The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

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The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini Page 58

by Benvenuto Cellini

  Cellini, Giovanni (BC’s father): Florentine origins, 2; birth, 4; marriage, 4–5; musicianship, 4, 7–8; professional and artistic skills, 4, 7; and BC’s birth, 5–6; and BC’s musical life, 7–9, 11, 12, 14, 16–17, 32–5; poetry, 9; and downfall of Piero the fifer, 12–14; and BC’s absence in Pisa, 15–16; welcomes BC on return to Florence, 16–17; and BC’s escape from Florence, 27; answers member of Eight, 32; BC sends and gives money to, 32, 46, 70; and Jacopo Salviati, 65; welcomes BC on return from siege of Rome, 69; dies of plague, 72

  Cellini, Girolamo (BC’s uncle), 4, 12

  Cellini, Liperata (or Reparata; BC’s sister): first marriage (to Bartolomeo), 70; remarriage, 72–3; survives plague, 72–3; BC bequeaths money to, 150; welcomes BC after recovery from illlness, 154; BC visits on journey to France, 239, 244; BC meets on return from France, 313, 318; children, 313; and death of second husband (Raffaello Tassi), 320; with BC in Florence, 328

  Cellini, Luca, 3

  Cencio (BC’s apprentice), 320, 325

  Cencio (BC’s servant), 114–16, 145–7, 152

  Centano, Andrea, 208–9

  Ceri, Lorenzo da, 39, 60

  Cerveteri, 46

  Cesano, Gabriello Maria da, 236–8

  Cesare (Duke Cosimo’s keeper of wardrobe), 381

  Ceserino, Gabriello, 38

  Cesi, Agnolo da, 178

  Charles V, Emperor: power, viii; elected Emperor, ix; war with Francis I, 59, 269, 294, 301–2; exchanges gifts with Paul III, 161–4, 168; returns from Tunis expedition, 161; BC meets, 163–4

  Charles VIII, King of France, viii

  Cherubino see Sforzani, Cherubino

  Chiavelluzzi, Pietro, 205

  Chigi, Agostino, 28

  Chigi, Sigismondo, 28

  Chigi, Sulpicia (née Petrucci), 28

  Chioccia, Bartolomeo, 279–80, 287–8

  Chiostra, Ulivieri della, 15–16

  Cibo, Cardinal Innocenzo, 38

  Cibo, Lorenzo, 134

  Cisti (Lombard Captain), 86

  Clement VII, Pope (earlier Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici): BC serves, 99, 125; illness and death, xi, 126–7; BC makes medals and coins for, xv, 82–3, 85, 95, 113, 117, 125–7, 141, 143; recalls BC from Siena to Florence, 11; elected Pope, 27; Lucagnolo makes bowl for, 30; offers musical post to BC, 33–4; and BC’s dispute over Bishop of Salamanca’s vase, 38; and Charles V’s war with Francis I, 59; in siege of Rome (1527), 61, 63, 65–9, 186; absolves BC of homicide, 66; declares war on Florence, 74; invites BC to return to service, 75–7; forgives BC’s taking gold from Rome, 77–8; BC makes clasp (morse) for cope, 78–82, 85, 90, 92, 95, 97, 103, 164; and BC’s robbery, 94–5; and counterfeit money, 95–6; BC makes chalice for, 98, 100–11, 161; dispute with BC over chalice, 105–12; presents mounted unicorn’s horn to Francis I, 105; and BC’s supposed murder of Tobbia, 119–20, 125–6; supposed paternity of Duke Alessandro de’ Medici, 158; and BC’s arrest for theft by Paul III, 186–8

  Colonna, Stefano, 337

  Concino, Bartolomeo, 397

  Condivi, Ascanio, xiii

  Conversini, Benedetto (later Bishop of Jesi), 185–7, 204–6

  Cordinai, Antonio di Bartolomeo see San Gallo, Antonio da, the Younger

  Cornaro, Cardinal Francesco: apprehends BC after murder of Pompeo, 129–30; and BC’s recovery from illness, 154; and BC’s imprisonment, 193; protects BC after escape from Castel Sant’Angelo, 202–3, 208–10; requests bishopric for Centano, 208

  Cortese, Tommaso (da Prato), 82

  Cortona, Giorgio da, 331

  Costanza (BC’s child by Gianna), 293

  Counter-Reformation, viii

  Crespino, Vittorio (chief constable of Rome), 145, 147, 185

  Croce, Baccino (Bernardino) della, 86, 112

  Croce, Giovanni, 86

  Crucifix (BC; sculpture), xv, 385, 387, 399

  Cust, Robert, xvi

  Dante Alighieri, xiv, 149, 278

  Danti, Vincenzo, 388

  Dauphiné, 253

  Diego, Don (Spaniard in Rome), 169–71

  Diego (Spanish boy), xi, 48–51, 53

  Donatello, 315, 328, 330

  Donnino (goldsmith), 96

  Durante, Durante (of Brescia), xi, 163–4, 225–7

  Eleonora de Toledo see Medici, Eleonora de Toledo de’, Duchess of Tuscany

  Ercole del Piffero, 12

  Eremo, 372

  Este, Alfonso I d’ see Ferrara, Duke of

  Este, Ercole II d’ see Ferrara, Duke of

  Este, Ippolito d’, Cardinal of Ferrara: BC meets in France, 179–80; commissions jug and basin from BC, 180, 183, 192, 236, 245–6, 248, 251, 259; and Francis I’s invitation to BC, 183–4, 246–7; gains BC’s release from prison, 228–9, 245; BC makes seal for, 236–7; BC stays with, 236; BC makes model of salt-cellar for, 237–9, 261; journey to France, 239, 244; BC meets at Fontainebleau, 251; and BC’s service with Francis I, 252–3, 255, 260–1, 307; Francis I gives abbey to, 259; BC makes small objects for, 268; withholds payment from BC, 293–5; and Francis I’s rebuke of BC, 306; and BC’s request for leave from Francis I, 308; conspires against BC on departure from France, 311; BC sends letter to Francis I to, 323

  Étampes, Anne de Brosse, Duchesse d’ (née de Pisseleu): visits BC at work, 259; BC makes silver vase for, 268, 272; and Francis I’s wish to engage BC, 269; enmity with BC, 272–3, 275–6, 296, 298–301, 303, 306; and il Bologna (Primaticcio), 284–5; and BC’s Jupiter, 298–9; slanders BC to Francis I, 302–3, 306; and treaty with Emperor Charles, 302

  Fa, Jacques, Monseigneur de la, 284, 304

  Fagiuolo, il see Tommaso d’Antonio

  Fano, Lodovico da see Lodovico da Fano

  Farfa, Badia di (abbey), 116

  Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro see Paul III, Pope

  Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro, Archbishop of Parma (son of Pier Luigi), 228

  Farnese, Ottavio, Duke, 202

  Farnese, Pier Luigi (Paul III’s natural son) see Nepi and Castro, Duke of

  Fattore, Il (Gianfrancesco Penni), 27, 32, 39, 47–8

  Faustina (Bolognese prostitute), 45

  Faustina, Empress (of Marcus Aurelius), 33

  Faustina (Paulino’s sister), 33

  Federigi, Cesare di Niccolò di Mariani, 373

  Ferrando da Montepulciano, Giovanni, xiin

  Ferrara, 134–6, 244–50

  Ferrara, Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of, 44, 245

  Ferrara, Ercole II d’Este, Duke of, 134–6, 182, 245–8, 250, 386

  Ferrara, Ippolito, Cardinal of see Este, Ippolito d’

  Fiaschino (Duke of Ferrara’s chamberlain), 247–8, 250

  Fiesole, 2–3, 335

  Fiore of Castel del Rio (BC’s housekeeper), 348, 350

  Fiorino (Caesar’s officer), 2–3

  Firenzuola, Giovanni de’ Giorgio, 20–2

  Florence: government, viii; BC settles in after leaving France, xii, 312–18, 328; founding, 2; BC returns to from Rome, 22–3, 133; ban on BC lifted, 69; BC returns to (1527), 69; plague in, 70, 72–3; Clement VII declares war on, 74–5; BC returns to after illness, 154; BC witnesses light over, 159–60; war with Siena (1552), 361–2

  Foiano, Fra Benedetto Tiezzi da, 218–19

  Fontainebleau: BC works at, xv; Buonaccorsi accompanies BC to, 179; BC arrives at, 251; BC designs fountain and doorway for, 268–72, 285–6, 292–3, 297–8, 301–3, 305

  Fontana, Domenico, 121–2

  Foppa, Cristoforo see Caradosso

  Forli, Bishop of see Michelozzi, Bernardo di Michelozzo

  France: struggle for control of Italy, viii, 59; BC first journeys to (1537), 171–80; BC returns to work in (1539–40), 239, 250–1; BC acquires citizenship, 267; BC finally leaves (1545), 308–12; see also Francis I, King; Fontainebleau; Paris

  Francesco (son of Matteo the blacksmith), 336, 341

  Francesco (Spanish goldsmith), 168–71

  Francesco da Norcia see Fusconi, Francesco

  Francis I, King of France: rule, viii;
BC makes salt-cellar for, ix, xv, 260–2, 264, 268, 291–2, 303–4; BC serves, 252–9, 267, 275–6, 296, 307, 314; war with Emperor Charles V, 59, 269, 294, 301; Alamanni gives BC medal to, 79; Clement VII has mounted unicorn’s horn made for, 105; and BC’s arrival in Paris, 178–9; invites BC to work for, 183–4, 189, 228, 239, 246; learns of BC’s arrest by Paul III, 189, 194; receives BC at Fontainebleau, 251; commissions silver statues from BC, 255–6, 258–9, 264, 268, 276, 303–4; offers property (le Petit Nesle) to BC, 256–7; visits BC at work, 259–60, 268, 293–5; BC makes vase for, 264, 268; BC designs Fontainebleau fountain and doorway for, 268–72, 297–8, 301–3, 305; requests BC to make dies and coins, 284, 287; transfers fountain design to il Bologna, 285–6; orders Ippolito d’Este to pay BC, 293–5; offers abbey to BC, 295–6; transfers BC’s tennis courts to perfumier, 296–7; praises BC’s Jupiter, 299–300; Mme d’Étampes’s prejudices against BC, 302–3; rebuke to BC, 303–6; BC requests leave from, 305–8; ends war with Emperor, 307; war with English, 307; BC leaves, 308–12, 320, 322–3; BC writes to from Florence, 323

  Franzesi, Mattio, 148–9, 151

  Fusconi, Francesco (da Norcia), 148, 150–4

  Gaddi, Agnolo, 114–15

  Gaddi, Giovanni di Taddeo, Dean of the Apostolic Chamber: and BC’s relations with del Moro, 84–5; looks after BC’s jewels, 97; BC seeks refuge with after fight with Benedetto, 119–20; and BC’s return to Rome, 144, 146; covets BC’s possessions, 148; believes BC dying, 149, 151

  Gaddi, Cardinal Niccolò, Bishop of Ferrara, 63, 184

  Gaio see Marliano, Giovanni Pietro

  Galeotti, Pietro Paolo (Pagolo): helps BC with dies for Duke Alessandro, 141, 144, 157; works with BC, 236; accompanies BC to France, 239, 247, 250, 254–6; wounded in Siena fracas, 242–4; and BC’s dispute with Marmaignes, 258; and BC’s French lawsuit, 279; in France with BC, 282; BC leaves on departure from Paris, 308

  Galluzzi, Bernardo, 229

  Gambetta (prostitute), 320, 326–7

  Ganymede (antique statue): BC restores, xv, 338, 342, 344

  Ganymede (BC; bas relief), 268

  Gattinara (Iscatinaro), Giovan Bartolomeo, 188

  Giamberti, Antonio di Sandro (Marcone the goldsmith), 10, 17, 22

  Giambologna (Giovanni the Fleming), 388

  Gianfrancesco (fifer), 62

  Gianfrancesco (Penni) see Fattore, Il Gianiacomo (fifer), 33–4

  Gianna (’Scorzone’; BC’s model), 293

  Giannotti, Giannotto, 20–1

  Giliolo, Girolamo, 245, 247

  Ginori, Carlo di Lionardo, 121

  Ginori, Federigo, 73–4, 78

  Giorgio da Cortona see Cortona, Giorgio da

  Giotto, 278

  Giovanni (Bishop of Gurck’s nephew), 54–5

  Giovanni (called Pedignoni; former chemist), 198, 225, 227–8

  Giovenale de’ Manetti, Latino, 130, 162, 167

  Girolamo (Piero the fifer’s brother), 12

  Giuliano (Florentine gunner), 61

  Gonzaga, Cardinal Ercole, Bishop of Mantua, 71–2

  Gonzaga, Federico II see Mantua, Marquis of

  Gonzaga, Ippolito, 308, 312

  Gorini, Lattanzio, 316–19, 334–5, 361

  Goro, Michele, 1

  Governolo, 72

  Granacci, Stefano (BC’s maternal grandfather), 2, 5

  ‘Grassuccio’ see Varchi, Giovan Battista

  Graziadio (Bologna Jew), 12

  Greco, Giovanni, 146

  Greyhound (BC; statue), xv

  Grolier, Jean, 296–7

  grotesques, 52

  Guadagni, Felice: BC puns on name, 158; as BC’s partner, 112, 118, 156; and Benedetto, 118; and BC’s return to Rome, 144; nurses BC during illness, 148–54; BC bequeaths money to, 151; on shooting expeditions with BC, 158–9; and BC’s departure for France, 171; and BC’s return from France, 182–3; and BC’s imprisonment in Castel Sant’Angelo, 193

  Guadagni, Tommaso, 279

  Guasconti, Gherardo, 23–5

  Guasconti, Michele, 23

  Guasconti, Salvadore, 23

  Guasto see Vasto

  Guidi, Jacopo (later Bishop of Penna), 374

  Guido, Guidi: BC’s friendship with, 274; medical publications, 275; at baptism of BC’s child, 293; and BC’s departure from Paris, 309; writes to BC in Florence, 319; and Anterigoli, 389

  Gurck (Gurgensis), Bishop of see Balbo, Girolamo

  Habsburg, House of, viii

  Henri II d’Albert, King of Navarre, 260–1, 401

  Henri, Dauphin of France (later King Henri II), 260, 275, 299

  Hercules (BC; medal), 73

  Iacobacci, Cardinal Domenico di Cristofano, 45

  Indevedro, 180

  Iscatinaro see Gattinara

  Jacomo (Perugian doctor), 203

  Jacopo, Giovanbattista di see Rosso, il

  Jove (statue) see Jupiter

  Julius II, Pope, 9, 18

  Julius III, Pope (Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte Sansovino), 352, 354

  Juno (BC; model), 256, 268

  Jupiter (BC; model and statue), 256, 258, 299–301, 268, 366

  Juvinale, Latino see Giovenale de’ Manetti, Latino

  Lamentone (courier), 134–7

  Landi, Antonio di Vittorio, 323–5, 331–2

  Landi, Giovanni, 26

  Landi, Piero, 26, 73, 75–6, 155

  Lapaccini, Raffaello, 22

  Lascaris, Giovanni, 84

  Lastricati, Alessandro, 349

  Leda and the Swan (BC; bas relief), 268

  Leo X, Pope (formerly Cardinal Giovanni de’ Medici), 8–9

  Leonardo da Vinci see Vinci, Leonardo da Leoni, Lione, 226–7

  Librodori, Annibale, 24–5

  Librodori, Librodoro, 24

  Lillio, Bernardino see Bernardino (Lillio, of Todi)

  Lippi, Filippino, 19

  Lippi, Giovanni Francesco, 19, 22

  Lodovico da Fano, 84, 146, 149

  Longinus, 71

  Lorenzo (trumpeter), 33

  Loreto, 182

  Lorraine, Cardinal Jean de, 259–61, 273

  Louis XII, King of France, viii

  Lucagnolo da Jesi, 27–32, 35, 40

  Luigi (Ugolino’s Paduan clerk), 192–3

  Lyons, 178, 250–1, 309–11

  Macaroni, Paulo, 279

  Macdonnell, Anne, xvi Macherone, Ceseri, 96–7

  Maçon, Antoine le (Antonio Massone), 267

  Maffio di Giovanni, 88

  Magalotti family, 137–8

  Magalotti, Gregorio, 108–11

  Mannellini, Bernardino, 321, 327, 347–8

  Mannerism, xv–xvi

  Mantua, 70–2

  Mantua, Federico II Gonzaga, Marquis (later Duke) of, 51, 71

  Marcone the goldsmith see Giamberti, Antonio di Sandro

  Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Tuscany (later Farnese), 141, 202

  Margolla see San Gallo, Francesco da

  Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, 260, 275, 299, 307

  Mari, Ascanio de’: in BC’s service, 168–71; accompanies BC to France, 171–2, 175–6, 239, 241, 247, 250, 254–6, 279–80, 282; quartan fever, 179–80; and BC’s detention in Castel Sant’Angelo, 190, 194; quarrels with BC, 194; attacks two assailants, 195; BC visits in Tagliacozzo, 236; in Siena fracas, 241–3; and BC’s dispute with Marmaignes, 258; and BC’s Jupiter, 299; hides lover in statue, 300–1; BC leaves on departure from Paris, 308–9

  Marliano, Giovanni Pietro (Gaio), 165–6

  Marmaignes, Jean Lallement, Seigneur de, 257–8, 304

  Marretti, Girolamo, 73

  Mars (BC; statue), 258, 300–1

  Martini, Luca, 156

  Martino, Piero di, 333

  Masaccio (Tommaso di Ser Giovanni), 18

  Massone, Antonio see Maçon, Antoine le

  Maurizio da Milano, 134

  Medici, Alessandro de’, Duke of Tuscany: murdered, vii, 142, 160; BC makes medals and coins for, xv, 140–3, 157–8, 328; driven from F
lorence, 73; BC’s brother works for, 85, 88; BC calls on after killing brother’s murderer, 91; gives dog to BC, 92; BC calls on in Florence, 133; sends money to BC, 134, 140; and BC’s departure for Rome, 143–4; and BC’s return to Florence after illness, 155–7; Vasari disparages BC to, 155; as supposed son of Clement VII, 158

  Medici, Cosimo de’, Grand Duke of Tuscany: rule, 321, 344; BC’s Perseus statue for, xv, 314–15, 317, 319–20, 322, 328–30, 333–5, 337, 343–6, 351–2, 360, 363–4, 366–71, 374–9, 397; parentage, 10; as Duke of Florence, 134; promises money to BC, 134; succeeds Alessandro as Duke of Tuscany, 161; BC visits on return from France, 314; grants house to BC, 316–17; Baldini sells inferior diamond to, 323–4, 331–2; and BC’s trip to Venice, 328; requests silver vases from BC, 333–4; BC restores Ganymede sculpture for, 338, 342, 344; questions BC’s bronze-casting ability, 344–5; attempts to persuade Michelangelo to work in Florence, 353–6; coolness to BC in Castello, 355; and wife’s pearls, 358–61; and war with Siena, 361–2; helps restore antiquities from Arezzo, 364; grants BC leave for week’s pilgrimage, 372; BC warns of danger of attack on Poppi, 373–4; dispute with BC over price of Perseus, 374–6, 378–80; illness, 377; commissions bronzes from BC for Santa Maria del Fiore, 380–2; and BC’s model of Neptune, 385–6, 395; enters Siena, 394; BC visits in Livorno, 396; BC agrees to continue in service, 397, 401; praises BC’s Crucifix, 399

  Medici, Eleonora de Toledo de’, Duchess of Tuscany: BC meets on return from France, 314–15; Pogginis make gold vessel for, 321; requests work from BC, 322; BC sets diamond for, 333; BC makes silver vases for, 334; BC makes diamond ring for, 336–7; and BC’s Perseus, 352; disfavours BC over opinion on pearls, 357–61; antipathy to BC, 364–5, 367; bars BC’s access to Duke, 364; admires BC’s small bronze figures, 366–7; offers to intercede for BC with Duke Cosimo over Perseus, 375–7, 380; promises marble to Bandinelli, 382–4; and BC’s proposed marble crucifixion, 385; and Bandinelli’s Pietà, 387; transfers marble to Ammanati, 387–8, 393; praises BC’s Crucifix, 399; admires BC’s Neptune model, 400

  Medici, Ferdinando (or Arnando) de’ (Duke Cosimo’s son), 366

  Medici, Prince Francesco de’ (later Grand Duke of Tuscany; Duke Cosimo’s eldest son), 366, 382, 394, 401

  Medici, Don Garzia (Duke Cosimo’s son), 365–6

  Medici, Cardinal Giovanni de’ see Leo X, Pope

  Medici, Cardinal Giovanni de’ (Duke Cosimo’s son), 366; death, 401–2


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