The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3)

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The Hand of Kali Box Set (Books 1-3) Page 44

by T. G. Ayer

  Before she could begin to think about the trip the air beside her shimmered and Nik and Joss appeared. Joss dropped her rucksack beside Maya's backpack and put her hands on her hips. "Right, let's do this."

  Maya raised an eyebrow and glanced at Nik. "So how exactly are we going to do this?"

  "I'll take you directly to the hotel and we can check in. Then I'll return for Joss. We shouldn't be too long." Both Maya and Joss nodded.

  "Oh, what about Sabala?" Maya asked. She actually missed her hellhound.

  Nik shook his head. " He stays in Patala until you return home."

  Maya nodded as Nik bent to grab Maya's bag and then held out his hand. Maya took it and felt a surge of heat as he threaded his fingers with hers. No formal crook of the elbow for her. And Joss's waggling eyebrows confirmed she'd taken note too. Maya glared at her friend but it didn't last long as she and Nik dissipated into shimmering light.

  The next moment they appeared in a marbled hallway. Nik tugged on Maya's hand and she allowed him to lead her down the short corridor and turned into a plush hotel reception area. The space was enormous and Maya craned her neck to see hanging planter boxes on every balcony overlooking the reception. The balconies went up at least twenty floors and Maya stared speechless.

  "What is this hotel?" she whispered, feeling decidedly out of place in the luxurious building.

  "The Oberoi in Mumbai." Nik led her to the concierge desk that comprised of a small table flanked by two comfortable armchairs. A glass vase of bright red tulips matched the girl's lips and her sash. Not what you'd expect from your standard hotel, Maya thought. The concierge smiled up at them as Nik seated himself and Maya followed suit. The girl's dark eyes slid over Nik, and Maya stiffened. Nik, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice her perusal. He just leaned forward and said, "We have a booking. Two rooms under the name Nikhil Malhotra."

  Malhotra again? thought Maya. Must be the go-to name for deities these days.

  The girl nodded, pursing her red lips as she leaned forward and typed into a computer console hidden from view by a red screen. She glanced up and smiled, "Welcome to the Oberoi, Mr. Malhotra." She looked at Maya, her smile of greeting genuine enough, then said, "Let me call the Luggage Concierge to help you with your things."

  Nik shook his head, "No there is no need. We've traveled light."

  "Very well then, you have two Premier Ocean View rooms. Please enjoy your stay," she said still pleasant as she slid two card keys across the table and turned her attention back to her computer as Nik grabbed the keys and got to his feet. Maya followed him as he headed for the bank of elevators.

  Two floors up they left the elevator in silence, walking quickly to the first room, the plush carpeting swallowing the sound of their footsteps. Nick swiped the card key against the panel and opened the room for Maya. As the door shut behind them Nik dropped Maya's bag on the bed and said, "I'll be back."

  Maya giggled. "Thanks Arnie," then sighed with pleasure at the sight of the room. The bed was simple yet elegant, two bright red cushions and a long grey sash across the foot of the bed. Comfy armchairs and the requisite wall panel TV. Not to mention the floor to ceiling window that had a view of the ocean that made it look like the room was floating on water. Maya went to window and stared out at the expanse of water. That would be the Arabian Sea, if her memory of Indian geography was still intact.

  The moon lingered low in the sky and cast a pearly glow on the cresting waves of the ocean. For a moment it was disconcerting to see night outside the window until she remembered the time difference.

  When she turned to look for the bathroom she choked with shock and pleasure. The bathroom was walled off from the room by a glass window and a heavy handled glass door. Directly in front of the glass panel sat a deep tub ideal for endless hours of soaking. Along one wall more glass sectioned of a giant sized shower and a toilet.


  That was the only word Maya could think of to describe the luxury of the room.

  Then she remembered that Nik hadn't mentioned payment. She reminded herself to give Nik her Amex to pay for the room. Then she sat on the small ledge beside the window and lost herself staring at the rolling black waves.

  Chapter 27

  Nik didn't take long to reappear with Joss. He deposited her in the room then left the key on the table. "I'm going make a quick trip home for clothing and toiletries. I'll see you two for dinner?"

  "Um, yeah. I think we missed breakfast but dinner sounds good," said Maya as Nik waved and disappeared.

  When Maya turned to Joss she burst out laughing at the expression of amazement on her friend's face. This from someone who's holidayed all over the world with uber-rich parents. "Amazing right?" Maya asked.

  "It's fabulous. We never came to Mumbai or I'd have wanted to stay here for sure," she said, her voice husky with reverence as she dropped her bag on the floor and tiptoed to the window. "Not as lovely as the rooms in Patala but still amazing in it's own right."

  "Where are you parents? Did you tell them you were coming with me?" asked Maya.

  Joss nodded, still facing the water. "Yeah, they're in Bahrain. Dad's meeting with this prince who's an oil tycoon or something. I said I was coming with you and your parents. They left me in your mum and dad's care anyway." Joss's voice was light and unaffected but Maya knew her parent's lack of interest hurt her deeply.

  For now, Maya waited until Joss turned around and saw the bathroom. The squeal she let out would have awakened the dead.

  "Shh. You'll have security come running."

  She waved a hand to shush Maya. "Wow. This is incredible." Then she frowned. "Good thing we aren't self conscious. Imagine sharing this room with just a buddy."

  "Or a guy." Maya shuddered at the thought.

  "So, dinner?" Joss was food-focused.

  "Yes. Let's get ready. Who knows how fast Mr. Malhotra moves through time and space."

  "Mr. Malhotra?" Joss scrunched her forehead in a frown.

  "Yeah, the son of Yama uses a pretty high class alias."

  "Well, he has to have a real persona here in this worlds, doesn't he? Wonder what it takes. Or does he have a mysterious bag filled with passports and different currencies."

  Maya snorted. "You're confusing your international spies with your demigods. Study harder."

  "He is a sort of spy if you think about it. A spy for the gods." Joss nodded as she thought about the description, the happy grin on her face indicating she was satisfied the way she called it.

  Maya laughed as she headed into the bathroom. "Bet he'd have something to say about that." Inside the bathroom she turned to face Joss. "Make sure he doesn't come inside the room while I'm in here. Suddenly, I'm not so sure how appropriate glass-doored bathrooms are."

  "Jeez. What if you order room service and then head into the shower? Bet the room service guys have seen a fair few naked people." Joss giggled and Maya left her to it, turning on the waterfall shower and getting undressed. She kept her bath towel close at hand just in case but nothing untoward happened and when she walked out of the shower she could see Joss sitting on the bed flipping channels through the lightly steamed window.

  "Your turn," Maya said as she rummaged in her bag. When Joss abandoned her channel surfing and headed into the shower Maya glanced at the door. She looked for a chain then realized how ridiculous a security chain would be to use against a guy who could appear wherever he wanted at will. Instead she just changed as quickly as possible, throwing on a long black skirt and cap-sleeved beaded black blouse. She was brushing her hair out when Joss strolled out of the steamed shower wrapped in a huge towel. She followed Maya's actions, hurriedly changing into a pair of black silk Palazzo pants and a white sequined top. She paired it with white heels and moved to the mirror.

  Maya stepped into a pair of black strappy sandals and stared with envy at Joss as she skilfully applied her makeup. Joss joked all the time how makeup could transform a person's face like magic but Maya was always unsu
ccessful. Her own dusky skin had shadows and highlights the seemed to stay in place no matter she did with foundation or concealer. Resigned she approached the mirror and began her own simple routine - a dusting of bronze eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.

  Done, she turned to Joss who was staring at her with envy. She sighed. "It's so unfair you know."

  "What is?" asked Maya.

  "Your skin and your coloring. You don't have to do much to look amazing but I have to stand in front of the mirror for ages painting on this face." Maya stared at her friend about to laugh. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "I never really thought of it that way. And here I was being envious of your ability to look so amazing."

  Just as both girls turned back to the mirror and fluffed out their hair the air shimmered and coalesced slowly into Nik, nicely dressed in black suit pants and a bright white shirt. "Ready ladies?"

  "You look yummy," said Joss giving him a wink.

  He flushed then regained control of his features, giving her a small bow. "Thank you, ma'am." Then he glanced at Maya. "Ready?"

  When she nodded he headed for the door saying, "Don't forget your card key."

  Maya grabbed the key and shoved it into her small beaded bag. The poor drawstring sequined handbag did multiple duty, matching anything that Maya wore whether it was to a wedding, a party of to a temple. She'd surely be lost without it. She tucked the credit card inside as well then followed the other two outside, letting the door hiss shut before hurrying to catch up with the elevator.

  A short ride and they reached the restaurant floor. As they entered Maya paid little attention to Nik's discussion with the maître d'. The restaurant was unusual with its rich wood floors and gold glass place settings. Expectant waiters dotted the room awaiting the needs of the patrons, spiffy in their starched white shirts and black aprons. The maître d' led them to their table and no sooner had Maya and Joss reached it did two waiters appear to help seat them. All the fussing made Maya slightly uncomfortable but she said nothing, just forced herself to enjoy the luxury. Better to be served by humans than odorific demons.

  Soon the menus arrived and they studied the dishes. Maya didn't take long to make a choice. She always went for the seafood. Before long they made their orders and then spent some time enjoying the beauty of the room.

  When their food arrived in oddly slanted bowls set beside a dome of rice artfully placed on a banana leaf bed, Maya had to admit she'd never been to restaurant like this before. "The kitchen here is headed by a Michelin starred chef," said Nik and Maya wasn't surprised. The food was certainly both fancy and tasty enough. Neither could she not be impressed that Nik knew what a Michelin starred chef was.

  As they were rounding off dinner, and Nik was saying, "We'll head out to see the sage first thing," Maya noticed a young couple sitting in the far corner by the window. The girl's posture and profile niggled at Maya's suspicions. They looked slightly familiar but it only until the girl turned her face toward Maya that she recognized her.


  Maya's expression must have given away her shock. "Maya? What's the matter?" asked Joss placing a hand over Maya's now icy fingers.

  Maya swallowed hard, listening to the deafening patter of her heartbeat. "I know where Ria is and why we couldn't find her at home."

  "Where?" Joss asked already turning to scan the room. She stiffened the moment she laid eyes on Ria and her fiance, and her face was pale and expressionless as she turned back to the table. "Fancy seeing them here."

  "She's probably trousseau shopping. Unless she's here for the wedding." Maya's voice was dead as she spoke. There was something else she'd seen but she wasn't planning on mentioning it to Joss while Nik was there. She'd wait until they were in the privacy of their room.

  While they'd been discussing Ria, Nik had remained oddly silent. Even when they finally rose to leave he seemed deep in thought. But when Maya got to her feet she knew the movement at their table would draw Ria's attention. And she knew there was no way she could avoid going over to greet the couple.

  When Maya looked up she met Ria's gaze and both friends stared at each other for a moment. For the briefest time, a smile brightened Ria's face. It seemed she'd forgotten herself because all it took was a glance at Viren for that happy smile to disintegrate like smoke on the wind.

  "That does it. I'm going over there." Maya headed for the couple, watching the guarded expression on her old friend's gaunt face. Ria had lost her little girl chubbiness.

  "Me too," said Joss throwing her napkin on the table before following close at Maya's heels.

  When the two girls converged on the table Ria had no choice but to stand and submit to hugs. Viren offered is hand and Maya and Joss shook it coolly.

  "What are you guys doing in Mumbai? Isn't it just gorgeous?" asked Joss, infusing her voice with the bubbly tones of an airhead. Maya had to school her expression. Good going Joss. Viren would never expect this piece of blonde fluff was onto him.

  Viren spoke, cutting Ria off as she was about to answer. "Wedding shopping actually. The wedding is in three weeks. We are marrying at my parents estate in Juhu Beach."

  Maya blinked. He'd just named on of the wealthiest residential areas in all of India. "Congratulations. I had no idea it would be this soon," said Maya unable to keep the bite out of her voice.

  "My apologies, Maya. We would have invited you had we known you would be in Mumbai. In saying that I must apologize again as we do not have any invitations left. The wedding is fully catered you see."

  "That's fine, Viren. We are heading back to California tomorrow so it all works out in the end, right?" She forced a smile on her lips and glanced at Ria who's eyes remained downcast. A strained silence hung over the table and the girls, taking that as their cue, stepped away from the table. Viren rose, his back to his future wife and held out his hand first to Joss who took it with a sultry, pouty smile pasted on her face. She shook his hand rather slowly and rather seductively. While Viren was busy staring at Joss, Maya pulled her card key from her back and held it out to Ria who took it and slipped it down the front of her blouse so fast Maya was unsure it had even happened.

  When Viren turned to shake Maya's hand she was looking at him, the picture of innocence. She shook his hand, curbing the urge to wipe it off on the nearest napkin, and followed Joss out of the restaurant to Nik who was waiting patiently outside.

  "Good work on the key pass, Maya."

  "Yeah. I'm glad he didn't see that. And good job on the googly eyes."

  "Thanks. He got my Angelina special," said Joss with a small pout.

  "Who's Angelina?" asked Nik frowning.

  "Angelina too?" asked Maya as she and Joss exchanged disbelieving glances. "Don't you watch TV?"

  Nik shook his head. "I have no time for television. I believe the only time I ever spent watching TV was at your home Maya and little bit when I was really young. The Muppet's, I believe and Sesame Street."

  "Phew," said Joss. "Saved by the puppets. We thought you were a goner for sure."

  Maya laughed and held onto Nik's arm. "Can we get a card key for Joss? Just in case?"

  He nodded and headed to the concierge. After a few moments of discussion, he returned with a key for Joss and they all headed back upstairs. In the the elevator Nik looked at the girls. "What was all that with Ria and her fiance?"

  "The guy's a douche and she needs saving that's what," said Joss, an ugly expression on her face. Maya felt pretty much the same.

  "She's not happy. It's clear on on her face, how he ignores her. She's not even allowed to speak for herself." Maya's throat closed as she felt tears fill her eyes. She turned to face the door, blinking away the moisture and was thankful that Nik didn't press the issue.

  He said goodnight at their door and headed to his room.

  Chapter 28

  Inside the privacy of their room Joss spun to Maya and said, "You don't even have to ask me. I am the queen of makeup and I know what I saw

  "It looked like he tried to choke her," said Maya quietly.

  Both girls sat heavily on the bed and looked at each other. Maya just wanted to cry. "I've never felt so helpless before. I have all this power and there isn't a damned thing I can do to help her."

  "Maya, it's not your fault you know. Or your responsibility either." When Maya glanced sharply at Joss, she simply shrugged. "It's true. We can try to help her but we aren't responsible for the choices she makes."

  "And what if she has no choice? Then what? Whose responsibility is it then to help her?"

  Joss looked down at her clenched fingers and said nothing.

  "I guess we wait. She has the key. If she wants to speak to us, or needs help all she has to do is use it."

  The girls lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling in silence. They lay there for a long while and when the lock didn't click they eventually sighed and got up. After changing into pajamas and hanging their dresses in the closet they crept under the covers.

  "You think she'll come?" asked Joss, her face hidden in her pillow.

  "I hope so," said Maya staring at the white expanse of the ceiling.

  "You don't need the distraction you know?"

  "I know. But Ria is just as important."

  "And how does one abused girl compare to the all powerful god of gods?"

  "Because she is the one in danger."

  "I see your point." Joss said softly.

  Soon they were both asleep, with only the faint light from the hallway filtering through into the room from beneath the door.

  Maya woke and sat straight up in the bed. Something had disturbed her and she glanced at the short hall that led to the door. A light shone in the hall, growing larger until it streamed into the room past the foot of the bed onto the drawn drapes.

  Maya scrambled out of the bed, her hands at the ready when she saw Ria walk tentatively into the room and shut the door behind her.

  "Ria!" said Maya in a strained whisper but she needn't have bothered to keep her voice down because Joss was already bounding out of the bed. They both reached the fragile-looking girl at the same time. They would have drawn her into a tight group hug but she stared at each of their faces and burst into tears.


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