by Amanda Wen
My delightful agent, Tamela Hancock Murray, for her expertise, her enthusiasm, her prayers, and her unflagging confidence in me (along with the occasional edgy Demi Lovato song when I really needed it). I’m so glad God brought us together, and I’m thrilled to have you in my corner!
My dear friend and editor Janyre Tromp, for falling in love with and championing my story, and for her brilliant and inspirational guidance to shape it into more than I ever thought it could be. I am endlessly grateful to you for suggesting I write one more Jack and Annabelle scene. That scene is my absolute favorite.
My copy editor, Joel Armstrong, for taking a hatchet to my weasel words, pointing out some embarrassingly overused verbal tics, and in general working your magic. The changes I’ve made in the copy-editing stage seem small, but I’m blown away by how much stronger the story is for having incorporated them.
The team at Kregel Publications, for being simply amazing to work with. I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my writing career or a better group of people to help bring my dream to life. I love you all, and I deeply appreciate all you do.
Theresa Romain, my middle school BFF turned writing coach (and still BFF), for taking my earliest attempts at stories and gently pointing out all my newbie-writer bad habits, but also for reassuring me that my stories had promise. Thank you for your expertise, your enduring friendship, and your commitment to helping me maintain my sanity.
Linda Fletcher, Rebekah Millet, and Rachel Scott McDaniel, my critique partners, cheerleaders, and copresidents of the Jack Brennan Fan Club. You guys always know just what to say and how to say it to keep my spirits up. Y’all are the bestest.
Heidi Chiavaroli, Susie Finkbeiner, Joanna Davidson Politano, and Deborah Raney, for your encouragement and advice from the trenches. Thank you for being there; you talked me off the ledge more times than you know.
My distant cousin Bruce Nicholson, for giving me a tour of the house that inspired this book. After so many years of driving by that old white farmhouse, knowing it belonged to my family but never seeing the inside, it was wonderful to get a glimpse.
Rev. Dr. Jeff Slater, for his church history expertise (and geekiness), and Matt Webber, for clearing up some last-minute questions. Details matter, and you both helped me with a couple important ones.
The Quotidians, for keeping me endlessly entertained, informed, and prayed up throughout this whole process. I’m so glad God brought us together.
My family at Riverlawn Christian Church, my mom’s prayer group, and several years’ worth of Bible Study Fellowship groups and church small groups, for praying this book into existence. Thank you specifically to That Group, for your support, your prayers, and your snark.
My Lord, Savior, and dearest friend, Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving me the gift of words. I pray this book blesses all who read it and helps them get to know you a little bit more. Thank you for choosing me, saving me, loving me, and bringing beauty from my ashes. I love you.
And last but not least, Libby Eaton, Andrew Davis, and all the other teachers and friends who’ve told me for decades, “Hey, you should write a book.” I finally did.