Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! Volume 6

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Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! Volume 6 Page 2

by Funa

  His vision went blurry. Just then, he heard the girl’s gentle voice in his ear.

  “Suicide attack: Megaten.”



  Both of their bodies were enveloped in a roaring flame.

  “W-wall! Magic Waaaaaaaall!!!”

  The boy tried desperately to enact a magical barrier, but so far he had only ever used the spell to erect a wall between himself and his opponent or to create a shielding dome over himself. He had never attempted to use it to ward off an attack that was directly attached to him. Thus, the wall did nothing but trap both Reina and the flame inside of it—with him—rendering his efforts utterly meaningless.

  Reina, however, had been trained for just such a situation. First, under Mile’s tutelage, she had practiced creating a magical barrier that formed close to her body. Second, it was only natural that no flame conjured at her own instruction would ever direct itself toward her. Once Reina had mastered both the barrier and the flames, Mile had imparted upon her an ultimate technique, a special move to be used only when her life was at risk. The Suicide Attack: Megaten.

  It was a miraculous attack in which one grappled the opponent with one’s own body and struck while the opponent’s eyes were round with shock.

  Naturally, Mile was the one who had come up with the name.

  “Gyaaaaaaaaaah!!!” As his magical barrier proved utterly without effect, the demon boy could only continue to scream.

  “St-stop it! That’s enooooooough!!!”

  The demon leader, who had been paralyzed by the unthinkable scene, now rushed out with a desperate look upon his face before leaping straight into the flames and tearing the two apart. Two more of the demons hurriedly summoned a water spell, dousing the smoldering pair. The fourth dashed forward as well in spite of the pain of his remaining injuries. Once the boy was separated from Reina, the flames on his clothing were quickly extinguished, and the demons frantically began a healing spell.

  “You all interfered, so I guess that’s a win for me.”

  Not a one of the demons had the presence of mind to care about Reina’s boasting.

  “Now then, it’s time for round three: the battle of lieutenants!”

  The demon leader grimaced at Mile’s announcement. At this point, of course, their side had no chance of winning. Even if they were to win the next two rounds, the lieutenant and the boss battles, the results would be two-and-two at best. And, on the off chance that they lost either of those rounds, it would mean defeat for them.

  They, a band of demons—they, the chosen few who had been selected for and entrusted with a sacred duty—were on the verge of losing to a band of human girls who were scarcely out of the nursery. The shame would be a scalding brand, a black mark that they would be forced to carry for the rest of their days.

  Due to demons’ general hardiness and the strength of their healing magic, the two who had lost were already right as rain. Mile lent an additional hand using magic to dispel the spice particles from the man in the first round, so he seemed to have wholly regained his senses. Yet though their burns and other physical injuries had been fully mitigated, the wounds to their morale ran quite deep indeed…

  For now anyway, the two sat among the spectators. Or rather, they were forced to. Watching the upcoming matches would be a good lesson for them—and besides, the others got the impression that if they were not forced to do so, they would probably be curled up in a ball, crying somewhere in a corner.

  At any rate, while magical ability really had nothing to do with age, it was a far different matter when it came to the martial arts. The two remaining demons fought with the sword, so catastrophes like the first two rounds would be out of the question.

  So thought the leader of the demons. Just as any sensible person might.

  “Mavis von Austien, leader of the Crimson Vow, swordswoman, now entering the ring!”

  “Reltobert, swordsman. Let’s go!”

  Just because the demons were a magical race, it did not mean that they were all mages. Just as there were mages among the generally un-magical beastfolk, naturally, there were those among demons who were weak at magic, wielding swords or spears on the front line, serving as archers and the like.

  This swordsman, Reltobert, was one such demon. Yet thanks to his physical prowess, which still far surpassed that of any human, he had been trained into a fearsome combatant.

  Mavis still had absolute confidence. As long as she had her secret ultimate technique at her disposal, she could not imagine losing to anyone other than Mile. She would not lose to any beastman. She would not lose to any elder dragon. And naturally, she would not lose to any demon.

  “Secret technique, True Godspeed Blade!”

  Her standard Godspeed Blade possessed only the speed of a B-rank hunter, or perhaps a lower-ranking A-rank, at best. At such piddling velocity, she would have no chance of laying into a demon swordsman. With the True Godspeed Blade, however, she could summon up the speed of an experienced A-rank. Such power was enough to take on even her eldest brother.

  So thought Mavis.


  Clang, cling, cling!

  After but a few short volleys, she quickly abandoned that thought.

  It’s no use! I can’t do a thing like this! He’s just toying with me!

  Mavis was not the type to be overconfident in her abilities, but if it was for the sake of her friends, she would eat dirt if she had to.

  However, in this case, it was not dirt she would have to eat. It was that.

  She took a single capsule from her pocket. She flipped open the lid and said a little prayer. “I’m counting on you, Micross!”

  She chugged the contents of the capsule in one gulp and then faced Reltobert. “Here I come!” she shouted. “EX True Godspeed Blade!”

  “What’s that, some kinda stimulant? Do you really think that some little potion’s gonna help you overcome the difference in our races, the contrast between our bodies, and the long years that I spent training while you were just a twinkle in your daddy’s eye? I’d thought that you showed some promise for a little shrimp of a girl, but I guess you’re just some fraud if you’re relyin’ on drugs to get it up…”

  Reltobert brandished his sword again, looking as though he had all but lost interest in the fight. “Whatever, I’m bored now. Bring it already. Let’s get this over with.”

  “EX True Godspeed Blade, 1.4 speeeeeeeeeed!!!”






  Shing shing shing!

  “I-Impossible! How could you be faster than me?! A little human girl like you! No way! This can’t be!!”

  Now Reltobert completely lost his cool. He was a demon who had chosen not the path of the staff but the path of the sword and spent many long years training, with the confidence and bravado to match. Yet here he was, unable to keep up with a frail human girl, perhaps not even twenty years out of the womb. Of course he could not believe it. And naturally, he could not allow it.

  It was not that he could not allow his opponent to exhibit such strength. It was that he could not allow himself to fall short.


  If he could not keep up with her speed, he would overwhelm her with sheer cutting force. If he did that, her stance would crumble, and she would lose all momentum in her next move.

  With this in mind, he swung with all his might.

  “Impossible!” His swing interrupted, Reltobert took a step back in retreat. “Why?! How can you be faster than me? How can you strike harder?! You’re just some tiny little girl, not even twenty years old! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!” he screamed.

  Mavis answered quietly in reply, in perfect imitation of Mile’s practiced phrase.

  “Why? Because my heart is burning!”

  “Damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiit!”

  The man had now abandoned all pride. He wasn’t just distressed—he was despe
rate. Their side had already lost two rounds. He needed to win. His responsibilities as a demon were more important than even his pride. That was all there was to it. Plus, he could not allow their band, a band of demons, to lose against a group of little human girls for a third time in a row. He would not bring that sort of shame upon his race.

  He took a sharp step forward and let loose a wordless spell.



  Mavis’s stance faltered as she moved to dodge the ball of flame. In that moment, Reltobert let another swing fly. Though she managed to somehow ward off this blow as well, she was now at an overwhelming disadvantage.

  “I may’ve chosen the path of the sword,” said Reltobert, “But that doesn’t mean I can’t still use a bit of magic. I’m not especially good at it, so I’d hoped to fight with only my sword for as long as I could. I thought it kind of embarrassing. But there are times when you’ve got no option but to win, even at the expense of your own pride. You get it, don’t you?!”

  With that, he let loose a swing and a fireball in tandem.

  Using magic and physical force at the same time seemed rather difficult, but if was effective. With the attacks coming one after the other, Mavis had no room to strike back, and her position grew worse and worse. At this rate, it would only be a matter of time before she lost.

  Think, Mavis von Austien! You’ve gotta think of something! How can I pull a win out of this? Should I drink another capsule? No—even if it makes me a little faster, it’s still way too tough to react to both magic and a sword at the same time. Plus, if I use two Micross capsules to improve my physical abilities, all it’s going to do is make my body break down faster, like that time with the elder dragons. What do I do? There has to be a way…

  It was then that Mavis recalled a conversation she once had with Mile.

  Indeed, when it came to improbable schemes, the Crimson Vow always turned to Mile. After all, the scene before them now wasn’t one common sense could do much with.

  And so, all the past conversations she had ever had with Mile spun wildly through her brain, which turned like a hyper-powered kaleidoscope.

  “You just need to get used to my speed.”

  “Strengthen your muscles with the power of your mind.”

  “Pain is nothing more than a warning signal. So all you have to do is tell yourself, ‘All right, all right, I get it already!’ and keep on pushing.”

  “You have to harden your heart!”

  No, wait! That wasn’t it…

  “Use your speed to raise your power.”

  “It’s centrifugal force or something like that.”

  “Cats are so adorable.”

  No, that wasn’t it, either.

  “When it comes to matters of the spirit, there’s both internal and external control.”

  “I’m not sure if a dragon’s breath is a type of magic or if it’s just a type of spiritual control…”

  There it was!!

  Mavis might not be able to use magic, but she could manipulate the power of her own spirit to a certain degree. In which case…

  She took a leap back, temporarily pausing the battle. Previously, when Reltobert had momentarily stood down, Mavis had waited politely for his next attack, so it was only fair that Reltobert allow her this pause as well.

  “How about it? You ready to give up and surrender?” he asked.

  “Don’t you think it’s a little early to be talking that kind of nonsense?” Mavis grinned and pulled a second metal capsule from her pocket, then unscrewed the lid.

  “Let’s do this, Micross!”

  And with that, she drank down her second capsule.

  Mile, witnessing this, started to say something but stopped.

  The last time Mavis had done this, Mile had lectured her for three hours until Mavis began to cry. So she had to have faith and trust in Mavis’s judgment this time.

  “Another upper, huh? Just because you keep poppin’ those doesn’t mean it’s gonna get you anywhere. Usin’ too many’s just gonna stuff up your body and your head. You’re gonna self-destruct over there.”

  Though Reltobert spoke, Mavis could not hear him. All her mental resources were devoted to focusing her chi.

  I will destroy him. With power of my spirit.

  Fire. Flame. Inferno. I am keeper of the blaze. I am wielder of the flames!

  Suddenly, she felt a glowing heat within the pit of her stomach.



  For a group of specially selected group of nanomachines employed only on specific occasions, injuring or placing a magic user in danger of death in response to that user’s will would be a disgrace to their kind as a whole! They had to protect her somehow!

  This vessel is one with the flames. My being is the flame. The flame is my being. Blazing inferno, become this vessel’s will!

  Seeing no results, Mavis altered her phrasing, speaking with focused intent to harness words of power. However, if that was her aim, even loftier language might have proved appropriate, such as imitating the speech of royalty…


  We are the flames. We are, we are…

  Just as the nanomachines completed their protective pathway, Mavis opened her mouth with a shout, and a ball of flames burst forth.


  All around, jaws dropped—both the demons and the Crimson Vow’s alike.

  It would be little surprise to see a draconian type shoot balls of flame from their mouth, but scarcely ever was there a human or demon who could do such a thing.

  After Reltobert dove desperately out of the path of the flames, his jaw dropped too.

  Even Mile stared, her eyes open wide in shock.

  “F-fire? Carried on a human’s breath…? B-Breath of Fire?”













  Fiery shots flew back and forth, dispersed into sparks by the blades of each combatant.

  This was no longer a fight between mortals. It would be appropriate to call this nothing less than a monster’s assault.

  At first, the shots came in a volley, but as the exchange dragged on, the order began to crumble, and the flames soon burst forth simultaneously from each side. If things kept on this way, it was sure to be a victory for Reltobert, who held the advantage in physical and magical reserves. However…

  “Mavis is…pushing him back…”

  Just as Reina noted, Mavis suddenly had the upper hand.

  And this was why:



  Indeed, the incantation for Mavis’s spell had suddenly become shorter.

  “Is this her ‘Bug-Killing Punch’?!” Mile shouted, but as usual, there was not a single person around who understood her meaning.

  The end came far too quickly.

  It was thanks to the consecutive firing of her spirit rifle (now, in practice, her fire magic) that Mavis, even with her failing stamina, managed to eke out a victory. Reltobert, who had no choice but to keep resisting her with his own fireballs, finally lost out in his rate of fire and was struck. In that moment, Mavis made her move, and the demon found himself with a sword to his throat.

  “M-match over!” the demon leader shouted, and the bout was officially ended.

  Reltobert was utterly speechless. He sta
red up at Mavis, who had moved in close to land the decisive blow. What he saw on her face was the smile of a goddess, sparkling warmly down at him.


  Reltobert swiftly turned away, a suspicious expression upon his face.

  Naturally, the source of the sparkling was the reflective coating that the nanomachines had formed around her face in order to protect her skin.


  The demons were silent.

  Three rounds. They had lost three rounds in a row. Both their magic and their swordsmanship had been surpassed by a group of human girls—still green behind the ears, no less.


  Their muscles were more potent than those of the elves, their wits sharper than those of the beasts, and their magic greater than any dwarf’s. Yes indeed, the demons were the superior race, and yet they had been bested by mere humans…

  There could be nothing more shocking, more humiliating.

  They couldn’t believe it. No, they did not want to believe it…

  They were stunned silent. The five could do nothing but stand stock-still and wordless.

  You know you’ve had enough, right? Come on and give it up already, the Crimson Vow urged them silently.

  Standing around forever waiting was not going to get anything accomplished, so finally Mile opened her mouth. “You made a promise. Now hurry up and tell us what we need to know!” she demanded.

  However, the demon leader shook his head.

  “No. It’s not over yet!”

  “Are you intending to break your promise?”

  Mile’s voice swiftly lowered, her face shifting from a peeved pout to an utterly blank expression.

  Oh no, she’s angry now!

  Indeed, just as her cohorts feared, Mile was angry.

  Mavis had literally surpassed the limits of human power, setting her heart, her soul, and even her innards on fire to eke out a victory. If the demons intended to invalidate what she had achieved, then Mile would have a thing or two to say about that.

  “I see… I see.”


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