Less Broken

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Less Broken Page 12

by Eve R. Hart

  We kissed for what felt like hours. It was perfect and I loved taking my time with him. I wanted to know— to taste— every inch of him. And I would.

  “Cade,” he moaned out my name as he broke the kiss.

  His cheek rubbed against mine and the feeling of his hair was a reminder of how rough he’d had it this past week. He’d let himself go, just like I had. He was still beautiful to me and I had to admit, I liked his soft scuff scraping against mine just as much as I liked his smooth skin. There wasn’t a single thing that I didn’t like about Theon. However it came. I didn’t care as long as I had him.

  My tongue itched to run over the skin that held those hairs. So without any thought, I licked the line of his jaw. I didn’t stop there, needing to do more of the things that made his body writhe and vibrate under mine.

  I could hear his breaths in my ear. He was panting and needy. Fuck if it didn’t make it hard to keep my cool.

  “Up,” I ordered as I all but ripped his shirt off over his head. He didn’t hesitate to move the way I needed him to. “Damn.”

  The sight of his pale skin dotted with little freckles only along his shoulders was something made for dreams. No, fantasies. Even though I’d never thought of something like that. Never imagined I’d nearly come just from looking at someone’s skin, but that sure as hell was what was happening right now.

  My head ducked. I licked around his pink, little nipple slowly. He moaned as I felt his nails rake up the back of my head. The sting did nothing to soften my throbbing cock. In fact, I think it made it swell more.

  At this rate, I’d be popping off seconds within getting inside of him. Hell, maybe even before that.

  “Cade, it’s too much. Oh, God!”

  After lightly nipping his nipple, I left it. Kiss after kiss, I moved down his chest. My tongue circled his bellybutton, but only once because I was ready to release him. My mouth watered at the thought of getting a taste of him. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  I wrangled him out of his pants, and he kicked his legs in an attempt to help me. His knee clipped my jaw. He froze, looking a mix of sorry and panicked. I simply sent him a smile and continued on because there was nothing that could ruin this moment. I wouldn’t let it.

  Once he was naked in front of me, I took it all in. His eyes became glassy and I wondered if he was about to cry. The look on his face told me he was worried about what I thought of him. Which was ridiculous because he was perfection splayed out in front of me. However, telling him that wouldn’t do any good and I knew it. But I sure as hell was about to show him.

  “Beautiful,” I breathed out as I leaned on the bed again. This time, my face was right over his throbbing cock.

  “Cade, you don’t hav—”

  His words died the instant I licked up the underside of his shaft. With the tip of my tongue, I drew circles under his nearly purple head.

  A string of unintelligible words fell from his lips.

  I couldn’t stop the smile from slipping out right before I took him in.

  I loved the way his body tensed for a split second. But then he was melting into the bed as I dragged my mouth back up his shaft.

  I worked him faster and faster, enjoying the taste leaking from the tip so much it was damn near addictive.

  The moment his back bowed off of the bed, I pulled off. As much as I wanted him to come in my mouth, that would have to wait. Tonight, we’d come together.

  While I was deep inside of him.

  “No,” he practically screamed.

  “I want inside of you,” I told him and hoped he wanted that too.

  His bottom lip slipped between his teeth and he sent me an excited nod.

  That was all the answer I needed.

  “Lube? Condom?” I asked, sounding more like I was barking out the words in a demand. I hadn’t planned on this, and if he didn’t have the supplies, then we were fucked.

  Raising up on one arm, his body half twisted as he reached over and pulled out the top drawer on the bedside table. Then the requested items were flying in my direction.

  “Crap! That wasn’t smooth, sorry. It’s, um, slippery,” he said with a pink in his cheeks that wasn’t from being hot for me this time.

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. The fact that he was so eager for me to take him caused this happy, exited flutter in my belly.

  “Fuck, could you be any more cute?” I asked and leaned over to kiss him before I could see his cheeks heat any further.

  “How, uh, do you—”

  “Like this,” I told him, cutting him off. “I want to see your face when I’m inside of you.”

  I could tell he liked that answer. It was written in his eyes for me to see so easily.

  The last thing I wanted to do was think of anyone else that had been with Theon. But it was something that was unavoidable. How many times had he done this before? How many times had he let someone get this close to him? And how many times had they betrayed the trust he’d given them?

  I swore I wouldn’t do that. Not ever again.

  Theon was mine and after tonight, he would never doubt that.

  Thoughts like that should have had me running for the door.

  But I didn’t want to.

  I didn’t because I felt safe with Theon. Safe and loved.

  Yeah, no way in hell would I mess this up ever again.

  With slick fingers, I began to feel his crease. He sucked in a breath every time I passed over his tight hole. He was waiting for it, but I was enjoying teasing him too much.

  “All night, baby,” I reminded him as I circled his puckered entrance.

  His legs went up and with his hands on his knees, he held himself open for me.

  I nearly groaned at the sight.

  Slowly, I began to work him open. His head was thrown back, his lids closed, telling me he loved everything I was doing to him.

  “Ready for more?” I asked after I felt him relax and loosen against my probing finger. When he nodded, I gave him more.

  “It feels too good. I need you inside me now, please, Cade,” he moaned out.

  “Hold yourself open for me. Let me see you.”

  I slipped off the bed.

  My movements were hurried as I stripped out of my clothes.

  Theon moved his hands to his cheeks and he spread them for me.

  I took him in, my hand working up and down my shaft slowly.

  He whimpered as he watched my every move.

  I rolled the condom down my angry cock, then slicked it up with a generous amount of lube.

  I was going to hurt him. There was no getting around that. But at least I could make him feel good too.

  “Perfect,” I whispered as I slid over top of him.

  I lined myself up and began to push in slowly. All I wanted to do was be inside of him and it was so hard holding back.

  There was no way to describe the way it felt when he relaxed and took me in.


  Or as close to it as I would ever get.

  My lips met his as I began to slide in and out of him. His cock, trapped between us, was so hot it nearly burned against my skin. He was ready to come, and honestly, so was I.

  “Don’t touch it,” he called out as I began to move my hand between our bodies so I could wrap it around his cock. “I’m so close, Cade. Harder, please.”

  I did as he requested, working my hips harder and faster.

  That familiar tingle crawled up the base of my spine all too damn soon.

  “Theon,” I grunted. “Fuck, baby. You feel too damn good.”

  “Don’t stop.”

  “Don’t plan on it,” I tried to say smoothly, but my words came out choppy and strained.

  “Cade, I’m coming,” he yelled. His head tilted back and I watched the strain in his neck as I felt the warmth of his cum splash between us.

  The moment I felt him start to come, I stopped holding back. The tingling took over as my balls drew up.

  And then we were co
ming together.

  My body shook and I swore I’d never come so hard or so much in my life.

  He said my name, curled up, and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. This kiss was full of passion and somehow, my orgasm only intensified.

  My body and balls were completely drained. I collapsed on top of Theon and he wrapped his arms around my back.

  There were no words I could think to say.

  But he didn’t seem to need them as he lightly ran his fingers up and down my back.

  The feeling of his cooling cum sticking to my skin reminded me that we needed to clean up.

  But I decided it could wait another minute.

  Because I was perfect right where I was.



  Cade finally shifted away from me.

  I couldn’t stop the wince as he left my body.

  Cade was by far the biggest I’d ever had. At first, I’d been a little panicked when I finally saw it. But then his hand was stroking the bobbing length and all I wanted was to feel him moving inside of me.

  Now, we were both pleasantly sated but there was no way we could stay like this all night. So even though I didn’t want to let him go, I did.

  It was hard not to wonder what would happen now.

  This had always been the awkward part for me. Like what was I supposed to say? Or do? Did I get dressed? Take a shower like I really needed to do? Or did I rush ahead and give him a farewell before he had the chance to give it to me?

  However, my stomach was the first one to speak, letting out a growl that seemed to echo around the room.

  Cade, now standing, looked down at me with a raised brow.

  “God, I’m so hungry,” I breathed out all at once. I hadn’t realized it until then, but I felt like I could eat a horse.

  Cade’s head fell back as he bellowed out a laugh.

  The tension eased from my body as I smiled up at him.

  “Don’t move, I’ll be back,” he said and was out the room before I could blink.

  I heard him moving around the apartment. First, the bathroom, where I heard the water turn on and off a few times. He came back in long enough to clean me up with a warm washcloth, then he quickly turned on his heels giving me a perfect view of his backside. I laughed as I watched him leave the room again in a hurry.

  I knew he wasn’t going anywhere because he was still very much naked.

  My cock started to wake at the thought. Cade was perfection. Every inch of him was beautifully sculpted. I might have still been in shock that I’d had him. That a man like him had chosen me. And it wasn’t simply that he’d chosen me, he’d seemed right there in the moment with me the whole time. He’d taken in my body with hungry eyes. His kisses hadn’t been ones of obligation. With each one, I felt his lips tasting me, appreciating every inch of skin they grazed.

  Cabinets slammed in the distance and I simply waited.

  “We have to talk about the shit you consider food,” he said, walking back into the room with his arms full of all kinds of stuff. He held up a box of cereal. “This is not food. Food should not be this brightly colored. And it doesn’t taste like any fruit I’ve ever had.”

  The top flaps of the box were open and I could tell he’d already grabbed himself a handful.

  “Gimme,” I said as I stretched my arm out.

  He crawled back onto the bed looking way too sexy for my body to handle right now. I might have gotten hypnotized by the swaying thickness between his legs for a minute. Which only caused him to laugh and toss the box in my direction. I didn’t even care that a few brightly colored loops escaped the box and went everywhere. And by everywhere, I meant all over my chest. Cade swooped in and snatched them up with his mouth. I was pretty sure I felt a little more tongue than necessary, but you wouldn’t hear me complaining.

  “Still not great, but much better eating it this way,” he said right before his lips met mine.

  He dug into the bag of tortilla chips. My face scrunched up because it was strange to me that he was eating them plain. I had a jar of salsa in my fridge and wondered why he hadn’t brought that.

  Curious about what he did grab, I looked at the pile sitting between us of other stuff he’d dragged in here.

  “Bread?” I asked with a quirked brow.

  “I was going to make a sandwich. Figured if you have bread, you’ve got to have shit to go on it. But then I found nothing. Not even cheese. What is wrong with you?”

  He looked truly confused at that. Like somehow, it made no sense for me to have a loaf of bread if I had no plans of making sandwiches with it.

  I shrugged trying to play if off like I wasn’t the crazy one here, but the little chuckle that slipped out of me made me lose my cool points.

  “And you… what… decided to bring the loaf in here to yell at me about not being able to satisfy your hungry man sandwich needs?” I shot back playfully.

  Cade’s head fell back and he laughed. I loved making him laugh. He looked much younger and carefree right now. This almost wasn’t the same man that I’d first run into outside the classroom.

  “Well,” he started, eyes pinning me with intensity. “If you must know, I was so eager to get back in this bed that I forgot I had it in my hand. It was more of a rushed situation and I just grabbed shit and ran.”

  It was my turn to laugh.

  I liked this little bubble we were in.

  I might have even imagined a lifetime of living in this bubble.

  I leaned over and brushed my mouth against his. I could feel his lips tilt up against mine right before his hand came up and cupped the back of my neck. He held me there, his lips teasingly skimming over mine. My eyes drifted shut with the anticipation of more, but instead, I felt the loss of his heat as he pulled away.

  “So, you know what comes now,” he said, causing my eyes to snap open and the blissful love magic to fade away.

  Yes, it was that tone.

  That ‘we need to talk’ tone.

  I knew it was coming, but I had hoped to put it off a little longer.

  “You want to go first, or me?” he asked.

  With a sigh, I shrugged. I didn’t want to talk about me but I owed him answers just as much as he owed me some. Well, maybe he owed me more, but I wasn’t keeping score.

  I slammed another handful of cereal into my mouth as a way of stalling. His lips quirked up on one side. He knew what I was doing. He also was now staring at my mouth and I wondered if I could distract him with my lips for a bit longer. The thought was so tempting.

  As I chewed, the crunch became super loud in my ears. This cereal was definitely better with milk.

  “I’ll start,” he said, jumping right in. “Reed and I have been friends for a long time. I guess you could say he’s my best friend. He was worried about you. I guess he could tell that something was off the last few times you two talked on the phone. I… I haven’t been handling things well, so he came up with this idea to send me down here to keep an eye on you. I’m sure he not only wanted to keep you safe, but also had it in his mind that if he gave me something to focus on, it would somehow shake me out of the spiral I was slipping down.”

  He sighed and dropped his eyes.

  My hand went to his head and I stroked my fingers over the short hairs.

  I knew what he was talking about, I’d seen the sadness in his eyes. I’d heard the story. I’d listened to him as he said he shouldn’t be here.

  Thinking about it now caused my heart to ache all over again. I wished more than anything that I could take his pain away.

  “That’s why I’m here,” he finally said as he lifted his head and gave me his eyes. “I guess I owe Reed more than I can ever repay. I hadn’t expected you. The way you picked up on things, that I hadn’t anticipated. You threw me off my game.”

  I smiled at his words.

  “And I wasn’t supposed to get close to you,” he admitted like he’d broken some kind of rule. “I mean, Reed doesn’t seem too pissed
, but still… I know that wasn’t what he had in mind.”

  “You told him?” I asked not knowing what I was even asking with that question. What exactly had he told Reed? What was this to him?

  “Yeah,” he said with a huffed-out laugh. “I told him… uh, that I really like you.”

  There was something he wasn’t quite saying but I had no clue what that might be.

  He was holding back. That was okay because I felt like we were getting somewhere.

  “You were following me, then? I thought I was going crazy.” I let out a little laugh, nervous about what I was about to admit to him. “I was scared, but also, like, hopeful.” That was all I’d meant to say but then my mouth kept opening and words just came right out. “After that day when I plowed into you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. And then after you walked me home, I kept wishing you would just show up out of nowhere. Like I’d get home, and you’d be waiting for me. I even—”

  My hand flew up and I covered my mouth before I could spill my ice cream fantasy.

  I blinked at Cade and his face said he was amused by my runaway confession.

  “You what?” he asked, a sly smile on his lips.

  “Nothing.” I tried to brush it off at the same time I attempted to come up with something else to talk about. “You were pretty bad at that whole stealth thing. I mean, you kind of stick out like a sore thumb. You didn’t even have any props. Amateur.”

  I shook my head playfully with a disappointed look on my face.

  That only caused him to laugh and reach for my hand. Oh, how I loved it. And the sudden spike in my heartbeat was all from his touch.

  “Yeah, you got me there.” His eyes turned serious. “Why didn’t you just tell Reed what was going on with Perry?”

  “Because he’s done enough for me. Paying for college and this apartment. He even furnished it, for crying out loud. I never wanted that from him. Not that I don’t appreciate it, it’s just that… you know, all I wanted was for him to be in my life. When I found out I had a half-brother, I was so excited that I might have family out there. Maybe someone that would treat me the way family should. I know it’s stupid—”


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