss was breathless from her lover’s kiss, forgetting that Darian granted the Mages access. But she didn’t look embarrassed in the least.

  “Morning, Darian,” Declan began.

  “Morning,” Darian responded, not unkindly. Declan thought that they might be making progress. Usually, he was barely civil.

  “Have you heard anything from Thelarki concerning our passage across the sea?” asked Aganor and Darian shook his head.

  “No, but it may take some time to find someone either brave enough or stupid enough to travel those waters,” said the young Mage.

  Renlyss made coffee and tea for them all but did not serve them. She only brought herself and Darian coffee and left the rest in serving pitchers on the side table. She sat next to Darian and put her arm through his and looked every bit as formidable as he did.

  Aganor stood and poured a cup of coffee for himself and sat back down. “My thanks, Renlyss,” he said, raising his cup.

  “You’re most welcome, Aganor,” she replied in her musical voice.

  “This is the best cup of coffee I’ve ever had. Thank you, Renlyss,” Thimkur said, sipping his coffee appreciatively.

p; “You’re welcome,” she said, pleased that she was able to help in some small way.

  “Do you have a sister, Renlyss?” asked Thimkur, winking mischievously and Renlyss laughed, amused.

  “I do not. Only brothers,” she replied.

  “Just my luck,” grinned Thimkur.

  “Cockblocked again by Darian Brade,” said Alvos venomously. “What a surprise!”

  Darian only laughed in amusement and the others stared ferociously at Alvos, silently begging him to shut the hell up. The young Mage was in an unusually good mood and they didn’t want it ruined. Especially since the meeting hadn’t officially begun yet.

  “Any Order matters to be discussed?” asked Aganor, getting the meeting under control.

  The Mages shook their heads no and Renlyss smiled inwardly. She didn’t want to be separated from Darian. Her hand strayed under the table to capture him and found that he was rigid

  and she barely contained her enthusiasm.

  “Once we find passage, approximately how long will it take to reach the shores?” asked Betremen.

  “Probably about two weeks to a month, I would guess,” Darian replied evenly.

  As if Renlyss did not have her hand wrapped around him, stroking softly. Her thumb grazed the tip, sweeping up the drops of liquid gathered there and using it for lubrication. Darian’s face remained impassive, but he spread his legs, giving her better access to him. Access, she did not waste.

  Thimkur watched as Renlyss’s hand went under the table and could guess readily enough what she was doing. Darian’s face never changed. How he could show no emotion was beyond Thimkur. If that gorgeous elf was stroking his dick like that, he wouldn’t be able to form coherent

  words, let alone hold an intelligent conversation!

  “What will we likely face once we land?” asked Graynor, amused at the display. Darian seemed happier than he ever had and the older Mage felt this was good. A lot would be asked of him in the coming years and he’d have to be ready to serve The Order. An act that Graynor was sure would be extremely offensive to the young Mage.

  “No one knows for sure, as those who have gone before have never returned. All that I have read on the subject has been vague at best. What I can tell you, is that the land is shrouded in impenetrable mist. The creatures that walk in the shadows are dangerous and are to be avoided at any cost.” Darian did not mention that Dalyn had traveled to the Haunted Lands to retrieve plants and herbs and that he’d done so more than once.

  Renlyss reveled in the silken hardness of her lover and wanted more than anything to put him in her mouth, but now was not the time. The assembled Mages watched the room carefully and she knew they were aware of her little game. Open amusement danced in more than one Mage’s eyes but they remained silent on the matter. They wouldn’t dare attempt to embarrass the Shangmarrum or his lovely consort. Darian’s wrath would be swift and immediate and none present wanted the young Mage’s power directed at them.

  “What is our path once we arrive in the Haunted Lands?” Asked Thimkur.

  “The only information I have obtained, says it’s beyond the lair of the Banshee. That is all I know,” replied Darian, nearing completion and Renlyss pursued his pleasure with reckless abandon.

  “Or that’s all you’re willing to share, which is far more likely,” snapped Alvos.

  Renlyss felt Darian stiffen as her hand continued to stroke the Mage’s ego. He slammed his hand on the table at the same time as his release, startling them all.

  “That’s enough! You thankless worm! How dare you come before me and speak to me thus?” Darian was angry, but still aroused and it made Renlyss wet with want. She no longer feared his anger, it turned her on and she just wanted to be alone with him and feel him sink into her. His possession of her depended on his mood. He could be sweet and loving, or he owned her body. She didn’t think there was anything in between. And right now, she wanted to be owned.

  Grey smoke boiled across the floor, signaling the demon’s pending arrival. The tall, foreboding figure appeared in the Void as one massive leg stepped onto their plane and into their chamber. Sigorna negotiated the open portal, his massive bulk reshaping the gateway and allowing him to pass unmolested.

  Sigorna flexed his muscles and cracked the knuckles on his hands, as if preparing for fisticuffs. The Mages remained quiet and did not let their fear show. All present felt the power of this Falahari. And he was bound to Darian. A shudder ran through Aganor, Alvos, and Declan simultaneously as the demon’s gaze fell upon them, as if he could sense or maybe smell their fear. And he probably could.

  The demon never spoke, there was no need to. He was Darian’s enforcer and it was clear he had the young Mage’s full support. He strode around the room, stopping behind several Mages, as if marking them in some way. Whether it was for Darian or for his own dark intent, wasn’t clear.

  “Darian, how is it possible that this traitor has eluded us for so long?” asked Aganor, trying

  to restore the pre-demon calm. Several Mages looked at Aganor as if he’d lost his mind.

  “I do not know, Aganor. I have searched each mind carefully and thoroughly. He must be a Dark Mage. He is well versed in Dark Magic and so can…” Darian trailed off. His eyes focusing inwardly.

  At first, they thought Renlyss was still fondling him, but her hands were folded in her lap. Darian’s mind whirled through the possibilities, calculating the probability as he went and discarding those that did not fit into the requirements.

  “Darian…?” began Declan, but Aganor stopped him.

  “Shh, let him be. He’s processing variables,” informed Aganor.

  “Without parchment and quill?” asked Thimkur, aghast. He could not imagine how Darian was running complex calculations in his head. He couldn’t even run intermediate calculations in his head, but Darian… damn!

  The young Mage was silent for a long while as he ran through all possibilities, running the numbers for each to ensure the data was viable. Once done, Darian cast a shield around himself, Aganor, Renlyss, and Kelindril, for these were the only ones he was certain were loyal.

  “The only explanation is that he has successfully partitioned his mind,” Darian’s voice was soft and hypnotic after such a long silence. Renlyss looked up at him and he smiled at her, placing his right index finger and thumb under her chin. He tilted her head up and captured her lips with his, tongue smoothly invading her mouth and eliciting a soft moan from her in response to his affection.

  “Darian, this means it could be any of them seated here,” said Aganor, as the weight of Darian’s words became clear.

  “I don’t think Thimkur, Graynor, or Heshen are involved in any of this,” advised Aganor.

  “That is no longer good enough, Aganor,” informed Darian, voice hard.

  “Is there nothing we can do, my love?” asked Renlyss.

  “I have been thorough, babe. He can hide the Dark Mage portion of his mind from me. Just like when I partitioned my mind and sent the part that was a Mage of The Order to Nephraete, it is undetectable,” Darian responded, frustrated.

  “Unless you know how to detect it,” replied Renlyss and Darian stared at her.

  “We will be up late tonight and see if we can’t think of something,” he said, gripping her hand in his.

  “I am yours to command,” she said, eyes sparkling dangerously and he laughed.

  “You will never be that, love,” he replied.

  “Tell me, do you have to send part of your mind to another? Or can you just barricade it and seal it off?” asked the elven mage.

  “You can partition part of your mind and enclose it without sending it to another,” the young Mage responded.

  “Then why, if you don’t mind my asking, did you send part of yours to Nephraete?” asked Renlyss.

  “Because, at the time, I was not yet infected with Dark Magic and was not sure if the Dark Mage would be able to wear down my walls. He is more powerful than me because he has control over Dark
Magic and I do not. Yes, I can use it, but it can be very dangerous since I am not schooled in its use. I am wielding it blindly and hoping for the best, which as you know being a mage yourself, is not necessarily a good thing.

  “Unfortunately, I no longer have the option anyway. The Dark Magic is part of me now, for good or ill, and I cannot break free of its Dark Hold. Every time I cast a spell now, the Dark Magic is enmeshed. There is no way I can separate them,” Darian explained.

  “This must remain between us as there is a Dark Mage among us and we still have no idea who it is,” Darian commanded, releasing the shield.


  After the Mages left, Renlyss looked at Darian and said, “Is there nothing that you can do about the Dark Magic, Darian? If it is a part of you, how can you cast safely? I worry for you and I…” but Darian silenced her with his lips.

  He kissed her deeply, his tongue possessing hers in a way that she found comforting and intoxicating all at once. When they came up for air, he smiled at her, deeply touched by her love for him.

  “I did not speak of this when they were here, but the Weave instructs me, so there is nothing to fear,” he explained.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The Weave and the magic talk to me and tell me what to do. It has always been so.” He kissed her once more, then lifted her onto the table, hiking her dress up around her waist and groaning.

  “No panties, Reny? Gods! I’m so hard for you right now,” he mumbled, as he undid his breeches.

  She was so hot and ready that he was able to ease inside her with one gentle thrust. She spread her legs, giving him as much room as she could.

  “Reny, I need you,” he whispered, gutturally as he moved within her.

  Dalyn came to check on Darian and Kelindril showed him in and the elf coughed in embarrassment.

  “Why did you allow me to enter? The Mage is clearly busy,” he said, blushing furiously.

  “Not to worry, he doesn’t care, Dalyn.”

  “That doesn’t mean that I don’t,” said Dalyn.

  “If it makes you feel better, you may wait outside. He shouldn’t be long,” said Kelindril, amused.


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