The Designer's Wicked Intentions

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The Designer's Wicked Intentions Page 3

by Yvonne Sibanda

  Age, very funny indeed as if she expected him to find an aging cream so she could finally be his. Every reason she gave appeared to be an excuse yet he feared if he voiced it out, she would shut him out for good. For the mean time, he just had to accept what she was willing to dole out.

  Before he couldn’t approach her because she was married, but now she was free. He knew she was attracted to him or she wouldn’t be throwing herself at him in such a manner, but his restraint also had its limit. Standing up from the couch, he reached out to her, pulled her into his arms as he didn’t want to fight with her and argue over this.

  “Relax Aggs, no pressure. Take your time.”

  “So I can still come to you” she tentatively whispered and Ethan smiled and hugged her, if it wasn’t him, his overly dramatic girlfriend if she could be called that, was capable of prepositioning another man.

  Aggy knew she was pushing it and being unfair to Ethan at the same time she felt he deserved better than her. She was damaged, just look at the way she could throw herself with abandon at him and hope he be her doormat. She knew he loved her and would do anything for her that’s why he didn’t refuse her anything, no matter how outrageous she could be. His feelings hadn’t waned during the years she had known him and she could recall the day he told her he loved her.

  He had been twenty then and she was still married to horrible Luc. She was his student and he her mentor as he taught her on how to sew and everything he could to equip her in building a business. The kids had been sleeping, having been put to bed by him while their father was on a business trip, which she learnt later on that he had taken with his mistress. “Aggs, I don’t know if I should be saying this,” he had said over a bowel of popcorn and movie. “I love you.”

  He had said it so sweetly she had almost wept.

  “I know you are married and I don’t want an affair with you. I am just telling you so you know that there is a fool out there who finds you special and will always. If you ever need anything I will always be there for you.” True to his word, he remained that fool, supporting her through thick and thin until she divorced from Luc.

  Ethan had always been the mature one despite the age difference and for once she wished he could take charge again and sweep her off to church, marry her despite her protests, than wait as she tended to second guess herself. Except he wasn’t doing that, instead he was waiting for her to finally agree and throw away her fears and trust him, which she doubted she would ever do.

  Why does life have to be this complicated, she thought. She shook her head and pulled away from his arms, still waiting for him to answer to her question. “You are safe with me and you always will be.” He kissed her on the top of her head before moving towards the door. “Promise,” her eyes were pleading and he thought on what a weird couple they were if ever they could be called that.

  “Promise” he smirked and watched her leave before he rushed for the cold shower before hitting the gym. That was rather turning to be a habit every time she came over to his penthouse for a visit.


  AGATHA WOKE up feeling horrible as the days for Luc’s release from prison drew near. Though they were a divorced couple she wondered on how the children would feel if she told them that he wouldn’t be living with them. The older children knew yet the younger ones were clueless pertaining to the fact that they were no longer the family they once were. Luc’s absence wasn’t missed in the way it would have been if he had been involved in his daughters lives.

  Ethan took Nita to a fashion show as a treat for her birthday hence lately she appeared to be more animated. She was grateful for his help with the kids and also the fact that he helped her in her other areas.

  She hoped she wasn’t pushing the boundaries and as he had mentioned before that he would eventually lose it. What if she did give in and they got married, what next. She was still the insecure Aggy who had been clumsy at high school and had worn huge reading glasses and braces for a while. Ethan’s life was full of glamorous beautiful women. Will that girl be able to keep him? She had failed with Luc, was she really going to risk it, by trying once more especially with someone always surrounded by beautiful women.

  Luc didn’t have those at his beck and call like Ethan, yet he had always managed to have one on the side, not satisfied with their little family. The age difference also, what if Ethan woke up one day and realized he wanted someone of his age or younger than him. What about respect? Would she be able to respect him as her husband? Scratch that last question; she knew she could since she had always regarded him as her mentor. Sighing loudly at the thoughts swirling around her mind, she contemplated meeting Ethan again. It had been long and already her insecurities were popping up.

  He made her feel cherished, beautiful and the way he looked at her was priceless. He had become some sort of a drug to her, especially since she knew that he has been celibate ever since he was eighteen. Meaning whatever sweet kisses they shared were only reserved for her alone.

  Now ten years later she might end up throwing that title away from him with the pace she was moving. How she missed Sophie when she was conflicted in this manner. It was surprising since she had known the young woman for a year, but just like Ethan and Greg, she loved her to bits. Marg and Garret were busy with the ministry; hence she didn’t want to bother them over her conflicted love mess. While Sophie still got her siestas from Greg and would answer the phone out of breath.

  Didn’t those two have a life outside bed? She chuckled at that thought and heard her phone ring. As if she had called her up by just imagining her. Agatha was shocked when her name popped up on the screen whilst the phone continued to ring. Finally she answered it.

  “Aggy what took you so long?” Sophie asked a giggling Aggy over the phone. “Funny thing was just thinking about you and you called. Was too stunned that’s why I took long to answer.” She could hear Sophie laugh from the other end before she said, “That’s sweet. How are you doing and the girls?”

  “We are all good. The girls should be at their grandparents place by now so you might get to see them in the evening if they decide to pay you a visit.”

  “Can’t wait to see them,” Sophie screamed. “Soooo you are alone in the big house”

  “Yep” she answered simply and could literally hear the younger woman contemplate her next question. “Are you sure, or Ethan is over there with you right now.”

  “I am alone. Cookie is not with me.”

  “Ha –ha, I knew that was coming, addressing Ethan as Cookie meaning you have been doing something naughty, what did you do this time?”

  Agatha groaned at being caught in her lie. Was she that transparent that Sophie could read her so easily? “Well Pam….” her voice trailed as Sophie cut in, “You do know Pam once stayed at the brothel while doing her work right.”

  “She what?” Agatha shouted nearly splitting Sophie’s ear drums.

  Greg was pacing the room with Alex in his arms and chuckled when Sophie put away the phone and rolled her eyes. “The point I am getting at,” she stressed, “is that the place tends to play with one’s mind, so don’t be too quick in taking her advice.”

  “Too late,” Aggy sulked and Sophie burst out laughing. She put the phone on loud for Greg to listen on. “What did she tell you?”

  Aggy narrated the shorter version and Sophie roared with laughter. Greg muffled his sound by holding his son in one hand and using the other to cover his mouth so he wouldn’t be heard that he had been listening on in the conversation. Sophie put back the phone to her ears and spoke, “Don’t tell me you have been sleeping with Ethan.”

  “I haven’t,” she denied and Sophie scoffed. “What do you think you have been doing, have you forgotten our high school biology text books. That is called preparation for sex, the petting and kissing stuff. The good book also says that if you look upon a woman to lust after her, you have committed adultery. What more what you are doing?”

  She could literally hear Agath
a huff as she said that.

  “Just bring the poor guy out of his misery and accept his proposal Ag,” Sophie advised. “I can just imagine the cold showers he has been taking.” At that note this time, Greg burst out laughing. She stared at him disapprovingly before stating, “That was one of the dogs, it has been sick lately, coughing like a human being imagine. Ok darling, will talk soon.” She remarked before hanging up.

  Greg had noticed that Alex was now sleeping, placed him in his crib before turning to his wife with a scowl on his face. “If I am a dog what are you? It takes one to know one” he retorted and grinned when she threw a pillow at him, which he easily deflated before reaching her and grabbing her for a kiss.

  “Do you think they will be fine?” she asked after they had drawn apart. Greg shrugged, “I don’t know, tried to tell Ethan to give her an ultimatum but he can’t find it in his heart to do so and hurt her. You should keep some of Alexander’s stuff, in case she falls pregnant for him.” Sophie giggled and swatted his arm, “I don’t think that will happen. Not on Ethan’s watch, that guy is too strict; after all he has been chaste for such a long time.”

  Greg rolled his eyes at that before commenting, “I wonder where you get such an idea from that Ethan is a rock and a eunuch of some sort. You did the same with me remember. Having me take cold showers while you dressed in skimpy clothes and sent snapshots onto my phone. I could swear your photos crushed my phone.”

  Giggling at the incredulous expression on his face, Sophie wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well now mister, you don’t have to hold back. I am yours for the taking” and squealed already feeling her back bare as he swiftly opened her zip, pasting that familiar lopsided grin that always turned her legs to mush.

  She looked over to her son, softly sleeping and sighed. Good, this was now mommy and daddy time she thought as she took charge of the game and brought her wicked husband to full satisfaction.


  AGATHA WAS still reeling over what Sophie had said since she hadn’t looked at what she was doing in that manner. She had thought it harmless. She thought back on Ethan’s story of the boy and his dynamite and wondered if he took the cold showers as Sophie had said. Well she will not go and see him after all, even if he was a drug that she craved so much. Its time she stayed as far away from him, or else they would find themselves in a situation they wouldn’t be able to get out from.

  She chuckled at the fact that Sophie had excused Greg’s laughter as that of a dog coughing, she was funny. She already knew that part of the conversation her cousin had listened into, having detected the difference as an echo had sounded when Sophie turned the phone to loud.

  That was one hell of a couple. They appeared to share everything and she rather envied them and their closeness. If only she could turn back the hands of time, she would have made a better decision pertaining to her first boyfriend who later became her husband. So what would she do with herself then? She sighed loudly, got up and decided to take a long bubble bath while she listened to soft music from her iPod. By the time she got out from the bath, having made up her mind to go to the latest restaurant, her phone was ringing.

  The girls sounded happy over the phone and were rather having a great time without her. She spoke with their grandmother Caroline before she hung up and got ready. Dressing in one of her new creations, an indigo mermaid shaped dress made of spandex material. One shoulder was bare, exposing her smooth skin while the dress clung to her body showing off her small hips. She dabbed on a bit of makeup and coiled her long braids at the nape, thinking on how shocked Luc had been when he saw her cropped head before and remarked that she was now imitating their teenage daughters. Well he would be happy now if he were to see her, since she was beginning to grow it back.

  She was rather envious of Ethan’s long hair and his neat cornrows, especially when he removed the hairstyle and she saw how long and bulky it was. She had always had the urge to run her fingers into its thickness and had even elected herself as the hairdresser on their movie nights. The man was certainly eye candy and she couldn’t dispute that. And of course abnormally young to her as the yawning eight years made her feel ancient.

  He had recently released his new cologne and billboards already had him in a see through long sleeved white shirt, baring off his abs for all to see and dressed in a pair of white trousers. While he stared into the camera as if staring at the spectator and seeing their soul. His side burns were neatly trimmed and a moustache and a three day beard graced his face. He seemed to have it all. Come to think of it, they all had it all. Greg and his mates, as if when they met at kindergarten they said to each other, you are cute lets become friends.

  Audibly releasing a sigh, she took a last glance at herself on the mirror, squirted her favorite perfume, grabbed her purse after wearing her shoes and glided out of her room. She rather enjoyed wearing the high heeled shoes after off cause her male girlfriend taught her on how to walk in them while Sophie giggled at her expense. The whole makeover had been their idea, from the top of her head to the toes of her feet. The duo prettied her up and didn’t want her to look like the washed up divorcee she at times felt she was.

  The dress made her feel like a million dollars as the material clung on her body when she walked to her car and drove to the restaurant. As she maneuvered the car to the parking lot, she marveled at the fact that her family or was it former family was making strides.

  Bruce, Luc’s and Greg’s cousin brother had recently opened a restaurant and that’s where she was going to have her alone time. Bruce spotted her as she got into the elegant restaurant and walked towards her. The Henderson man can surely turn heads; she thought as he kissed her on both cheeks and accompanied her to her table.

  “Aggy darling, how have you been dear.” She nearly laughed at his theatrics knowing full well he was imitating Ethan. “Didn’t expect you here, considering your beau is with someone else,” he whispered and pushed her seat back in after she had settled. “Ethan is here?”

  He laughed at the horrified expression before answering, “Of course darling, with a beautiful woman to boot. I was wondering if you had a lover’s spurt of some sort.”

  Nosey Bruce, Agatha thought rolling her eyes at him. Four years her senior he didn’t look at all like someone about to get into his forties. He was the son of the infamous Henderson that no one wanted to talk about, yet Bruce wasn’t like his father at all. He was married to a beautiful spunky woman of Spanish ancestry and had four children. “How many times do I have to explain that there is nothing going on between me and Ethan? He is a good friend.”

  “You know Aggy, lying doesn’t suit you,” he quipped back, watching her lower her eyes and wondering the cause for it. When he heard the deep voice behind him, he knew what had made her suddenly demure. Ethan could certainly make his talkative cousin mute. Everyone in the family knew she was attracted to the guy except for her apparently.

  Aggy had seen the man in question coming her way. Not fair, this is my night out as a single and not the Ethan craving addict I’ve become, she thought as he walked towards them. Bruce grinned and excused himself, while in his place came the waiter to take her order.

  “Aggy darling,” Ethan greeted and pulled her from her chair before kissing her on both cheeks. Already she was trembling and hating it. “Cookie” she greeted and settled down before her legs gave her away. She nodded for the waiter to pour her a drink before he moved away. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Well I decided to spoil myself for once.” She grinned and paused for the waiter to place her food in front of her. “What about you.”

  “Signing out a contract with one of the models.”

  “Wish I could have such a life, were I am wined and dined to just get my signature on the dotted lines,” she retorted while Ethan smirked before nodding and excusing himself. Her green envious nature had popped up again, and she was berating herself for being rude. Her mind was already screaming.

  Why did I see
him? She had been fine and now the thought of her meal alone, didn’t have such an appeal especially with him in the same restaurant enjoying his meal with another. What is wrong with you, get a grip of yourself Aggy, she thought while she toyed with her food around the plate. Just because they had shared a few sweet kisses didn’t necessarily mean they were now an official couple.

  She chuckled at the hypocrite she had suddenly become, knowing full well if Elsie, Nita and Wendy received what she termed a ‘few sweet kisses,’ she would spank their behinds and ground them for life. If she could tell her teenage daughters to wait, then she also was meant to take heed of that same advice.

  Nibbling at her food, she finally pushed it aside, her appetite totally gone as her misdeeds mounted. Hypocrite, her discarded plate seemed to be shouting as she knew also that if it had been any of her children toying around with the food, she would have blown the roof down; by stressing on how expensive it was and that other people slept hungry. She took a sip of her wine and dabbed at her lips with the napkin.

  Ethan walked towards her with a tall beautiful woman at his side and she guessed that it was the new model he had signed on, that Bruce had quickly pointed out to.

  Well Bruce mentioned beautiful and not at all the fact that the lady was tall reminding her of Sophie and on Ethan’s side rather seemed like his perfect match. Beautiful people meant for each other. Her attempt of trying to be tall paled in comparison even while she had her heels on.

  The model smiled her way while Ethan accompanied her to the entrance and she got into her car before he came back and settled down. He had unloosened his tie and opened a few buttons of his shirt. She chided herself for noticing such small details about him. “What next?” he asked. “Would you like me to take you home?”

  “Nope, your model must be waiting for you. Seeing her body was draped around you like a second skin.”

  Ethan nearly laughed at that description. “You can’t be jealous Aggs.”


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