The Filly & the Gambler (Book Fifteen of Brides of the West Series)

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The Filly & the Gambler (Book Fifteen of Brides of the West Series) Page 8

by Rita Hestand

  When he arrived at Gabby's place, it was very quiet. She wasn't in the house and he wondered where she got off to. For a moment, he wondered if she'd taken off to visit Martha without him. Surely, she wouldn't.

  The sun hadn't gone down yet, so there was plenty of light out. He glanced around the place. He saw the chicken coop was fastened and looked as though she fed them. She had one hog, and it was muddling around in a puddle happily. The two horses she had for her wagon were in their stalls and it looked as though she'd just cleaned out the stalls and fed them. But concern made him pick up the pace. He rode her property out to a pasture area, and there she was, trying to repair a fence. Of all the work she was doing, this was unacceptable. Barb wire could kill a man that didn't know anything about it. What might it do to her?

  He rode right up to her, jumped off his horse and ran to get her just as she punctured her thumb with the barbed wire.

  "What in the hell are you doin', woman?" he shouted at her.

  "Dammit, what does it look like, I'm fixing this fence line before my few head of cattle get out and scatter." She told him. "It's not a bad break, but I wanted to get it fixed before I lost them. You distracted me, and I cut my thumb on the wire."

  "Why didn't you come get me? I could have had a man over here fixing it for you." He took the wire out of her hand, saw her bleeding, then jerked her thumb up and put it into his mouth. He took great pleasure in sucking on it for a minute, and watching her eyes widen, then he spit the blood away, and let go of her thumb.

  She gasped.

  "Go sit down under that tree and let me do this," he yelled at her.

  "But I…"

  "Go Gabby…" He demanded his brows meeting in a storm.

  She went to plop down under the tree, a frown lining her face as she whipped out the end of her shirt and tore a piece off to bandage her thumb with.

  He'd fixed her fence in just a few minutes and she was speechless.

  He walked up to her, that thunderstorm on his face, and picked her up grabbing her by the forearms. He brought her close, he started to shake her but instead, kissed her silly.

  The minute his lips touched hers, she went to mush. Her body became limp, he heard a slight whimper from her, and his mouth smiled into hers.

  Funny, Polly never weakened like that when he kissed her. But then Polly made love part of her business. Gabby went on feelings. He pushed Polly completely out of his mind as his lips ravaged hers. It was a long time before he turned her loose, and she was red-faced when he did. The slight shadow of a beard scraped her chin and cheeks.

  "W-why did you do that?" She asked breathlessly.

  He shook his head, his eyes still brimming, "I don't know. It just seemed like the thing to do at the time…" He said and then a slow smile curled his lips. "I don't want to yell at you and be mad. But woman, you gotta learn there are some things that need a man's touch. This is one of them."

  "I always helped dad with it," She cried.

  "Helped being the word. Maybe so, but he's not here any longer. And I am…" He drew breath, steadying himself from that hellova kiss they shared. "I'm your husband Gabby. Aside from that, I'm a neighbor. You call on people when you need help."

  "Maybe, but we never did," She protested softly.

  "Then it's time things changed. You pull a stunt like this again, and I'm going to haul you over to my place and you'll live with me."

  "I can't live with you. I've got a place to live and I need to take care of it." She protested.

  "I thought you wanted to go see Martha?" he studied her quietly for a moment as he stared into her eyes.

  "I did. I do, but I got work to do first."

  "I'm going to town tomorrow to take care of a few things and I'll bring her out here to visit with you." He told her in no uncertain terms.

  "Why?" She asked suddenly as he turned to leave.

  He whirled around to stare into her beautiful dark eyes. "Why what?"

  "Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked, with tears in her eyes. "Why can't you be mean, and ugly and…unbearable? You were mad when you rode up. Why are you smiling now?"

  She was lost for words. She'd said too much.

  He walked up to her, cupped her face with one hand, his thumb rubbing absently at her chin as it quivered in his hand. He stared into her face so long she was afraid to speak, his look galvanized her, making her tremble with things unspoken.

  "You might even want to invite her for supper." He whispered, and then he rode off, still smiling.


  She stared after him until he was out of sight, and then she sighed against the tree for support. What was happening? He was such a force, a good force, but still a force.

  His kisses made her weak, pliant in his arms. He knew how to weaken all her defenses. But one thing she knew, she couldn't fall for him. Because like he said he wasn't the marrying kind. Besides that, when he thought of it, he'd be wanting to go up those stairs with Polly, she was sure of that.

  The pity of it was, they were married, but they weren't. He enjoyed his freedom. He could never be hers.

  What was she thinking?

  He was in love with a girl named Polly. She had to remember that.

  Still, she'd never been kissed like that before. It shook her up so badly she was talking to herself. Did all men kiss that way? Did all men make a woman's knees buckle and her heart hammer so loudly he could hear it? She had no idea. It was something she wanted to find out.

  But who else would kiss her?

  She touched her lips and smiled, and for a moment indulging in the feelings he had exposed in her. She liked kissing him.

  She couldn't go around kissing every man she met, but she did need to know if this was something special between them or not. So how would she ever know? And she couldn't keep him out of Polly's arms either. She knew that. Best not to think on it much, as nothing would come of this so-called marriage of theirs. Maybe it was best just to let him do what he wanted. The townspeople would talk anyway. So, what did it matter?

  This marriage thing had her thinking the wrong things. She had to put it from her mind. But never, in her entire life had anyone kissed her like he did. How could she put that out of her mind? She wished he hadn't kissed her at all. Then she would never know how wonderful it could be.

  But no, that wasn't true. She just needed to know if all kisses from any man would feel the same.

  Maybe Miss Martha could tell her some things.

  She smiled, and for now she would indulge her fantasies, but somehow, she would learn a few things. It was time to explore the woman in her and Cole managed to bring out the feelings in her easily enough. Could any other man do that? She just didn't know. But she aimed to find out.


  The next morning Cole directed his men to put the cattle in the north pasture and check the remaining fence lines. They all knew their job and didn't argue.

  However, he wasn't accustomed to telling them what to do. He respected the fact that they knew. They all sort of looked at him like he was loco. They knew what to do.

  He put on his good clothes and went to town.

  He wasn't at all sure what he was going to say to Polly, but he had to talk to her. She was bound to wonder why he'd avoided his Saturday poker games lately and his visits with her afterwards.

  He walked into the saloon that morning and found only the bartender cleaning glasses.

  "Morning Sam," He smiled.

  "Well now, ain't seen you in here in a while. What's up?" Sam asked turning to him at the bar.

  "Came to talk to Polly, do you know if she's around this morning?"

  "Naw, she sleeps late most mornings. She's been asking if I'd seen you."

  "Yeah, I figured that. Well I been sort of busy since Harmon died." Cole told him.

  "So, is the rumor true?"

  "What rumor?"

  "You marry that kid of his?" When he saw the look of shock on Cole's face he chuckled. "Word gets around."

  "Well Sam, I guess you should know. It's true. I married her."

  "I also heard tell you ain't living with her." Sam smiled shyly at him.

  "Word does get around, doesn't it?"

  "Something like that gets around fast."

  "Did you mention this to Polly?"

  "Nope," Sam went back to drying glasses, "Figured that was more your place, than mine."

  "Well, since you seem to know everything anyway, that's why I'm here to talk to her."

  Sam nodded. "That's what I figured."

  "Tell me, is Miss Martha up?"

  "Yes, she is, came got her some milk and the paper. She's up." Sam nodded.

  "Good, I need to talk to her too." Cole told him.

  Cole started to head up the stairs to talk to Martha when Sam's words stopped him. "Cole, how come Harmon never told us he had a kid?"

  Cole turned and looked at him over his shoulder. "Look, try not to let this get around okay?"

  "What?" Sam waited.

  "You remember that last poker game me and Harmon had?"

  "Yeah, I do. Why?"

  "I won a filly from him. Remember?"

  "Yeah, so?"

  "Gabby was the filly."

  Sam's eyes widened. "You don't say."

  "But keep that under your hat, Sam."

  Sam nodded and grinned. "I sure will."

  Cole went up the stairs and knocked on Martha's door.

  She yelled for him to come in.

  "Miss Martha?" Cole looked at the elegant lady in her robe and house slippers. Her robe was decent, and she looked very comfortable. Her room was neat and tidy, and everything seemed to have a place. She made a home out of her room over the years.

  "Why Cole, what are you doing here?" she asked putting her paper down and staring at him.

  Cole came closer and she motioned for him to sit down in the chair next to hers.

  "I came to talk to you for a minute." He told her.

  "Talk huh? What about?" She looked surprised.

  "Well, you've been invited for supper." He told her with a big smile.

  "Supper? Where?"

  "Gabby invited you to her place. I'm to take you out there if you'll accept."

  "Gabby? Harmon's girl?"

  "That's right."

  "Well I'll be…" Martha looked surprised again and she was smiling. "Ain't that something."

  "Yeah it is. She took a real shine to you." Cole told her.

  "You know, she's as sweet little thing. I liked her right off too. But I never expected this."

  "Well, it's actually more than a supper. She wants to be your friend Martha." Cole was saying. "And I think she really needs you right now. She's got no kin and she was so close to her father."

  "Does that poor little thing know what I am?" Martha asked turning to look right at him.

  "She does. That's why I suggested the two of you have supper together. It wouldn't be seemly her coming here. Although she was ready to, when I stopped her and made another suggestion."

  "You're right of course. I'd love to have supper with her and be her friend. She certainly looks as though she could use a friend, especially now, huh?"

  "Yeah, I expect so." Cole smiled. "A woman friend."

  Martha got up and moved around the room, "She knows what I am and still wants to befriend me?"

  "That's what she said."

  "Well then, I guess I can't turn her down then, can I?"

  "Good, I'll pick you up after I take care of some business." Cole told her and got up.

  Martha eyed him suspiciously. "Hey, I've heard some rumors and now that you are here, I'll ask. I heard you up and married that gal."

  "I did."

  "But you don't know her. Why would you do something like that?"

  Cole scratched his chin then faced her squarely, "Harmon asked me to take care of her. I aim to do just that."

  "Well, I'll be. So, old Harmon found a way to take care of her, after all, did he?" Martha shook her head and laughed.

  "He talked to you about it?"

  "Oh yeah, he came in that day you know."

  "What day?"

  "The day he found out he was dying. He was so worried about her. He fretted half the day over her. I finally told him he should marry her off to someone, but I never figured on it being you. I mean you and Polly…."

  "Yeah, I gotta talk to her today, too."

  "Good. Well, you say you married her?"

  "Yeah, we got married the day he died."

  "Well, I swon. So, are you gonna settle down with that little gal?"

  Cole wasn't sure how to answer her. "I don't know. We got married because he asked us to. But we haven't worked it all out yet."

  "How do you want it to work out, Cole?"

  Cole stared at the floor a minute. "I won't cheat on her. I done made up my mind about that. But…it's not like we are really married Martha. She lives at her place, I at mine."

  Martha shook her head, "Well if that don't beat all. You got feelings for her, Cole?"

  "Right now, Martha, I don't know. I mean, yeah, I got a few feelings for her. As much as she'll permit. I just know that she's a decent little gal and I don't want to hurt her in any way. I promised Harmon to look after her and that's what I'm going to do." Cole told her.

  Martha came closer now, staring into his eyes, "You always were a straight shooter, Cole. I respect that. But don't you hurt that little gal. She ain't had the best of life and she does work hard to keep that place going. I've been by there a couple of times since Harmon died, curiosity drove me, I guess. I like her."

  Cole stared into her eyes and smiled. "So, do I. And I wouldn't hurt her for the world."

  And with that he looked over his shoulder at her as he walked to the door, "Be ready about four this afternoon, I'll take you out there."

  "Thanks Cole, it'll be a pleasure." Martha smiled back.

  Chapter Eight

  Going back to the bar, Sam poured him a beer and waited for him to say something. Cole glanced at the naked lady painting above the bar and snickered. He knew what he had to do, but he wasn't sure how he was going to talk to Polly. He figured in the long run the truth was better than anything. She deserved to hear it from him, not gossips.

  "Better get it over with." Sam prodded.

  "Yeah, I guess you are right."

  He went back up the stairs and knocked on Polly's door.

  He didn't hear anything.

  Being familiar with how she like to sleep late, he decided to go on in. He turned the knob, but as he walked in a cowboy was sitting on the edge of her gold-plated bed, putting his pants on and Polly was gathering her thin robe against her. He'd obviously created an awkward moment, but he cleared his throat and excused himself.

  Before he could shut the door behind him, Polly was calling to him.

  "Cole, what are you doing here so early?" Polly snapped a bit perturbed by his intrusion. Her brown hair was mussed, her make-up smeared. He wasn't used to seeing her so disheveled. He'd seen Gabby with dirt smeared every which way, but the minute that hat flew off her head, and those red tresses fell down her back, he was speechless. Polly just looked a bit haggard, after a night of drinking and a morning of sex.

  The cowboy didn't say a word, he just kept dressing.

  "Interrupting, looks like." Cole looked sheepishly at Polly. Funny, he'd never seen her with another man, and it startled him to some extent. Even though she was a whore, he thought she was exclusive with him, he was wrong. So, telling her the truth now wouldn't be as hard as he first thought. Funny how he'd felt so special with Polly, but now seeing things in a different light, made it all easier. It was enlightening, and quite a blow to his male ego.

  What did he expect, Polly was a whore?

  He cleared his throat as the cowboy put his boots on, then his shirt, shot him a quick frown, he tossed the money on the bed at Polly. "See ya around, Polly." The cowboy tipped his hat, winked and left, giving Cole a real frown.

  Polly looked
a bit sheepish at Cole. "Well?"

  "I wanted to talk to you Polly."

  "Talk, you came to talk this early in the morning. I'm not awake until my first cup of coffee, you know that Cole. Couldn't this have waited until later. First a horny cowboy, now you, wanting to talk. It's much too early for either." she asked obviously a bit miffed, her attitude turning somewhat cold now.

  Strangely he saw her as she really was. How had he managed to be so blind, for so long?

  He looked around the room, an empty whiskey bottle sat on a small table by the bed. Her sheets were mussed up and the distinct odor of sex permeated the room.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, it wasn't enticing.

  Cole shot her a glance. Sometimes early morning visits could tell you a lot.

  "We've known each other a long time Polly. And yet, until today, I'm not sure I knew you at all." He slid a glance over her see-through robe with quick appreciation. She was surely endowed.

  "Look, there's no gentle way to say this, so I'm just going to come right out with it, Polly. I wanted to tell you personally. I got married the other day." He said, deciding not to flounder with his words.

  "Married? To who?" She raised her chin high, her eyes penetrating him. She didn't seem angry, but he had caught her attention.

  "Harmon's daughter, Gabby."

  "That old geezer that used to gamble every Saturday?" She scrunched up her nose. "He had a daughter?"

  "Yeah, you'd have known that if you had come to the funeral. Anyway, her name is Gabby. It was his last dying wish that we get married. So, we did." Cole told her.

  "I see. So why are you here then?" She turned her nose up at him. There wasn't a drop of emotion in her words, he noted.

  "Come on Polly, I owe you that much."

  "Do you? We had sex Cole, I thought you knew the difference. You paid me every time, and I'm satisfied."

  "Well, I do now." He came closer. "Maybe I was wrong to even worry about what you might think. But, nevertheless, I wanted to tell you personally."

  "Tell me what?"

  "Mainly to tell you I wouldn't be coming back." Cole told her plainly.


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