The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3

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The Morgannate: The Dregian Chronicles Book 3 Page 82

by D E Boske

  “It’s of no use to me and I thought you could use it in the coming war,” said the elf.

  “Aye, that I can, thank you. What’s your name?” asked the Mage, shaking the elf’s hand warmly.

  “Ahzrai,” replied the elf, taking Darian’s extended hand in greeting. The Mage’s grip was

  strong, his eyes never leaving the elf’s.

  Renlyss stepped on deck to find two beautiful, naked elves standing too close to Darian

  and she moved quickly to remedy that. She slipped her hand into his and was rewarded with his full attention. He stroked her face and captured her lips, his tongue moving gracefully against hers, but he broke the kiss off much too soon. They eyed him appreciatively but nothing more.

  “Ahzrai, thank you for your generous gift. Please know that I will put it to good use.”

  “I thought you might,” he said with a sly smile, turned and dove back into the water.

  As soon as the water touched his skin, delicate gills appeared where none had been before. His legs transformed into a solid tail fin and fine webbing appeared between his long, slender fingers. He resurfaced, a glorious smile on his face and waved to the Mage, who returned his greeting in kind.

  “They’re beautiful!” Renlyss exclaimed, eyes riveted on the swimming elves.

  “You didn’t seem to think so moments ago,” he commented with a sly smile.

  “That’s because they were naked in front of you,” she replied hotly.

  “I didn’t notice,” Darian replied honestly, to which she beamed.

  “And you better not,” she said tightly. She had to keep him tightly under control. She would not tolerate him straying, no matter how much she loved him.

  “Babe, I only see you,” he whispered, sweeping her into his strong embrace.

  “What is it, Kel?” Darian asked at the concerned look on the elf’s face.

  “Why did Thelarki lift the no water rule after all this time? One short visit and he changes that quickly? I just don’t believe it, I’m sorry,” he said, shaking his head adamantly. “They’re spies,” the elven warrior concluded.

  “What does he think he can hope to learn if they’re not on board?” asked the Mage.

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t trust him,” replied the elf. “Maybe he wants to know our destination?”

  “Hmm, that’s a definite possibility. I trust your instincts, Kel. Do what you think is right.”

  Days passed in much the same manner. The water elves would visit at least once a day but Darian became exceedingly withdrawn. An oppressiveness that hadn’t been present before, now filled every waking moment until he feared he might go mad. The very air felt heavy and dark and he fought to draw breath, his lungs constricting the airflow. It was as if a weighty object rested on his chest, crushing the air from his lungs.

  He meditated more frequently now. He needed to maintain his repertoire of powerful destructive spells, yet keep a good variety of protection spells as well as others in varying categories. Things would get increasingly more dangerous and he could not take any chances with Reny and Hunter.


  Shaz had been quiet so far, mostly due to his hanging over the rail to spew the contents of his stomach, leaving little time to banter with the Mage, to which Darian sighed regrettably. Darian chuckled as the bounty hunter rushed to the side once more. Shaz hadn’t really eaten anything since they boarded the vessel. He drank mostly water but even that would not stay down. The hearty sailors laughed and joked at Shaz’ expense, but the bounty hunter was too sick to care. He couldn’t wait to get off this god forsaken death trap.

  “Isn’t there something you can do to make his time aboard smoother?” asked Renlyss in elvish, as she eyed her lover grinning at the bounty hunter one day.

  “Of course, love. I could banish the sea sickness if I so chose,” the Mage informed.

  “Then, why haven’t you?” Renlyss asked, aghast. “How can you sit here and watch him suffer?”

  “Honestly, it’s rather easy. There’s no love lost between us as you are aware. He has no respect for me nor has he ever said thank you for anything I’ve done. So no, I will not help him in any way unless he specifically asks me to. And even then, I may choose not to.”

  Renlyss couldn’t believe that Darian could be so cold. She shook her head and would not look at him, because if she did, she wouldn’t stay mad at him. He was just too damn good looking and he knew it.

  “I don’t care, Reny. You can be mad at me if you like, I will not change my mind on this.”

  Renlyss looked at her lover in a way she never had before and didn’t like what she saw. She went to brew a cup of chamomile tea for Shaz and pressed it into his weak, shaking hands. He tried to refuse but she insisted and he couldn’t say no. He took small sips, almost as if waiting for his stomach to erupt. Renlyss had him look to the horizon as she spoke, hoping to distract him. When at last she left his side, he was feeling much better. The tea stayed down and he even asked for some bread.

  Renlyss was quiet the rest of the night. She did not speak to Darian, nor did he try to get her to. It seemed when he believed strongly, he would not back down no matter what was at stake. She thought about it all night, even after she went to bed, rolling onto her left side away from the Mage. Why was she so upset about the situation? Did it matter that much to her? Was it worth damaging her relationship with the man she loved to do the right thing? Did it have to come between them? Shaz was an asshole and not deserving of Darian’s kindness. But she knew that's not what was bothering her.

  Deep down, she knew if Darian could treat Shaz this way, then he could treat any of them like this. Her included. She had no idea if this is how he’d always been or if it was due to the Dark Magic poisoning him from the inside out. The circumstances forced her to admit that she really didn’t know him that well and the admission pained her. She hadn’t thought him to be capable of such cold indifference.

  Darian climbed into the bed and turned his back on Renlyss. She’d given him an attitude all day and he was tired of it. It was his magic and if he didn’t want to use it, she shouldn’t make him feel guilty for not doing so. Not to mention that using his magic would put him at risk. Is that what she wanted? He was trying to remain invisible and she would have him call that kind of attention to them? He could not risk the crew knowing they had a Mage of The Order on board. Nor could he risk the Dark Mage finding him.

  Renlyss knew this was their first serious disagreement when he came to bed and ignored her. Even when they fought, they made love. Not tonight. A lone tear traced its way down her cheek and she fought to contain it. They both believed in their point of view and rejected the others’. Could they get past this? She was carrying his child, he’d have to speak to her eventually, wouldn’t he? How long would this go on? She drifted in to a fitful rest, as Kelindril, Nymdal, Tarathys, and Brandiel watched over them.

  “What do you think it means?” asked Nymdal quietly, so the Mage and his consort could not overhear.

  “I’m not sure,” commented Kelindril.

  “I’ve never seen him treat her like that and… it’s wrong,” said Nym. Kelindril didn’t say anything more, he merely nodded his agreement.

  More than two weeks passed since they’d left the shores of Kaleika Bay. There was no sign of land and some of the passengers began to get restless, surrounded by water as they were. The night was deep and dark, the ship was quiet. Soft, gentle snores drifted to the attentive ear of the Dark Mage. He was hard at work casting a complicated spell. It was time to stir things up and expose his hated enemy.

  Darian, the would be Shangmarrum, was hiding his identity. None aboard knew he was a Mage of The Order. They all believed his lie – Lord Beltran! He’d lay bare The Mage he’d hated for so long. His soft chanting hit the climax and the sea began to boil and churn, steam rising from the surface. The elves launched themselves on deck before the water became too hot and

  armed themselves quickly. The feeling ab
oard the ship was disturbingly oppressive, stifling all hope.

  A whirlpool formed in the sea as something huge erupted from the depths. Its maw split open, sucking in air after centuries of submersion. It wanted to rip apart the summoner, vowing to make the offender pay.

  Its huge tail became a weapon when the ship came into view. The impact rocked the ship, sending waves crashing over her sides. One sailor who had been too close to the rail was tossed overboard directly into the beast’s mouth. Razor sharp teeth sliced through flesh and bone effortlessly, as blood sprayed into the air. The ship’s crew ran screaming and everything was chaos.

  Darian awoke suddenly, an evil darkness spreading from bow to stern. Renlyss stirred next to him, trying to wrap herself around him. He gently shook her awake and as soon as her eyes opened, she knew. Something evil was near.

  “What’s happening, love?” she asked, fearing for her lover.

  “I don’t know, Reny, but I have to make sure the ship is safe. Stay here, okay?” he commanded, as she rose to dress.

  “Like hell, Mage,” she muttered quietly, eyes blazing.

  “Reny, you are too important to me. I cannot lose you, babe,” he said, voice warm and loving.

  “I feel the same, love, which is why I’m coming with you,” she replied, her tone brooking no further argument.

  His mouth formed a tight line but he knew better than to argue with his beautiful consort. Beautiful and deadly, small and petite, sexy as hell. Just watching her take command turned him on but there was no time for such foolishness now.

  “You know I must betray myself now. The Dark Mage has made it thus. This will put us all at great risk but I do not see another way. I am sorely tempted to kill every Mage aboard this ship but alas, I can ill afford to do so as I will need them on the other side. The Dark Mage knows this, blast him!”

  “I trust in Shenna. She will protect us, love,” said Reny, clasping his hand tightly in her own.

  He captured her lips with his, his mouth moving seductively over hers but it didn’t last long enough for her liking at all.

  Darian donned his Shryvven, the fabric shimmering even in the dim candle light. The sight of him took Renlyss’s breath away. Being in his presence was thrilling and terrifying, each emotion battling for dominance. He snatched the Staff of Power loose and commanded it to full height and it silently obeyed his unuttered request.

  Darian walked onto the deck to find it in chaos. The sailors were embroiled in an ugly battle with an enormous creature that was decimating the crew. Water elves fought side by side with the sailors for which the sailors were eternally grateful.

  A huge tentacle spilled over the deck, snaking its way to its next victim. Kyler sprang into action, severing the appendage with his wickedly sharp blade. The beast howled in agony, thrashing its enormous bulk against the sides of the ship.

  Darian’s first spell protected the weary vessel from further damage so they could focus on killing the beast and assure they would make it ashore. He was already encased in protective magic so strong that one hundred Mages couldn’t break through.

  The young Mage began to cast his next spell, a devious creation that he’d come up with while enjoying Thelarki’s hospitality. His magic took the form of tiny daggers honed to perfection and flew toward their target with killing precision. The creature screamed as dozens of missiles struck it simultaneously. One missile came close to striking Kelindril, but the elf heard the projectile before it killed him.

  Kelindril and his Gor Li’ Khan battled near Darian but as the battle progressed, they were drawn further and further apart, putting the young Mage at great risk, at least in their eyes.

  Tentacles whipped onto the deck with a ferocity that none aboard could match, except for Darian and the Gor Li’ Khan, perhaps. The pull on the Weave when Darian began casting his first destructive spell nearly knocked Kelindril off his feet.

  Upon completion of the dweomer, tiny silver daggers flew to their target with impressive accuracy. Kelindril heard the shrieking whistle of the impending weapon and spun to the right as his body bent back in order to avoid being skewered. Anyone who was witness to the maneuver held more respect and fear for the Gor Li’ Khan leader.

  The Dark Mage rushed to Darian’s side to assist, but so did three other Mages and he growled under his breath. He likely could have shouted and drawn no attention what with the noise of the battle.

  Bremen was the first to reach Darian’s side and Raschel noticed him watching Darian intently with a scowl on his face. He was obviously irritated about something. What that something was, Raschel didn’t know, but swore he’d remain close enough to find out.

  Aganor apparently noticed it too because he eyed the Mage carefully before returning his attention to the Shangmarrum. Alvos beat back tentacles with his magic as they tried to encroach upon Delvishan’s chosen. Alvos had been training hard with Darian in Kaleika Bay at the young Mage’s behest. The blonde Mage thought Darian was incredibly foolish for doing so, especially with an enemy so close to them. However, it was paying off and Alvos hid a devious smile as he looked at Darian. He knew how he’d use this new knowledge.

  Renlyss strode into their midst and Kelindril turned ashen. The Gor Li’ Kahn were too far

  away to protect them and Renlyss was pregnant. A secret that none knew outside of the Gor Li’ Khan on Darian’s detail and they would die before letting any aboard know, as the traitor was always close.

  Renlyss gathered her elven magic and she felt Darian combine her strength with his. His was a deft touch, ever careful not to draw too much from her. He held it, letting the power build for a few moments before releasing it and directing the energy at the scourge of the ocean.

  Liquid fire licked at the Mage’s fingers and the sailors took several steps away, making protective gestures to ward off the magic and the Mage of The Order casting it. The ports in Kaleika Bay hadn’t seen a Mage for generations and having one aboard terrified them. Mogan Dar didn’t always have a good reputation and Mages were known to be violent and unpredictable at times.

  “How can ye have allowed a Mage O’ Th Order aboard, Aidan? Business ain’t as all bad as tha’, is it?” remarked one salty sea dog, skin leathery in appearance from sun, salt, and spray.

  “Mind your tongue, Sully! Last time I checked I was Captain of this ship!” Aidan reprimanded.

  “Aye! And glad I am for tha’!” Sully said, turning away as he slashed at creeping tentacles.

  Aidan felt certain that this was the missing Mage, Darian Brade, and that this attack was because of his presence aboard the ship. By all the reports The Order had sent, he was powerful. Too powerful to handle and extremely dangerous. The Captain didn’t need to be a creature of faerie to feel the Mage’s power. For his power was more than just the magic at his command. It was his demeanor. The cold, grey eyes that regarded almost anyone with emotionless disinterest and the way in which his very presence commanded fear and obeyance.

  Darian fired off several more powerful spells, but the sea beast repelled half of them. The young Mage frowned in irritation; they didn’t have the luxury of trying to determine its weaknesses.

  Darian was loath to use the Staff of Power, but was running out of options quickly. He didn’t want to draw any more attention to them as he firmly believed that its use would give away his identity, for The Order would surely have included it in his description. Aidan already suspected his true identity but had no proof. The Staff of Power may very well be all the proof he needed.

  The Mage sent a volley of lightening at the creature and it repelled the attack, shooting it back toward the Mage. One bolt hit an elven shield, sending the stray bolt careening back whence it came. A newer Gor Li’ Khan acted quickly, following his instincts as the bolt struck the shield.

  Forest elves surrounded Renlyss and her lover. The elven mage was deep in concentration

  casting her next spell. She felt her lover’s strength and power building as his chanting progress-
  ed. She crafted her spells to compliment his and when he needed to, he blended her magic with his own. She never saw the missile until it was too late.

  The stray bolt bounced off the elven shield with a screeching cry, leaving a scorch mark in its wake and continued its path of searing destruction. It passed through one sailor, piercing him in the chest and moving on. Had this been normal lightning, it would have ended there. But this was Darian’s destructive magic. This is what he and it in turn were born to do.

  The lone Gor Li’ Khan ran faster than he ever had, knocking one sailor down and shouldering aside a Mage of The Order to save his master’s consort. The stray bolt careened toward Renlyss, whose eyes were tightly shut, as she whispered the words to her spell, in unison with her lover. The missile flew true, directly toward her heart.

  Renlyss opened her eyes as the spell completed and froze in fear and shock as she saw her impending doom. She glanced to her left and right, but there was nowhere for her to go. She absently placed a hand on her belly, to the life that grew within her. A life that would never see this world. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked upon Darian for the last time…

  At the last possible second, a Gor Li’ Khan launched himself in front of her, accepting the death blow and hit the deck hard. Dead. His lifeless eyes smoldered from the power, burned from his head in grotesque glory.

  Darian’s lips curled into a snarl at the wasted life of a Gor Li’ Khan. The bolt hit the shield surrounding the woman he loved more than anything in this world and disintegrated as the magic returned to its maker. Darian’s magic had created not only the lightening, but the protective shield as well.

  He withdrew the Staff of Power without any further delay and brought it to its full, terrifying height. He caressed the orb as he chanted, the soft, milky white light turning red, then a ruddy brown as the Dark Magic infiltrated his magic.


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