Tag Fight For Me

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Tag Fight For Me Page 13

by Catherine Charles

  “Just doin’ my job.” The way Dr. Ward responds to my compliment makes it seem as if it were no big deal.

  “Let’s be honest, you did way more than your job. Why?”

  He’s silent, and in the silence I see the moment he lets his guard down. This instant shift in the dynamic. No longer doctor patient, but just two men standing in a hallway, looking in on the next phase of life.

  “I watched my sister go through something similar. It’s why I became a doctor.”

  “How did it end?”

  “She and the baby died two weeks before she was due. Head on collision. Both dead on the scene. I’d spent years being bitter and cynical. Up until the night you two showed up, I’d been angry at the world for the better part of my life, but I guess Presley has a way of fixing broken people.”

  I chuckle at his statement. She has no idea that kind of impact she has on people. “That she most certainly does.”

  We stand there taking in the last few moments of silence. “What was your sister’s name?”



  “It was a long time ago.” Another solid pat on the back and he moves towards the door. “Now, let’s see about having this baby, shall we?” He pushes open the door to her room and I watch as she stirs awake.

  “Presley, how are you feeling?”

  With drunken euphoric eyes and a radiant smile she responds back. “Great! Can’t feel a thing.”

  I make my way over to her and kiss her forehead. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “You’re here now.”

  “Let’s check you out shall we? Dad, you can stay up there for the moment.”

  Dr. Ward checks something and then looks at Presley while a few nurses move about the room. “It’s time, Presley. I want you to push with all your might and soon you’ll be able to meet your baby girl.”

  Presley nods; a nurse counts backward from three. I hold tight to Presley’s hand while a nurse supports her back. Dr. Ward urging her to push harder and to hold longer while the feeling in my hand quickly begins to disappear.

  The count from ten to one seems to last much longer than your standard count down, and I watch as she expels all her strength and energy trying to bring our daughter to air.

  “Come on, Presley. You can do this. Again.” Dr. Ward helps to encourage her as she takes a short break and the nurse once again starts her count down.

  At the five second mark Dr. Ward stops her work and my heart skips a beat. “Hang on. She’s stuck. I’m going to help get her past this section, you’re gonna feel a slight pressure, but when I tell you to push, I need you to push with everything you’ve got, alright?”

  For a man that warned us of his lack of delicate bedside mannerisms from the beginning, he was doing an impressive job of keeping Presley calm, helping her find her inner strength.

  He counts backwards from three and as soon as he says to push; I watch as Presley digs deep and gives her all.

  “Come on, baby. You’ve got this. She’s almost here.”

  Presley cries as she leans against me.

  “You’re doin’ great, Presley. The heads out. Just one more push and she’ll be here.”

  Presley nods and I kiss her forehead.

  “You’re doing great babe. Just once more.”

  “Dad, do you want to catch?”

  I look at Dr. Ward in shock, surprised I’d ever be put in that position. Presley squeezes my hand and lets go. “Please, Robert.”

  “Come on.”

  I kiss her once more as she grips the bed railing and I make my way down to where Dr. Ward is.

  “Alright Presley. This is it. One more.”

  I take in the sight before me, and nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed. “Come on babe. She’s beautiful. You can do this.” I look at Presley through the tears in my eyes and see her muster more strength than I’ve ever seen before. Dr. Ward moves my hands and with her final push I catch our baby girl.

  Two eyes, ten finger, ten toes, two ears and a cute nose. She’s alert but quiet. Just blinking, taking everything in.

  “Is she okay?” Presley’s voice cracks in panic.

  I turn her to hold her up so she can see, “She’s perfect.”

  Presley falls back against the pillows with a sigh of relief as Cora begins to cry.

  Dr. Ward takes her from me and places her onto Presley’s chest and she instantly begins looking for food.

  “Just like her momma.”

  Presley laughs through her tears while a nurse helps Cora latch on. Already eating like a champ, our little over achiever.

  “Congratulations you two. Robert, one final thing.”

  He hands me the surgical scissors and I cut the umbilical cord, Cora is now her own person, living and breathing on her own. Two years it took to get to this point, two years of pain and suffering, all for this moment of pure bliss. I am completely in awe of our beautiful little girl and the strength that her momma had.

  I kiss Presley hard and continue to gaze at our daughter. “You did it, Pres. I am so proud of you. I love you so much.”

  Her eyes break from Cora, “I love you too, but how did you know?”

  “Gram told me. I was in the middle of the fourth. Liv called Trey about ten minutes later.”

  “I’m glad you made it. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this morning.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, Pres; Gram wouldn’t allow it.”

  Our eyes go back to Cora, to our little miracle whom we fought hard for.

  Once she finishes eating, the nurses clean her up and move us to a private guest room, leaving the three of us alone for the first time. I sit on Presley’s bed, my arms wrapped around the two most important girls in my life. Presley’s head rest against my chest as we watch Cora sleep. Eyes like her momma, and a nose like mine. The lightest shade of blonde hair and grey eyes. Eight pounds, one ounce, twenty-two inches long.

  “I want her middle name to be Ann, after Dr. Ward’s sister.”

  She’s quiet for a minute. “Cora Ann.” She says the name out loud once and then nuzzles against me, her voice quiet, “I love it.”

  “She was in our same situation Presley. Except both her and the baby’s life were cut short two weeks before she was due. He said you saved him.”

  Twin tears roll down her cheeks as she brings Cora’s head up to her lips, pressing them gently against her skin.

  “And he saved her.”

  An almost silent knock pulls our attention away as the door creeps open. Liv’s head peeking through the crack, Jackson darting in between her legs and running over to the bed.

  “I’m so sorry,” she says with a tilt of the head.

  “It’s fine. Come on in. I was just about to go let everyone know they were welcome back.”

  Jax struggles to climb onto the bed So I pick him up and set him on my lap. His eyes fixed on Cora.

  “Jax, remember, we don’t touch,” Liv warns.

  “I know Mommy. I just want to look at my special baby.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Our beautiful Cora is finally here. No more wondering if we’re going to lose her. No more anxiety. Only peace.

  She is such a content little girl and the sweet noises she makes while eating, tickle my heart. I felt complete once I quit running from Robert, but this feeling was now so overwhelming. I wasn’t ready for the amount of love that would stem from my heart the minute she was placed in my arms, but now my world doesn’t seem complete without her.

  Robert was amazing during the delivery and then afterwards. Anticipating my needs and looking after our baby girl allowing me to rest, except for feedings through-out the course of the night.

  I stare at my world asleep on the small hospital couch. Cora, nestled in the valley between his pecs, while Robert’s large hand rest on top of her back, holding her securely in place. Her tiny baby butt is raised in the air as her little legs are scrunched up under her. I’m almost po
sitive I haven’t taken my eyes off of them in over an hour.

  Our door creaks open, new grandma’s tiptoeing in as I place a finger to my lips, and motion to the couch where Robert’s long legs stretch out past the arm rest.

  The room is filled with the scent of pancakes and bacon and I’m consciously aware at my increase in appetite.

  Diane clutches her heart as she stands over her son and granddaughter, “My baby,” she whispers before whipping her eyes.

  Mom sets breakfast down on the counter and places a vase of flowers on my bedside table. “How ya doing Momma?” she whispers before kissing my cheek.

  “I’m perfect. A little sore, but everything was worth it.”

  Mom stands next to Diane as they take in the sleeping giant and bite size princess. A tiny sneeze from Cora wakes Robert up.

  “Hey,” he says groggily, taking in the site of our mothers standing above him. He holds tight to Cora and shifts to a sitting position, Diane sits down next to him and he gingerly passes our little girl off to his mother before coming to sit next to me on the bed, allowing Mom to sit next to Diane for a better look.

  “She’s so big.”

  “She’s a great eater.”

  “And how are the new parents?”

  “Happy,” we say in unison before another gentle knock on the door.

  “Good Morning. Good Morning.” Dr. Ward takes in the sight before him. Relaxed and happy looks good on him. “How is everyone in here?”

  “Good. A little tired, but overall doing well.” He nods and our mothers leave the room, handing Cora back to me. Letting us know they will be back in in a few minutes.

  “And baby?”

  “She’s doing well. She’s a hungry little girl.”

  “Well, the pediatrician should be in shortly to check on her. I just wanted to come in and make sure you were recovering nicely and offer the name of an OB up in Chicago should you need it.”

  I giggle and look at Robert who can't seem to take his eyes off of Cora. “Thank you, but more kids are definitely on hold right now.”

  Dr. Ward chuckles at my response. “You did great, Presley. Just know that if the need should arise, he is one of the best doctors out there. I did my residency under him and we’ve worked together several times over the years. He would monitor everything up there while I would take care of you down here. Just give the old man some slack, he’s nearing retirement age and I’m not sure how he would react to a patient being well, so authoritative.”

  Robert chokes on his laughter while I roll my eyes. He clears his throat and thanks Dr. Ward for everything.

  “You need six weeks of rest to heal properly.”

  I nod and he looks at Robert.

  “I know you just got her back, but you’re benched again man.”

  The two of them chuckle, before a hard kiss is placed to my temple.

  “She’s given me the greatest gift ever, whatever she needs is fine by me.”

  Dr. Ward gives us a knowing nod. “Now, about that autograph.”

  The three of us laugh and Robert reaches for a pen and paper.

  “Actually…” he pulls a baseball out of his jacket and holds it out for us. “I was hoping I could get both of you to sign this and get that little one’s footprint.” He motions to Cora who is now awake. Robert signs first and then takes Cora from me to ink her foot as I sign and then roll the ball across her foot, blowing on it before handing it back over.

  We talk for a couple more minutes before the pediatrician comes in and we say our goodbyes.

  The older Indiana doctor has a thick accent and is precise in his movements. Robert hands Cora over to him and watches like a hawk as he weighs and examines her, never blinking while this semi-stranger holds our child.

  “Everything looks to be good. She’s dropped just a couple ounces since birth, but that’s to be expected. Nurse on demand and don’t worry about getting her on a schedule just yet. Give her time. I’ll be back this evening to check on her again. Assuming nothing changes in the next few hours, you will be able to go home tomorrow morning. But you will need to bring her back in two weeks. I’ve been told you’re moving. You will be able to move after her two-week check-up.”

  We say our thank-you’s and get just a few moments to ourselves before our mothers are back. The four of us eat breakfast and as the day continues on, several other visitors stop by. Liv and Trey brought Jax up to visit and as I watched them interact, I couldn’t stop my heart from swelling and breaking at the same time.

  The smile that radiated from him the second Robert placed Cora in his arms was enough to melt even the coldest heart. They were already connected deeper than any of us could fathom.

  Each time Liv or Trey would try to take her from him, she let out the most pitiful and pathetic whimper until they gave up and Jax would sing her “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to help settle her down.

  Even when it was time for them to leave, Cora pushed out her bottom lip as Robert’s hands wrapped around her body, lifting her from the safety of Jax’s arms. I hate the idea of separating these two, but we’ll be back in a couple of months, and Liv has already made arrangements to come out and visit shortly after we move in.

  The excitement of a visit still doesn’t lessen the pain of moving away.

  * * *

  – Two and a Half Weeks Later –

  “That’s everything.”

  I’ve secured the rest of our luggage in the back of Trey’s truck and we finish saying our goodbyes to Liv and Trey.

  Presley and Liv have tears in their eyes but are trying to keep it together. Our mothers just left in their taxi for the airport, and Trey is driving us to the private airstrip to board our plane.

  Liv insisted that we take Walter’s jet, so we didn’t have to make the long drive and we wouldn’t be forced to subject Cora to germs so early.

  “I can’t believe this is it.” The four of us loiter around outside, knowing we need to move, but yet hesitant to take the next step. “The last time we were in this situation Robert was getting ready to go to Arizona, Pres you didn’t know what you were doing, and Trey and I were about to take a summer road trip. I guess a lot has changed since we were those kids.”

  “Don’t even start Liv. I can't do tears right now.” Presley fans her eyes rapidly.

  “Come on Liv, you guys will see each other in a month and then you’ll be back down here a couple months later.” Trey says in a patronizing way.

  “June is almost over and Cora will only be three months by the time we get back.”

  Presley rolls her eyes at the way I break down our time away. “You’re right. We’ve got this. I’ve got this.” I notice a couple of tears slide down Presley’s cheek as she hugs Liv goodbye.

  “Alright. Let’s go.” Trey climbs into the driver’s seat and the truck roars to life.

  Liv wraps her arms around me, patting my back as she says her goodbyes. “We’ll see you soon.”

  I nod.

  Jax’s frantic voice breaks the tension as he runs out the front door. “Mommy! Mommy!”

  Liv lets go of me to turn and look at Jax. Eyes stained red, cheeks damp with tears. “I have to say bye-bye too.”

  I was fine until I saw Jax. So little and so emotional. A pit lodges in my throat as he leans over the baby carrier and places a kiss on Cora’s head, singing her “Twinkle Twinkle” one final time. Presley turns into my shoulder in an attempt to hide her tears, while Liv blinks rapidly while looking up at the sky.

  She coos and babbles, tiny fingers reaching for Jax. She is clueless of her surroundings and he is too young to understand fully.

  “Goodbye my sweet baby.” He steps back from her carrier and I set it on the base in the back seat and help Presley in.

  A sliver of doubt crosses my mind, “This is the right thing, right?” I ask, looking in her eyes for any hesitation.

  The back of Presley’s hand grazes against my cheek, “Yes. This is the right thing.”

  I giv
e her a firm nod before closing the door and climbing into the passenger seat, and with one final wave, we’re off to start the next chapter of our life.

  Chapter Sixteen

  – Two Years Later –

  “Daddy! Daddy!” I shriek while running around the house like a maniac. Upstairs. Downstairs. I am a creative genius and I need to share my idea with someone before it—oh, who am I kidding, this isn’t just another figment of my imagination, this is all for my sweet Cora; anything that deals with her is cemented in my memory forever.

  “Hey there little man,” Daddy says from behind his computer as I run into his office, “What’s all the screaming for? Your sisters are sleeping, and you know how your mom will get if you wake them up.”

  Angry mommy is a scary mommy. Daddy and I usually hide in the garage when she’s in one of her moods.

  “Daddy! I just got the bestest idea ever!”

  He chuckles and leans back in his chair, his hands folded across this chest, elbows resting on the armrest.

  “Can you build me a tree house?”

  His eyebrows raise at my request while he cocks his head to one side, I hold my breath in anticipation. “A tree house, huh? Why do you want a tree house?”

  I look at him as if the answer should be obvious. He’s a man, and he has a house. Uncle Robert is a man, and he has a house, and Daddy calls me a little man so I should have a house...duh.

  His dark eyes almost penetrate my mind as he waits on my response.

  “You and Mommy have a house. Aunty Presley and Uncle Robert have a house. And now me and Cora need a house too.”

  Daddy starts to cough uncontrollably, kinda like I do when Jace, my best friend, and I try to make each other laugh when we’re drinking juice, so it comes out our noses. He’s a pretty good friend.

  “Jax, you and Cora already have homes, bud. Besides, she’s still too little for a tree house. Remember, Cora is a little bit younger than your sisters. I know you haven’t seen her in a while, but she likes to play with the same things your sisters play with.”


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