The Shadows of Blackbriar Academy

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The Shadows of Blackbriar Academy Page 20

by Olivia Ash

  I narrow my eyes on him. “Why do I feel like this is an elaborate scheme?”

  He feigns insult, though never stalls in dragging me along. “Honestly. Of all the things I’ve done for you without gratitude or expecting anything in return.” He shakes his head. “You think you know someone, then BAM!” He slaps his hands together. “You’re given a hefty dose of reality.”

  I choke back a chuckle as he dramatically waves his hands in the air and bows his head, shaking it back and forth.

  I realize he’s not going to stop until I prompt him. “Are you done yet?”

  He spins on his heels to face me, clutching his hands to his heart. “Wren, how could you think so little of me?”

  I chuckle. “All right, all right. I trust you. Next time, bring a friggin’ blindfold.”

  His eyebrows perk up at that. He stands ramrod straight and rests a bent finger over his chin as he turns his gaze to the ceiling of the hall. “Hmm… Now why didn’t I think of that.”

  “Poor planning?” I add sarcastically.

  His eyes meet mine and a slight smile pulls on his lips. “Seems like perfect planning so far.”

  He approaches me slowly, dragging out each movement, taunting me with his approach. His eyes darken and I bite the corner of my lower lip.

  “We do have some time left to kill.” He looks up and down the hall. “We’re alone here.”

  He licks his lips and I’m instantly turned on fire. I’m frozen in my spot. Not that I wanted to move anyway. He stops when his toes touch mine. He slowly lowers his lips to mine in a sweet, deep kiss that grows deeper and more heated as we become lost to the passion between us.

  I’m pushed back until I’m pressed against a wall with his body firmly on mine. He hikes one of my legs around his waist, sliding his hand along my tight-covered thigh. His fingers move under my skirt until he finds the waist band and slides underneath it. His fingers plunge low, flicking my swollen clit with delicious moves.

  I moan against his mouth. He presses further, dipping his fingers inside me, curling them as he pulls out, and simultaneously sending me into an orgasm that makes my legs shake and my knees weak. His mouth moves along my neck as I try to keep as quiet as I possibly can.

  My orgasm ends, but I don’t want to stop. I move a hand to his pants and fumble with the button until it snaps free. I slide the zipper down, stretched to its limits with his erection. I slide my hand down his stomach until my fingers wrap around his hardened cock. It throbs against my touch and Jesse lets out a low groan.

  “Damn it, woman. You’re going to make me take you right here and now.”

  I look at him with a smirk. “What’s stopping you?”

  He growls as his mouth collides with mine, and he bats my hand away. His hands grip my ass as he lifts me up and carries me across the hall to the windowsill. Sitting me down, he looks at me and shrugs with an apologetic look just before my tights are ripped at the crotch with one fluid pull of his hands. Cold air graces the warmth that fills my sensitive mounds only a second before he plunges himself into me.

  He thrusts powerfully in and out of me with hungry need. I brace myself against the sides of the window as he rides me harder and harder, filling me with the entirety of his erection. He leans me back as he pumps into me, eyes catching mine, darkened with desire and that sends me over the edge of my climax. He covers my mouth as my stifled moans whisper through the hall.

  Just before I finish, a pinch forms between his eyebrows and he rolls his eyes as he pulls me tighter against him and releases his hot liquid inside me. Only now, his thrusts slow, but don’t stop completely. Not just yet.

  His cock pulsates in me and it causes me to clench with each throb. He chuckles darkly.

  “If you keep doing that, we’re going to go at it again.”

  I smile, a naughty twist in my lips. “I can’t help it. It’s magnificent.”

  Sure enough, he grows harder.

  He shakes his head with that killer smile of his. “Suit yourself.”

  He thrusts into me again, holding me upright, bouncing me up and down against him. I angle my hips to feel more of the delightful friction building to a delicious peak.

  This time, we climax together.

  I’m filled with his liquid, and hunger for more.

  I shake the thought from my head. When the hell did I become so lustful?

  When Jesse turned me into a sex-crazed woman.

  Shame on him.

  He kisses me as he sits me back on the sill. He slowly pulls out, and I automatically clench to keep him in me. He chuckles. “I’ve created a monster.”

  “Yeah, but you love it.”

  “Indeed, I do.”

  Afterward, we continue down the hall until we come to a restroom. I duck into the room and remove what is left of the tights and clean up before rejoining him in the hall. His eyes glance at my now bare legs and he smiles.

  I chuckle and shake my head. “Who created the monster in who?”

  “Fair question.” He holds out his hand for me to take, and when I do, his warmth seeps into me.

  Soon, we approach the kitchens of the castle. The smell of delicious, roasted meat and vegetables fills the air and makes my mouth water.

  Jesse leads me into the dim kitchen, illumined with candles in a path leading to a small table set for two. I look at Jesse as he smiles proudly.

  “A candlelit dinner?” My voice comes out breathless.

  “Of course.”

  As we reach the table, he pulls out my seat for me and I take it with a quick thanks. Once he takes his seat, I set my eyes on the two plates with roasted chicken and steaming potatoes and long, thin green beans.

  I take the cloth napkin sitting next to my plate and place it in my lap, grateful for my aunt’s unbeknownst crash course in dinner etiquette. Jesse does the same with his napkin and picks up a fork, spearing a chunk of potato and shoving it into his mouth. His manners match my own.

  I smile.

  “What?” His mouth full of food makes the word come out weird.

  “I’m so happy you’re you.” I dig into my food, no longer worried about how I look when I eat.

  “Were you nervous about eating dinner with me?” He quirks an eyebrow as the side of his mouth curves upward.

  I shrug. “You could say that.”

  “Why?” It sounded genuine, curious.

  “Because trolls don’t have table manners to speak of. My aunt seemed sort of appalled at our first formal dinner together, and I thought you might see me as an animal.”

  He chuckles, almost choking on another chunk of potato. “Woman, have you not realized I’ve seen you eat already?”

  I pause. Oh. Right.


  “I didn’t think of it. But, you’re right.”

  He points his fork at me. “And don’t you forget that.”

  I chuckle as I dig into the food, happy to be at ease and just simply enjoy myself without pomp and circumstance.

  Once dinner is done, he walks me back to my room. As we arrive at my door, I turn and face him. “I wish we didn’t have to say goodbye.”

  “We’re not. But I’m touched.”

  I smack him in his arm. “You’re such a smart ass.”

  He shrugs. “Well, that’s a far cry better than a dumb ass.”

  I giggle. “True.”

  He kisses me deeply before pulling away. “See you soon.”

  “Bye.” It comes out barely above a whisper.

  I turn and walk into my room, unable to hide the smile from my face even if I tried. I’m most definitely going to miss him while he’s gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  I spend the official first morning on the first day of my winter break at Blackbriar, making myself look presentable for my aunt.

  With Savannah also on break with her family back home, I don’t have her to rely on for help with makeup, so I decide to go without. I’d probably end up with a horribly outdated 80’s look if I attem
pted it. And that I certainly don’t want. Especially going to see my aunt.

  Satisfied with my messy bun, white button up blouse, and dark khakis, I pull on some silver ballet flats and head out the door. I don’t have far to go though. My aunt is meeting me in the common room in the House of Phoenix. From there, we’re walking to the kitchens to make and eat lunch together.

  As soon as I round the corner, I find her with her back turned to me as she studies one of the many paintings covering nearly every inch of the maroon colored walls. My aunt is dressed in expensive looking tan pants with a tailored white shirt that fits her shape well.

  Her hands are in her pockets and her hair is in a perfect braid that nearly reaches her waist. I chew on my lower lip, wringing my fingers as I debate whether or not to change and fix my hair. Just before I turn around, my aunt sees me.

  “Wren?” Her voice seems surprised.

  Now, how often does that happen?

  I don’t want to say much, if anything at all.

  I face my aunt with my eyebrows raised in question. “Yes, Aunt Patricia.”

  “Did you forget something?”

  “No.” I shake my head and walk deeper into the room. “I just wanted to double check something real quick. But it’s fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Her brown eyes focus on mine. “I can wait.”

  I nod. “It’s good. I don’t want to take up anymore time. I know you have to leave for your business trip in a few hours.”

  Her shoulders raise a fraction of an inch with the deep breath she takes in through her nose. “Very well. Let’s go.”

  I skip to her side and walk next to her, trying my damnedest to keep up with her long, elegant strides and graceful moves.

  It’s hopeless.

  “How has school been since I’ve seen you last?” Aunt Patricia keeps her head held high and her back straight as she moves. She doesn’t even look at me or cast a glance my way as she speaks.

  “It’s been good. Classes have been keeping me busy. I’m happy to have a break.” I look outside a window as we pass and notice snow is falling, collecting with a light dusting that coats the evergreen bushes and sidewalks outside.

  The sight makes me grateful for the warmth in the castle instead of the chilly atmosphere of a cave. The trolls usually made me sleep closest to the opening. That thought creates a sharp pinch between my eyebrows. I massage the pressure away with the tips of my fingers.

  “Mint and chamomile.” My aunt’s words pull my attention to her.


  “For headaches.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” I don’t have a headache, but I try not to bring up the trolls since it seems to bother her when I do. I play it off and shrug out my shoulders to ease the tension built in them as well.

  “Do you get them often?” There’s a small hint of concern in her proud, firm voice.

  “No. Not really. I’m fine.”

  “If you insist.” She speaks through a sigh and takes a sharp right. The motion makes my steps falter.

  She stops and looks at me then. “Child, are you not well? Do you need to go to the infirmary?”

  I shake my head. “Foot slipped.”

  I lied, but she doesn’t need to know that.

  She glances at my shoes and nods. “Well, pick up your feet a little more when you walk.”

  “I will.”

  Soon, we arrive in the kitchens. Instantly my eyes return to the place where just last night, a small table had been set for two, and where Jesse and I spent a beautiful evening together. He left early this morning. I miss him already as memories of the things we did in the hall to each other also creeps through my mind.

  I clear my throat.

  Aunt Patricia settles her gaze on me with a hitched, perfectly shaped eyebrow. “I’ll put on some tea.”

  I give her an agreeing nod and take a spot at the counter. This counter is a massive island that takes up the whole center of the huge kitchen.

  “Will you gather the ingredients for a hearty salad?” My aunt speaks over her shoulder as she fills a kettle with water and places it on the stove.

  “Sure.” I move to the industrial size refrigerator and pull out a collection of greens, radishes, an onion, and a handful of other vegetables. I take them to the counter and pull out a cutting board and knife, setting them next to my ingredients.

  Aunt Patricia digs around for a couple of plates and sets them next to me. She slides the cutting board toward her and begins working on the greens, adding a heaping pile to each plate.

  “I apologize for being so distant. As you have probably figured out, I am a very private woman. And after everything that has happened, I always assumed you held some grudges against me.”

  I look at her intently, watching her expression as she works. She’s focused on her cutting, and I wonder where this is coming from. Not that I mind. I mean, at least she’s opening up a little.

  “It’s okay. I understand that it’ll take some time for the both of us to get used to the idea of being in each other’s life again.”

  Aunt Patricia glances at me briefly. The look was so quick it’s hard to tell what flashed through her eyes before she looked away. She finishes with the greens and takes a group of vegetables to the sink to be rinsed off. “Yes. That is true.”

  “You don’t feel guilty about me staying here during winter break, do you?” I watch her twist to face the counter again, as she works to clear the vegetables from excess dirt and water.

  “I didn’t have children for a reason. My work is important to me and others. Having a family never has been and never will be part of my plan. Though that changed for me when you came to live with me, until you disappeared, of course.”

  I nod my head in understanding, even though she can’t see it.

  She returns to the counter and starts to cut through the freshly cleaned vegetables. “That being said, there is a part of me that does wonder if I should clear my schedule to allow for you to be with me when you need. However, I’m also reminded that you are an adult and capable of taking care of yourself.” She pauses in her cutting to look at me. “Do I feel guilty? Not necessarily. Obligation is probably the right word.”

  Well that’s not exactly what I expected to come out, but okay then. I guess there’s more of a hardened interior to her than I thought. “I suppose that makes sense. You shouldn’t be expected to drop everything to be there for a grown woman, capable of taking care of herself. Regardless of the circumstance.”

  She nods, a small hitch in the corners of her lips appears. “Exactly.”

  She returns to her cutting, and the conversation is relatively dry until we dig into our food.

  “I didn’t come here just to eat lunch with you.”

  I meet Aunt Patricia’s gaze, and she’s wearing an expression I’m sure her face isn’t used to making.

  “What is it then?” I set my fork to the side and try to discreetly pick my teeth with the tip of my tongue.

  “Well, I decided that you deserve to know the truth about what happened to your parents.”

  I straighten my back and prepare myself for what’s to come. “I appreciate that.”

  She gives me a serious look. “Do not thank me just yet, child. It is not good news.”

  I cock my head to the side. “Oh.”

  “Your father was performing unsanctioned magic just before your mother died.”

  I gasp. “For what?” This doesn’t add up at all. Why would my father do such a thing? I don’t like where this is going.

  Not one little bit.

  I don’t trust it. My instincts tell me there is something not being said, and this whole confession seems shaky.

  “I do not know. I have given myself migraines trying to figure it out. He was always pushing boundaries and causing trouble growing up.” She sighs. “Whatever he was doing before he died, it was dangerous work.”

  I scrunch my eyebrows together. Gideon told me not to share information about my fat
her with her. But if I ask about her assumption, I may get a better picture of what she’s thinking. Perhaps I can pick up on something she may not intentionally mean to share. “What makes you think he’s dead?”

  “He has been missing for over six years, Wren.” She shakes her head and takes a sip of her tea. “He is either incredibly skilled at hiding, or he is dead. And your father is not the greatest at hiding anything, much less himself.”

  I nod slowly, running everything she said over and over in my head. Nothing sticks out to me.

  “You do not still cling to the hope that your father is alive, do you?” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer before she adds, “That would be tragic and incredibly naïve of you.”

  My immediate impulse is to snap at her. But a level head needs to prevail here. I can’t let her see me get upset or it could clue her in to things she shouldn’t know for now. I clear my throat and take a sip of my tea. The liquid warms my throat and provides enough distraction to ease the growing anger within me. “Of course not. I was just curious what you would say.”

  She levels her eyes to mine and looks at me as though she can see right through me. “If by chance he is alive, he will likely discover that you are as well and reach out to you. But I must insist that you do not respond to him. He is a dangerous man. As unfortunate and painful as my words may be, they are the truth.”

  So you say. I don’t respond. Instead, I listen and observe. Watching her lips hitch as she speaks.

  “Whatever he was working on was dangerous. You cannot be caught up in that. It is very likely that his work was the reason the trolls learned of you.” She takes a sip of her tea. “Those ridiculous, filthy creatures are known to take human children as slaves. Normally not at the age you were, fourteen seems a bit old for their liking. And they most definitely would not have kept you alive as long as they did under normal circumstances.” She pauses and narrows her eyes on me. “You must have done something to prove yourself useful.”

  “I don’t know what it could’ve been. Not unless you consider being a personal punching bag and form of entertainment useful.”

  She nods. “If you can remember anything from before you were taken—anything at all about what your father was working on before he disappeared—it may help to resolve the problem and clear his name. I suppose I can do at least that much for him.”


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