Complete Sin Box Set

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Complete Sin Box Set Page 105

by Georgia Cates

  I’d be jealous if Mitch weren’t her cousin. Shaw’s mouth pulls to the side, her nose scrunches, and she shrugs. “I… guess.” She comes to Westlyn and leans close for her first look at her husband-to-be.

  “What do you think?”

  She suppresses a smile. Little shite likes what she sees. There’s promise yet. “You’re right. He is handsome.”

  “We were raised more like siblings than cousins. I know almost everything about Mitch. I can tell you anything you want to know about him.” Westlyn flips through several more photos. “Here he is playing with the babies. I think it’s my favorite picture of him.”

  I like what Westlyn is doing with my sister. Building Mitch’s character in Shaw’s eyes. But she needs to do it later. I’m ready to get her under me.

  I wrap my arms around Westlyn from behind. “You and Shaw can continue this conversation tomorrow.”

  My mum grins. “It’s been a long, stressful day. I’m sure the two of you would like to retire early.”

  “Retiring early? That’s what we’re calling it these days?”

  At first I think Shaw is being her typical cheeky self, but her giggle lets me know that she’s jesting. I think getting a look at her intended and approving of him has improved her mood.

  “Maybe we can have lunch together tomorrow? I’m eager to get to know you both.” I love that Westlyn wants to get to know my mum and sister.

  “I think that’s a lovely idea.” Mum comes to Westlyn and kisses the side of her face. “I’m very happy that everything went well today. Glad to have you back.”

  “I’m happy to be back too.”

  Not as happy as she’s going to be. I think about all the things I’m going to do to Westlyn when I get her in my bed, and my dick gets so hard that it’s difficult to walk. My suite feels a million miles away.

  I shut the door behind us and lock it… just in case. Our fun has been interrupted too many times.

  She stops before reaching the bed and turns to look at me. I grab the knot of my tie and slowly drag it downward while I eye fuck her. “I love the way you look tonight.” The tight black dress hugs her curves perfectly, showing off her full breasts, small waist, and round bottom. And the heels… fuck, they stretch her legs for miles.

  “I’m glad you like it. I wore it just for you.”

  Fuck yeah, she wore it for me. I slip my jacket off and toss it toward the chair, coming nowhere near making it. Fuck it.

  “You wore it for me. Now take it off for me.” She moves her hands behind her back and lowers the zipper to her waist. The fabric over both shoulders falls, revealing the most perfect pair of tits in a black lace push-up bra. “Wiggle out of the dress… slowly. And leave the heels on.”

  I untuck my shirt and work on unbuttoning it, beginning at the top, while she pushes her dress down her hips and legs. My shirt and her dress hit the floor at the same time. She kicks out of the fabric and is left only in her heels and black lace lingerie. So fucking hot.

  I unfasten the button on my pants and lower the zipper. “Take off your bra. I want to see your tits.”

  I kick out of my shoes and push my pants down my legs. Bending down to remove my socks, I never take my eyes off her as she unclasps her bra and makes a show of lowering the straps and tossing it aside.

  Most gorgeous tits I’ve ever seen. Perfect size. Perfect shape. Perfect color. So perky for their fullness. And her nipples… when I lick them, they feel like smooth pebbles against my tongue.

  We’re on even ground with me in my boxer briefs and her in her knickers. My fingers mimic hers, going into her waistband at the same time hers dive into mine. We’re like mirror images pushing underwear down our legs. And then we’re both standing before each other bare.

  Her body in contrast to mine is so different. I’m hard where she’s soft. I bulge where she curves. I have hair where she’s smooth. Everything about her body is feminine and delicate.

  I stare at the Y where her legs meet, and that one little tuft of hair above the slit of her pussy drives me fucking mad. The longer I stand here looking at her naked and in those heels, the harder my cock gets. I have to touch her.

  She moves to the bed, lowering her body so that she’s lying on her back, knees bent. She watches me through the wide space between her thighs.

  I stop when I reach the bed and look at her pussy. It’s glistening wet and extra pink and swollen from the increased blood flow. She’s ready for me. “Do you like it when I lick you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Do you want me to eat you?”

  “Ohh… yes.”

  I’m not sure who likes it more. Me or her. “I want to hear you say it.”

  Her cheeks pinken. “I want you to lick my pussy… and eat me out.”

  I crawl onto the bed and kneel before her, slowly sliding down so my face is buried between her legs. I push her thighs apart and trail my nose up her slit, inhaling her sweet scent. I love the way she smells.

  She moans when my tongue moves up and down her center. I lick and suck and munch on her pussy like it’s the best meal I’ve ever had. My mouth slurping her juices makes one of the most obscene noises I’ve ever heard. Fuck, I love that sound. Makes me even harder.

  Her hands fist my hair and her back arches from the bed, shifting her hips so her legs are spread even wider. My mouth explores and tastes everything in between, including her orgasm. “Ohhh… Kieran. I’m coming.”

  I suck her clit hard once more, finishing her off with a bang, before I crawl up her body. I can’t resist taking her hand in mine and bringing both to our chests. This time I don’t have to tell her to say it. “Mo chroí,” we whisper together.

  I kiss her mouth and smile against her lips. “I’ve been gentle with you the other times, but tonight I want to stretch your pussy. I want to fuck you hard and pound my cock in you so deep that when I come, my seed squirts into the mouth of your womb.”

  Her breath hitches. “Do it. Fuck me as hard as you want.”

  I grab her hips and adjust her underneath me, lining her body up so it can take every inch of my cock. I’m so hard that I don’t even have to use my hand to guide it to her entrance. I thrust and it slides into her tight, slick hole.

  I sink deep into her walls, and they squeeze my cock like magic. Her small pussy wrapped around my dick feels amazing. I move in and out of her, building the pace, my balls slapping against her bum. I love seeing her tits jarred with every thrust.

  She rocks her hips, meeting me thrust for thrust, and we increase the speed until we reach high gear. I grab the backs of her thighs and push her legs up so that she’s folded in half. She screams with my next thrust. “Oh God. I feel you hitting it.”

  It. She means her womb. I bore into her like a jackhammer, every plunge forcing a moan of pleasure from her throat. My eyes lock on hers as I give her my full length over and over. Every stroke is symbolic of my claiming this woman as mine.

  Her soft sighs and murmurs of pleasure build, and I’m not sure when, but at some point, they become loud moans gradually developing into screams. Some of them include my name. Good thing we’re the only ones in this wing of the compound.

  I feel my orgasm approaching. I thrust hard and deep, pushing her legs back so I can squirt my hot seed into the opening of her womb. “Tell me how much you want my cum inside you.”

  “I want it all. Every last drop… inside me.”

  “Fuck!” My cock thickens, and I tremble as my cum shoots out, filling her with every drop I have in my balls. I ride out the pleasure until I have nothing left to give.

  I don’t pull out when I’m finished. I want to stay buried inside this woman as long as possible. And keep my semen where it needs to be.

  I release her legs and fall on top of her. Exhausted. Sweaty. Empty.

  Her arms wrap around my back, and her nails lightly scrape against my skin. We lie that way, saying nothing, until my cock goes completely soft and slides out of her.

  I roll off h
er and lie on my back by her side. “Was I too rough?”

  “No. I liked it. It was a nice alternative to making love.”

  Happy to hear that. “I enjoy slow and sweet, but sometimes a man just needs to feel like a man and fuck hard.”

  “You can fuck me hard anytime you want.”

  I had no idea what I was getting when I stole Westlyn. And then I saw her face. I thought she was beautiful, but I still didn’t know what I was getting. Now I’ve made her mine, and I’m only beginning to find out who she is.

  An amazing woman. An amazing lover. An amazing wife.

  I think she makes falling in love with her very easy.

  Chapter 15

  Westlyn Breckenridge

  “Shaw and I haven’t ventured out in Edinburgh much, so we’re not familiar with the restaurants. Would you mind choosing for us, Westlyn?”

  “I would love to take you to Duncan’s. It’s The Fellowship drinking hole, but they have a nice choice of pub food.” A wrinkle forms across Arabella’s forehead. “But we can go somewhere else if you’re not comfortable with being around Fellowship members yet.”

  “Someone has to make the first move. We’ll have lunch at Duncan’s.” She smiles. “And hope that no one spits in our food.”

  There are more patrons than usual at Duncan’s. “Big crowd. They must have some good daily specials.”

  We’re forced to sit at a table in the middle of the pub. Not the one I would have chosen, but we’ll take what we can get.

  Nessa, one of Leith’s new barmaids, is at our table almost instantly. Nice girl. “Any good specials today?”

  “The Scottish tapas are delicious. Pan-seared chicken is a close second. Don’t get the trout. It’s not fresh.”

  “Tapas and a pint of Guinness for me.”

  I look over at the triad table—Sin, Leith, and Jamie’s special table—and it’s empty. A reminder that Jamie is at the infirmary recovering from endurance. Ellison reassures me that he’s all right and that she’s going to take good care of him, but I still worry.

  “Wes…” I instinctively turn when I hear my name, and I nearly choke when I see who it is.

  Shite. Shaw is going to think I planned this meeting. No way she won’t. I’m certain she’ll lose all trust in me now.

  I get up and Mitch kisses the side of my face. “Surprised to see you here.”

  I laugh nervously. “Same here.”

  Mitch looks at my lunch guests, waiting for an introduction. All color drains from Shaw’s face, no doubt because she recognizes Mitch from the photos I showed her last night. “Mitch, this is Arabella and Shaw Hendry.”

  His eyes go directly to his intended, and he smiles. “Shaw…” He moves toward her and holds out his hand. I sigh with relief when she offers her hand instead of… I don’t know what. Shaw’s behavior has been so unpredictable that she’s capable of just about anything. “This day just got a whole lot better.”

  Shaw smiles. “That’s a nice thing to say.”

  “Would you care to step outside with me for a moment? I’d love to talk… just the two of us.”

  Shaw’s eyes widen, and she nods. “Okay.”

  Arabella and I watch Mitch and Shaw walk toward the front door. “I would love to eavesdrop on the conversation those two are about to have. Did you know that Mitch would be here?”

  I come here for lunch often, and I’ve never seen him in here at this time of day. “I had no idea.”

  “I hope that he says something to bring her to her senses. As much as her father and I have tried, we haven’t been able to make her see reason.”

  Shaw’s continued refusal to wed Mitch is going to cause a big problem with The Fellowship. They could stop my marriage and try to take me back. I don’t want that. And Kieran won’t allow it without a fight. If she doesn’t go along with the treaty, there will be a war.

  “I thought she was coming around a little last night when she saw the pictures of him.” I could tell that she was liking what she saw.

  “She did say that he was handsome, but I don’t think his physical appearance is going to change her mind. She wants to marry for love.”

  She looked happy to meet him just now. “She could fall in love with Mitch.”

  “And you could fall in love with Kieran.”

  “I’m fairly certain that’s already on its way to happening.” I look down to hide my embarrassment. “That’s crazy, right? We’ve known each other for five minutes.”

  “Everything about your relationship with Kieran is on high speed. I don’t think it’s crazy at all.” So many factors have sped up this process.

  “When did you know that you loved Lennox?” Or does she love him?

  “I was infatuated with him very early on. Before we married. But I don’t think I loved him until about halfway through my pregnancy with Kieran.”

  “How long before he loved you?”

  “It happened much sooner for me than for him, but I think that’s just a man thing. They’re different creatures and don’t feel the depths of emotion the way we do.”

  “I’ve been surprised by Kieran’s behavior. I expected him to be coldhearted, and he was right after we met, but he’s different now. He acts as though he’s open to falling in love with me.”

  “My son is under your spell.” I think she’s politely saying that he is obsessed with my vagina. And she’s right. He is. “Enchanted or captivated or whatever you want to call it… it’s not a bad place to be at this early point in your relationship.”

  “I like where things are going with us.”

  “Kieran likes it too.” Arabella looks over my shoulder. “Here she comes… without Mitch.”

  Shaw takes her seat and battles a smile while saying nothing. She’s going to make us ask.

  Arabella is on the edge of her seat. “Well?”

  “Well what?”

  “Stop being a shite and tell me what happened between Mitch and you.”

  “He’s giving me until Sunday evening to come to him on my own. After that, he’s coming to the compound to claim me. Well… to collect me. And then I guess he means to claim me.”

  Wow. That’s not what I was expecting out of mild-mannered Mitch.

  “What are you going to do?” Not sure why I ask. I know she isn’t going voluntarily.

  “If he wants me, he’ll have to come take me.”

  “Will you go willingly?” Arabella sounds so hopeful.

  “No way. I’m playing hard to get.”

  Arabella lowers her forehead to her palm. “You are hard to get. There’s no playing to it.”

  “Well, things are different now that we’ve met and spoken.” Her cheeks redden. “He told me that I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.”

  That catches her mum’s attention. “Oh? I’m sure that must have been very flattering to hear from a handsome man.”

  “No man has ever said anything like that to me.” She covers her mouth and giggles. “And he couldn’t stop touching me.”

  “Touching you?” Where did they go that he was freely having body contact with her?

  “Nothing out of line. He reached out and took my hand and rubbed his thumb back and forth over the top while he told me what he planned to do. It was nice. I liked it.”

  Shaw is like me in the respect that she’s never gotten much male attention. I’m sure she is flattered by Mitch’s interest.

  Before last night, Mitch was a faceless name. Then he was only a person in photos who she’d never spoken to. This chance encounter changes everything.

  “I think it’ll be romantic if Mitch comes and takes me. That’s what Dad did with you. And the same with Kieran and Westlyn, except with more force. Both of those instances worked out.”

  Arabella inhales and releases her breath slowly. “I’m relieved that you’re finally accepting Mitch as your fate.”

  “Well, I’m relieved that he isn’t disgusting. He’s even better looking in person. And taller than I expected.
And more muscular.” Sounds like Shaw was noticing every detail about Mitch. “Thank you for bringing us here.”

  “It was just fate for you two to meet today.”

  “I think so too.”

  I spent the day showing Arabella and Shaw around Edinburgh, particularly some of the best places to eat and shop. We even went into a bridal shop and looked at dresses. My mum would be furious if she knew I did that with Arabella instead of her.

  I enjoyed our time together. Arabella is so much more pleasant than my mother, and Shaw showed me a new side of her I’d not seen. One I like very much. I think we could be fast friends.

  Everything about my new life is good. I didn’t know that I could be this happy and with people who were strangers to me not so long ago.

  I’ve heard people say that it’s possible to meet someone new and feel like you’ve known each other for years. That’s how I feel about Kieran. Like we’ve known each other in another life and this isn’t our first time meeting.

  I feel myself beginning to care for him. It’s not love yet, but I feel like that’s something that could come easily… especially if we continue to grow closer through physical intimacy.

  Every time he touches my body, another part of me becomes his. At the rate we’re going, he’ll own every part of me by the time we marry.

  Only a month until I’m Mrs. Kieran Hendry. I wonder if I’ll already be pregnant when I walk down the aisle. Part of me hopes not, but then another part hopes I am so I can please Kieran; I know a baby would make him happy.

  A son. An heir. That’s what Kieran wants first, and then sweet little girls to adore and spoil. I wonder if there’s a way to increase the odds of conceiving a boy. I think that’s something I should investigate.

  My head is tilted back, the water rinsing the conditioner from my hair. My eyes are closed, but I hear the bathroom door open and then close again. “Kieran?”

  “It’s me. I’m coming in.” Amazing how quickly I’m becoming accustomed to living with Kieran and doing everyday domestic things together. Like showering at the same time. God, I love the way his hands feel on me when my skin is wet. It’s so much more sensitive and responsive.


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