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Complete Sin Box Set

Page 125

by Georgia Cates

  “I don’t want a cesarean.”

  “I didn’t want one either but the cesarean wasn’t so bad,” Bleu says.

  I don’t care for the thought of having my abdomen sliced open. “I’ll pass, thank you.”

  “You and Leith can’t wait too long to start having babies. You have huge reproductive responsibilities.”

  “What kind of responsibilities?”

  “You’re the only ones from within our inner circle of friends who aren’t Breckenridges or married to Breckenridges. I need you to have daughters for my sons to marry.”

  The boys are only a year old. “I think we have a little time.”

  “Ohhh… shit.”

  When am I going to get used to hearing Ellison and Bleu say shit instead of shite. “Oh shit, what?”

  Ellison nods in the direction of Leith. “What is she doing?”



  “Maybe she’s congratulating him?” Westlyn. Always the optimist.

  “Not likely based on that ugly face she’s making. Lorna, you need to go douse whatever that is before she causes a scene.”

  Chapter 11

  Leith Duncan

  “What bullshit! She’s always been the only woman in my heart. Are you fucking kidding me, Leith?”

  I can’t believe that Greer wants to hash this out here and now. “Lorna was and always will be the only woman that I love.”

  “Really? Was she in your heart while your cock was in my mouth?”

  I grab Greer by the upper arm and pull her away from prying ears. “Stop being vulgar.”

  “Oh? You didn’t think that it was vulgar while I was on my knees sucking you off, but it is now?”

  Tonight is supposed to be about my future with Lorna. Not my past. “Don’t do this. Please. Not during this special time for us.”

  “Would your wedding be a better time?”

  No. She wouldn’t. Surely, she wouldn’t.

  Would she?

  “You need to stop this juvenile behavior.”

  “I will… after everyone knows what you did to me.”

  The band begins playing and I’m glad. The volume of this conversation is escalating quickly. “What have I done to you?”

  “You made me believe that we had a chance to be together.”

  Is she fucking kidding me? “I never said anything that would have led you to believe that.”

  “We were together a lot, Leith.”

  “We had sex.” I look around to see if anyone is looking at us. “That’s all it was. Nothing special.”

  “It happened almost every day for six months. You were developing feelings for me. I could tell.”

  She was an easy hookup. A physical act to get off. That’s all. “It was fun and it felt good in the moment, I can’t deny that, but I never felt love for you.”

  “I think you did but you won’t admit it because of her.”

  She’s delusional if she believes that I loved her. “Did I ever bring you to my flat?”


  “Did I ever go home with you?”


  She often suggested that we get together at her place or mine, but I wasn’t interested.

  “I fucked you in my office but never brought you to my home. Never brought you to my mum’s. Never took you on a date. What did you think that meant?”

  Greer’s hand comes up to her forehead and she pushes her hair back. “Lorna was right there when we were together. She saw every time that you took me into your office. How could you be with me if you were so in love with her?”

  Okay. That’s a legitimate argument, and I see how it could be misconstrued. “Lorna and I had separated. I was in pain and I thought I’d never have her again.”

  “Oh my God. She had to have known what we were doing.”

  “She knew. And it hurt her.” And I hate myself for doing that to her.

  “You fired me because of her.”

  “I fired you because you couldn’t take no for an answer.” Greer was forever touching me and trying to seduce me into having sex with her again. It was exhausting and I grew tired of telling her no over and over. But also, I didn’t want Lorna to believe that we were still shagging.

  “You’ve ruined me with the brothers. I’m tainted now.”

  Oh no. She doesn’t get to pin that on me. “You aren’t ruined with them because of me. I wasn’t your first.”

  Greer was very experienced at sex. She hadn’t given her virginity away and then moved on to me. She knew exactly how to please a man.

  “I wasn’t a virgin, but there was no reason for the brothers not to think otherwise. As far as they knew, I was untouched. Until they saw you taking me into your office over and over again. And now I’ll never find a brother who will marry me.”

  “You made that choice knowing what the outcome would be.”

  “I made that choice because I was in love with you. But I see now that you were just using me.”

  “There’s no innocent party here. We used each other.”

  She reaches out and takes my hands in hers. “I can make you happy. I would make a wonderful wife for you.”

  I pull my hands away from hers. “I’ve chosen my wife and it’s not you.”

  Her eyes narrow. “I won’t let you get away with treating me like this.”

  This has gone on for long enough. “Leave this party on your own or I’ll have you thrown out.”

  She laughs. “Walk out quietly and let you win? Or humiliate you by being carried out kicking and screaming? Hmm… I think I choose the latter.”

  She gains nothing by being carried out of here like a madwoman. “You still have a chance to find a husband but not if you cause a scene for all to see. No brother will have you after that. You might want to reconsider.”

  Lorna appears at my side. Shite, I didn’t see her coming. “Leith is right. Don’t do that to yourself.”

  Greer glares at Lorna. “Shut. Your. Mouth.”

  “Come on, Greer. We were friends.”

  “Only because I didn’t know that you had him wrapped around your little finger. I had no idea that while he was fucking me, he was thinking of you. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?”

  “I can assure you that it doesn’t compare to what I felt every time I saw you go into his office and close the door.”

  Hearing Lorna say that makes me feel like shite.

  “Good. I’m glad it hurt. And guess what? It’s going to hurt a whole hell of a lot more before I’m finished with him.”

  Lorna looks up at me. “We love each other and we’re going to be husband and wife. There’s nothing you can do to stop that.”

  “I guess we’ll see about that.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby.” I can’t stop saying it.

  “Stop, Leith. Don’t keep apologizing for Greer’s actions. They are her own, not yours. What happened tonight wasn’t your fault.”

  “It wasn’t your fuckup that was interjected into our lives only moments after we announced our engagement. It was my past. That makes it my fault and I feel like shite about it.”

  “We’ve had this conversation and made our decision about it. Forget the past. Let it die.”

  We’ve left a trail of clothing from the front door to the bedroom. I’m completely naked when Lorna shoves me down on the bed and crawls on top of me, her mouth coming down hard against mine. My lips immediately pulsate from the not-so-gentle assault.

  We just left our engagement party. I thought Lorna would be feeling romantic. Romance is her thing. I expected her to want me to make love to her.


  Nothing about her kiss is gentle. It’s fierce, frantic, and frenzied. She went from nothing to all-consuming in the blink of an eye.

  Gripping the top of my hair, she forces my head to tilt to the side. Her mouth leaves mine and drags across my face to cover my ear. “You are mine. Say it.”

  Damn. That’s hot.

  “I am

  “Only mine. Say it.”

  “I am only yours. Always.”

  She rises and sits atop of my body. Her long, dark hair is falling over one shoulder, leaving the other completely exposed. I want to kiss the bare skin there because I know how much she loves it. And I know how much I love to make her shiver.

  My hands move to her hips and I grip them, my fingertips digging into her soft flesh. My cock strains, eager to be inside her. “Every man wishes that he had a woman as beautiful as you to look up at when he lies on his back.”

  “And every man wishes that he had a woman who knows how to ride his cock the way that I’m going to ride yours. Lucky you.”


  Her hands glide up my chest when she leans forward and her gorgeous tits are positioned perfectly in my face. Her nails drag down my skin, enticing a hunger deep within to rise to the surface. I want to act upon it, flipping her to her back and pounding my cock into her. But she wants or needs the control tonight, and I’m going to let her have it.

  My hands cling to her hips, and I take a breath as I anticipate the feel of her warm, snug pussy around my cock. Anticipation… I hate and love it at the same time.

  Her hand grips my cock, and she slides down my length, my body slowly stretching hers in one smooth motion until I’m deep inside her. Her movement is a delectable combination of rising, rolling her hips, and lowering her pussy down my shaft.

  Lorna is a winning jockey when it comes to riding my cock.

  I roll my hips with her to deepen the penetration, and she digs her fingers into my shoulders. It hurts a little but I welcome it because I know it’s her reaction to being stretched deep and wide by my dick.

  I like this—being ridden by the woman that I love. And I like her rough edge. Lorna taking control of sex is hot. “I love the way you feel on top.”

  Her tight pussy takes me in and out, over and over. I close my eyes and concentrate on not coming, but my dick has a mind of its own and no amount of concentration will prolong this for much longer. It feels too fucking good.

  “Fuck, I’m already close. Are you going to be able to come like this?”

  “I may beat you there.”

  Her palms are pressed flat against my chest, supporting the weight of her upper body.

  I watch her face as she moves up and down my length. With her eyes closed, her lips form that distinct O like she might come any second.

  Her lips are irresistible, so full and stained a deep red from her lipstick. “Kiss me, baby.”

  She leans down and presses her mouth to mine. She kisses me, inhaling deeply through her nose. At the same time, her hands are moving all over me, touching me everywhere that she can reach.

  She breathes into my mouth between kisses, trying to catch her breath as blind lust takes over. She sucks my bottom lip and gives it a little bite. It hurts a bit but it’s so sexy that it sends shivers down my spine. She presses her lips against my ear and breathes into my canal, only adding to the shivers. “I’m going to come.”

  “I am too.”

  I lift my hips to rock into her, wanting every inch of my cock inside her when I detonate. I can feel the explosion forming, and I know that I’m about to give her everything that I have. I want to fill her until she can’t hold another drop.

  “Ohh… Leith… it’s starting.”

  Her eyes are squeezed shut, and her open mouth is pressed against mine, her breath coming out as whimpers against my lips.

  “That’s it, baby. Come all over me.”

  She tightens around me and my detonator is pushed. Pounded. Punched.

  I grip her hips and pull her all of the way onto my cock hard when I come. It isn’t possible to be closer than we are in this moment.

  When it’s over, she collapses against me, her every muscle quivering.

  My girl is a gorgeous sex vixen.

  But the sex isn’t sensational because of her beauty. It’s the best that I’ve ever experienced because we share a connection that no one else understands. It’s not something that a person can comprehend unless they’ve experienced it for themselves.

  Apart, we’re weak. Together, we’re strong.

  Apart, we’re in hell. Together, we’re in heaven.

  Apart, we’re broken. Together, we’re whole.

  Chapter 12

  Lorna Frazier

  It’s after eight o’clock and Leith’s eyes are still closed. It’s not like him to sleep after seven, but we had a late night after our engagement party. Late and draining.

  I slide across the bed slowly, trying to not wake him, but I know that it’s in vain when I hear his voice. “Hey, you. Come back here.”

  “I can’t. I should have already gotten up.”

  He ignores my reply and pulls me against him. “My shift at the bar doesn’t start until three. We can stay in bed all day… doing a lot more of what we did last night.”

  “I would love to but I’m going wedding dress shopping with Jenny and the girls today.”

  “I forgot about that. What kind of dress are you looking for?”

  “I’m not sure. I only know that it won’t be formal.”

  “My only request is that it looks like a wedding dress. Even though we’re getting married at the bar, I want you to look like a bride.”

  I didn’t expect Leith to care one way or another about my dress. “I was planning to buy a short one.” That seems most suitable, considering the venue.

  “A real bride wears a long white dress.”

  Not that I’m opposed to it, but that’s not what I had in mind at all. “There are plenty of short dresses that look like they belong on a bride.”

  “Some things I’d like to keep traditional, and your wedding dress is one of them. I want you to wear a long white bridal gown when you become my wife.”

  This is blowing my mind. I didn’t think Leith would care what I was wearing.

  “All right. If the dress is that important to you.”

  “It is.”

  “I guess you have an opinion about the veil too?”

  “I would like for you to wear one.”

  He has a vision for the way he’d like me to look. Well, I have a vision too. “I’ll wear the long dress and veil if you wear the Duncan tartan. And I mean your formal kilt outfit with the sporran and kilt hose and flashes. The whole package. I don’t want to see you in a suit with only a small accent piece of the Duncan plaid.”

  “Of course, I’ll wear my formal kilt outfit. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Sin hasn’t worn his kilt in years. I just don’t want you to think it’s all right to skip an important tradition because our leader chooses to.” Sin once wore his formal kilt outfit with pride. I don’t know what happened. I haven’t seen him in it in years.

  “Sin has his reasons for no longer wearing a kilt.”

  “Which are what?”

  “It’s not my place to discuss that.”

  I don’t like it when Leith keeps things from me.

  I lift one of my legs and wrap it around him. “I could come up with a way to force you to tell me… if I cared. But I don’t care why he chooses to not wear it.”

  “I’m glad that you don’t care.”

  Will Leith always have a hang-up where Sin is concerned?

  He’s spent a lot of years believing that I chose to be with Sin. He was wrong, but I guess it’s a mind-set that’s going to take a while to leave behind. That’s why it’s so important that I show him every day that I choose him.

  “I only care about you and us. That’s it. Nothing else matters.”

  “I know but sometimes I need to hear you say it.”

  “I understand but sometimes I need to hear it too.” He isn’t the only one who needs reassurance.

  “You’re the only one I dream about. The only one I want. The only one I love.”

  “I want to spend forever with you.” I lean in and kiss the tip of his nose. “And I’m going to, but first I have to get ou
t of this bed and go find the perfect dress for our wedding day.”

  Leith’s hand comes down hard against my bum when I get up. “Go now before I flip you on to your back and have my way with you again.”

  I look at dress number three in the mirror as I stand on the platform, and my eyes immediately go to my boobs. “This one is a no.”

  Bleu gets up from the sofa where she and the girls are sitting and walks closer, studying me. “I think it’s beautiful. What do you not like about it?”

  I look at Janet, the sales associate who is helping me, and wave my hand over the top of the dress. “It’s the cleavage. Too much is showing. Can you show me something with more coverage at the top?”

  “Of course.”

  “Did Leith tell you to choose a modest dress?”

  “No. His only requests were long and white. I’m the one who doesn’t want the dress to reveal too much.”

  The girls don’t know what it was like for me, walking around in that pub uniform. The brothers of The Fellowship saw too much of my body for too many years. I won’t have them seeing it on my wedding day.

  “I wore a modest dress because it’s what Kieran requested, and I thought my dress was beautiful. Well, both of my dresses.”

  Both of my dresses. What a horrible reminder that Westlyn was attacked by a lunatic with a knife during the fitting appointment for her first wedding dress.

  “I didn’t see your first choice, but the one you wore on your wedding day was stunning.” Proving that modest doesn’t have to equal ugly or boring.

  The salesclerk approaches the platform with a plastic bag draped over her arm. “This one just arrived. It’s from a collection by a new designer. It’s different but I think it’s worth a try.”

  She lowers the zipper on the bag and I immediately see layers of sheer fabric embroidered with silver thread. “How do you feel about the silver?”

  It’s fabulous. “I love it but I don’t know if Leith will. He was very specific about the dress being white.”

  She pulls the dress out of the bag and I get a better look at it. “I don’t think that the silver takes away from the dress being white at all. To me, it appears whiter and brighter because of the silver embellishments.”


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