Complete Sin Box Set

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Complete Sin Box Set Page 76

by Georgia Cates

  Ellison could be moving her things from this temporary place with me to another man’s home when she leaves. I don’t want to think about that right now. I can’t.

  “I don’t mind your stuff being all over our bedroom. And our bathroom. And the hallway leading from the staircase.” Trust me. Her shite is every-fucking-where. “I knew what I was getting into when I asked a high-maintenance lass like yourself to move in with me.”

  Ellison giggles. “You did not. You knew zero about what it would be like living with me. And I can guarantee that whatever you’re thinking you’ve gotten yourself into with me ain’t even close to the reality of it.”

  “Then why don’t you tell me?”

  “I was thinking I would show you.” She grins and I’ve come to know in a short while that it’s a sure sign of mischief. “That is if you think you can handle it.”

  “I promise I won’t be the one who can’t handle it.” I already know what kind of lover she likes and wants.

  And I very much want to be the alpha she wants.

  I pick Ellison up and throw her over my shoulder to carry her to the bed. Well, to the mattress on the floor.

  I was planning to wait until bedtime to fuck her—after the work was done and everything was in place—but she’s made it impossible for me to wait another minute.

  I toss her on the mattress and stand over her while I pull my T-shirt over my head and start working to get my jeans off. “I’m done waiting to have you.”

  She smiles as her eyes survey my body. “I’ve been wondering what you look like underneath your shirt.”


  “I approve one hundred percent.”

  “Take off your clothes, Mac. I want to watch you get naked.” My voice is stern. I’ll be the one in control. The one taking what I want. The one who’ll be completely unapologetic. Exactly what she said she wanted.

  It’s November, that time of year where Scotland experiences more darkness than light. The sun is long gone, so the room is illuminated only by the soft lamp on the bedside table. It’s actually sort of perfect.

  Ellison sits up and pulls her shirt over her head. Black and hot-pink lace covers what I already know is a beautiful pair of tits that fit my hands perfectly. And I can’t wait to get my hands on them again.

  Her lovely breasts tumble out of her bra and she tosses it on the mattress before pushing her thumbs into the waistband of her yoga pants to drag them down her legs. A tiny black and hot-pink lace triangle barely covers the mound between her thighs.

  She’s completely naked when she falls backward on the mattress, her feet apart and knees pressed together. Waiting. “No, Mac. You don’t get to close your legs on me. I want to see you. All. Of. You.” I put my palms together and then pull them apart to widen the space between my hands. “Spread them.”

  She bites her bottom lip—an attempt to mask her grin—as her knees slowly fall apart. “Is this what you want to look at?”

  My underwear is tight. My cock is straining hard against the fabric so I push them down and out of the way. “I think this is a sure sign I want to do more than look at it.”

  Ellison grins. “Mmm. Someone’s eager.”

  “You have no idea.”

  I go to my knees and crawl over Ellison. “I’ve imagined us like this no less than a million times. I’ve seen it happen in my head over and over.”

  Ellison brings my hand to her mouth to kiss my palm. “I’ve imagined us together too. I can’t tell you how many times.”

  My mouth connects with hers and she opens wide to invite my tongue inside to play. Silky. Slippery. Seductive. I like this game very much.

  A little taunting. A little tickling. A lot of teasing. This woman knows how a man likes to be kissed.

  I drag my mouth away from her lips and kiss that spot below her ear before moving down the side of her neck. My hands similarly mimic the downward motion beginning at her ribcage and moving lower on her sides, waist, and hips.

  She pushes her fingers into the top of my hair and arches her back when I move lower to suck her nipple into my mouth. A soft gasp/moan expels from her chest when my tongue licks the erect point.

  I know she’s going to squirm so I grasp her bum hard and hold her in place as I move lower to kiss the top of her pubic bone. “Doc, this teasing… it’s torture.”

  “Do you want my mouth on you?”

  She lifts her hips and squirms. “Yesss. So badly.”

  She jolts when my tongue darts out and licks the top of her slit. “Ohhh.”

  I tickle her clit with my tongue and then lick once. Twice. Three times. “I love the way you taste. And smell.”

  She rocks her hips in a back and forth motion against my mouth. Her body shudders and a moan is released when my tongue works her in a circular motion. “More?”

  “Please. Feels so good.”

  Pleasing Ellison. Hearing her moans. Licking her until she comes. I’m going to enjoy this.

  I grab one of the bed pillows I tossed on the mattress earlier. “Lift your bum.”

  I shove the incline beneath her hips so I can give her the angle—and oral attention—she deserves. I’m going to make this so good for her.

  I grab one ankle and push it away from the other so she’s spread wide, giving me full access. I knead the bend of her legs next to her labial lips and she rocks with my hand. “That’s it, Mac. I want you turned on for me.”

  Ellison reaches over her head, grasps the edge of the mattress, and squeezes. “No worries there. I’m so turned on for you right now.”

  I can’t resist putting my mouth on her. I alternate licking her slit and sucking her clit. I know it’s going to take her over the edge quickly but she will detonate like dynamite. That’s what she said she wanted so I think I’m obligated to deliver.

  “Oh… Oh, Doooc.”

  One of Ellison’s feet comes up and lands on my shoulder with her toes digging into my skin. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Fuck, don’t stop.”

  I would love to reassure her I have no intentions of stopping… but that would require me stopping. So instead, I suck her harder. So hard I’ll probably leave a mark there for days.

  I alternate sucking and licking while her hands delve into my hair and fist the top. She squirms and contorts her body to bring her pussy closer to my mouth. “Don’t stop. I’m coming. So. Hard.”

  She arches her back and cries out. “Doooc!”

  Her body contracts in a rhythmic pattern at least a dozen times. There’s no mistaking the spasms I feel against my mouth—or the light salty flavor against my tongue—when she comes. One sign of a good orgasm. Another is her screaming my name.

  And she does.

  Her body rhythmically tenses and relaxes. It’s followed by a series of verbal stammering and stuttering, some kind of undecipherable vocalization I somehow understand fluently.

  I’ve never had any concern for the pleasure of a woman but Ellison is different. She isn’t a random Fellowship woman I’m hooking up with at Duncan’s after I’ve had a half dozen Guinnesses or whiskies.

  I want this to be good for her.

  I want to please her.

  I want her eager to do this again. Soon.

  Ellison’s body goes completely limp, cueing me to the end of her orgasm and onset of bliss. She’s experiencing her post-orgasmic euphoria. I shattered her into a million pieces and now she’s riding that wonderful high. I did that to her.


  Ellison loops her arm around my shoulder and pulls me down so we’re face to face. “Not good. Splendid. Spectacular. Sensational. All of those super good S words you use when good just doesn’t seem to cover it.”

  “I’m glad; I wanted to own your orgasm.”

  “You owned it all right. Every spasm. Every contraction. Every pleasure. You. Own. Me. Period.”

  Hearing her say that I own her transforms my dick to steel. “I do own you, Mac.”

  She’s mine for as long as fate will allo
w me to have her.

  I grasp her chin and hold her face. “Beg me to put my cock inside you.”

  “I’m dying for you to put your long, thick cock inside me.” Ellison reaches between us and grasps my dick. I hiss through gritted teeth when she grips tightly and strokes me from base to tip, up and down. “Pleeease, Doc. I want to feel you moving inside me.”

  “I can’t think of anything I want more than you.”

  “I’m yours. Every part of me—if it’s what you want.” Ellison lightly bites my bottom lip and tugs. “Fuck me. Pleeease.”

  I told her to beg me—and she did—but she’s still freely and wholly offering herself to me. And it’s sexy as fuck.

  Ellison lifts her hips so she can rub her slick center against the tip of my cock. “You want this inside you, aye?”

  “Yes. More than anything.” She sucks my bottom lip into her mouth and tugs. “It’s okay, Doc. I’m on the pill.”

  No condom. No hesitation. I sink deep inside her, taking exactly what I want and not apologizing for it. That’s the kind of man she said she wanted. “Mmm. You’re so tight and wet, Mac. Pure magic.”

  Ellison’s legs bend at the knees and she wraps them around me with her heels digging into my bum, coaxing me. It says go deeper. Harder.

  I pull back and drive into her with complete domination. No mercy. No tenderness. No weakness. It feels like I’m fucking her through this mattress and into the wood floor beneath us.

  I want to own this woman. Every part of her.

  I don’t want any other man to have her. Ever.

  I pull out and thrust hard, pumping my cock in and out of her body. Bare. I don’t do that. Ever.

  My father was a narcissist. An arsehole. Maybe even a sociopath. But he taught me to never put my bare cock inside any woman—Fellowship or otherwise—unless I had claimed and married her.

  That’s what I want so badly.

  She kisses my lips and then moves her mouth over my jawline and down my neck. She nibbles the skin, lightly sucking on it, and I slow my pace.

  Want this… to go on… forever.

  Don’t want… to come.

  Not yet.

  Being inside her… feels way too good… for it to end… so soon.

  I grasp her thighs and push them back and apart. I continue to move in and out of her without hurry because the position is so intense. “I’ve never been inside anyone like this. Only you.”

  “No other man has ever been inside me like this either. Only you.”

  Thank fuck. That’s what I wanted to hear from her. Needed to hear. She’s giving all of herself to me, and I’m giving all of myself to her.

  It’s hot as fuck. Erotic. I can’t remember ever being turned on more.

  I cradle my hand around her cheek. “You are so beautiful, Mac.”

  I will be the strong alpha she craves, but with loving arms and gentle hands.

  She turns her face and kisses my palm. I’m filled with more emotions than I care to admit but my orgasm erases any trace of words forming on my tongue.

  I grasp her hip and thrust deeply as I explode inside her. Coming. So hard.

  This didn’t feel the way I thought it would. It’s even better.

  And it has nothing to do with foregoing the condom. It’s all to do with the woman. Her. My Mac.

  I come up behind Ellison and wrap my arms around her as I peer over her shoulder at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. “Wow. You look beautiful.” I wish she didn’t. At least not tonight. I don’t want her looking pretty for anyone but me.

  “That was a sweet thing to say. Thank you.”

  Being sweet wasn’t my intention. I was voicing an observation—one I don’t like.

  “The brothers are going to be looking at you. Salivating. Thinking about everything they’d do if they could get their filthy hands on you.” I’m getting pissed off thinking about it.

  “There’s only one brother who has permission to put his hands on me.”

  What if she meets her mate tonight at this Fellowship event? What if she sees him and they make a connection? What if I have to watch it happen right before my eyes?

  One of my brothers touching her.

  Kissing her.

  Claiming her.


  I hate this.

  I reach under Ellison’s dress and fist her knickers so I can drag them down her legs. “I need to be inside you.”

  She grins at me in the mirror. “Jamie. You’ve been inside me four times in the last twenty-four hours.”

  It’s not enough. “I can’t help it, Ellison. I want you to smell like me. I want you sore every time you move tonight so you’ll think of me and remember who just fucked you raw.”

  “It’s time to go. We’ll be late.” I don’t care.

  I kiss the bare skin of her shoulder. “Please, Mac. I need this. I need you.”

  I push black lace down her hips and she doesn’t stop me. She steps out of the knickers when they land on top of her high heels so that’s as good as a yes in my book.

  She holds her dress out of the way as she leans forward and tilts her hips so I can guide my dick into her from behind. I’m in deep when I pull out almost all the way, and then thrust my cock in so hard my balls slap against her.

  No one has ever felt this good. We fit together perfectly, like we were made for each other.

  I start slow at first, increasing my pace. I reach full speed with Ellison grinding against me, matching my every stroke. “I’m gonna come inside you. I need to know you have a part of me in you when you’re with the brothers tonight.”

  Ellison’s body jerks with every thrust as she watches my reflection fuck hers in the mirror. My balls tighten and I empty myself inside her as I press my forehead to the bare skin of her shoulder. “Ohh. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  I press my forehead into the back of her hair and savor the feel of her body squeezing my cock before pulling out and grabbing the hand towel to clean the semen running down her legs. “You’re wearing my brand tonight.” And although the brothers won’t know, I will. I will know she’s wearing my brand.

  I clean myself when I finish with her and toss the towel into the hamper. “Ready?”

  Ellison is looking at me with anger in her eyes. “Ah, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t make you come.” That was selfish of me.

  I push my hand between her legs. “Come here and I’ll take care of you.”

  “We don’t have time.”

  “We’ll make time.”

  Ellison fetches her knickers from the floor, steps in, and yanks them up. “Filling me with your cum so you can feel like you’ve marked your territory was unnecessary. You own me, Jamie. All of me. I don’t know what part of that you don’t understand.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  She’s fuming.

  And I’ve fucked up. Big time.

  Ellison leaves the bedroom without another word and I find her waiting in the Range Rover. I get in and grip the wheel as I search for the words I need to say so I can fix this.

  “I fucked up, Mac. I’m so sorry I let a streak of jealousy get the better of me. I don’t know how to do this. You and me. It’s foreign.”

  “Your jealousy is unwarranted. I don’t want this party. I don’t want to be introduced to the brothers tonight. I don’t want to be put on display for them to appraise and evaluate as a contender to be their wife. I want us. I. Want. You.”

  I hear her devotion. I believe in it. But my confidence is shaken every time I think about tonight and what’s going to happen.

  She could end up with someone else. And tonight could be beginning.

  It would be no fault of hers. This will all be on me if I don’t come up with a way to safely have her as my wife. “I’m sorry I was an arse. Please forgive me, Mac.”

  “I don’t mind you being jealous or possessive or territorial. I like it. But the way you fucked me just now seemed more about them than us. I’m not down with that.”

word she just said is true. “I get it. And it won’t happen again. Promise. When we’re together, it’ll be about us and no one else.”

  “Promise me, Jamie.”

  “I swear.”

  Thane and Isobel’s property is filled with Fellowship members. Each and every one of them are in the dark about why they’ve been summoned to their leader’s home.

  Ellison and I leave the main house and go out back to the huge canopy Isobel uses when there’s a Fellowship event at her home. Isobel and her events. Always making a formal gathering out of everything. At least she didn’t turn this one into a formal dinner.

  The attention of every Fellowship member—both male and female—is captured when we approach. “Oh God, Jamie. They’re staring at me. Every one of them.”

  “You’re a new face to most of them. That doesn’t happen often around here.” The only new people who show at Fellowship events are babies and new members who’ve undergone endurance to join.

  “This doesn’t feel like a good kind of attention. I don’t like it.”

  I see some not-so friendly expressions but all of those are from women. The men look quite welcoming.

  “You’ve been hidden away from them for months. It’s only natural they’d be curious about you and why you’re here.”

  “I feel like I have three heads.”

  “You only have one and it’s quite a lovely head. I’m sure that’s what they’re all thinking.”

  I’m a little surprised by Ellison’s reaction to gaining everyone’s attention. I would have expected her to enjoy being the center of attention.

  “I wish you could hold my hand or put your arm around me.”

  “Me too, babe.” She has no idea how much I’d like to do that. Show all of these fuckers that she’s mine.


  I’m relieved—and I know Ellison is as well—when Bleu approaches.

  “Oh, Elli. You look stunning. Love the dress.” Ellison is sexy as fuck tonight. That isn’t helping with the way I feel about Sin introducing her to the brotherhood tonight. He’s going to tell them she wants to join us and one lucky bastard gets a crack at her.

  “I wasn’t sure what to wear but you can never go wrong with black, right?”


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